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OpenTelemetry Go SDK Prometheus Remote Write Exporter for Cortex

This module contains an exporter that sends cumulative metrics data from the OpenTelemetry Go SDK to Cortex using the Prometheus Remote Write API. While it is aimed at Cortex, it should work with other backends that ingest data with the same API.

This exporter is push-based and integrates with the OpenTelemetry Go SDK's push Controller. The Controller periodically collects data and passes it to this exporter. The exporter then converts this data into TimeSeries, a format that Cortex accepts, and sends it to Cortex through HTTP POST requests. The request body is formatted according to the protocol defined by the Prometheus Remote Write API. See Prometheus's remote storage integration documentation for more details on the Remote Write API.

See the example submodule for a working example of this exporter.

Table of Contents


go get -u

Setting up the Exporter

Users only need to call the InstallNewPipeline function to setup the exporter. It requires a Config struct and returns a push Controller and error. If the error is nil, the setup is successful and the user can begin creating instruments. No other action is needed.

// Create a Config struct named `config`.

controller, err := cortex.InstallNewPipeline(config)
if err != nil {
    return err
defer controller.Stop(context.Background())

// Make instruments and record data using `global.MeterProvider`.

Configuring the Exporter

The Exporter requires certain information, such as the endpoint URL and push interval duration, to function properly. This information is stored in a Config struct, which is passed into the Exporter during the setup pipeline.

There are two options for creating a Config struct:

  1. Use the utils submodule to read settings from a YAML file into a new Config struct

    • Call utils.NewConfig(...) to create the struct. More details can be found in the utils module's README
    • Config structs have a Validate() method that sets defaults and checks for errors, but it isn't necessary to call it as utils.NewConfig() does that already.
  2. Create the Config struct manually

    • Users should call the Config struct's Validate() method to set default values and check for errors.
// (Option 1) Create Config struct using utils module.
config, err := utils.NewConfig("config.yml")
if err != nil {
    return err

// (Option 2) Create Config struct manually.
configTwo := cortex.Config {
  Endpoint:      "http://localhost:9009/api/prom/push",
	RemoteTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
	PushInterval: 5 * time.Second,
	Headers: map[string]string{
		"test": "header",
// Validate() should be called when creating the Config struct manually.
err = config.Validate()
if err != nil {
	return err

The Config struct supports many different configuration options. Here is the Config struct definition as well as the supported YAML properties. The mapstructure tags are used by the utils submodule.

type Config struct {
	Endpoint            string            `mapstructure:"url"`
	RemoteTimeout       time.Duration     `mapstructure:"remote_timeout"`
	Name                string            `mapstructure:"name"`
	BasicAuth           map[string]string `mapstructure:"basic_auth"`
	BearerToken         string            `mapstructure:"bearer_token"`
	BearerTokenFile     string            `mapstructure:"bearer_token_file"`
	TLSConfig           map[string]string `mapstructure:"tls_config"`
	ProxyURL            string            `mapstructure:"proxy_url"`
	PushInterval        time.Duration     `mapstructure:"push_interval"`
	Quantiles           []float64         `mapstructure:"quantiles"`
	HistogramBoundaries []float64         `mapstructure:"histogram_boundaries"`
	Headers             map[string]string `mapstructure:"headers"`
	Client              *http.Client
Supported YAML Properties

This is sourced from the Prometheus Remote Write Configuration documentation.

# The URL of the endpoint to send samples to.
url: <string>

# Timeout for requests to the remote write endpoint.
[ remote_timeout: <duration> | default = 30s ]

# Name of the remote write config, which if specified must be unique among remote write configs. The name will be used in metrics and logging in place of a generated value to help users distinguish between remote write configs.
[ name: <string>]

# Sets the `Authorization` header on every remote write request with the
# configured username and password.
# password and password_file are mutually exclusive.
  [ username: <string>]
  [ password: <string>]
  [ password_file: <string> ]

# Sets the `Authorization` header on every remote write request with
# the configured bearer token. It is mutually exclusive with `bearer_token_file`.
[ bearer_token: <string> ]

# Sets the `Authorization` header on every remote write request with the bearer token
# read from the configured file. It is mutually exclusive with `bearer_token`.
[ bearer_token_file: /path/to/bearer/token/file ]

# Configures the remote write request's TLS settings.
  # CA certificate to validate API server certificate with.
  [ ca_file: <filename>]

  # Certificate and key files for client cert authentication to the   server.
  [ cert_file: <filename> ]
  [ key_file: <filename> ]

  # ServerName extension to indicate the name of the server.
  [ server_name: <string> ]

  # Disable validation of the server certificate.
  [ insecure_skip_verify: <boolean> ]

# Optional proxy URL.
[ proxy_url: <string>]

# Quantiles for Distribution aggregations
[ quantiles: ]
  - <string>
  - <string>
  - ...

# Histogram Buckets
[ histogram_buckets: ]
  - <string>
  - <string>
  - ...

Securing the Exporter


The exporter provides two forms of authentication which are shown below. Users can add their own custom authentication by providing their own HTTP Client through the Config struct and customizing it as needed.

  1. Basic Authentication

     // Basic Authentication properties in the Config struct.
       // ...
       BasicAuth: map[string]string{
         "username":      "user",
         "password":      "password",
         "password_file": "passwordFile",
     # Basic Authentication properties in the YAML file.
       username: user
       password: password
       password_file: passwordfile

    Basic authentication sets a HTTP Authorization header containing a base64 encoded username/password pair. See RFC 7617 for more information. Note that the password and password file are mutually exclusive. The Config struct's Validate() method will return an error if both are set.

  2. Bearer Token Authentication

     // Bearer Token Authentication properties in the Config struct.
       BearerToken:     "token",
       BearerTokenFile: "tokenfile",
     # Bearer Token Authentication properties in the YAML file.
     bearer_token: token
     bearer_token_file: tokenfile

    Bearer token authentication sets a HTTP Authorization header containing a bearer token. See RFC 6750 for more information. Note that the bearer token and bearer token file are mutually exclusive. The Config struct's Validate() method will return an error if both are set.


Users can add TLS to the exporter's HTTP Client through the Config struct by providing certificate and key files. The certificate type does not matter. See TestBuildClient() and TestMutualTLS() in auth_test.go for an example of how TLS can be used with the exporter. TestMutualTLS() checks certificates between the exporter and a server both ways.

// TLS properties in the Config struct.
  TLSConfig: map[string]string{
    "ca_file":              "cafile",
    "cert_file":            "certfile",
    "key_file":             "keyfile",
    "server_name":          "server",
    "insecure_skip_verify": "0",
# TLS properties in the YAML file.
  ca_file: cafile
  cert_file: certfile
  key_file: keyfile
  server_name: server
  insecure_skip_verify: true

Instrument to Aggregation Mapping

The exporter uses the simple selector's NewWithHistogramDistribution(). This means that instruments are mapped to aggregations as shown in the table below.

Instrument Aggregation
Counter Sum
UpDownCounter Sum
ValueRecorder Histogram
SumObserver Sum
UpDownSumObserver Sum
ValueObserver Histogram

Although only the Sum and Histogram aggregations are currently being used, the exporter supports 5 different aggregations:

  1. Sum
  2. LastValue
  3. MinMaxSumCount
  4. Distribution
  5. Histogram

Error Handling

In general, errors are returned to the calling function / method. Eventually, errors make their way up to the push Controller where it calls the exporter's Export() method. The push Controller passes the errors to the OpenTelemetry Go SDK's global error handler.

The exception is when the exporter fails to send an HTTP request to Cortex. Regardless of status code, the error is ignored. See the retry logic section below for more details.

Retry Logic

The exporter does not implement any retry logic since the exporter sends cumulative metrics data, which means that data will be preserved even if some exports fail.

For example, consider a situation where a user increments a Counter instrument 5 times and an export happens between each increment. If the exports happen like so:

  1       2    3    4       5

Then the received data will be:

1 4 5

The end result is the same since the aggregations are cumulative.

Design Document

Design Document

The document is not in this module as it contains large images which will increase the size of the overall repo significantly.

Future Enhancements

  • Add configuration option for different selectors

    Users may not want to use the default Histogram selector and should be able to choose which selector they want to use.