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File metadata and controls

47 lines (26 loc) · 2.81 KB


This folder contains code highlighting utilities and styles.


prism/highlight-string is a utility function to highlight plain strings of code directly. It accepts:

This function returns a Promise that resolves to a string of HTML, highlighted using our rehypePrism plugin.


prism/highlight-data is a utility function to highlight { code, language } structures in an object. It accepts:

  • data, an object

It traverses the data object, and looks for any nodes that match the { code, language } structure. The requirements for a matching structure are:

As it traverses the data object, highlightData modifies the code property of these matching structures, transforming it into a string of HTML highlighted using highlightString(). Note that the data object is not modified in place, it is closed to avoid mutating the original object.

This function returns a Promise that resolves to the modified data object.

Note: we have rough plans to run a Dato migration such that our codeblock_language model will just be a string, rather than a { name, slug } object. Once we've made this change, we plan on modifying the highlightData function to reduce variability in the matching { code, language } data structures.

Test Fixtures

/prism/fixtures contains test fixtures used for both highlight-string and highlight-data. We want to be able to manage the input and expected output of each fixture in individual files, since the input and output is very whitespace-heavy. fixtures/_read-file is a small utility that helps with this management.

All other .js files in the fixtures folder export { input, output } objects which can be pulled into tests.


/prism/style.css is our current source of truth for global pre, code, and .token highlighting styles. It needs to be imported into your project's global stylesheet in order for highlighted code and the @hashicorp/react-code-block component to render correctly:

For example, in pages/style.css you might do something like:

@import '~@hashicorp/platform-code-highlighting/style.css';

Note: we have rough plans to move this CSS out of nextjs-scripts at some point in the future, likely soon after we have completed the transition to CSS modules.