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File metadata and controls

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API reference for the Field component
<Field />


The <Field /> component is an extremely flexible component that makes rendering input fields easy and intuitive, By default it renders an HTML input tag. So a simple text input can be rendered like this:

  <Field name="field" type="text" />

import { Field } from 'vee-validate';

export default {
  components: {

Rendering Fields

The Field component allows you to render practically anything and gives you complete flexibility and control over how your fields are rendered. The Field component renders an HTML input tag if not specified otherwise. Which can be done in two ways.

Rendering simple fields with 'as' prop

The as prop tells the Field component which tag to render in its place, you can pass any additional attributes like type="text" and it will be passed to the rendered input tag as well as any listeners and slots.

For example you could render a select input like this:

<Field name="field" as="select">

The Field component has partial support for native select[multiple] element, while it picks up the multiple values correctly, it doesn't set the initial values UI state on the element itself. You may use v-model here or bind the selected attributes on the options which is straightforward with the value prop exposed on the slot props.

<Field v-slot="{ value }" name="drink" as="select" multiple>
  <option value="" disabled>Select a drink</option>
  <option v-for="drink in drinks" :key="drink" :value="drink" :selected="value && value.includes(drink)">{{ drink }}</option>

You can also render any globally defined components:

<Field name="field" as="my-text-field" />

For validation to work, the rendered tag with as prop must conform to the events that the Field component listens for, you can view a list of these in the Validation Behavior

Rendering Complex Fields with Scoped Slots

The as prop is very easy to use but also limited as you cannot render a group of markup. Fortunately the Field component makes use of the scoped-slots (v-slot) feature to allow you to render complex markup:

<Field name="password" v-slot="{ field }">
  <input v-bind="field" type="password">
  <p>Hint: Enter a secure password you can remember</p>

The most crucial part of rendering fields with v-slot is that you bind the field object to your input element/input, the field object contains all the common attributes and listeners required for the field to be validated, this is done automatically if you are using the as prop.

When rendering File inputs and custom components, binding the field object may not be a good idea in these cases as generally you need to pick the suitable attributes that you should bind. In the case of input[type="file"] you could do something like this:

<Field name="file" v-slot="{ handleChange, handleBlur }">
  <input type="file" @change="handleChange" @blur="handleBlur" />

This is because the file input doesn't work with two-way binding since you cannot really force pick a file from a user's device. Custom components may emit different events and may have additional requirements for two-way binding to work. You can check the UI Libraries section for a few examples on how to do that.

When using v-slot on the Field component you no longer have to provide an as prop and then it will become a renderless component.

Whichever element/component you chose to render with <Field /> you can pass also any props or attributes the element/component would normally reieve for example if you render input elements you can pass any of it's attributes like type or disabled to just name a few.

Using v-model

The <Field /> component uses a different way to apply input values to your rendered inputs using the v-bind="field" syntax which adds various listeners and attributes to your rendered inputs.

Because of this, using v-model will conflict with v-bind="field" because both will attempt to update the input value.

For simple inputs this is not an issue:

<!-- ✅  Simple Field -->
<Field type="text" name="name" v-model="name" />

But for complex inputs rendered with scoped slots (v-slot), you need to place it on the Field component tag itself, not the rendered input.

<!-- DONT: ⛔️  v-model on input tag -->
<Field type="text" name="name" v-slot="{ field }">
  <!-- Conflict between v-model and `v-bind=field` -->
  <input v-bind="field" v-model="name">

<!-- DO: ✅  v-model on field tag -->
<Field v-model="name" type="text" name="name" v-slot="{ field }">
  <input v-bind="field">

Note that you no longer should use v-model on your input as v-bind="field" will take care of the rest.

API Reference


Prop Type Required/Default Description
as string "span" The element to render as a root node, defaults to input
name string Required The field's name, must be inside <Form />
rules object | string | Function null The field's validation rules
validateOnMount boolean false If true, field will be validated when the component is mounted
validateOnInput boolean false If true, field will be validated when input event is dispatched/emitted
validateOnChange boolean true If true, field will be validated when change event is dispatched/emitted
validateOnBlur boolean true If true, field will be validated when blur event is dispatched/emitted
validateOnModelUpdate boolean true If true, field will be validated when update:modelValue event is emitted
bails boolean true Stops validating as soon as a rule fails the validation
label string undefined A different string to override the field name prop in error messages, useful for display better or formatted names. The generated message won't be updated if this prop changes, you will need to re-validate the input.
value any undefined The field's initial value, optional as long as the field type is not checkbox or radio.
type string undefined The field type, must be provided if you want your field to behave as a checkbox or a radio input.
unchecked-value any undefined Only useful when the type="checkbox" and the field is a single checkbox field (not bound to an array value). Controls the input's value when it's unchecked.
standalone boolean false Excludes the field from participating in any Form or useForm contexts, useful for creating inputs that do contribute to the values object. In other words, the form won't pick up or validate fields marked as standalone



The default slot gives you access to the following props:

meta: FieldMeta

Contains useful information/flags about the field status.

interface FieldMeta {
  touched: boolean; // if the field has been blurred (via handleBlur)
  dirty: boolean; // if the field has been manipulated (via handleChange)
  valid: boolean; // if the field doesn't have any errors
  pending: boolean; // if validation is in progress
  initialValue?: any; // the field's initial value

The valid flag on the meta object can be tricky, because by default it stars off with true for a few moments, only then it is updated to its proper state.

Combining your valid flag checks with dirty will yield the expected result based on user interaction.

errors: string[]

An array containing all error messages for the field.

value: unknown

The current value of the field, useful to compare and do conditional rendering based on the field value. You should not use it as a target of v-model or :value binding. Instead use the field prop.

errorMessage: ComputedRef<string | undefined>

The first error in the errors array if available, a handy shortcut to display error messages

resetField: (state?: Partial<FieldState>) => void

Resets the field's validation state, reverts all meta object to their default values and clears out the error messages, it will also reset the field value to it's initial value. Note that no error messages will be generated if the initial value is invalid after reset, the valid flag will be then set to true in that case.

Note that it is unsafe to use this function as an event handler directly, check the following snippet:

<!-- ⛔️ Unsafe -->
<button @click="resetField">Reset</button>

<!-- ✅  Safe -->
<button @click="resetField()">Reset</button>

You can use resetField to update the fields' current value to something other than its initial value,

<button @click="resetField({ value: 'new value' })">Reset</button>

handleReset: () => void

Similar to resetField but it doesn't accept any arguments and can be safely used as an event handler. The values won't be validated after reset.

validate: () => Promise<{ errors: string[] }>

Validates the field's current value and returns a promise that resolves with an object containing the error messages emitted by the various rule(s).

const { validate } = useField('field', value => !!value);

// trigger validation
await validate();

handleChange: (evt: Event | any, shouldValidate?: boolean) => void

Updates the field value, and validates the field vt default. Can be used as an event handler to bind on the field. If the passed argument isn't an event object it will be used as the new value for that field.

You can update the field value without validation by passing false as a second argument.

handleBlur: (evt: Event | any) => void

Validates the field by default unless explicitly specified by validation triggers. Can be used as an event handler to bind on the field. If the passed argument isn't an event object it will be used as the new value for that field.

It sets the touched meta flag to true

Because this handler doesn't set the field value, it might not report validation correctly if other events are unspecified or disabled.

setTouched: (isTouched: boolean) => void

Sets the touched meta flag for this field, useful to create your own blur handlers


Contains a few properties that you can use v-bind with to get all vee-validate features on that input. The following is a description of the properties

field.value: any

The field's current value, you can bind it with value prop on your inputs to sync both values. Don't use it with v-model otherwise your input will freeze. string

The field name.

field.onBlur: Function[]

An array containing a few listeners for the blur event, it involves updating some meta information and triggers validation by default.

field.onInput: Function[]

An array containing a few listeners for the input event, it involves updating the field value and some meta information.

field.onChange: Function[]

An array containing a few listeners for the change event, it involves updating the field value and triggering validation.