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Releases: hashicorp/terraform


v1.8.0-alpha20240228 Pre-release

1.8.0-alpha20240228 (February 28, 2024)


  • The first plan after upgrading may show resource updates with no apparent changes if -refresh-only or -refresh=false is used. The fix introduced for #34567 may require rewriting the state for some resources, which will be done automatically during the first normal plan and apply operation.


  • Providers can now implement functions which can be used from within the Terraform configuration language. The syntax for calling a provider supplied function is provider::provider_name::function_name(). (#34394)
  • Providers can now implement move operations between resource types, both from resource types defined by the provider and defined by other providers. Check provider documentation for supported cross-resource-type moves.
  • issensitive function added to detect if a value is marked as sensitive


  • terraform show's JSON rendering of a plan now includes two explicit flags "applyable" and "complete", which both summarize characteristics of a plan that were previously only inferrable by consumers replicating some of Terraform Core's own logic. (#34642)

    "applyable" means that it makes sense for a wrapping automation to offer to apply this plan.

    "complete" means that applying this plan is expected to achieve convergence between desired and actual state. If this flag is present and set to false then wrapping automations should ideally encourage an operator to run another plan/apply round to continue making progress toward convergence.

  • Improved plan diff rendering for lists to display item-level differences on lists with unchanged length.

  • terraform provider lock accepts a new boolean option -enable-plugin-cache. If specified, and if a global plugin cache is configured Terraform will use the cache in the provider lock process. (#34632)

  • terraform test: File-level variables can now reference global variables. (#34699)

  • In import-generated code represent JSON values in HCL instead of as strings

  • built-in "terraform" provider: new tfvarsdecode, tfvarsencode, and exprencode functions, for unusual situations where it's helpful to manually generate or read from Terraform's "tfvars" format. (#34718)


  • core: Sensitive values will now be tracked more accurately in state and plans, preventing unexpected updates with no apparent changes (#34567)
  • cloud: Fixed unparsed color codes in policy failure error messages #34473


Experiments are only enabled in alpha releases of Terraform CLI. The following features are not yet available in stable releases.

  • terraform test accepts a new option -junit-xml=FILENAME. If specified, and if the test configuration is valid enough to begin executing, then Terraform writes a JUnit XML test result report to the given filename, describing similar information as included in the normal test output. (#34291)

  • The new command terraform rpcapi exposes some Terraform Core functionality through an RPC interface compatible with go-plugin. The exact RPC API exposed here is currently subject to change at any time, because it's here primarily as a vehicle to support the Terraform Stacks private preview and so will be broken if necessary to respond to feedback from private preview participants, or possibly for other reasons. Do not use this mechanism yet outside of Terraform Stacks private preview.

  • The language-level experiment unknown_instances permits count and for_each arguments in module, resource, and data blocks to have unknown values.

    This is at an early stage and so currently setting these arguments to unknown values will only yield broken behavior, and so it's not yet useful to participate in this experiment. Future work will improve support for this new possibility, gradually making this experiment viable.

Previous Releases

For information on prior major and minor releases, see their changelogs:


21 Feb 20:19
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1.7.4 (February 21, 2024)


  • terraform test: Fix automatic loading of variable files within the test directory on windows platforms. (#34666)
  • plan renderer: Very large numbers (> 2^63) will no longer be truncated in the human-readable plan. (#34702)


v1.8.0-alpha20240216 Pre-release

1.8.0-alpha20240216 (February 16, 2024)


  • The first plan after upgrading may show resource updates with no apparent changes if -refresh-only or -refresh=false is used. The fix introduced for #34567 may require rewriting the state for some resources, which will be done automatically during the first normal plan and apply operation.


  • Providers can now implement functions which can be used from within the Terraform configuration language. The syntax for calling a provider supplied function is provider::provider_name::function_name(). [GH-34394]
  • Providers can now implement move operations between resource types, both from resource types defined by the provider and defined by other providers. Check provider documentation for supported cross-resource-type moves.
  • issensitive function added to detect if a value is marked as sensitive


  • terraform show's JSON rendering of a plan now includes two explicit flags "applyable" and "complete", which both summarize characteristics of a plan that were previously only inferrable by consumers replicating some of Terraform Core's own logic. [GH-34642]

    "applyable" means that it makes sense for a wrapping automation to offer to apply this plan.

    "complete" means that applying this plan is expected to achieve convergence between desired and actual state. If this flag is set, wrapping automations should ideally encourage an operator to run another plan/apply round to continue making progress toward convergence.

  • Improve plan UI for lists to display item-level diffs on lists with unchanged length


  • core: Sensitive values will now be tracked more accurately in state and plans, preventing unexpected updates with no apparent changes [GH-34567]


Experiments are only enabled in alpha releases of Terraform CLI. The following features are not yet available in stable releases.

  • terraform test accepts a new option -junit-xml=FILENAME. If specified, and if the test configuration is valid enough to begin executing, then Terraform writes a JUnit XML test result report to the given filename, describing similar information as included in the normal test output. (#34291)

  • The new command terraform rpcapi exposes some Terraform Core functionality through an RPC interface compatible with go-plugin. The exact RPC API exposed here is currently subject to change at any time, because it's here primarily as a vehicle to support the Terraform Stacks private preview and so will be broken if necessary to respond to feedback from private preview participants, or possibly for other reasons. Do not use this mechanism yet outside of Terraform Stacks private preview.

  • The language-level experiment unknown_instances permits count and for_each arguments in module, resource, and data blocks to have unknown values.

    This is at an early stage and so currently setting these arguments to unknown values will only yield broken behavior, and so it's not yet useful to participate in this experiment. Future work will improve support for this new possibility, gradually making this experiment viable.

  • terraform provider lock accepts a new boolean option -enable-plugin-cache. If specified, and if a global plugin cache is configured Terraform will use the cache in the provider lock process.


  • In import-generated code represent JSON values in HCL instead of as strings

Previous Releases

For information on prior major and minor releases, see their changelogs:


v1.8.0-alpha20240214 Pre-release

1.8.0-alpha20240214 (February 14, 2024)


  • The first plan after upgrading may show resource updates with no apparent changes if -refresh-only or -refresh=false is used. The fix introduced for #34567 may require rewriting the state for some resources, which will be done automatically during the first normal plan and apply operation.


  • Providers can now implement functions which can be used from within the Terraform configuration language. The syntax for calling a provider supplied function is provider::provider_name::function_name(). [GH-34394]
  • Providers can now implement move operations between resource types, both from resource types defined by the provider and defined by other providers. Check provider documentation for supported cross-resource-type moves.
  • issensitive function added to detect if a value is marked as sensitive


  • terraform show's JSON rendering of a plan now includes two explicit flags "applyable" and "complete", which both summarize characteristics of a plan that were previously only inferrable by consumers replicating some of Terraform Core's own logic. [GH-34642]

    "applyable" means that it makes sense for a wrapping automation to offer to apply this plan.

    "complete" means that applying this plan is expected to achieve convergence between desired and actual state. If this flag is set, wrapping automations should ideally encourage an operator to run another plan/apply round to continue making progress toward convergence.


  • core: Sensitive values will now be tracked more accurately in state and plans, preventing unexpected updates with no apparent changes [GH-34567]


Experiments are only enabled in alpha releases of Terraform CLI. The following features are not yet available in stable releases.

  • terraform test accepts a new option -junit-xml=FILENAME. If specified, and if the test configuration is valid enough to begin executing, then Terraform writes a JUnit XML test result report to the given filename, describing similar information as included in the normal test output. (#34291)

  • The new command terraform rpcapi exposes some Terraform Core functionality through an RPC interface compatible with go-plugin. The exact RPC API exposed here is currently subject to change at any time, because it's here primarily as a vehicle to support the Terraform Stacks private preview and so will be broken if necessary to respond to feedback from private preview participants, or possibly for other reasons. Do not use this mechanism yet outside of Terraform Stacks private preview.

  • The language-level experiment unknown_instances permits count and for_each arguments in module, resource, and data blocks to have unknown values.

    This is at an early stage and so currently setting these arguments to unknown values will only yield broken behavior, and so it's not yet useful to participate in this experiment. Future work will improve support for this new possibility, gradually making this experiment viable.

  • terraform provider lock accepts a new boolean option -enable-plugin-cache. If specified, and if a global plugin cache is configured Terraform will use the cache in the provider lock process.


  • In import-generated code represent JSON values in HCL instead of as strings

Previous Releases

For information on prior major and minor releases, see their changelogs:


08 Feb 01:43
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1.7.3 (February 7, 2024)


  • terraform test: Fix crash when dynamic-typed attributes are not assigned values in mocks. (#34610)
  • provisioners/file: Fix panic when source is null. (#34621)
  • import: Throw helpful error message if an import block is configured with an empty ID (34625)


v1.8.0-alpha20240131 Pre-release

1.8.0-alpha20240131 (January 31, 2024)


  • The first plan after upgrading may show resource updates with no apparent changes if -refresh-only or -refresh=false is used. The fix introduced for #34567 may require rewriting the state for some resources, which will be done automatically during the first normal plan and apply operation.


  • core: Sensitive values will now be tracked more accurately in state and plans, preventing unexpected updates with no apparent changes [GH-34567]


Experiments are only enabled in alpha releases of Terraform CLI. The following features are not yet available in stable releases.

  • terraform test accepts a new option -junit-xml=FILENAME. If specified, and if the test configuration is valid enough to begin executing, then Terraform writes a JUnit XML test result report to the given filename, describing similar information as included in the normal test output. (#34291)

  • The new command terraform rpcapi exposes some Terraform Core functionality through an RPC interface compatible with go-plugin. The exact RPC API exposed here is currently subject to change at any time, because it's here primarily as a vehicle to support the Terraform Stacks private preview and so will be broken if necessary to respond to feedback from private preview participants, or possibly for other reasons. Do not use this mechanism yet outside of Terraform Stacks private preview.

  • The language-level experiment unknown_instances permits count and for_each arguments in module, resource, and data blocks to have unknown values.

    This is at an early stage and so currently setting these arguments to unknown values will only yield broken behavior, and so it's not yet useful to participate in this experiment. Future work will improve support for this new possibility, gradually making this experiment viable.

Previous Releases

For information on prior major and minor releases, see their changelogs:


31 Jan 14:49
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1.7.2 (January 31, 2024)


  • backend/s3: No longer returns error when IAM user or role does not have access to the default workspace prefix env:. (#34511)
  • cloud: When triggering a run, the .terraform/modules directory was being excluded from the configuration upload causing Terraform Cloud to try (and sometimes fail) to re-download the modules. (#34543)


  • terraform fmt: Terraform mock data files (.tfmock.hcl) will now be included when executing the format command. (#34580)
  • Add additional diagnostics when a generated provider block that fails schema validation requires explicit configuration. (#34595)


24 Jan 12:36
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1.7.1 (January 24, 2024)


  • terraform test: Fix crash when referencing variables or functions within the file level variables block. (#34531)
  • terraform test: Fix crash when override_module block was missing the outputs attribute. (#34563)


17 Jan 19:59
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1.7.0 (January 17, 2024)


  • Input validations are being restored to the state file in this version of Terraform. Due to a state interoperability issue (#33770) in earlier versions, users that require interaction between different minor series should ensure they have upgraded to the following patches:

    • Users of Terraform prior to 1.3.0 are unaffected;
    • Terraform 1.3 series users should upgrade to 1.3.10;
    • Terraform 1.4 series users should upgrade to 1.4.7;
    • Terraform 1.5 series users should upgrade to 1.5.7;
    • Users of Terraform 1.6.0 and later are unaffected.

    This is important for users with terraform_remote_state data sources reading remote state across different versions of Terraform.

  • nonsensitive function no longer raises an error when applied to a value that is already non-sensitive. (#33856)

  • terraform graph now produces a simplified graph describing only relationships between resources by default, for consistency with the granularity of information returned by other commands that emphasize resources as the main interesting object type and de-emphasize the other "glue" objects that connect them.

    The type of graph that earlier versions of Terraform produced by default is still available with explicit use of the -type=plan option, producing an approximation of the real dependency graph Terraform Core would use to construct a plan.

  • terraform test: Simplify the ordering of destroy operations during test cleanup to simple reverse run block order. (#34293)

  • backend/s3: The use_legacy_workflow argument now defaults to false. The backend will now search for credentials in the same order as the default provider chain in the AWS SDKs and AWS CLI. To revert to the legacy credential provider chain ordering, set this value to true. This argument, and the ability to use the legacy workflow, is deprecated. To encourage consistency with the AWS SDKs, this argument will be removed in a future minor version.


  • terraform test: Providers, modules, resources, and data sources can now be mocked during executions of terraform test. The following new blocks have been introduced within .tftest.hcl files:

    • mock_provider: Can replace provider instances with mocked providers, allowing tests to execute in command = apply mode without requiring a configured cloud provider account and credentials. Terraform will create fake resources for mocked providers and maintain them in state for the lifecycle of the given test file.
    • override_resource: Specific resources can be overridden so Terraform will create a fake resource with custom values instead of creating infrastructure for the overridden resource.
    • override_data: Specific data sources can be overridden so data can be imported into tests without requiring real infrastructure to be created externally first.
    • override_module: Specific modules can be overridden in their entirety to give greater control over the returned outputs without requiring in-depth knowledge of the module itself.
  • removed block for refactoring modules: Module authors can now record in source code when a resource or module call has been removed from configuration, and can inform Terraform whether the corresponding object should be deleted or simply removed from state.

    This effectively provides a configuration-driven workflow to replace terraform state rm. Removing an object from state is a new type of action which is planned and applied like any other. The terraform state rm command will remain available for scenarios in which directly modifying the state file is appropriate.


  • Ignore potential remote terraform version mismatch when running force-unlock (#28853)
  • Exit Dockerfile build script early on cd failure. (#34128)
  • terraform test: Stop attempting to destroy run blocks that have no actual infrastructure to destroy. This fixes an issue where attempts to destroy "verification" run blocks that load only data sources would fail if the underlying infrastructure referenced by the run blocks had already been destroyed. (#34331)
  • terraform test: Improve error message for invalid run block names. (#34469)
  • terraform test: Fix bug where outputs in "empty" modules were not available to the assertions from Terraform test files. (#34482)
  • security: Upstream patch to mitigate the security advisory CVE-2023-48795, which potentially affects local-exec and file provisioners connecting to remote hosts using SSH. (#34426)


  • terraform test: Providers defined within test files can now reference variables from their configuration that are defined within the test file. (#34069)
  • terraform test: Providers defined within test files can now reference outputs from run blocks. (#34118)
  • terraform test: Terraform functions are now available within variables and provider blocks within test files. (#34204)
  • terraform test: Terraform will now load variables from any terraform.tfvars within the testing directory, and apply the variable values to tests within the same directory. (#34341)
  • terraform graph: Now produces a simplified resources-only graph by default. (#34288)
  • terraform console: Now supports a -plan option which allows evaluating expressions against the planned new state, rather than against the prior state. This provides a more complete set of values for use in console expressions, at the expense of a slower startup time due first calculating the plan. (#34342)
  • import: for_each can now be used to expand the import block to handle multiple resource instances (#33932)
  • If the proposed change for a resource instance is rejected either due to a postcondition block or a prevent_destroy setting, Terraform will now include that proposed change in the plan output alongside the relevant error, whereas before the error would replace the proposed change in the output. (#34312)
  • .terraformignore: improve performance when ignoring large directories (#34400)

Previous Releases

For information on prior major and minor releases, see their changelogs:


11 Jan 19:01
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v1.7.0-rc2 Pre-release

1.7.0-rc2 (January 11, 2024)


  • Input validations are being restored to the state file in this version of Terraform. Due to a state interoperability issue (#33770) in earlier versions, users that require interaction between different minor series should ensure they have upgraded to the following patches:

    • Users of Terraform prior to 1.3.0 are unaffected;
    • Terraform 1.3 series users should upgrade to 1.3.10;
    • Terraform 1.4 series users should upgrade to 1.4.7;
    • Terraform 1.5 series users should upgrade to 1.5.7;
    • Users of Terraform 1.6.0 and later are unaffected.

    This is important for users with terraform_remote_state data sources reading remote state across different versions of Terraform.

  • nonsensitive function no longer raises an error when applied to a value that is already non-sensitive. (#33856)

  • terraform graph now produces a simplified graph describing only relationships between resources by default, for consistency with the granularity of information returned by other commands that emphasize resources as the main interesting object type and de-emphasize the other "glue" objects that connect them.

    The type of graph that earlier versions of Terraform produced by default is still available with explicit use of the -type=plan option, producing an approximation of the real dependency graph Terraform Core would use to construct a plan.

  • terraform test: Simplify the ordering of destroy operations during test cleanup to simple reverse run block order. (#34293)

  • backend/s3: The use_legacy_workflow argument now defaults to false. The backend will now search for credentials in the same order as the default provider chain in the AWS SDKs and AWS CLI. To revert to the legacy credential provider chain ordering, set this value to true. This argument, and the ability to use the legacy workflow, is deprecated. To encourage consistency with the AWS SDKs, this argument will be removed in a future minor version.


  • terraform test: Providers, modules, resources, and data sources can now be mocked during executions of terraform test. The following new blocks have been introduced within .tftest.hcl files:

    • mock_provider: Can replace provider instances with mocked providers, allowing tests to execute in command = apply mode without requiring a configured cloud provider account and credentials. Terraform will create fake resources for mocked providers and maintain them in state for the lifecycle of the given test file.
    • override_resource: Specific resources can be overridden so Terraform will create a fake resource with custom values instead of creating infrastructure for the overridden resource.
    • override_data: Specific data sources can be overridden so data can be imported into tests without requiring real infrastructure to be created externally first.
    • override_module: Specific modules can be overridden in their entirety to give greater control over the returned outputs without requiring in-depth knowledge of the module itself.
  • removed block for refactoring modules: Module authors can now record in source code when a resource or module call has been removed from configuration, and can inform Terraform whether the corresponding object should be deleted or simply removed from state.

    This effectively provides a configuration-driven workflow to replace terraform state rm. Removing an object from state is a new type of action which is planned and applied like any other. The terraform state rm command will remain available for scenarios in which directly modifying the state file is appropriate.


  • Ignore potential remote terraform version mismatch when running force-unlock (#28853)
  • Exit Dockerfile build script early on cd failure. (#34128)
  • terraform test: Stop attempting to destroy run blocks that have no actual infrastructure to destroy. This fixes an issue where attempts to destroy "verification" run blocks that load only data sources would fail if the underlying infrastructure referenced by the run blocks had already been destroyed. (#34331)
  • terraform test: Improve error message for invalid run block names. (#34469)
  • terraform test: Fix bug where outputs in "empty" modules were not available to the assertions from Terraform test files. (#34482)
  • security: Upstream patch to mitigate the security advisory CVE-2023-48795, which potentially affects local-exec and file provisioners connecting to remote hosts using SSH. (#34426)


  • terraform test: Providers defined within test files can now reference variables from their configuration that are defined within the test file. (#34069)
  • terraform test: Providers defined within test files can now reference outputs from run blocks. (#34118)
  • terraform test: Terraform functions are now available within variables and provider blocks within test files. (#34204)
  • terraform test: Terraform will now load variables from any terraform.tfvars within the testing directory, and apply the variable values to tests within the same directory. (#34341)
  • terraform graph: Now produces a simplified resources-only graph by default. (#34288)
  • terraform console: Now supports a -plan option which allows evaluating expressions against the planned new state, rather than against the prior state. This provides a more complete set of values for use in console expressions, at the expense of a slower startup time due first calculating the plan. (#34342)
  • import: for_each can now be used to expand the import block to handle multiple resource instances (#33932)
  • If the proposed change for a resource instance is rejected either due to a postcondition block or a prevent_destroy setting, Terraform will now include that proposed change in the plan output alongside the relevant error, whereas before the error would replace the proposed change in the output. (#34312)
  • .terraformignore: improve performance when ignoring large directories (#34400)

Previous Releases

For information on prior major and minor releases, see their changelogs: