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Google: google_alloydb_cluster
A managed alloydb cluster.


A managed alloydb cluster.

~> Warning: This resource is in beta, and should be used with the terraform-provider-google-beta provider. See Provider Versions for more details on beta resources.

To get more information about Cluster, see:

~> Warning: All arguments including initial_user.password will be stored in the raw state as plain-text. Read more about sensitive data in state.

## Example Usage - Alloydb Cluster Basic
resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "default" {
  provider   = google-beta
  cluster_id = "alloydb-cluster"
  location   = "us-central1"
  network    = "projects/${data.google_project.project.number}/global/networks/${}"

data "google_project" "project" {
  provider = google-beta

resource "google_compute_network" "default" {
  provider = google-beta
  name = "alloydb-cluster"
## Example Usage - Alloydb Cluster Full
resource "google_alloydb_cluster" "full" {
  provider     = google-beta
  cluster_id   = "alloydb-cluster-full"
  location     = "us-central1"
  network      = "projects/${data.google_project.project.number}/global/networks/${}"

  initial_user {
    user     = "alloydb-cluster-full"
    password = "alloydb-cluster-full"

  automated_backup_policy {
    location      = "us-central1"
    backup_window = "1800s"
    enabled       = true

    weekly_schedule {
      days_of_week = ["MONDAY"]

      start_times {
        hours   = 23
        minutes = 0
        seconds = 0
        nanos   = 0

    quantity_based_retention {
      count = 1

    labels = {
      test = "alloydb-cluster-full"

  labels = {
    test = "alloydb-cluster-full"

data "google_project" "project" {
  provider = google-beta

resource "google_compute_network" "default" {
  provider = google-beta
  name = "alloydb-cluster-full"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • network - (Required) The relative resource name of the VPC network on which the instance can be accessed. It is specified in the following form: "projects/{projectNumber}/global/networks/{network_id}".

  • cluster_id - (Required) The ID of the alloydb cluster.

  • labels - (Optional) User-defined labels for the alloydb cluster.

  • display_name - (Optional) User-settable and human-readable display name for the Cluster.

  • initial_user - (Optional) Initial user to setup during cluster creation. Structure is documented below.

  • automated_backup_policy - (Optional) The automated backup policy for this cluster. If no policy is provided then the default policy will be used. The default policy takes one backup a day, has a backup window of 1 hour, and retains backups for 14 days. Structure is documented below.

  • location - (Optional) The location where the alloydb cluster should reside.

  • project - (Optional) The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.

The initial_user block supports:

  • user - (Optional) The database username.

  • password - (Required) The initial password for the user. Note: This property is sensitive and will not be displayed in the plan.

The automated_backup_policy block supports:

  • backup_window - (Optional) The length of the time window during which a backup can be taken. If a backup does not succeed within this time window, it will be canceled and considered failed. The backup window must be at least 5 minutes long. There is no upper bound on the window. If not set, it will default to 1 hour. A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, terminated by 's'. Example: "3.5s".

  • location - (Optional) The location where the backup will be stored. Currently, the only supported option is to store the backup in the same region as the cluster.

  • labels - (Optional) Labels to apply to backups created using this configuration.

  • weekly_schedule - (Required) Weekly schedule for the Backup. Structure is documented below.

  • time_based_retention - (Optional) Time-based Backup retention policy. Structure is documented below.

  • quantity_based_retention - (Optional) Quantity-based Backup retention policy to retain recent backups. Structure is documented below.

  • enabled - (Optional) Whether automated automated backups are enabled.

The weekly_schedule block supports:

  • days_of_week - (Optional) The days of the week to perform a backup. At least one day of the week must be provided. Each value may be one of MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, and SUNDAY.

  • start_times - (Required) The times during the day to start a backup. At least one start time must be provided. The start times are assumed to be in UTC and to be an exact hour (e.g., 04:00:00). Structure is documented below.

The start_times block supports:

  • hours - (Optional) Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23. An API may choose to allow the value "24:00:00" for scenarios like business closing time.

  • minutes - (Optional) Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.

  • seconds - (Optional) Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59. An API may allow the value 60 if it allows leap-seconds.

  • nanos - (Optional) Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.

The time_based_retention block supports:

  • retention_period - (Optional) The retention period. A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, terminated by 's'. Example: "3.5s".

The quantity_based_retention block supports:

  • count - (Optional) The number of backups to retain.

Attributes Reference

In addition to the arguments listed above, the following computed attributes are exported:

  • id - an identifier for the resource with format projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/clusters/{{cluster_id}}

  • name - The name of the cluster resource.

  • uid - The system-generated UID of the resource.

  • database_version - The database engine major version. This is an output-only field and it's populated at the Cluster creation time. This field cannot be changed after cluster creation.

  • backup_source - Cluster created from backup. Structure is documented below.

  • migration_source - Cluster created via DMS migration. Structure is documented below.

The backup_source block contains:

  • backup_name - (Optional) The name of the backup resource.

The migration_source block contains:

  • host_port - (Optional) The host and port of the on-premises instance in host:port format

  • reference_id - (Optional) Place holder for the external source identifier(e.g DMS job name) that created the cluster.

  • source_type - (Optional) Type of migration source.


This resource provides the following Timeouts configuration options:

  • create - Default is 10 minutes.
  • update - Default is 10 minutes.
  • delete - Default is 10 minutes.


Cluster can be imported using any of these accepted formats:

$ terraform import google_alloydb_cluster.default projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/clusters/{{cluster_id}}
$ terraform import google_alloydb_cluster.default {{project}}/{{location}}/{{cluster_id}}
$ terraform import google_alloydb_cluster.default {{location}}/{{cluster_id}}
$ terraform import google_alloydb_cluster.default {{cluster_id}}

User Project Overrides

This resource supports User Project Overrides.