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inform-slack - Message Builders

The way inform-slack is able to provide such rich message content for a wide variety of information is through the use of "message builders". These are very simple scripts that collect the information needed and then emit one or more lines of "message blocks" that will be included in the posted message.

The package also includes a utility library that can make producing these message blocks much simpler.

How Builders Work

A "message builder" is nothing more than a simple script that emits JSON messages that are blocks from the Slack Block Kit API.

Most builders are very simple scripts, that just assemble some information from different sources and then produce blocks from it. The only real requirements for a builder are:

  • It must be an executable of some kind, shell scripts are recommended
  • It should be located in a directory that is in the $INFORM_SLACK_BUILDERS list (see for more information about that). If it's stored somewhere else you can still use it by providing the full path to it.
  • It may accept arguments on the command line.
  • It may get data provided from environment variables.
  • It must not write anything to stdout except the message blocks it wants sent to Slack.
  • It must produce it's message blocks as single-line JSON messages written to stdout.

For example, the thread-progress builder that is the default builder used for updating the main thread message, is only 5 lines of code:

source inform-slack
block-header "$INFORM_SLACK_TITLE"
block-mrkdwn "$INFORM_SLACK_STATUS"

When run, it produces output that looks like this:

":icon: Title - Status"

The blocks are the JSON objects serialized as a single line. The first line is a string, which is special. The first string emitted by a builder (if any) will be used as the text property of the message, which is displayed on Slack clients that can't render blocks. In most cases you don't need to worry about emitting a text value.

Note that in the example the block-progress helper didn't emit anything. These helper functions try to avoid emitting a message if they didn't receive enough information to make it useful. In the case of the block-progress helper, it doesn't emit anything if either of the values passed to it are 0, so it won't show a progress bar until progress starts moving.

Helper Functions

Methods available in the standard library that can help make it easier to produce valid blocks include:

block-mrkdwn <text>

Produces a text-mrkdwn wrapped in a block-section. This is the most common type of block, holding just a simple message.

block-context items..

Given up to 10 text-mrkdwn, text-plain, or element-image elements, produces a Context Block.

block-context \
  "$(block-mrkdwn ":package: version 3.2.1")" \
  "$(block-mrkdwn ":bust_in_silhouette: Deployed by Bob Dobbs")" \
  "$(block-mrkdwn ":clock: Started as 14:59")"

block-section [text] [fields] [accessory] [block_id]

Produces a Section Block

section-fields [--mrkdwn|--plain] <message..>

A helper function that makes it easier to produce the text-mrkdwn / text-plain that you need to pass to the fields property of block-section if you want to render fields.

Note that a single section can only have up to 10 fields.

By default this produces mrkdwn formatted text. You can use the --plain flag to switch to plain_text formatting if you need to. When you specify --plain it affects all the following messages, but you can use --mrkdwn to switch back.

block-section \
  "Getting ready to do some stuff" \
  "$(section-fields "Type: Build" "App: thing-doer" "Version: 4.5.6")"

block-fields [--mrkdwn|--plain] <message..>

This helper just runs section-fields for you and then wraps the result into a block-section. It's helpful if you just want fields, and don't need to specify any of the other possible arguments to block-section.

# These two are equivalent:
block-fields "Foo" "Bar" "Baz"
block-section "" "$(section-fields "Foo" "Bar" "Baz")"

block-header <text>

Produces a Header Block.

block-image <url> [alt_text] [title]

Produces an Image Block.

block-list <title> <items..>

A little helper that produces a block-mrkdwn block containing a formatted list.


Produces a Divider Block.


Produces a File Block.

block-progress [pos] [max]

Produces a progress bar given the total and current number of expected items. If max is not provided, then $INFORM_SLACK_PROGRESS_MAX will be used. If pos is not provided, then $INFORM_SLACK_PROGRESS_POS will be used.

element-image <url> [alt_text]

Produces an Image Element.

text-mrkdwn <text> [verbatim]

Produces a "mrkdwn" style Text Object.

If verbatim is true then the verbatim flag will be set on the element.

text-plain <text> [emojis]

Produces a "plain_text" style Text Object.

If emojis is false then emojis in the message won't be translated into their colon-escaped equivalents (which means they might look different on different platforms).