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Runbook - Create Manual Backup

Master / Seed setup (based one KubeOne)

For some cases like upgrades, KKP operators want to create manual backups and store it for safety reason at e.g. your local system.

  1. Check if KubeOne has a backup deployed, in our case the KubeOne Restic Addon:
 kubectl get cronjobs.batch 
etcd-backup-cq4ktccp6g   @every 20m   False     0        8m41s           30d
etcd-backup-hpfp6lzp9n   @every 20m   False     0        4m30s           45d
etcd-backup-k4ptxg58jl   @every 20m   False     0        8m1s            81d
etcd-backup-r5q866mcsx   @every 20m   False     0        14m             38d
etcd-backup-vq55m6kk8l   @every 20m   False     0        42s             24d
etcd-s3-backup           @every 30m   False     0        16m             3d7h

The target job for the master/seed etcd backup is etcd-s3-backup.

  1. Create a manual triggered updated
kubectl -n kube-system create job --from cronjob/etcd-s3-backup manual-master-backup
  1. Now check your target location and create a local copy:
kubectl get cronjobs.batch etcd-s3-backup -o yaml | grep -C 2 RESTIC_REPO

In our case it's the local minio deployed by KKP:

        apiVersion: v1
        fieldPath: spec.nodeName
    value: s3:http://minio.minio.svc.cluster.local:9000/kubermatic-master-backups
  1. Connect to the Minio service by port-forward to access the Storage by localhost:
kubectl port-forward -n minio svc/minio 9000:9000

check connection:

curl localhost:9000
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Access Denied.</Message><Resource>/</Resource><RequestId>1685A6A552786ABC</RequestId><HostId>68860d39-5abd-4b0d-8c75-218bc787cdd7</HostId></Error>

Now you can connect also through your browser if you visit: http://localhost:9000 To find the credentials:

  • Ideally take a look at your values.yaml - minio.credentials.accessKey, minio.credentials.secretKey
  • Alternative check secret kubectl get secrets s3-credentials -o yaml and decode the base64 encoded values echo <value> | base64 -d
  1. Create a local copy with mc client:
# start your local mc shell
docker run -it --network host --entrypoint bash -v $(pwd):/data minio/mc

# configure minio location
mc alias set minio http://localhost:9000 <<ACCESS_KEY>> <<SECRET_KEY>> --api S3v4

# list buckets
mc ls minio
[2021-02-18 18:16:57 UTC]     0B kubermatic-etcd-backups/
[2021-06-01 22:48:18 UTC]     0B kubermatic-master-backups/

Sync now the bucket kubermatic-master-backups bucket to your local drive. Your starting local folder has been already mounted into the container by -v $(pwd):/data minio/mc:

mkdir /data/backup-master
mc mirror minio/kubermatic-master-backups /data/backup-master

# change the permission to your local user:  id -u
chown -R 1000:1000 /data/*

The copy of restic based backup under your folder ./backup-master can now get used by the kubeone restore procedure if needed, see KubeOne Manual Cluster Recovery

Sometime for restrict a password is needed, therefore you could also use the restric container and create the environment varliable:

docker run -it -e RESTIC_PASSWORD="`echo xxxxBASE64_ENCODEDxxxx | base64 -d`" -v $(pwd):/data restic/restic:0.9.6 snapshots -r /data ls

Alternatives to get the Snapshot etcd backup:

  • k cp
  • docker
  • file mount at master