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Releases: kubermatic/dashboard


01 Feb 10:20
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WIP: Testing/angular cli testing (#368)

* remove exclude

* remove MaterialModule from the spec.ts

* Fix frontend test

* remove generel errors

* Remove spec files and devide tconfig files (#375)

* remove: spec files

* add: devide app and spec tscongs files

* add: kubermatic.component.spec.ts

* fix: angular-cli linting

* chore: missing whitespace

* Testing/core components (#388)

* add: navigate.component.spec and breadcrumbs.component.spec

* add: specs to breadcrumbs.component.spec

* add: notification.component.spec

* add. sidenav.component.spec.ts

* fix: sidenav specs

* add: custom RouterTestingModule

* chore: delete comments

* chore: fixes of paths

* Testing/cluster folder (#391)

* add: cluster-list spec and cluster-item spec

* add: specs to cluster-list and cluster-item

* add: cluster-health-status.component.spec.ts

* fix: cluster-detail page

* add: add-node-modal specs, cluster-detail specs

* add: specs for node-delete-confirmation and cluster-delete-confirmatino

* add: specs for cluster-details

* add: specs for node.component

* add: specs for upgrade-cluster cmp

* fix: node-delete-confirmation template

* Angular testing proposal

* Testing/pages (#399)

* add: cluster-list spec and cluster-item spec

* add: specs to cluster-list and cluster-item

* add: cluster-health-status.component.spec.ts

* fix: cluster-detail page

* add: add-node-modal specs, cluster-detail specs

* add: specs for node-delete-confirmation and cluster-delete-confirmatino

* add: specs for cluster-details

* add: specs for node.component

* add: specs for upgrade-cluster cmp

* fix: node-delete-confirmation template

* add: specs to frontpage component

* add: specs to page-not-found cmp

* add:  specs for add-ssh-key-modal cmp

* chore: fix spec of add-ssh-key-modal

* add: spec for dashboard specs

* fix: router-stubs

* Testing/sshkeys (#400)

* add: specs to ssh-key-list cmp and sshkey cmp

* add: spec for ssh-key-item cmp

* Testing/add node (#402)

* add: specs for add-node cmp

* add: specs for components from the add-node folder

* add: specs for wizard.component, fix: add-node-modal.spec

* add: spec for progress cmp

* add: specs to set-cluster-name component

* add: specs to set-cluster-name cmp

* fix import api-mock service

* change url path for datacenterEntity for fake-datacenter

* add: spec for set-datacenter cmp

* add: specs for set-provider cmp

* add: specs for set-settings cmp

* add: spec for provider node cmp and ssh key field cmp

* add: specs for aws cluster cmp and BYO cluster cmp

* add: spec for digitalocean cluster cmp

* add: specs for openstack cluster cmp

* add: specs for summary cmp and refactore code

* chore: change quote marks

* Testing/wizard (#424)

* add: specs for wizard.component, fix: add-node-modal.spec

* add: spec for progress cmp

* add: specs to set-cluster-name component

* add: specs to set-cluster-name cmp

* add: spec for set-datacenter cmp

* add: specs for set-provider cmp

* add: specs for set-settings cmp

* add: spec for provider node cmp and ssh key field cmp

* add: specs for aws cluster cmp and BYO cluster cmp

* add: spec for digitalocean cluster cmp

* add: specs for openstack cluster cmp

* add: specs for summary cmp and refactore code

* chore: change quote marks

* add: ngModule for stubs

* fix: mistakes of tests


25 Jan 09:38
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add padding at the bottom, if there are no ssh-keys (#416)


23 Jan 12:05
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remove seed datacenter from datacenter wizard step (#387)


10 Jan 17:33
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fix cluster list index (#379)


08 Jan 13:33
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Cluster List Item: show region location instead of the name (#351)

* fix: show region location instead of the name

* refactore: cluster-item.component

* fix: cluster-item template and component

* add: getClusterImagePath function

* add: trackClusters function to avoid rerender cluster list


19 Dec 09:55
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Fix scrollbar (#337)

* fix scrollbar

* fix: style for datacenters items on set-datacenters


07 Dec 15:32
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revort provider changes (#321)


07 Dec 14:55
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show only bm and os (#320)


05 Dec 19:12
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provider (#316)


01 Dec 19:35
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Remove tag condition