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File metadata and controls

1312 lines (965 loc) · 45.1 KB

.NET Client API Reference Slack

Initialize Minio Client object.


var minioClient = new MinioClient("",


var s3Client = new MinioClient("",
Bucket operations Object operations Presigned operations Bucket Policy Operations
makeBucket getObject presignedGetObject getBucketPolicy
listBuckets putObject presignedPutObject setBucketPolicy
bucketExists copyObject presignedPostPolicy setBucketNotification
removeBucket statObject getBucketNotification
listObjects removeObject removeAllBucketNotification
listIncompleteUploads removeObjects

1. Constructors

public MinioClient(string endpoint, string accessKey = "", string secretKey = "", string region="", string sessionToken="")
Creates Minio client object with given endpoint.AccessKey,secretKey, region and sessionToken are optional parameters,and can be omitted for anonymous access.
The client object uses Http access by default. To use Https, chain method WithSSL() to client object to use secure transfer protocol


Param Type Description
endpoint string endPoint is an URL, domain name, IPv4 address or IPv6 address.Valid endpoints are listed below:
accessKey string accessKey is like user-id that uniquely identifies your account.This field is optional and can be omitted for anonymous access.
secretKey string secretKey is the password to your account.This field is optional and can be omitted for anonymous access.
region string region to which calls should be made.This field is optional and can be omitted.
sessionToken string sessionToken needs to be set if temporary access credentials are used

Secure Access

Chain .WithSSL() to Minio Client object to use https instead of http.


Chain .WithProxy(proxyObject) to Minio Client object to use proxy



// 1. public MinioClient(String endpoint)
MinioClient minioClient = new MinioClient("");

// 2. public MinioClient(String endpoint, String accessKey, String secretKey)
MinioClient minioClient = new MinioClient("",

// 3. Initializing minio client with proxy
IWebProxy proxy = new WebProxy("",8000);
MinioClient minioClient = new MinioClient("my-ip-address:9000","minio","minio123").WithSSL().WithProxy(proxy);

// 4. Initializing minio client with temporary credentials
MinioClient minioClient = new MinioClient("my-ip-address:9000","tempuserid","temppasswd",sessionToken:"sessionToken");


// 1. public MinioClient(String endpoint)
MinioClient s3Client = new MinioClient("").WithSSL();

// 2. public MinioClient(String endpoint, String accessKey, String secretKey)
MinioClient s3Client = new MinioClient("",

2. Bucket operations

MakeBucketAsync(string bucketName, string location="us-east-1")

Task MakeBucketAsync(string bucketName, string location = "us-east-1", CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Creates a new bucket.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket
region string Optional parameter. Defaults to us-east-1 for AWS requests
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
Task Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name
ConnectionException : upon connection error
AccessDeniedException : upon access denial
RedirectionException : upon redirection by server
InternalClientException : upon internal library error


   // Create bucket if it doesn't exist.
   bool found = await minioClient.BucketExistsAsync("mybucket");
   if (found)
      Console.Out.WriteLine("mybucket already exists");
     // Create bucket 'my-bucketname'.
     await minioClient.MakeBucketAsync("mybucket");
     Console.Out.WriteLine("mybucket is created successfully");
catch (MinioException e)
   Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);


Task<ListAllMyBucketsResult> ListBucketsAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Lists all buckets.

Param Type Description
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
Task<ListAllMyBucketsResult> : Task with List of bucket type. Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name
ConnectionException : upon connection error
AccessDeniedException : upon access denial
InvalidOperationException: upon unsuccessful deserialization of xml data
ErrorResponseException : upon unsuccessful execution
InternalClientException : upon internal library error


    // List buckets that have read access.
    var list = await minioClient.ListBucketsAsync();
    foreach (Bucket bucket in list.Buckets)
        Console.Out.WriteLine(bucket.Name + " " + bucket.CreationDateDateTime);
catch (MinioException e)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

BucketExistsAsync(string bucketName)

Task<bool> BucketExistsAsync(string bucketName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Checks if a bucket exists.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
Task<bool> : true if the bucket exists Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name
ConnectionException : upon connection error
AccessDeniedException : upon access denial
ErrorResponseException : upon unsuccessful execution
InternalClientException : upon internal library error


   // Check whether 'my-bucketname' exists or not.
   bool found = await minioClient.BucketExistsAsync(bucketName);
   Console.Out.WriteLine("bucket-name " + ((found == true) ? "exists" : "does not exist"));
catch (MinioException e)
   Console.WriteLine("[Bucket]  Exception: {0}", e);

RemoveBucketAsync(string bucketName)

Task RemoveBucketAsync(string bucketName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Removes a bucket.

NOTE: - removeBucket does not delete the objects inside the bucket. The objects need to be deleted using the removeObject API.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
Task Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name
ConnectionException : upon connection error
AccessDeniedException : upon access denial
ErrorResponseException : upon unsuccessful execution
InternalClientException : upon internal library error
BucketNotFoundException : upon missing bucket


    // Check if my-bucket exists before removing it.
    bool found = await minioClient.BucketExistsAsync("mybucket");
    if (found)
        // Remove bucket my-bucketname. This operation will succeed only if the bucket is empty.
        await minioClient.RemoveBucketAsync("mybucket");
        Console.Out.WriteLine("mybucket is removed successfully");
        Console.Out.WriteLine("mybucket does not exist");
catch(MinioException e)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

ListObjectsAsync(string bucketName, string prefix = null, bool recursive = true)

IObservable<Item> ListObjectsAsync(string bucketName, string prefix = null, bool recursive = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Lists all objects in a bucket.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket
prefix string Prefix string. List objects whose name starts with prefix
recursive bool when false, emulates a directory structure where each listing returned is either a full object or part of the object's key up to the first '/'. All objects with the same prefix up to the first '/' will be merged into one entry. Defaults to false
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
IObservable<Item>:an Observable of Items. None


    // Check whether 'mybucket' exists or not.
    bool found = minioClient.BucketExistsAsync("mybucket");
    if (found)
        // List objects from 'my-bucketname'
        IObservable<Item> observable = minioClient.ListObjectsAsync("mybucket", "prefix", true);
        IDisposable subscription = observable.Subscribe(
				item => Console.WriteLine("OnNext: {0}", item.Key),
				ex => Console.WriteLine("OnError: {0}", ex.Message),
				() => Console.WriteLine("OnComplete: {0}"));
        Console.Out.WriteLine("mybucket does not exist");
catch (MinioException e)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

ListIncompleteUploads(string bucketName, string prefix, bool recursive)

IObservable<Upload> ListIncompleteUploads(string bucketName, string prefix, bool recursive, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Lists partially uploaded objects in a bucket.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket
prefix string Prefix string. List objects whose name starts with prefix
recursive bool when false, emulates a directory structure where each listing returned is either a full object or part of the object's key up to the first '/'. All objects with the same prefix up to the first '/' will be merged into one entry
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
IObservable<Upload> : an Observable of Upload. None


    // Check whether 'mybucket' exist or not.
    bool found = minioClient.BucketExistsAsync("mybucket");
    if (found)
        // List all incomplete multipart upload of objects in 'mybucket'
        IObservable<Upload> observable = minioClient.ListIncompleteUploads("mybucket", "prefix", true);
        IDisposable subscription = observable.Subscribe(
							item => Console.WriteLine("OnNext: {0}", item.Key),
							ex => Console.WriteLine("OnError: {0}", ex.Message),
							() => Console.WriteLine("OnComplete: {0}"));
        Console.Out.WriteLine("mybucket does not exist");
catch (MinioException e)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

GetPolicyAsync(string bucketName)

Task<String> GetPolicyAsync(string bucketName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Get bucket policy.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
Task<String>: The current bucket policy for given bucket as a json string. Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name.
InvalidObjectPrefixException : upon invalid object prefix.
ConnectionException : upon connection error.
AccessDeniedException : upon access denial
InternalClientException : upon internal library error.
BucketNotFoundException : upon missing bucket


    String policyJson = await minioClient.GetPolicyAsync("myBucket");
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Current policy: " + policy.GetType().ToString());
catch (MinioException e)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

SetPolicyAsync(string bucketName, string policyJson)

Task SetPolicyAsync(string bucketName, string policyJson, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Set policy on bucket.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket
policyJson string Policy as a json string
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
Task Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name
ConnectionException : upon connection error
InternalClientException : upon internal library error
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name
InvalidObjectPrefixException : upon invalid object prefix


    await minioClient.SetPolicyAsync("myBucket");
catch (MinioException e)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

SetBucketNotificationAsync(string bucketName,BucketNotification notification)

Task SetBucketNotificationAsync(string bucketName, BucketNotification notification, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Sets notification configuration for a given bucket


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket
notification BucketNotification Notifications to apply
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
Task Listed Exceptions:
ConnectionException : upon connection error
InternalClientException : upon internal library error
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name
InvalidOperationException: upon unsuccessful serialization of notification object


    BucketNotification notification = new BucketNotification();
    Arn topicArn = new Arn("aws", "sns", "us-west-1", "412334153608", "topicminio");

    TopicConfig topicConfiguration = new TopicConfig(topicArn);
    List<EventType> events = new List<EventType>(){ EventType.ObjectCreatedPut , EventType.ObjectCreatedCopy };

    QueueConfig queueConfiguration = new QueueConfig("arn:aws:sqs:us-west-1:482314153608:testminioqueue1");
    queueConfiguration.AddEvents(new List<EventType>() { EventType.ObjectCreatedCompleteMultipartUpload });

    await minio.SetBucketNotificationsAsync(bucketName,
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Notifications set for the bucket " + bucketName + " successfully");
catch (MinioException e)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

GetBucketNotificationAsync(string bucketName)

Task<BucketNotification> GetBucketNotificationAsync(string bucketName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Get bucket notification configuration


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
Task<BucketNotification>: The current notification configuration for the bucket. Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name.
ConnectionException : upon connection error.
AccessDeniedException : upon access denial
InternalClientException : upon internal library error.
BucketNotFoundException : upon missing bucket
InvalidOperationException: upon unsuccessful deserialization of xml data


    BucketNotification notifications = await minioClient.GetBucketNotificationAsync(bucketName);
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Notifications is " + notifications.ToXML());
catch (MinioException e)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

RemoveAllBucketNotificationsAsync(string bucketName)

Task RemoveAllBucketNotificationsAsync(string bucketName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Remove all notification configurations set on the bucket


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
``Task`: Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name.
ConnectionException : upon connection error.
AccessDeniedException : upon access denial
InternalClientException : upon internal library error.
BucketNotFoundException : upon missing bucket
InvalidOperationException: upon unsuccessful serialization of xml data


    await minioClient.RemoveAllBucketNotificationsAsync(bucketName);
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Notifications successfully removed from the bucket " + bucketName);
catch (MinioException e)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

3. Object operations

GetObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, Action callback, ServerSideEncryption sse)

Task GetObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, Action<Stream> callback, ServerSideEncryption sse = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Downloads an object as a stream.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket
objectName string Object name in the bucket
callback Action Call back to process stream
sse ServerSideEncryption Server-side encryption option
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
Task: Task callback returns an InputStream containing the object data. Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name.
ConnectionException : upon connection error.
InternalClientException : upon internal library error.


   // Check whether the object exists using statObject().
   // If the object is not found, statObject() throws an exception,
   // else it means that the object exists.
   // Execution is successful.
   await minioClient.StatObjectAsync("mybucket", "myobject");

   // Get input stream to have content of 'my-objectname' from 'my-bucketname'
   await minioClient.GetObjectAsync("mybucket", "myobject",
                                    (stream) =>
  catch (MinioException e)
      Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

GetObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, long offset,long length, Action callback, ServerSideEncryption sse)

Task GetObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, long offset, long length, Action<Stream> callback, ServerSideEncryption sse = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Downloads the specified range bytes of an object as a stream.Both offset and length are required.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket.
objectName string Object name in the bucket.
offset long Offset of the object from where stream will start
length long Length of the object to read in from the stream
callback Action Call back to process stream
sse ServerSideEncryption Server-side encryption option
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
Task: Task callback returns an InputStream containing the object data. Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name.
ConnectionException : upon connection error.
InternalClientException : upon internal library error.


   // Check whether the object exists using statObject().
   // If the object is not found, statObject() throws an exception,
   // else it means that the object exists.
   // Execution is successful.
   await minioClient.StatObjectAsync("mybucket", "myobject");

   // Get input stream to have content of 'my-objectname' from 'my-bucketname'
   await minioClient.GetObjectAsync("mybucket", "myobject", 1024L, 10L,
                                    (stream) =>
  catch (MinioException e)
      Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

GetObjectAsync(String bucketName, String objectName, String fileName, ServerSideEncryption sse)

Task GetObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, string fileName, ServerSideEncryption sse = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Downloads and saves the object as a file in the local filesystem.


Param Type Description
bucketName String Name of the bucket
objectName String Object name in the bucket
fileName String File name
sse ServerSideEncryption Server-side encryption option
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
Task Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name
ConnectionException : upon connection error
InternalClientException : upon internal library error


   // Check whether the object exists using statObjectAsync().
   // If the object is not found, statObjectAsync() throws an exception,
   // else it means that the object exists.
   // Execution is successful.
   await minioClient.StatObjectAsync("mybucket", "myobject");

   // Gets the object's data and stores it in photo.jpg
   await minioClient.GetObjectAsync("mybucket", "myobject", "photo.jpg");

catch (MinioException e)
   Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

PutObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, Stream data, long size, string contentType,ServerSideEncryption sse)

Task PutObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, Stream data, long size, string contentType,Dictionary<string,string> metaData=null,ServerSideEncryption sse = null,CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Uploads contents from a stream to objectName.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket
objectName string Object name in the bucket
data Stream Stream to upload
size long size of stream
contentType string Content type of the file. Defaults to "application/octet-stream"
metaData Dictionary<string,string> Dictionary of metadata headers. Defaults to null.
sse ServerSideEncryption Server-side encryption option

| cancellationToken| System.Threading.CancellationToken | Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken) |

Return Type Exceptions
Task Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name
ConnectionException : upon connection error
InternalClientException : upon internal library error
EntityTooLargeException: upon proposed upload size exceeding max allowed
UnexpectedShortReadException: data read was shorter than size of input buffer
ArgumentNullException: upon null input stream


The maximum size of a single object is limited to 5TB. putObject transparently uploads objects larger than 5MiB in multiple parts. Uploaded data is carefully verified using MD5SUM signatures.

    byte[] bs = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName);
    System.IO.MemoryStream filestream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(bs);
    // Specify SSE-C encryption options
    Aes aesEncryption = Aes.Create();
    aesEncryption.KeySize = 256;
    var ssec = new SSEC(aesEncryption.Key);
    await minio.PutObjectAsync("mybucket",
    Console.Out.WriteLine("island.jpg is uploaded successfully");
catch(MinioException e)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

PutObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, string filePath, string contentType=null,ServerSideEncryption sse)

Task PutObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, string filePath, string contentType=null,Dictionary<string,string> metaData=null, ServerSideEncryption sse=null,CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Uploads contents from a file to objectName.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket
objectName string Object name in the bucket
fileName string File to upload
contentType string Content type of the file. Defaults to "
metadata Dictionary<string,string> Dictionary of meta data headers and their values.Defaults to null.
sse ServerSideEncryption Server-side encryption option

| cancellationToken| System.Threading.CancellationToken | Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken) |

Return Type Exceptions
Task Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name
ConnectionException : upon connection error
InternalClientException : upon internal library error
EntityTooLargeException: upon proposed upload size exceeding max allowed


The maximum size of a single object is limited to 5TB. putObject transparently uploads objects larger than 5MiB in multiple parts. Uploaded data is carefully verified using MD5SUM signatures.

    await minio.PutObjectAsync("mybucket", "island.jpg", "/mnt/photos/island.jpg",contentType: "application/octet-stream");
    Console.Out.WriteLine("island.jpg is uploaded successfully");
catch(MinioException e)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

StatObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName,ServerSideEncryption sse)

Task<ObjectStat> StatObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName,ServerSideEncryption sse = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Gets metadata of an object.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket
objectName string Object name in the bucket
sse ServerSideEncryption Server-side encryption option
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
Task<ObjectStat>: Populated object meta data. Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name
ConnectionException : upon connection error
InternalClientException : upon internal library error


   // Get the metadata of the object.
   ObjectStat objectStat = await minioClient.StatObjectAsync("mybucket", "myobject");
catch(MinioException e)
   Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

CopyObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, string destBucketName, string destObjectName = null, CopyConditions copyConditions = null,Dictionary<string, string> metadata = null, ServerSideEncryption sseSrc = null, ServerSideEncryption sseDest = null)

Task<CopyObjectResult> CopyObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, string destBucketName, string destObjectName = null, CopyConditions copyConditions = null, Dictionary<string, string> metadata = null,ServerSideEncryption sseSrc = null, ServerSideEncryption sseDest = null,CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Copies content from objectName to destObjectName.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the source bucket
objectName string Object name in the source bucket to be copied
destBucketName string Destination bucket name
destObjectName string Destination object name to be created, if not provided defaults to source object name
copyConditions CopyConditions Map of conditions useful for applying restrictions on copy operation
metadata Dictionary<string,string> Dictionary of meta data headers and their values on the destination side.Defaults to null.
sseSrc ServerSideEncryption Server-side encryption option for source object
sseDest ServerSideEncryption Server-side encryption option for destination object
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
Task Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name
ConnectionException : upon connection error
InternalClientException : upon internal library error
ArgumentException : upon missing bucket/object names


This API performs a Server-side copy operation from a given source object to destination object.

   CopyConditions copyConditions = new CopyConditions();
   ServerSideEncryption sseSrc,sseDst;
   // Uncomment to specify source and destination Server-side encryption options
    Aes aesEncryption = Aes.Create();
    aesEncryption.KeySize = 256;
    sseSrc = new SSEC(aesEncryption.Key);
    sseDst = new SSES3();
   await minioClient.CopyObjectAsync("mybucket",  "island.jpg", "mydestbucket", "processed.png", copyConditions,sseSrc:sseSrc, sseDest:sseDst);
   Console.Out.WriteLine("island.jpg is uploaded successfully");
catch(MinioException e)
   Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

RemoveObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName)

Task RemoveObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Removes an object.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket
objectName string Object name in the bucket
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
Task Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name
ConnectionException : upon connection error
InternalClientException : upon internal library error


    // Remove objectname from the bucket my-bucketname.
    await minioClient.RemoveObjectAsync("mybucket", "myobject");
    Console.Out.WriteLine("successfully removed mybucket/myobject");
catch (MinioException e)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Error: " + e);

RemoveObjectAsync(string bucketName, IEnumerable objectsList)

Task<IObservable<DeleteError>> RemoveObjectAsync(string bucketName, IEnumerable<string> objectsList, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Removes a list of objects.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket
objectsList IEnumerable IEnumerable of Object names
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
Task Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name
ConnectionException : upon connection error
InternalClientException : upon internal library error


    List<String> objectNames = new LinkedList<String>();
    // Remove list of objects in objectNames from the bucket bucketName.
    IObservable<DeleteError> observable = await minio.RemoveObjectAsync(bucketName, objectNames);
    IDisposable subscription = observable.Subscribe(
        deleteError => Console.WriteLine("Object: {0}", deleteError.Key),
        ex => Console.WriteLine("OnError: {0}", ex),
        () =>
            Console.WriteLine("Listed all delete errors for remove objects on  " + bucketName + "\n");
catch (MinioException e)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Error: " + e);

RemoveIncompleteUploadAsync(string bucketName, string objectName)

Task RemoveIncompleteUploadAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))

Removes a partially uploaded object.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket
objectName string Object name in the bucket
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Optional parameter. Defaults to default(CancellationToken)
Return Type Exceptions
Task Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name
ConnectionException : upon connection error
InternalClientException : upon internal library error


    // Removes partially uploaded objects from buckets.
    await minioClient.RemoveIncompleteUploadAsync("mybucket", "myobject");
    Console.Out.WriteLine("successfully removed all incomplete upload session of my-bucketname/my-objectname");
catch(MinioException e)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

4. Presigned operations

PresignedGetObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, int expiresInt, Dictionary<string,string> reqParams = null);

Task<string> PresignedGetObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, int expiresInt, Dictionary<string,string> reqParams = null)

Generates a presigned URL for HTTP GET operations. Browsers/Mobile clients may point to this URL to directly download objects even if the bucket is private. This presigned URL can have an associated expiration time in seconds after which it is no longer operational. The default expiry is set to 7 days.


Param Type Description
bucketName String Name of the bucket
objectName String Object name in the bucket
expiresInt Integer Expiry in seconds. Default expiry is set to 7 days.
reqParams Dictionary<string,string> Additional response header overrides supports response-expires, response-content-type, response-cache-control, response-content-disposition.
Return Type Exceptions
Task<string> : string contains URL to download the object Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name
ConnectionException : upon connection error
InvalidExpiryRangeException : upon invalid expiry range.


    String url = await minioClient.PresignedGetObjectAsync("mybucket", "myobject", 60 * 60 * 24);
catch(MinioException e)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

PresignedPutObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, int expiresInt)

Task<string> PresignedPutObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, int expiresInt)

Generates a presigned URL for HTTP PUT operations. Browsers/Mobile clients may point to this URL to upload objects directly to a bucket even if it is private. This presigned URL can have an associated expiration time in seconds after which it is no longer operational. The default expiry is set to 7 days.


Param Type Description
bucketName string Name of the bucket
objectName string Object name in the bucket
expiresInt int Expiry in seconds. Default expiry is set to 7 days.
Return Type Exceptions
Task<string> : string contains URL to upload the object Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name
InvalidKeyException : upon an invalid access key or secret key
ConnectionException : upon connection error
InvalidExpiryRangeException : upon invalid expiry range.


    String url = await minioClient.PresignedPutObjectAsync("mybucket", "myobject", 60 * 60 * 24);
catch(MinioException e)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

PresignedPostPolicy(PostPolicy policy)

Task<Dictionary<string, string>> PresignedPostPolicyAsync(PostPolicy policy)

Allows setting policy conditions to a presigned URL for POST operations. Policies such as bucket name to receive object uploads, key name prefixes, expiry policy may be set.


Param Type Description
PostPolicy PostPolicy Post policy of an object.
Return Type Exceptions
Task<Dictionary<string,string>>: Map of strings to construct form-data. Listed Exceptions:
InvalidBucketNameException : upon invalid bucket name
ConnectionException : upon connection error
NoSuchAlgorithmException : upon requested algorithm was not found during signature calculation.


    PostPolicy policy = new PostPolicy();
    policy.SetUserMetadata("custom", "user");
    DateTime expiration = DateTime.UtcNow;

    Dictionary<string, string> formData = minioClient.Api.PresignedPostPolicy(policy);
    string curlCommand = "curl ";
    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in formData)
        curlCommand = curlCommand + " -F " + pair.Key + "=" + pair.Value;
    curlCommand = curlCommand + " -F file=@/etc/bashrc";
catch(MinioException e)
  Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e);

Client Custom Settings

SetAppInfo(string appName, tring appVersion)

Adds application details to User-Agent.


Param Type Description
appName string Name of the application performing the API requests
appVersion string Version of the application performing the API requests


// Set Application name and version to be used in subsequent API requests.
minioClient.SetAppInfo("myCloudApp", "1.0.0")

SetTraceOn(IRequestLogger logger = null)

Enables HTTP tracing. The trace is written to the stdout.


Param Type Description
logger IRequestLogger Implementation of interface Minio.IRequestLogger for serialization models for trace HTTP


// Set HTTP tracing on with default trace logger.

// Set custom logger for HTTP trace
minioClient.SetTraceOn(new JsonNetLogger())


Disables HTTP tracing.


// Sets HTTP tracing off.