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Releases: jshint/jshint

JSHint 2.6.0

21 Jan 22:24
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5fedda6[[FIX]] Correct bug in enforcement of `singleGroups`
ecdee12bin scripts: Cosmetic changes.
32f02e0[[FIX]] Add missing globals to browser environment
3b5d94a[[FIX]] Remove dead code
a1d5817[[FIX]] Remove dead code for parameter parsing
8e680e6[[TEST]] Enforce no spaces between "function" and "(" in functions
acb88f2[[TEST]] Introduce jscs for style guide enforcement
d1d5232Add Notification to browser globals
ee348c3[[FEAT]] Support generators in class body
cbfc827[[FEAT]] `elision` option to relax "Extra comma" warnings
70c5314[[DOCS]] Correct Markdown formatting
2a5c0e4[[DOCS]] Update contribution guidelines
c07679bAdd [[TESTS]] to
2334adc[[DOCS]] Fix URL in contribution guidelines
2d7666d[[DOCS]] Document new commit type for tests
694a10b[[DOCS]] Reduce repetition in tests
1726bd8[[DOCS]] Create clean state for each test case
62589b4[[DOCS]] Automatically clean up test stubs
a70bbda[[FIX]] Revert unnecessary commit
7999e4f[[TEST]] Add additional string and number tests
343c45e[[FEAT]] Add new Jasmine 2.1 globals to "jasmine" option
7bd00ffAdd additional number tests to increase coverage
39250d0Add suiteSetup and suiteTeardown for mocha vars
ef6b99b[[DOCS]] Document proposed commit message guidelines
825ce01Fix typo in options documentation
41443d6Add regression test
7430ee5Re-use code to parse "fat arrow" function params
c6b693bAccount for all parenthesis
2efb880Don't warn fat arrow params used out of scope. Fixes #1983

JSHint 2.5.11

18 Dec 19:22
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e9fd67eUse SVG badge for coverage report
c60431fImplement automated code coverage reporting
9037abcStop sending W044 ("Unnecessary escape sequences")
c5798e3Process all escape sequences in template literals
e451d4dSupport escaped backticks in template literals
a748dffFix browserified jshint version. Fixes #1993
b95f669Fix bug in parsing of concise methods
1456d07Fix bug in detection of unreachable statements
cda8925Add explicit tests for W027
41e5a45Group parser tests for concise methods
a4f588aAdd Symbol to skipped objects for newcap
0b40e7aDocument previously-undocumented options
cf10674Incorporate option documentation from JSHint
5448360Move environment options to correct object
3cf1a3fMove options to separate file
4e79c7cRemoved "test: " from test titles. Fixes #1952
38a63b6Add Document to browser globals
e0e9f6aProperly reset `forinifcheckneeded` state
235f267Update .jshintrc whitespacing
857b5daReorder badges.
74ed2e0Add dependency badges.
9cede39Fix error in tests on Windows
1dd3c5fUpdate AppVeyor badge to display status of master
2934affAdd AppVeyor testing.
d1343b1nocomma: fix a failing case of a pure expression
ee4574fnocomma: clean up quote style
4d5194dAdd nocomma option to forbid use of a comma operator
e59f27dRemove WebGL items which are not globally exposed
06719dcImprove null-reference-accepting operators
84766efCorrect line number reported with "empty block"
5bc2df3Ignore Object prototype when looking up options
6b333feNamespace valid options
2dcb14fNew reporter that respects Unix output conventions
5c9556dUpdate jshint.rc options order
163c61cImplement more complete function name inference
5cfd252Reformat expected values file for readability
bbfa1ecRefactor accessor parsing
5b3a280Intl global in ECMAScript Internationalization API 1.0 (ECMA-402)
d0b3cfdWarn about "lonely setters" in class bodies
c073c7bCorrect line number for "lonely setter" warning
e162426Improve JS extraction from HTML. Fixes gh-1942
248e40bFormal parameter names can be the same as function name. Fixes gh-1928
0e5663dAdd WebGL browser globals
bc2fdb7Fix bug in "ignore" option behavior

Thanks to Caitlin Potter, Mike Pennisi, Paul O’Shannessy, Sergey Simonchik, James Kyle, Jared Stilwell, Ian MacLeod, belltoy, Ryan Perry-Nguyen, XhmikosR, Denis Sokolov, Michael Hogg, Andreas Tolfsen, Larry Lv, Turadg Aleahmad for sending patches!

JSHint 2.5.10

06 Nov 18:55
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55099a6More class linting fixes. Fixes gh-1956
56f285aAdd support for BinaryIntegerLiteral and OctalIntegerLiteral.

JSHint 2.5.9

06 Nov 13:45
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af8e33eImplement `singleGroups` option
4117fbaLint classes better (much better) --- Fixes gh-1940
aad9062Updates to yield delegation linting. Fixes gh-1544
97a81d4Parse/lint NameSpaceImport module declaration.
b5dd259Allow string literal dereferencing as first stmt

JSHint 2.5.8

29 Oct 21:47
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4fc44b6package.json: sort some stuff alphabetically.
c3fcb94Update dependencies.
6a93570Only treat props named "[" as computed prop when punctuator. Fixes gh-1926

JSHint 2.5.7

28 Oct 16:42
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44ff2d8Updates bin/build to latest browserify bundle api changes
b8593c5Fix ASI rules for directives. Fixes gh-1906
199606bMake object short notation work if there's a linefeed before end
f9698d7Refactor warning generation
9d245f3Add test for W025
1b88644Move `useStdin` tests into own suite
7e5e31cAdd .jshintrc overrides handling to stdin processing
2661dd8Add tests for gh-1880
49da752Add mock-stdin as devDependency
c3a72b8Add Encoding API to browser env
c4c87a3Add CSS variable to browser
adf98fdRelax restriction on parens around function exprs
2bf6151Warn when export declaration used outside of global scope.
b589a31Don't emit W098 for exported labels. Fixes gh-1863
f326d7cDon't raise W083 if a function never touches the outer scope
a1eb9ecConsolidate branches
f80cf59Fix bug for vars declared via list comprehensions
72a61b4Remove tautological condition
5276690Add Symbol, Reflect and System objects to newEcmaIdentifiers. Fixes gh-1539
3c58b9cUnescape identifiers when checking. Fixes gh-1885
47ff4caFix typo in src/lex.js
41d6c00Fix template literals when end backtick immediately follows newline. Fixes gh-1877
b55b3e1Don't issue W088 if identifier is declared in a higher scope
ddd02bbTest for punctuator tokens in lookupBlockType. Fixes gh-1856
17d23c2Comments are ignored inside ignore start/end. Closes gh-1855
ab14ea6Add additional ignoreDelimiter code to fixture
434ebe5Parse ES6 ComputedPropertyNames. Fixes gh-1845
d11e621Allow paren-wrapped function literals with `immed`

JSHint 2.5.6

21 Sep 17:29
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3928115Added missing comma in .jshintrc
076807bBeautifier run on tests/fixtures/forin.js
090ec1cMake 'forin' check recognize negative checks with continue
8573f5dImproved support for parameter destructuring w/ rest. Fixes gh-1818
5c10fb3Replace ignored content with empty content of same length/height for proper error reporting
e496983Add ignoreDelimiters option
8c41fbcadd XDomainRequest to browser env
2876eedAdd missing config options
bc6e97eUpdate expected forin error line number
132d64bUpdate forin fixture to include common and future "has" cases.
8babea7finally fixed indentation issues
25a3e61Update dependencies.
d71054aindentation fixes
bb10e77fixed indentation
d304170Updating minimatch to v1.0.0
171409dImproved support for object property shorthand. Fixes gh-1813
ce34bd5Ignore strings containing braces within array literal declarations. Closes gh-1485
05e1468improved readability
8652fdbturns out every xml element must be error, but severity has to vary for jenkins to understand levels
9757343changed static "error" severity to actual severity (info, warning, error) taken from messages.js and gave xlm entry actual severity level <[info

JSHint 2.5.5

24 Aug 04:22
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This is just a rebuild of the files that I didn't build for 2.5.4. Sorry for the noise.

JSHint 2.5.4

18 Aug 16:19
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25dd4faRebuild for 2.5.5 push to npm
9084d2cCompiled version of 2.5.4
4d12de6Multi-line config shouldn't need leading option. Fixes gh-1768
66e4e6cAdd regression tests for multiline global name lists. Fixes gh-1808

JSHint 2.5.3

08 Aug 19:08
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f4eeb5cfix indentation and change to double quotes
5de760dfix indentation
5071566#1603 remove unnecessary if check. fixed some spacing issues webstorm's default is 4 spaces and jshint uses 2 my bad.
9825425#1603 I have added a check of "predefined" to see if a blacklisted object is already there and if it is delete it from predefined. In the event that someone adds for example {predef:["-JSON"]} it would already exist in predefined before being black listed. because of this the black list check in combine never had a chance to prevent the addition of JSON even though it was defined with - in predef.
53729c8#1603 adding new option unit test and fixture file to test "-globaloptioname" in predef
c21ea18Overrides doesn't match relative paths
9caf106Support TemplateLiterals and quotemark option. Fixes gh-1798
79b9624Potential leak warning on non-param bindings. Fixes gh-1802
8ed9cc6Remove spurious argument in call to 'lookupBlockType'.
53a66a4Remove spurious argument in call to 'prefix'.
2d72279Remove spurious arguments in calls to 'suffix'.
2773606Remove spurious arguments in calls to 'bitwiseassignop'.
3d78f68Remove spurious arguments in calls to 'statement' and 'statements'.
54c2900Moving newEcmaIdentifiers globals to ecmaIdentifiers
c39d4cfDon't use for-in for arrays.
593b454Test: Custom cwd test for #1771.
0165d5cAPI: Ability to set cwd for .jshintignore lookup.
cc0fac6Fixes #1569
6441751Config: Prioritize userprofile for HOME search. In Windows, it turns out if the current user is not the default user, `environment.HOME` returns drive root instead of the user-profile directory.
90afb1fmoved eqnull, lastsemic, loopfunc,expr,esnext to relaxing options. Also cleaned up some formatting mistakes
a28b3feFixes #1569