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post.css is an extensible CSS style library used to beautify markdown documents (when converted to HTML). It provides multiple themes that can be accessed at to choose your favorite theme.


  • Provides two themes: orange (default) and ice blue
  • Dark mode
  • Supports CSS variable customization


Theme Link
Full version (dev)
Full version (prod)
Default theme only (dev)
Default theme only (prod)
Default dark theme only (dev)
Default dark theme only (prod)
Ice blue theme only (dev)
Ice blue theme only (prod)
Ice blue dark theme only (dev)
Ice blue dark theme only (prod)

How to Use

Use the <link> tag to import the full version

<!-- CDN -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Use the .markdown-body class directly

<article class="markdown-body">
HTML document...

Dark mode

<article class="markdown-body theme-dark">
HTML document...

Use the ice blue theme

<article class="markdown-body theme-blue">
HTML document...

Ice blue dark mode

<article class="markdown-body theme-blue-dark">
HTML document...

Using post.css via NPM

npm i -D post-style

To import post.css in your js files (using a bundling tool such as Webpack):

// Import the CSS file
import 'post-style/lib/post.css';
// Import the SCSS file
import 'post-style';

In your scss files, you can import Post-Style directly using @import. This method allows you to customize some variables:

How to Customize

Using SCSS Variables

Use $post-theme to customize the theme:

// Style theme parameters
$post-theme: $post-theme-default;
// Root selector
$post-selector: ".markdown-body";
// Use only the default theme
@import "~post-style/src/default.scss";
// Use only the default dark theme
// @import "~post-style/src/dark.scss";
// Use only the blue theme
// @import "~post-style/src/blue.scss";
// Use only the dark blue theme
// @import "~post-style/src/blue-dark.scss";

The full $post-theme-default variable is as follows:

$default-font-family: -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI","PingFang SC","Hiragino Sans GB","Microsoft YaHei","Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,"Apple Color Emoji","Segoe UI Emoji","Segoe UI Symbol";
$default-font-family-code: monospace, Menlo, Monaco, "Courier New";
$post-theme-default: (
  "color-scheme": light,
  "color-primary": #f7c600,
  "color-primary-bg": #fadd7a,
  "color-primary-text": #f6bc00,
  "color-text": #141414,
  "color-text-secondary": #8c8c8c,
  "color-on-primary": #ffffff,
  "color-on-primary-bg": #262626,
  "color-bg": transparent,
  "font-size-base": 16px,
  "font-size-h1": 3em,
  "font-size-h2": 2.25em,
  "font-size-h3": 1.5em,
  "font-size-h4": 1.25em,
  "font-size-h5": 1.125em,
  "font-size-h6": 1em,
  "font-family": $default-font-family,
  "font-family-code": $default-font-family-code,

  // Quote
  "blockquote-text-color": #8c8c8c,
  "blockquote-symbol-content": "'“'",
  "blockquote-symbol-color": rgba(140, 140, 140, .5),
  "blockquote-symbol-size": 60px,
  "blockquote-symbol-bg": transparent,
  // Table
  "table-border-color": #d9d9d9,
  "table-bg": #fafafa,

  // Inline code
  "code-text-color": #141414,
  "code-bg-color": #fceaaf,

  // Code block
  "codeblock-bg": #434343,
  "codeblock-text-color": #fff,
  "codeblock-font-family": $default-font-family-code,
  "codeblock-font-size": 1em,

  // Divider
  "hr-height": 4px,
  "hr-bg": #f0f0f0,

  // Link 
  "link-text-color": #f6bc00,
  "link-code-text-color": #f6bc00,

  // List
  "list-bg-color": #fceaaf,

  // Paragraph
  "p-font-size": 1.125em,

  // Table
  "table-border-color": #d9d9d9,
  "table-bg": #fafafa,

  // Code highlight
  "highlight-text-color": #fff

So, you can create a similar map to implement a theme:

$post-theme-custom: (...);

Directly override to complete skin change:

$post-theme: $post-theme-custom;
@import "~post-style";

Or modify several parameters:

@use "sass:map";
$post-theme: map.merge($post-theme, (
  // Modify the base font size
  "font-size-base": 15px
)); // style theme
@import "~post-style";

Customization through CSS variables

All keys of $post-theme have CSS variables, just add --post- in front of the variable to use the CSS variable:

.markdown-body {
  --post-font-size-base: 15px;

How to contribute

  • Fork the project
  • Start development
git clone
cd post.css
pnpm i
# Create a branch
git checkout -b my-new-feature
# Develop
pnpm dev
# Build
pnpm build
# Build demo website
pnpm build-site
  • Commit changes to your branch git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  • Push your branch git push origin my-new-feature
  • Submit a pull request