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XA Tests

A set of tests to check compatibility of the XA support in your JMS broker or JDBC database with Jet's fault tolerance.


This package is not intended to be used as a dependency. You need to checkout the code, add a dependency to your JDBC driver or JMS broker to [build.gradle] and edit the source code to create and configure your XA connection factory. Alternatively, you can copy-paste the code to your project.

The package contains two tests:

The tests check only one feature, namely that a prepared transaction can be committed after the client reconnects. Follow the comments in the code.

Known results

The following brokers were tested by the community:

Provider Result
PostgreSQL 12.1 OK
MySQL 8.0 OK
H2 Database 1.4 Broken
HSQLDB 2.4 Broken
MariaDB 10.5 Broken
ActiveMQ 5.15 OK
ActiveMQ Artemis 2.11 OK
RabbitMQ 3.8 no XA support

If you test with another JMS/JDBC provider, a pull request with an update to this table is welcome.


  • Viliam Ďurina

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license - see the LICENSE file for details