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File metadata and controls

528 lines (462 loc) · 13.2 KB


Player configuration parameters are provided whenever a player instance is created.

var config = {
  // Configuration here
var player = KalturaPlayer.setup(config);

Configuration Structure

The configuration uses the following structure:

  targetId: string,
  log: PKLogConfigObject,
  disableUserCache: boolean,
  text: PKTextConfigObject,
  playback: PKPlaybackConfigObject,
  sources: PKSourcesConfigObject,
  streaming: PKStreamingConfigObject,
  network: PKNetworkConfigObject,
  customLabels: PKCustomLabelsConfigObject,
  dimensions: PKDimensionsConfig,
  abr: PKAbrConfigObject,
  drm: PKDrmConfigObject,
  playlist: KPPlaylistObject,
  plugins: KPPluginsConfigObject,
  advertising: KPAdvertisingConfigObject,
  session: PKSessionConfigObject,
  provider: ProviderOptionsObject,
  ui: UIOptionsObject,
  cast: CastConfigObject,
  viewability: KPViewabilityConfigObject


Type: string
Default: -
Description: Defines the ID of the DOM element to which the player will be added.


Description: Defines the player log level.


Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: Indicates whether to stop using the saved user preferences.

You can learn more about user preferences in the player here.


Description: Defines the text configuration.


Description: Defines the playback configuration.


Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: Indicates whether the video should play in loop.

This is a Boolean attribute that indicates the default setting of the loop playback option. If set, the player will restart playback upon completion. The attribute's default value is false, which means that the video will pause when the video is finished playing.


Description: Defines the sources configuration.


Description: Defines the sources streaming configuration.

Description: Defines the player network configuration.


Description: Defines the tracks custom labels configuration.


Description: Defines the player dimensions configuration.


Description: Defines the playback abr configuration.


Description: Defines the drm system configuration.


Description: Defines the playlist configuration.


Default: {}
Description: Defines the active plugins.

This should map the plugin to its config object.


var config = {
  plugins: {
    myAwesomePlugin1: {},
    myAwesomePlugin2: {}


Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: Allow to disable a specific plugin.


var config = {
  plugins: {
    myAwesomePlugin: {
      disable: true


  playAdsAfterTime?: number,
  showAdBreakCuePoint?: booleab,
  adBreakCuePointStyle?: Object,
  adBreaks: Array<KPAdBreakObject>
Default: -
Description: Defines an advertising scheme (optional).


Type: number
Default: config.playback.startTime
Description: Only play ad breaks scheduled after this time (in seconds). This setting is strictly after - e.g. setting playAdsAfterTime to 15 will cause the player to ignore an ad break scheduled to play at 15s.


Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: Whether to show the ad breaks cue points.


Type: Object
Default: null
Description: Style options for the ad breaks cue points.


Type: Array<PKAdBreakObject>
Description: The ad breaks scheme

  position: number,
  percentage?: number, // optional
  every?: number, // optional
  ads: Array<PKAdObject>

Type: number
Description: The position, in seconds, to show the ad break.

Type: number
Description: Alternative parameter to position. The position, in percentage of the media length, to show the ad break (optional).

Type: number
Description: Alternative parameter to position. Play ad break every X seconds (optional).

Important. position, percentage and every are several options to configure the ad break position. Only one should be provided. If none will be provided, the ad break will be ignored. If more than one will be provided, only one configuration will be considered, by the following priority:

  1. position 2. percentage 3. every.
Type: Array<PKAdObject>
Description: An array of ads to play (Ad pod).

  url?: Array<string>,
  response?: Array<string>,
  bumper?: boolean

Type: Array<string>
Description: List of urls, each one specifies the ad tag url that is requested from the ad server. The player will request the first url, if failed, it will request the second url and so on (aka waterfalling).

Type: Array<string>
Description: List of XMLs, each one specifies a VAST 2.0 document to be used as the ads response instead of making a request via an ad tag url. The player will use the first XML, if failed, it will use the second and so on (aka waterfalling).

Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: Specifies whether this is a bumper.


var config = {
  advertising: {
    adBreaks: [
        position: 0,
        ads: [
            url: [VAST_URL],
            bumper: true
        percentage: 50,
        ads: [
            url: [VAST_URL, VAST_URL] //waterfalling
            url: [VAST_URL]
        position: -1,
        ads: [
            response: [VAST_XML]


Description: Defines the session configuration.


Description: Defines the provider configuration.


Description: Defines the user interface (UI) configuration.


Description: Defines the cast configuration.


Type: KPViewabilityConfigObject
Description: Defines the viewability configuration.


The viewability feature is coupled with the autoplay/autopause configs

If the autoplay config is set to autoplay: inview the player will only play when it gets into the view

If the autopause config is set to autopause: true the palyer will pause the playback when it gets out of view

If floating player is configured, it will be used to float the player when it gets out of the view and it gets back to the place when you go into original viewport of player.

  • observedThresholds Array<number> An array of numbers which indicate at what percentage of the target's visibility the observer's callback should be executed. It will fire events when it meets thresholds and the default player threshold is used for defining when to take an action.
  • playerThreshold number The minimal viewable percentage of the player to consider as visible.

Configuration Priority

In the player setup flow, the configuration described above (partially or in full) can be provided by a number of different sources. Each source has a priority, which determines whether the source has a greater or lesser impact on how the player is configured.

Available sources include:

  • Application - This is the application that embeds the player and can be used to configures the player in-line upon instantiation.
  • Server - This is a partner configuration that is saved on the server. The partner can use this configuration when configuring the player by suppling the uiConfId value.
  • Local Storage (Browser) - This is the user preferences configuration, which is saved in the local storage of the browser.
  • Default Player Configuration - The default player configuration is defined internally by the player.

When the player builds its runtime configuration, it will need to know how to built the configuration correctly according to the priority of each configuration, which is as follows (#1 is highest; #4 is lowest):

  1. Local Storage
  2. Application
  3. Server
  4. Default Player Configuration



In this example, we'll use the following configuration from each source to see how that source affects the configuration:

Local Storage

	muted: true,
	audioLanguage: 'spa'


	muted: false,
	volume: 0.7


  audioLanguage: 'eng';
  autoplay: true;

Default Player Configuration

	audioLanguage: '',
	textLanguage: '',
	muted: false,
	volume: 1,
  captionsDisplay: false
	autoplay: false

The resulting runtime configuration will, therefore, be as follows:

	audioLanguage: 'spa',
	textLanguage: '',
	muted: true,
	volume: 0.7,
  captionsDisplay: false,
	autoplay: true