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90 lines (67 loc) · 3.49 KB

File metadata and controls

90 lines (67 loc) · 3.49 KB


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Disclaimer: The configurations are specifically tailored for my personal use. Feel free to draw inspiration for your dotfiles, but please be advised that it is provided 'as is' without any guarantees or warranty.



1. Cloning Dotfiles

FRESH_LOCAL_SOURCE=hallaji/dotfiles bash -c "`curl -sL`"

This command checks for a repository slug in FRESH_LOCAL_SOURCE environment variable and tries to clone it into ~/.dotfiles. The entire dotfiles can be set up on a brand new machine by simply running the command above.

2. Running Setup Binary


This script automates the process of setting up and configuring a development environment. It handles plugin and tool management using the ASDF version manager, installs Homebrew packages, installs Vim plugins, GitHub CLI extensions, and more such as nnn plugins. Additionally, it initiates specific services like yabai, skhd, etc.

Note: Brew can facilitate dependencies installations because of a fresh Brewfile symlinked into home directory ~/.Brewfile.

3. Loading Environment Variables

cd ~/.dotfiles
cp .envrc.example .envrc
direnv edit .
direnv allow .

Make a copy of .envrc.example to .envrc under ~/.dotfiles if it hasn't been done already, set your own values and load variables into your environemnt using direnv. The exports from the .envrc file will also be loaded globally through the direnvrc and .zshenv file.

4. Freshing Dotfiles


The fresh or fresh install command is available globally and will build shell configuration and relevant symlinks of your further editions from ~/.dotfiles to your home directory. However, you need to make sure you have your environemnt variables loaded before running fresh command -- direnv may unload variables if you run away from ~/.dotfiles directory.

fresh update
fresh update --local

Running fresh update will pull all of the integrated sources from thier repositories and remote changes of dotfiles. In addition, it will run fresh install to rebuild them. Specify --local option just to pull remote changes made in dotfiles itself.

Reload your terminal. Your dot files are now fresh.