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Theme object
Theme object, use-mantine-theme, theme overrides, MantineTheme type

import { ThemeDemos } from '@mantine/demos';

Theme object

Mantine theme is an object where your application's colors, fonts, spacing, border-radius and other design tokens are stored.

interface MantineTheme {
  // Defines color scheme for all components, defaults to "light"
  colorScheme: 'light' | 'dark';

  // Controls focus ring styles:
  // auto – display focus ring only when user navigates with keyboard (default)
  // always – display focus ring when user navigates with keyboard and mouse
  // never – focus ring is always hidden (not recommended)
  focusRing: 'auto' | 'always' | 'never';

  // Determines whether motion based animations should be disabled for
  // users who prefer to reduce motion in their OS settings
  respectReducedMotion: boolean;

  // Determines whether elements that do not have pointer cursor by default
  // (checkboxes, radio, native select) should have it
  cursorType: 'default' | 'pointer';

  // Default border-radius used for most elements
  defaultRadius: 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | number;

  // White and black colors, defaults to '#fff' and '#000'
  white: string;
  black: string;

  // Object of arrays with 10 colors
  colors: Record<string, Tuple<string, 10>>;

  // Key of theme.colors
  primaryColor: string;

  // Index of color from theme.colors that is considered primary, Shade type is 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
  primaryShade: Shade | { light: Shade; dark: Shade };

  // Default gradient used in components that support `variant="gradient"` (Button, ThemeIcon, etc.)
  defaultGradient: { deg: number; from: MantineColor; to: MantineColor };

  // font-family and line-height used in most components
  fontFamily: string;
  lineHeight: string | number;

  // Timing function used for animations, defaults to 'ease'
  transitionTimingFunction: string;

  // Monospace font-family, used in Code, Kbd and Prism components
  fontFamilyMonospace: string;

  // Sizes for corresponding properties
  fontSizes: Record<'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl', number>;
  radius: Record<'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl', number>;
  spacing: Record<'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl', number>;

  // Values used for box-shadow
  shadows: Record<'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl', string>;

  // Breakpoints used in some components to add responsive styles
  breakpoints: Record<'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl', number>;

  // Styles added to buttons with `:active` pseudo-class
  activeStyles: CSSObject;

  // h1-h6 styles, used in Title and TypographyStylesProvider components
  headings: {
    fontFamily: CSSProperties['fontFamily'];
    fontWeight: CSSProperties['fontWeight'];
    sizes: {
      // See heading options below
      h1: Heading;
      h2: Heading;
      h3: Heading;
      h4: Heading;
      h5: Heading;
      h6: Heading;

  // theme functions, see in theme functions guide
  fn: MantineThemeFunctions;

  // Left to right or right to left direction, see RTL Support guide to learn more
  dir: 'ltr' | 'rtl';

  // Default loader used in Loader and LoadingOverlay components
  loader: 'oval' | 'bars' | 'dots';

  // Default date format used in DatePicker and DateRangePicker components
  dateFormat: string;

  // Default dates formatting locale used in every @mantine/dates component
  datesLocale: string;

  // defaultProps, styles and classNames for components
  components: ComponentsOverride;

  // Global styles
  globalStyles: (theme: MantineTheme) => CSSObject;

  // Add your own custom properties on Mantine theme
  other: Record<string, any>;

interface Heading {
  fontSize: CSSProperties['fontSize'];
  fontWeight: CSSProperties['fontWeight'];
  lineHeight: CSSProperties['lineHeight'];


To customize theme, pass theme override object to MantineProvider theme prop. Theme override will be deeply merged with default theme.

import { MantineProvider } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
        colorScheme: 'light',
        colors: {
          // Add your color
          deepBlue: ['#E9EDFC', '#C1CCF6', '#99ABF0' /* ... */],
          // or replace default theme color
          blue: ['#E9EDFC', '#C1CCF6', '#99ABF0' /* ... */],

        shadows: {
          md: '1px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .25)',
          xl: '5px 5px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .25)',

        headings: {
          fontFamily: 'Roboto, sans-serif',
          sizes: {
            h1: { fontSize: 30 },
      <App />

Theme properties


theme.colorScheme determines which color scheme will be used in your application. It can be either light or dark, default value is light. See dark theme guide to learn how to setup dark theme in your application.


theme.focusRing controls focus ring styles, it supports the following values:

  • auto (default) – focus ring is visible only when user navigates with keyboard, this is default browser behavior for native interactive elements
  • always – focus ring is visible when user navigates with keyboard and mouse
  • never – focus ring is always hidden, it is not recommended – users who navigate with keyboard will not have visual indication of current focused element


theme.defaultRadius controls default border-radius of all Mantine components (Button, TextInput, ThemeIcon, etc.), default value is sm. It accepts 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' (key of theme.radius) or a number to set border-radius in px. For example, to remove border-radius from all elements set defaultRadius: 0:

import { MantineProvider, Button } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
    <MantineProvider theme={{ defaultRadius: 0 }}>
      <Button>With 0px border-radius</Button>
      <Button radius="xl">Default radius can be overridden with radius prop</Button>


Mantine theme has the following properties associated with colors:

  • theme.white used for body and overlays (Modal, Popover) background when theme.colorScheme is light, default value is #fff
  • used as color for all text when theme.colorScheme is light, default value is #000
  • theme.colors, theme.primaryColor and theme.primaryShade properties are described in the separate guide


theme.activeStyles lets you override styles added to buttons with :active pseudo-class:


theme.defaultGradient defines default gradient value for components that support variant="gradient" (Button, ThemeIcon, etc.):


theme.loader controls default loader that will be displayed by Loader and LoadingOverlay components:


theme.respectReduceMotion allows to disregard user OS settings and play animations for users who do not want that:

<Demo data={ThemeDemos.respectReduceMotion} demoProps={{ toggle: true }} />


theme.cursorType determines which cursor type will native controls have. If it is set to pointer then Checkbox, Radio, NativeSelect and other native elements will have cursor: pointer style:

<Demo data={ThemeDemos.cursorType} demoProps={{ toggle: true }} />


With theme.dateFormat you can configure default date format for DatePicker and DateRangePicker components:


theme.datesLocale determines which locale will be used for all @mantine/dates packages by default. Note that you should also import dayjs/locale/[locale] to load localization files:


theme.dir controls text direction, you will need to set it if you need RTL support, follow RTL guide to get started.


theme.globalStyles adds global styles, see global styles guide to learn more.


With theme.other you can add any amount of extra properties to theme:

import { MantineProvider } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  return (
        other: {
          charcoal: '#333333',
          primaryHeadingSize: 45,
          fontWeights: {
            bold: 700,
            extraBold: 900,
      <App />

To specify theme.other type, add file with the following declaration:

declare module '@mantine/core' {
  export interface MantineThemeOther {
    myCustomProperty: string;
    myCustomFunction: () => void;

Store theme override object in a variable

To store theme override object in a variable use MantineThemeOverride type:

import { MantineThemeOverride, MantineProvider } from '@mantine/core';

const myTheme: MantineThemeOverride = {
  colorScheme: 'light',
  primaryColor: 'orange',
  defaultRadius: 0,

function Demo() {
  return (
    <MantineProvider theme={myTheme} withGlobalStyles withNormalizeCSS>
      <App />

use-mantine-theme hook

use-mantine-theme hook returns theme from MantineProvider context or default theme if you did not provide theme override:

import { useMantineTheme } from '@mantine/core';

function Demo() {
  const theme = useMantineTheme();
  return <div style={{ background:[5] }} />;

MantineTheme type

You can import MantineTheme type from @mantine/core package:

import { useMantineTheme, MantineTheme } from '@mantine/core';

function getColor(theme: MantineTheme) {

function Demo() {
  const theme = useMantineTheme();
  return <div style={{ background: getColor(theme) }} />;