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NPM Plugin

Publish to NPM. Works in both a monorepo setting and for a single package. This plugin is loaded by default when auto is installed through npm. If you configure auto to use any other plugin this will be lost. So you must add the npm plugin to your plugins array if you still want NPM functionality.


To publish to npm you will need an NPM_TOKEN set in your environment.

Warning! Avoid using the prepublishOnly script as it can lead to errors. Read more here.


This plugin is included with the auto CLI so you do not have to install it. To install if you are using the auto API directly:

npm i --save-dev @auto-it/npm
# or
yarn add -D @auto-it/npm

WARNING: You can only use one "package manager" at a time! Mixing them will lead to undesired results.


  "plugins": [
    // or with options
    ["npm", { "forcePublish": false }]
    // other plugins

If you're using the noVersionPrefix option you will also need to add tag-version-prefix="" to your .npmrc. Otherwise when npm versions your code the tag it creates will have the v and auto will get confused.

Monorepo Usage

The npm plugin works out of the box with lerna in both independent and fixed mode. auto works on a repo basis and should be run from the root of the repo, not on each sub-package. No additional setup is required.

Do you have a package in your monorepo you don't want to publish but still want versioned? Just set that "private": true you that package's package.json!

Using automation tokens from NPM

If you have 2FA enabled and want to publish using an automation token you must add the following to your lerna.json for it to work.

  // ... other config here
  "command": {
    "publish": {
      "verifyAccess": false

Lerna's verify access step hits an npm api endpoint that treats automation tokens differently than regular user tokens. Disabling it will bypass that failure. See this lerna issue for more context.



When running the shipit command auto will try to set your .npmrc token while publishing. To disable this feature you must set the setRcToken to false.

  "plugins": [
        "setRcToken": false


By default auto will force publish all packages for monorepos. To disable this behavior you must set the forcePublish to false.

  "plugins": [
        "forcePublish": false


To force all packages publish with exact versions.

  "plugins": [
        "exact": true


auto will create a changelog for each sub-package in a monorepo. You can disable this behavior by using the subPackageChangelogs option.

  "plugins": [
        "subPackageChangelogs": false


auto will group changelog lines by sub-packages in a monorepo. You can disable this behavior by using the monorepoChangelog option.

  "plugins": [
        "monorepoChangelog": false


Whether to create a commit for "next" version. The default behavior will only create the tags.

  "plugins": [
        "commitNextVersion": true


When publishing packages that require authentication but you are working with an internally hosted npm registry that only uses the legacy Base64 version of username:password. This is the same as the NPM publish _auth flag.

For security this option only accepts a boolean. When this option is set true auto will pass --_auth $NPM_TOKEN to the publish command. Set $NPM_TOKEN to the "Base64 version of username:password".

  "plugins": [
        "legacyAuth": true


Publishing canary versions comes with some security risks. If your project is private you have nothing to worry about and can skip these, but if your project is open source there are some security holes.

⚠️ This feature works pretty easily/well for single packages. In a monorepo we have to deal with a lot more, and this options should be treated as experimental.


  1. Create a test scope that you publish canaries under (ex: @auto-canary or @auto-test)
  2. Create a user that only has access to that scope
  3. Set the default NPM_TOKEN to a token that can publish to that scope (this is used for any pull request)
  4. Set up a secure token that is only accessible on the main fork (still named NPM_TOKEN)
  5. Set up alias (only monorepos)

Step 3 might not be possible on your build platform.

The following are the ways the auto team knows how to do it. If you do not see the method for you build platform, please make a pull request!

Platform Solutions:

  • CircleCI Context - Contexts provide a mechanism for securing and sharing environment variables across projects. The environment variables are defined as name/value pairs and are injected at runtime.
  "plugins": [
        "canaryScope": "@auto-canary"
Set up alias

If you are managing a non-monorepo you do not have to do anything for this step! If you manage a monorepo we still have to do handle our packages importing each other. Since we just changed the name of the package all imports to our packages are now broken!

There are multiple ways to make this work and the solution might be different depending on your build target.

  • module-alias - Modifiy node's require for your canary deploys (This is what auto uses). Useful for node packages
  • Webpack Aliases Modify scoped requires for webpack based projects.
  • babel-plugin-module-resolver - A Babel plugin to add a new resolver for your modules when compiling your code using Babel.


npm ERR! need auth auth required for publishing

This error will occur when you do not have a NPM_TOKEN set.

Still getting errors?!

Make sure that npm is trying to publish to the correct registry. Force npm/lerna to use the public registry by adding the following to your package.json:

  "publishConfig": {
    "registry": "",
    "access": "public"