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87 lines (74 loc) · 1.45 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
87 lines (74 loc) · 1.45 KB
title description navigation layout
huntersofbook the door from books to software
It is a community established specifically to improve the vue ecosystem. Our own team will always give this contribution back to the world.



#top ::hero-announcement

label: "Discover Projects" to: /projects


#title huntersofbook open source project was created for developers

#description It is a community established specifically to improve the vue ecosystem. Our own team will always give this contribution back to the world.

Structures we work on ; vue 3, nuxt 3

#right ::background-logo :: ::

::card-grid #title Powerful Features

#default ::card

icon: logos:vue

#title Vue 3 #description Take advantage of Nuxt 3 features: Vue 3, Auto-imports, Vite and Nitro server. ::


icon: logos:nuxt-icon

#title Nuxt 3 #description Write your content in Markdown, YML, CSV or JSON and query it in your components. ::


icon: logos-npm-icon

#title NPM Packages #description Use your Vue components in Markdown files, supporting props, slots and nested components. ::


icon: ph:rocket-launch

#title Soon #description We continue to work on documents and projects. ::

#root :ellipsis ::