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vite #132

magicdawn opened this issue Apr 10, 2022 · 7 comments

vite #132

magicdawn opened this issue Apr 10, 2022 · 7 comments


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cjs dep 中 require('xxx.css') 导致变成动态 require 的问题

如 node_modules/react-command-palette/dist/command-palette.js 里 require('xxx.css'), 经过 pre-bundle 变成了运行时 require(xxx.css)


dev: vite-plugin-commonjs
build: ???

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vite + electron


开发时, 需要使用

他会给 arr = [node builtin modules, + electron] 配置

  • optimizeDeps.exclude(arr) 不在 node_modules/.vite 生成这个 pre-bundle 模块
  • 自己在 node_modules/.vite-plugin-electron-renderer 文件下生成这些模块的代码
  • 配置 resolve.alias 到 生成的 optimize 代码上

比如 node_modules/.vite-plugin-electron-renderer/fs.js

const M = require("fs");
export default M;
export const appendFile = M.appendFile;
export const appendFileSync = M.appendFileSync;
export const access = M.access;
export const accessSync = M.accessSync;
export const chown = M.chown;
export const chownSync = M.chownSync;
export const chmod = M.chmod;
export const chmodSync = M.chmodSync;
export const close = M.close;
export const closeSync = M.closeSync;
export const copyFile = M.copyFile;
export const copyFileSync = M.copyFileSync;
export const cp = M.cp;
export const cpSync = M.cpSync;
export const createReadStream = M.createReadStream;
export const createWriteStream = M.createWriteStream;
export const exists = M.exists;
export const existsSync = M.existsSync;
export const fchown = M.fchown;
export const fchownSync = M.fchownSync;
export const fchmod = M.fchmod;
export const fchmodSync = M.fchmodSync;
export const fdatasync = M.fdatasync;
export const fdatasyncSync = M.fdatasyncSync;
export const fstat = M.fstat;
export const fstatSync = M.fstatSync;
export const fsync = M.fsync;
export const fsyncSync = M.fsyncSync;
export const ftruncate = M.ftruncate;
export const ftruncateSync = M.ftruncateSync;
export const futimes = M.futimes;
export const futimesSync = M.futimesSync;
export const lchown = M.lchown;
export const lchownSync = M.lchownSync;
export const lchmod = M.lchmod;
export const lchmodSync = M.lchmodSync;
export const link =;
export const linkSync = M.linkSync;
export const lstat = M.lstat;
export const lstatSync = M.lstatSync;
export const lutimes = M.lutimes;
export const lutimesSync = M.lutimesSync;
export const mkdir = M.mkdir;
export const mkdirSync = M.mkdirSync;
export const mkdtemp = M.mkdtemp;
export const mkdtempSync = M.mkdtempSync;
export const open =;
export const openSync = M.openSync;
export const opendir = M.opendir;
export const opendirSync = M.opendirSync;
export const readdir = M.readdir;
export const readdirSync = M.readdirSync;
export const read =;
export const readSync = M.readSync;
export const readv = M.readv;
export const readvSync = M.readvSync;
export const readFile = M.readFile;
export const readFileSync = M.readFileSync;
export const readlink = M.readlink;
export const readlinkSync = M.readlinkSync;
export const realpath = M.realpath;
export const realpathSync = M.realpathSync;
export const rename = M.rename;
export const renameSync = M.renameSync;
export const rm = M.rm;
export const rmSync = M.rmSync;
export const rmdir = M.rmdir;
export const rmdirSync = M.rmdirSync;
export const stat = M.stat;
export const statSync = M.statSync;
export const symlink = M.symlink;
export const symlinkSync = M.symlinkSync;
export const truncate = M.truncate;
export const truncateSync = M.truncateSync;
export const unwatchFile = M.unwatchFile;
export const unlink = M.unlink;
export const unlinkSync = M.unlinkSync;
export const utimes = M.utimes;
export const utimesSync = M.utimesSync;
export const watch =;
export const watchFile = M.watchFile;
export const writeFile = M.writeFile;
export const writeFileSync = M.writeFileSync;
export const write = M.write;
export const writeSync = M.writeSync;
export const writev = M.writev;
export const writevSync = M.writevSync;
export const Dir = M.Dir;
export const Dirent = M.Dirent;
export const Stats = M.Stats;
export const ReadStream = M.ReadStream;
export const WriteStream = M.WriteStream;
export const FileReadStream = M.FileReadStream;
export const FileWriteStream = M.FileWriteStream;
export const _toUnixTimestamp = M._toUnixTimestamp;
export const F_OK = M.F_OK;
export const R_OK = M.R_OK;
export const W_OK = M.W_OK;
export const X_OK = M.X_OK;
export const constants = M.constants;
export const promises = M.promises;


// vite.config.ts
  resolve: {
    alias: [
      {find: /(node:)?fs/, replacement: 'node_modules/.vite-plugin-electron-renderer/fs.js'}
  • 这样费老大劲, 是因为开发过程中使用的 esbuild, 而 esbuild transform API 缺少一种 external 机制
  • 相当于开发者直到在 runtime 如何 resolve 这些 deps, 手动生成这些代码


build 使用的是 rollup + @rollup/plugin-commonjs, 可以使用 rollup 的机制做 external

// vite.config.ts
  build: {
    rollupOptions: {
      external: ['fs', 'http', ...]

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magicdawn commented Jul 8, 2022


react preamble code

import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'
import { defineConfig, Plugin, ResolvedConfig } from 'vite'

function viteReactPreamble(): Plugin {
  const virtualModuleId = 'virtual:vite-react-preamble'
  const resolvedVirtualModuleId = '\0' + virtualModuleId

  let resolvedConfig: ResolvedConfig

  return {
    name: 'vite-react-preamble', // required, will show up in warnings and errors
    configResolved(config) {
      resolvedConfig = config

    resolveId(id) {
      if (id === virtualModuleId) {
        return resolvedVirtualModuleId

    load(id) {
      if (id === resolvedVirtualModuleId) {
        if (resolvedConfig.mode === 'development') {
          const preambleCode = react.preambleCode.replace(`__BASE__`, resolvedConfig.base || '/')
          return `
            ;console.log('[vite-react-preamble]: preamble loaded')
        } else {
          return ''

build 输出 file:///path/to/xxx.user.js 方便安装

function printDistScriptFileUrl(): Plugin {
  let resolvedConfig: ResolvedConfig

  return {
    name: 'monkey:print-dist-script-file-url',
    configResolved(config) {
      resolvedConfig = config
    closeBundle() {
      // @ts-ignore
      // const fileName =
      // const dir =
      // const targetDir = path.join(__dirname, dir)
      // const targetFile = path.join(targetDir, fileName || '')

      const targetFile = path.join(__dirname, 'dist', `${}.user.js`)
      const u = pathToFileURL(targetFile)
      console.log('File URL: %s', u)


  • 读取文件名 = {}.user.js
  • 读取, 默认 = dist



exterbalGlobals: { lodash: ['_', (version, name) => `${name}@${version}`] }

version 是由 vite-plugin-monkey 在 node_modules 目录通过 require('lodash/package.json').version 得到的, 不一定与项目根目录使用的 lodash 版本一致, 比如在 monorepo + pnpm + react@18 的场景下, 碰到解析得到的 react 总是 16 (monorepo 下有的老项目在用 16)

可以通过自己处理好, 再传递给 vite-plugin-monkey

import monkey, { MonkeyOption, MonkeyUserScript } from 'vite-plugin-monkey'

// 手动处理 external global 的 version
type ExternalGlobals = NonNullable<NonNullable<MonkeyOption['build']>['externalGlobals']>
function processExternalGlobals(config: ExternalGlobals) {
  for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(config)) {
    if (!Array.isArray(v) || typeof v[1] !== 'function') continue

    const [globalVar, pathFn] = v
    const { version } = require(`${k}/package.json`)
    const newV = pathFn(version, k)

    config[k] = [globalVar, newV]

  return config

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      build: {
        externalGlobals: processExternalGlobals({
          lodash: ['_', (name, version) => `${name}@${version}`]

external helper

const UNPKG = ''
const scriptUrlFactory =
  (subpath = '') =>
  (name: string, version: string) => {
    if (subpath && !subpath.startsWith('/')) subpath = '/' + subpath
    return `${UNPKG}${name}@${version}${subpath}`

const x: ExtrenalGlobals = {
  lodash: ['_', scriptUrlFactory()]

Repository owner deleted a comment from caoxiemeihao Jul 8, 2022
Repository owner locked and limited conversation to collaborators Jul 8, 2022
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magicdawn commented Jul 19, 2022

Vite HMR

console.log('Loading mount', state.visible, root, import.meta.url)

const hot =
if (hot) {
  hot.dispose(() => {
    console.log('Loading hot dispose', import.meta.url)
  hot.accept(() => {
    console.log('Loading hot accepts', state.visible, root,, import.meta.url)


  • 旧版本 dispose-callback 执行, 新版本代码执行, 旧版本 accept-callback 执行
  • callback 只在旧版本中执行, 这点需要注意.
  • 可以通过 dispost-callback 设置, 在新版本代码中读取


理解了 dispose & accept 总是在 old version 执行, new version 代码在 dispose 和 accept 中间执行, 就可以使用热更新保持本地变量了

import {proxy} from 'valtio'
let state = proxy({ some: 'state' })

let root: React.Root | undefined

if ( {
  const hot =

  // in new version, resume data from old version
  if ( root =
  if ( state =

  hot.dispose(() => {
    // save state when dispose old version = root = state

  hot.accept(() => {
    // console.log('Loading hot accepts', import.meta.url)

和下面 defineHotResume 相比

  • 优点: 直观
  • 缺点: 为了避免初始化开销, 比如 const state = || proxy(initialState), 代码需拆开

抽象成 defineHotResume 方法

import { ViteHotContext } from 'vite/types/hot'
type InitOf<T> = {
  [K in keyof T]: () => T[K] | undefined
function defineHotResume<T>(get: () => T, init: InitOf<T>, hot?: ViteHotContext): T {
  const ret: { [K in keyof T]?: T[K] | undefined } = {}

  if (hot) {
    // load in new
    if ( {

    // save when dispose old
    hot.dispose(() => {
      Object.assign(, get())

  for (let k of Object.keys(init)) {
    if (typeof ret[k] === 'undefined') {
      ret[k] = init[k]?.()

  return ret as T


const initialState = { visible: false }
type IState = typeof initialState

const { state, root } = defineHotResume<{ state: IState; root: Root | undefined }>(
  () => ({ state, root }),
    state: () => proxy(initialState),
    root: () => undefined as Root | undefined,
  • 因为 import.meta 是文件关联的, 只能作为参数传递
  • 逻辑简单说即是: 优先从[key] 中取出热更新前的值, 如果为 undefined, 则调用 initk

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magicdawn commented Jul 19, 2022

plugin react

react refresh boundary 判断规则: 所有的导出"像是"一个 React 组件, 即只要第一个字母大写即可.

除了通过命名骗过 plugin, 还可以自己写

if ( {
  • 可以加 callback
  • 必须使用全名 => { /* blabla */ }}), 使用; hot.accept() 无效, 可能是用正则匹配还是啥的, 不是这个方法在起作用...

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node builtin modules

e.g util

只要设置 alias 即可

resolve: {
  alias: {
    util: 'rollup-plugin-node-polyfills/polyfills/util',

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filter = createFilter(include, exclude)
(filter(name) && exts.indexOf(justExt(name)) > -1)

两层: filter + ext 白名单


command === 'build' &&
        extensions: ['js', 'jsx', 'mjs', 'ts', 'tsx'],
        include: [import.meta.dirname + '/src/**/*'],

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