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You will need Node.js installed on your system.

npm install kkt
npm install kkt

Open in CodeSandbox

Open in CodeSandbox


Initialize the project from one of the examples, Let's quickly create a react application:

$ npx create-kkt my-app -e uiw
-# or npm
-$ npm create kkt my-app -e `<Example Name>`
-# or yarn 
-$ yarn create kkt my-app -e `<Example Name>`
$ npx create-kkt my-app -e uiw
+# or npm
+$ npm create kkt my-app -e `<Example Name>`
+# or yarn 
+$ yarn create kkt my-app -e `<Example Name>`

Create your app using create-react-app and then rewire it.

npm install kkt --save-dev
npm install kkt --save-dev
"dependencies": {
-  ...
--  "react-scripts": "4.0.1",
-+  "kkt": "7.0.6",
-  ....
-"scripts": {
--  "start": "react-scripts start",
-+  "start": "kkt start",
--  "build": "react-scripts build",
-+  "build": "kkt build",
--  "test": "react-scripts test",
-+  "test": "kkt test",
--  "eject": "react-scripts eject"
"dependencies": {
+  ...
+-  "react-scripts": "4.0.1",
++  "kkt": "7.0.6",
+  ....
+"scripts": {
+-  "start": "react-scripts start",
++  "start": "kkt start",
+-  "build": "react-scripts build",
++  "build": "kkt build",
+-  "test": "react-scripts test",
++  "test": "kkt test",
+-  "eject": "react-scripts eject"

⚠️ Note: Do NOT flip the call for the eject script. That gets run only once for a project, after which you are given full control over the webpack configuration making kkt no longer required. There are no configuration options to rewire for the eject script.

# Start the Dev Server
-$ npm start
-# Build your app
-$ npm run build
# Start the Dev Server
+$ npm start
+# Build your app
+$ npm run build

Configuration File

Supports .kktrc.js and .kktrc.ts.

import express from 'express';
-import { Configuration } from 'webpack';
-import WebpackDevServer from 'webpack-dev-server';
-import { LoaderConfOptions, MockerAPIOptions, DevServerOptions } from 'kkt';
-export interface WebpackConfiguration extends Configuration {
-  devServer?: WebpackDevServer.Configuration;
-  /** Configuring the Proxy Manually */
-  proxySetup?: (app: express.Application) => MockerAPIOptions;
-export declare type KKTRC = {
-  proxySetup?: (app: express.Application) => MockerAPIOptions;
-  devServer?: (config: WebpackDevServer.Configuration, options: DevServerOptions) => WebpackDevServer.Configuration;
-  default?: (conf: WebpackConfiguration, evn: 'development' | 'production', options: LoaderConfOptions) => WebpackConfiguration | Promise<WebpackConfiguration>;
import express from 'express';
+import { Configuration } from 'webpack';
+import WebpackDevServer from 'webpack-dev-server';
+import { LoaderConfOptions, MockerAPIOptions, DevServerOptions } from 'kkt';
+export interface WebpackConfiguration extends Configuration {
+  devServer?: WebpackDevServer.Configuration;
+  /** Configuring the Proxy Manually */
+  proxySetup?: (app: express.Application) => MockerAPIOptions;
+export declare type KKTRC = {
+  proxySetup?: (app: express.Application) => MockerAPIOptions;
+  devServer?: (config: WebpackDevServer.Configuration, options: DevServerOptions) => WebpackDevServer.Configuration;
+  default?: (conf: WebpackConfiguration, evn: 'development' | 'production', options: LoaderConfOptions) => WebpackConfiguration | Promise<WebpackConfiguration>;

Base Configuration Example

import webpack from 'webpack';
-import WebpackDevServer from 'webpack-dev-server';
-import lessModules from '@kkt/less-modules';
-import { LoaderConfOptions, WebpackConfiguration } from 'kkt';
-export default (conf: WebpackConfiguration, env: string, options: LoaderConfOptions) => {
-  // The Webpack config to use when compiling your react app for development or production.
-  // ...add your webpack config
-  conf = lessModules(conf, env, options);
-  return conf;
import webpack from 'webpack';
+import WebpackDevServer from 'webpack-dev-server';
+import lessModules from '@kkt/less-modules';
+import { LoaderConfOptions, WebpackConfiguration } from 'kkt';
+export default (conf: WebpackConfiguration, env: string, options: LoaderConfOptions) => {
+  // The Webpack config to use when compiling your react app for development or production.
+  // ...add your webpack config
+  conf = lessModules(conf, env, options);
+  return conf;

Modify WebpackDevServer Configuration Example

export const devServer = (config: WebpackDevServer.Configuration) => {
-  // Change the https certificate options to match your certificate, using the .env file to
-  // set the file paths & passphrase.
-  const fs = require('fs');
-  config.https = {
-    key: fs.readFileSync(process.env.REACT_HTTPS_KEY, 'utf8'),
-    cert: fs.readFileSync(process.env.REACT_HTTPS_CERT, 'utf8'),
-    ca: fs.readFileSync(process.env.REACT_HTTPS_CA, 'utf8'),
-    passphrase: process.env.REACT_HTTPS_PASS
-  };
-  // Return your customised Webpack Development Server config.
-  return config;
export const devServer = (config: WebpackDevServer.Configuration) => {
+  // Change the https certificate options to match your certificate, using the .env file to
+  // set the file paths & passphrase.
+  const fs = require('fs');
+  config.https = {
+    key: fs.readFileSync(process.env.REACT_HTTPS_KEY, 'utf8'),
+    cert: fs.readFileSync(process.env.REACT_HTTPS_CERT, 'utf8'),
+    ca: fs.readFileSync(process.env.REACT_HTTPS_CA, 'utf8'),
+    passphrase: process.env.REACT_HTTPS_PASS
+  };
+  // Return your customised Webpack Development Server config.
+  return config;

Configuring the Proxy Manually

import express from 'express';
-import { createProxyMiddleware } from 'http-proxy-middleware';
-import { LoaderConfOptions, WebpackConfiguration, MockerAPIOptions } from 'kkt';
-export default (conf: WebpackConfiguration, evn: 'development' | 'production') => {
-  //....
-  conf.proxySetup = (app: express.Application): MockerAPIOptions => {
-    app.use('/api', createProxyMiddleware({
-      target: 'http://localhost:5000',
-      changeOrigin: true,
-    }));
-    return {
-      path: path.resolve('./mocker/index.js'),
-    };
-  };
-  return conf;
import express from 'express';
+import { createProxyMiddleware } from 'http-proxy-middleware';
+import { LoaderConfOptions, WebpackConfiguration, MockerAPIOptions } from 'kkt';
+export default (conf: WebpackConfiguration, evn: 'development' | 'production') => {
+  //....
+  conf.proxySetup = (app: express.Application): MockerAPIOptions => {
+    app.use('/api', createProxyMiddleware({
+      target: 'http://localhost:5000',
+      changeOrigin: true,
+    }));
+    return {
+      path: path.resolve('./mocker/index.js'),
+    };
+  };
+  return conf;

Command Help

Usage: kkt [start|build|test] [--help|h]
-Displays help information.
-  --version, -v Show version number
-  --help, -h Displays help information.
-  --app-src, Specify the entry directory.
-  --no-open-browser, Do not open in browser.
-  --no-clear-console, Do not clear the command line information.
-$ kkt build
-$ kkt build --app-src ./website
-$ kkt start
-$ kkt start --no-open-browser
-$ kkt start --no-clear-console
-$ kkt start --app-src ./website
-$ kkt test
Usage: kkt [start|build|test] [--help|h]
+Displays help information.
+  --version, -v Show version number
+  --help, -h Displays help information.
+  --app-src, Specify the entry directory.
+  --no-open-browser, Do not open in browser.
+  --no-clear-console, Do not clear the command line information.
+$ kkt build
+$ kkt build --app-src ./website
+$ kkt start
+$ kkt start --no-open-browser
+$ kkt start --no-clear-console
+$ kkt start --app-src ./website
+$ kkt test


Runs the project in development mode.

# npm run bootstrap
-npm run hoist
-npm run build
-npm run lib:watch
-npm run kkt:watch
-npm run hoist
# npm run bootstrap
+npm run hoist
+npm run build
+npm run lib:watch
+npm run kkt:watch
+npm run hoist


Builds the app for production to the build folder.

npm run build
npm run build


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