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File metadata and controls

165 lines (154 loc) · 7.96 KB

firebase setup

  1. create project in firebase

firebase auth

  1. for android auth setup
    • change package name and add multiDexEnabled true in android/app/build.gradle
    • get sha1 key from your machine keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android and key is 23:6F:6F:D5:72:F2:D9:C7:30:7A:D9:8F:F9:07:3D:97:36:60:70:63
    • create a new android app in firebase and follow the steps
      • download google-services.json and paste it in android/app folder
      • add sdks in gradle files
    • change gradle file dedfault config to minSdkVersion 29 & targetSdkVersion 31
    • add dependencies
      # dart -> 2.16.1
      # flutter -> 2.10.2 
      cloud_firestore: 3.5.1
      cloud_firestore_web: 2.8.10
      cloud_firestore_platform_interface: 5.7.7
      firebase_auth: 3.4.2
      firebase_core: 1.24.0
      firebase_core_web: 1.7.3
      firebase_core_platform_interface: 4.5.1
      google_sign_in: 5.4.3
      shared_preferences: 2.0.17
    • WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); && await Firebase.initializeApp(); in main.dart
    • write sign in and sign out methods in auth.repo.dart
  2. for web auth setup
    • add web app in firebase and name it " web app"
    • copy the cdn code and paste it in web/index.html
    • for sign in code, you will just need web client id from firebase Authentication > Sign in method > Google Web SDK Configuration tab and add it in GoogleSignIn() object
      final googleSignIn = gsignin.GoogleSignIn(
          clientId: '',
          scopes: <String>['email'],
    • error 1 : "FirebaseOptions cannot be null when creating the default app."
      • to solve this, go to firebase console and add web app and copy the config code and pass it as FirebaseOptions in main.dart
      void main() async {
          // to avoid duplicate app name exists error - 
          // in earlier versions we used to initiliaze firebase in web.html
          if (kIsWeb) {
              await Firebase.initializeApp(options: const FirebaseOptions(...));
          } else {
              await Firebase.initializeApp();
          runApp(const MyApp());
    • error static Future<gsignin.GoogleSignInAccount?> signIn() : PlatformException(idpiframe_initialization_failed, Not a valid origin for the client: http://localhost:34661 has not been registered for client ID Please go to and register this origin for your project's client ID.,, null)
      • you can either use port 5000 (using below step) or use custom port or link your firebase project with your google cloud project
      • to solve it create a launch.json with a fixed port for localhost
            "version": "0.2.0",
            "configurations": [
                    "name": "Fl-Default",
                    "request": "launch",
                    "type": "dart",
                    "name": "Fl-Chrome",
                    "request": "launch",
                    "type": "dart",
                    "args": ["-d", "chrome", "--web-port","59688"]
      • Now to add that host 59688 to the gcp project console
      • go to and Select your project (if you cant see your firebase project, search it in the search bar. DONT CREATE A NEW PROJECT).
      • go to APIs & Services > Credentials > OAuth 2.0 Client IDs > Web client (auto created by firebase) > Authorized JavaScript origins and add http://localhost:59688
      • if there are multiple entries, then open them all and match the web client id and token with firebase Authentication Google web client id and token

firebase web

  1. firebase init and select hosting
  2. What do you want to use as your public directory? build/web
  3. Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)? No
  4. Set up automatic builds and deploys with GitHub? No
  5. change title in html file and yaml file
  6. change favicon in web folder, and replace icons files in web/icons folder

  1. change version before deploying flutter_service_worker.js?v= in index.html
  2. flutter build web to build the app
  3. firebase deploy to deploy the app

app changing title and icons

  1. Steps to change app name in Android:
    • Navigate to the android>app> src>main and open the AndroidManifest.xml file.
    • Under the application tag, Find the android:label and replace its value with the new app name.
  2. Steps to change app icons in Android:
    • use this website to generate icons icon kitchen
    • hit download after generating icons
    • create a folder named assets/icons and put your main icon.png in it and other icons in respective folders
    • in yaml, install flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.9.2 and add this in yaml
          android: true
          ios: true
          image_path: "assets/icons/icon.png"
    • now run flutter pub get && flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main and it will generate icons for you
    • do flutter build apk and verify

Version Control

  • Change the version in yaml file and in app/build.gradle file
  • if mandatory update, then only change in version.code and firebase

  • Change Version.code class variable (create a class and put the same version code for easy access)
  • For web, Change the version code in web/index.html file


  • GENERATING KEYSTORE : copy keystore command to generate keyfile.jks from here or use this command keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/<appname>-key.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias upload
  • store the passwords you enter, you will need it later.
  • KEYSTORE SHAs : now get the keystore SHA keys from Machine, keytool -list -v -keystore ~/<appname>-key.jks -alias {alias_name i.e. upload} and for password enter keyPassword.
  • PLAY CONSOLE SHAs : After releasing your app on to the play store, copy the SHA keys from App integrity section
  • Add these SHA keys in your firebase

  • create a file, android/ and these lines
storePassword=<password from previous step>
keyPassword=<password from previous step>
keyAlias=upload // notice from step 3 keyalias is "upload"
storeFile=<location of the key store file, such as /Users/<user name>/upload-keystore.jks>
  • In android/app/build.gradle, change your applicationId if you havent already, and for version number change it from .yaml
  • Add the keystore information from your properties file before the android {} block:
def keystoreProperties = new Properties()
  def keystorePropertiesFile = rootProject.file('')
  if (keystorePropertiesFile.exists()) {
      keystoreProperties.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePropertiesFile))

android {
  • Replace buildTypes block with
   signingConfigs {
      release {
          keyAlias keystoreProperties['keyAlias']
          keyPassword keystoreProperties['keyPassword']
          storeFile keystoreProperties['storeFile'] ? file(keystoreProperties['storeFile']) : null
          storePassword keystoreProperties['storePassword']
  buildTypes {
      release {
          signingConfig signingConfigs.release

  • run flutter build appbundle