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Go Reference CI codecov

Smart suite support & utilities for Go testing.


The Go standard library does not provide a built-in test suite system beyond the simple TestMain method. A variety of test suite packages exist, for example, generally allowing to define a test suite struct with various lifecycle hook methods.

This package takes this approach a step further, focusing on:

  1. Composability - Test fixtures can be modularized and provided by different packages in a reusable way. For example, a database package can export a DatabaseTestHelper struct with hooks that set up a database connection at startup and clear database tables after each test. The helper can easily be used by multiple test suites.

  2. Context - Hook and test methods are designed to easily allow injecting context values and propagating context to all test methods in the suite. This approach is particularly useful in projects that use context as a dependency injection mechanism. Each module can provide both a "real" implementation and a "mock" implementation to be used in tests.


A test suite is defined as a struct implementing the Suite interface. This interface contains a single method, Suite() Config. The returned Config value allows to configure some behaviors of the test runner (see its Go doc for details). Any method with signature func(context.Context, *testing.T) and whose name starts with Test is executed as a test.

// suite_test.go

var (
    _ fixturez.Suite = &MySuite{}

// MySuite describes a test suite.
type MySuite struct {
    MyHelper *MyHelper
    // ... add more helpers here

// Suite implements the fixturez.Suite interface.
func (s *MySuite) Suite() fixturez.Config {
    return fixturez.Config{
        // set configuration here

// TestSomething is a test method.
func (s *MySuite) TestSomething(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T) {
    // run test
    require.True(t, true)

For brevity, the package also provides a DefaultConfigMixin that returns the default configuration:

// suite_test.go

var (
    _ fixturez.Suite = &MySuite{}

// MySuite describes a test suite.
type MySuite struct {
    MyHelper *MyHelper
    // ... add more helpers here

// TestSomething is a test method.
func (s *MySuite) TestSomething(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T) {
    // run test
    require.True(t, true)

A suite can be executed by calling RunSuite from a test function. Test methods are executed by the suite runner as subtests using t.Run.

// main_test.go

func TestMySuite(t *testing.T) {
    // this is the entry point to the suite, test methods are executed as subtests
    fixturez.RunSuite(t, &MySuite{})

Any field on the suite which is defined as a struct pointer and implements at least one of the BeforeSuite, AfterSuite, BeforeTest, and AfterTest interfaces is considered a helper. Helper fields are automatically initialized to their zero value (if needed) and the implemented interface methods are invoked accordingly to their names.

// fixtures.go

var (
	_ fixturez.BeforeSuite = &MyHelper{}
	_ fixturez.AfterSuite = &MyHelper{}
	_ fixturez.BeforeTest = &MyHelper{}
	_ fixturez.AfterTest = &MyHelper{}

type MyHelper struct {
	// support fields and methods declared on this struct will also
	// be accessible to tests via the Suite

// BeforeSuite implements the fixturez.BeforeSuite interface.
func(h *MyHelper) BeforeSuite(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T) context.Context {
	// perform some work...
	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, ...) // add values to context if needed
	return ctx // this context value is passed to all tests in the suite

// BeforeTest implements the fixturez.BeforeTest interface.
func (h *MyHelper) BeforeTest(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T) context.Context {
	// perform some work...
	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, ...) // add values to context if needed
	return ctx // this context value is passed only to then current test

// AfterTest implements the fixturez.AfterTest interface.
func(h *MyHelper) AfterTest(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T) {
	// clean up

// AfterSuite implements the fixturez.AfterSuite interface.
func(h *MyHelper) AfterSuite(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T) {
	// clean up


This package is designed to (optionally) work well with The RequireNoError, AssertNoError, RequireNotPanics, and AssertNotPanics helpers wrap the corresponding functions from and report error metadata and stack traces when present.


Contributions are welcome, please check in on proposed implementation before sending a PR. You can validate your changes using the ./ script.