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123 lines (95 loc) · 8.89 KB

File metadata and controls

123 lines (95 loc) · 8.89 KB


Creates a stream for reading Vinyl objects from the file system.

Note: Any UTF-8 BOMs will be removed from UTF-8 files read by src(), unless disabled using the removeBOM option.


const { src, dest } = require('gulp');

function copy() {
  return src('input/*.js')

exports.copy = copy;


src(globs, [options])


parameter type note
globs string
Globs to watch on the file system.
options object Detailed in Options below.


A stream that can be used at the beginning or in the middle of a pipeline to add files based on the given globs.


When the globs argument can only match one file (such as foo/bar.js) and no match is found, throws an error with the message, "File not found with singular glob". To suppress this error, set the allowEmpty option to true.

When an invalid glob is given in globs, throws an error with the message, "Invalid glob argument".


For options that accept a function, the passed function will be called with each Vinyl object and must return a value of another listed type.

name type default note
buffer boolean
true When true, file contents are buffered into memory. If false, the Vinyl object's contents property will be a paused stream. Contents of large files may not be able to be buffered.
Note: Plugins may not implement support for streaming contents.
read boolean
true If false, files will be not be read and their Vinyl objects won't be writable to disk via .dest().
since date
When set, only creates Vinyl objects for files that have been modified since the specified time.
removeBOM boolean
true When true, removes the BOM from UTF-8 encoded files. If false, ignores a BOM..
sourcemaps boolean
false If true, enables sourcemaps support on Vinyl objects created. Loads inline sourcemaps and resolves external sourcemap links.
resolveSymlinks boolean
true When true, recursively resolves symbolic links to their targets. If false, preserves the symbolic links and sets the Vinyl object's symlink property to the original file's path.
cwd string process.cwd() The directory that will be combined with any relative path to form an absolute path. Is ignored for absolute paths. Use to avoid combining globs with path.join().
This option is passed directly to glob-stream.
base string Explicitly set the base property on created Vinyl objects. Detailed in API Concepts.
This option is passed directly to glob-stream.
cwdbase boolean false If true, cwd and base options should be aligned.
This option is passed directly to glob-stream.
root string The root path that globs are resolved against.
This option is passed directly to glob-stream.
allowEmpty boolean false When false, globs which can only match one file (such as foo/bar.js) causes an error to be thrown if they don't find a match. If true, suppresses glob failures.
This option is passed directly to glob-stream.
uniqueBy string
'path' Remove duplicates from the stream by comparing the string property name or the result of the function.
Note: When using a function, the function receives the streamed data (objects containing cwd, base, path properties).
dot boolean false If true, compare globs against dot files, like .gitignore.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
silent boolean true When true, suppresses warnings from printing on stderr.
Note: This option is passed directly to node-glob but defaulted to true instead of false.
mark boolean false If true, a / character will be appended to directory matches. Generally not needed because paths are normalized within the pipeline.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
nosort boolean false If true, disables sorting the glob results.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
stat boolean false If true, fs.stat() is called on all results. This adds extra overhead and generally should not be used.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
strict boolean false If true, an error will be thrown if an unexpected problem is encountered while attempting to read a directory.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
nounique boolean false When false, prevents duplicate files in the result set.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
debug boolean false If true, debugging information will be logged to the command line.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
nobrace boolean false If true, avoids expanding brace sets - e.g. {a,b} or {1..3}.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
noglobstar boolean false If true, treats double-star glob character as single-star glob character.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
noext boolean false If true, avoids matching extglob patterns - e.g. +(ab).
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
nocase boolean false If true, performs a case-insensitive match.
Note: On case-insensitive file systems, non-magic patterns will match by default.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
matchBase boolean false If true and globs don't contain any / characters, traverses all directories and matches that glob - e.g. *.js would be treated as equivalent to **/*.js.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
nodir boolean false If true, only matches files, not directories.
Note: To match only directories, end your glob with a /.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
ignore string
Globs to exclude from matches. This option is combined with negated globs.
Note: These globs are always matched against dot files, regardless of any other settings.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
follow boolean false If true, symlinked directories will be traversed when expanding ** globs.
Note: This can cause problems with cyclical links.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
realpath boolean false If true, fs.realpath() is called on all results. This may result in dangling links.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
cache object A previously generated cache object - avoids some file system calls.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
statCache object A previously generated cache of fs.Stat results - avoids some file system calls.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
symlinks object A previously generated cache of symbolic links - avoids some file system calls.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.
nocomment boolean false When false, treat a # character at the start of a glob as a comment.
This option is passed directly to node-glob.


Sourcemap support is built directly into src() and dest(), but is disabled by default. Enable it to produce inline or external sourcemaps.

Inline sourcemaps:

const { src, dest } = require('gulp');
const uglify = require('gulp-uglify');

src('input/**/*.js', { sourcemaps: true })
  .pipe(dest('output/', { sourcemaps: true }));

External sourcemaps:

const { src, dest } = require('gulp');
const uglify = require('gulp-uglify');

src('input/**/*.js', { sourcemaps: true })
  .pipe(dest('output/', { sourcemaps: '.' }));