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Running Vault - OpenShift
Vault can run directly on OpenShift in various configurations. For pure-OpenShift workloads, this enables Vault to also exist purely within Kubernetes.

Run Vault on OpenShift

The following documentation describes installing, running and using Vault and Vault Agent Injector on OpenShift.


The following are required to install Vault and Vault Agent Injector on OpenShift:

  • Cluster Admin privileges to bind the auth-delegator role to Vault's service account
  • Helm v3
  • OpenShift 4.X
  • Vault Helm v0.6.0+
  • Vault K8s v0.4.0+

~> Note: At this time, Consul does not support OpenShift. For highly available deployments, Raft integrated storage is recommended.

Additional Resources

The documentation, configuration and examples for Vault Helm and Vault K8s Agent Injector are applicable to OpenShift installations. For more examples see the existing documentation:

Helm Chart

The Vault Helm chart is the recommended way to install and configure Vault on OpenShift. In addition to running Vault itself, the Helm chart is the primary method for installing and configuring Vault Agent Injection Mutating Webhook.

While the Helm chart automatically sets up complex resources and exposes the configuration to meet your requirements, it does not automatically operate Vault. You are still responsible for learning how to monitor, backup, upgrade, etc. the Vault cluster.

~> Security Warning: By default, the chart runs in standalone mode. This mode uses a single Vault server with a file storage backend. This is a less secure and less resilient installation that is NOT appropriate for a production setup. It is highly recommended to use a properly secured Kubernetes cluster, learn the available configuration options, and read the production deployment checklist.


Install Vault

To use the Helm chart, add the Hashicorp helm repository and check that you have access to the chart:

$ helm repo add hashicorp
"hashicorp" has been added to your repositories

$ helm search repo hashicorp/vault
hashicorp/vault	0.11.0       	1.7.0      	Official HashiCorp Vault Chart

-> Important: The Helm chart is new and under significant development. Please always run Helm with --dry-run before any install or upgrade to verify changes.

Use helm install to install the latest release of the Vault Helm chart.

$ helm install vault hashicorp/vault

Or install a specific version of the chart.

# List the available releases
$ helm search repo hashicorp/vault -l
hashicorp/vault	0.11.0       	1.7.0      	Official HashiCorp Vault Chart
hashicorp/vault	0.10.0       	1.7.0      	Official HashiCorp Vault Chart
hashicorp/vault	0.9.1        	1.6.2      	Official HashiCorp Vault Chart
hashicorp/vault	0.9.0        	1.6.1      	Official HashiCorp Vault Chart
hashicorp/vault	0.8.0        	1.5.4      	Official HashiCorp Vault Chart
hashicorp/vault	0.7.0        	1.5.2      	Official HashiCorp Vault Chart
hashicorp/vault	0.6.0        	1.4.2      	Official HashiCorp Vault Chart

# Install version 0.11.0
$ helm install vault hashicorp/vault --version 0.11.0

The helm install command accepts parameters to override default configuration values inline or defined in a file. For all OpenShift deployments, global.openshift should be set to true.

Override the configuration value:

$ helm install vault hashicorp/vault \
    --set "global.openshift=true" \
    --set ""

Override all the configuration found in a file:

$ cat override-values.yml
  openshift: true

    enabled: true
    replicas: 5
$ helm install vault hashicorp/vault \
    --values override-values.yml

Dev mode

The Helm chart may run a Vault server in development. This installs a single Vault server with a memory storage backend.

-> Dev mode: This is ideal for learning and demonstration environments but NOT recommended for a production environment.

Install the latest Vault Helm chart in development mode.

$ helm install vault hashicorp/vault \
    --set "global.openshift=true" \
    --set ""

Highly Available Raft Mode

The following creates a Vault cluster using the Raft integrated storage backend.

Install the latest Vault Helm chart in HA Raft mode:

$ helm install vault hashicorp/vault \
  --set='global.openshift=true' \
  --set='server.ha.enabled=true' \

Next, initialize and unseal vault-0 pod:

$ oc exec -ti vault-0 -- vault operator init
$ oc exec -ti vault-0 -- vault operator unseal

Finally, join the remaining pods to the Raft cluster and unseal them. The pods will need to communicate directly so we'll configure the pods to use the internal service provided by the Helm chart:

$ oc exec -ti vault-1 -- vault operator raft join http://vault-0.vault-internal:8200
$ oc exec -ti vault-1 -- vault operator unseal

$ oc exec -ti vault-2 -- vault operator raft join http://vault-0.vault-internal:8200
$ oc exec -ti vault-2 -- vault operator unseal

To verify if the Raft cluster has successfully been initialized, run the following.

First, login using the root token on the vault-0 pod:

$ oc exec -ti vault-0 -- vault login

Next, list all the raft peers:

$ oc exec -ti vault-0 -- vault operator raft list-peers

Node                                    Address                        State       Voter
----                                    -------                        -----       -----
a1799962-8711-7f28-23f0-cea05c8a527d    vault-0.vault-internal:8201    leader      true
e6876c97-aaaa-a92e-b99a-0aafab105745    vault-1.vault-internal:8201    follower    true
4b5d7383-ff31-44df-e008-6a606828823b    vault-2.vault-internal:8201    follower    true

Vault with integrated storage (Raft) is now ready to use!

External mode

The Helm chart may be run in external mode. This installs no Vault server and relies on a network addressable Vault server to exist.

Install the latest Vault Helm chart in external mode.

$ helm install vault hashicorp/vault \
    --set "global.openshift=true" \
    --set "injector.externalVaultAddr=http://external-vault:8200"

-> Step-by-step instructions: The Integrate a Kubernetes Cluster with an External Vault guide demonstrates using an external Vault within a Kubernetes cluster.