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150 lines (112 loc) · 2.81 KB

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150 lines (112 loc) · 2.81 KB

describe/test titles should be valid (valid-title)

Checks that the title of Jest blocks are valid by ensuring that titles are:

  • not empty,
  • is a string,
  • not prefixed with their block name,
  • have no leading or trailing spaces

Rule Details


An empty title is not informative, and serves little purpose.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

describe('', () => {});
describe('foo', () => {
  it('', () => {});
it('', () => {});
test('', () => {});
xdescribe('', () => {});
xit('', () => {});
xtest('', () => {});

Examples of correct code for this rule:

describe('foo', () => {});
describe('foo', () => {
  it('bar', () => {});
test('foo', () => {});
it('foo', () => {});
xdescribe('foo', () => {});
xit('foo', () => {});
xtest('foo', () => {});


Titles for test blocks should always be a string literal or expression.

This is also applied to describe blocks by default, but can be turned off via the ignoreTypeOfDescribeName option:

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

it(123, () => {});
describe(String(/.+/), () => {});
describe(myFunction, () => {});
xdescribe(myFunction, () => {});
describe(6, function() {});

Examples of correct code for this rule:

it('is a string', () => {});
test('is a string', () => {});
xtest('is a string', () => {});
describe('is a string', () => {});
describe.skip('is a string', () => {});
fdescribe('is a string', () => {});

Examples of correct code when ignoreTypeOfDescribeName is true:

it('is a string', () => {});
test('is a string', () => {});
xtest('is a string', () => {});
describe('is a string', () => {});
describe.skip('is a string', () => {});
fdescribe('is a string', () => {});

describe(String(/.+/), () => {});
describe(myFunction, () => {});
xdescribe(myFunction, () => {});
describe(6, function() {});


A describe/ test block should not start with duplicatePrefix

Examples of incorrect code for this rule

test('test foo', () => {});
it('it foo', () => {});

describe('foo', () => {
  test('test bar', () => {});

describe('describe foo', () => {
  test('bar', () => {});

Examples of correct code for this rule

test('foo', () => {});
it('foo', () => {});

describe('foo', () => {
  test('bar', () => {});


A describe/ test block should not contain accidentalSpace

Examples of incorrect code for this rule

test(' foo', () => {});
it(' foo', () => {});

describe('foo', () => {
  test(' bar', () => {});

describe(' foo', () => {
  test('bar', () => {});

describe('foo  ', () => {
  test('bar', () => {});

Examples of correct code for this rule

test('foo', () => {});
it('foo', () => {});

describe('foo', () => {
  test('bar', () => {});