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gRPC Objective-C Bazel Build Support


Proposes a set of Bazel rules for building iOS applications with gRPC Objective-C library.


The gRPC Objective-C library so far only supports installation via Cocoapods. Requests for Bazel support are continually raised.

In addition to the available native rules (objc_library and proto_library), objc_grpc_library (with the same name and similar usage as the one in the internal repository) needs to be created because the native objc_proto_library is actually not usable. Some other rules are also needed in order to compile the actual library from .proto files.

Related Proposals

objc_proto_grpc_library and objc_grpc_library are built upon the implementation of the generate_cc rule defined in generate_cc.bzl. There doesn't seem to be a proposal for that, though.


For now, assume that the WORKSPACE root is the gRPC repository.

Dependency Graph

According to the dependencies in an iOS application that uses gRPC Objc library (shown below), we created two objc_library targets in the src/objective-c package within the com_github_grpc_grpc workspace: grpc_objc_client and proto_objc_rpc.

gRPC Objective-C Library Dependency

  • Target //src/objective-c:grpc_objc_client compiles all the files in src/objective-c/GRPCClient/, dependent on //:grpc which compiles core gRPC and //src/objective-c:rx_library which compiles src/objective-c/RxLibrary. It is publicly visible so that any application-specific Objective-C code can depend on it. It is only necessary when the app does not use protocol buffers (which means the service stub libraries, plus all that they are dependent on, are not included) - it is a rare case.
  • //src/objective-c:proto_objc_rpc does the src/objective-c/ProtoRPC/ directory. It is also made publicly visible so that the generated service stubs can be compiled depending on this rule. Users do not need to manually add this label to deps, though.
  • The Objective-C stubs are generated and compiled into native Bazel objc_library targets via objc_proto_grpc_library and objc_grpc_library. Details about these two custom rules are discussed in the upcoming sections.
  • Although "app-specific resources" depend on multiple libraries in the graph, users only need to add the objc_proto_grpc_library and (or) objc_grpc_library targets they defined. This is because the dependency on gRPC-protoRPC and gRPC-ObjC-client are carried along by those two rules.
  • All the necessary external dependencies are loaded with grpc_deps() in //bazel:grpc_deps.bzl and are hidden from users.

Rules for Compiling .proto Files

The gist of these custom rules is to run protobuf compiler and Objective-C plugin on provided .proto files with Those executables are available from @com_google_protobuf//:protoc and @com_github_grpc_grpc//:grpc_objective_c_plugin.

We use the native proto_library rule as a manager for .proto files (i.e. their package paths and dependencies). They wrap the .proto files and are passed into objc_proto_grpc_library and objc_grpc_library as deps.

objc_grpc_library, takes in as deps a list of proto_library targets and geneates the message stubs (excluding the service ones) for these targets and all their transitively dependent protos. In addition, it takes in a list of labels of .proto files as srcs. If the .proto file is in the same package, users can use its relative path. The list of .proto files should all contain service stubs; otherwise Bazel will complain about certain .pbrpc.{h,m} files not being generated. objc_grpc_library, generates services stubs for a .proto file if and only if the .proto file is listed in srcs.

As a result of compiling every .proto files in the dependency chain, the app-specific code only needs to depend on the one or the few objc_grpc_library's at the bottom of the dependency graph.

For objc_grpc_library, it is also possible to tell that well known protos are required in the dependency, by passing True for the field use_well_known_protos.

In terms of the execution of protoc, the command is similar to that in a podspec (all .proto targets in deps, including their transitive dependencies, are provided as inputs, and their directory from the WORKSPACE root are added to -I flags programmatically). The output directory is set to //bazel-out/<*CPU architecture*>/bin/<package name>/_generated_protos/ so that bazel is able to locate the generated files.

Generated files in the directory above follow the same hierarchy as the .proto files. Consider this project where we are building from package //A:

hierarchy Example

The resulting structure in bin will be:

hierarchy Result Example

Lastly, three other targets are created to split the files into hdrs, srcs (potentially empty, since there might be no service stubs), and non_arc_srcs. They will be fed into a objc_library rule.

When #import-ing .proto and .pb*.{h,m} files, always use their absolute paths from the WORKSPACE root.

Compatibility with the internal repository

In order to smoothen the transition to the internal repository, we defined a wrapper rule in //bazel/grpc_build_system.bzl that is loaded in src/objective-c/BUILD - grpc_objc_library. In the open-source version, this function solely passes the attributes to a native.objc_library. The implementation is different in the internal repository. I generated an alias from //:grpc_objc to //:grpc for the same reason.

Usage Example

Consider the hierarchy from the above section and further suppose that world.proto imports both hello.proto and grpc.proto. Also suppose that grpc.proto and world.proto have service stubs defined which we would like to use.

Note that the correct import statements in world.proto should be:

#import "A/protos/library/hello.proto"
#import "B/D/grpc.proto"

Configure WORKSPACE as shown below. Load grpc_deps for binding external git repositories such as @com_google_protobuf and other iOS-related dependencies:

# The choice of name here is significant, because some bzl scripts are directly dependent on the name @com_github_grpc_grpc
    name = "com_github_grpc_grpc",
    remote = "",
    branch = "master"

load("@com_github_grpc_grpc//bazel:grpc_deps.bzl", "grpc_deps")


load("@build_bazel_rules_apple//apple:repositories.bzl", "apple_rules_dependencies")

load("@build_bazel_apple_support//lib:repositories.bzl", "apple_support_dependencies")

The BUILD file for this sample project can be written similar to the following snippet. Assume that this is the BUILD file for package //A and there is a proto_library target defined in package //B for grpc.proto, named grpc_proto.

load("@build_bazel_rules_apple//apple:ios.bzl", "ios_application")
load("@com_github_grpc_grpc//bazel:grpc_objc_library.bzl", "objc_grpc_library")

    name = "world_proto",
    srcs = ["protos/world.proto"],
    deps = [
    name = "hello_proto",
    srcs = ["protos/library/hello.proto"]
    name = "world_grpc_objc",
    srcs = [
        "//B/D:grpc.proto", # since we need the service stubs from these two files
    deps = [":world_proto"]

# app-specific library below
    name = "exampleObjCLibrary",
    deps = [":world_grpc_objc"]
    deps = [":exampleObjCLibrary"]

Again, import the generated stubs in the app-specific source files as:

#import "A/proto/Hello.pbrpc.h"
#import "B/D/Grpc.pbrpc.h"

Migrating Tests and Examples to Bazel

With Bazel basically up and running, some of the unit tests of Objective-C library are being migrated to Bazel for shorter test durations. The migration is already completed to the greatest extent as for the current stage. Updated runner scripts are available in src/objective-c/tests.

Different from the tests in UnitTests, other existing tests utilizes the property of an abstract base class and inheritance. To elaborate on that, we had defined a base class for InteropTests and MacTests, and other test classes that inherit the base class while implementing different setups, thereby invoking the same set of test methods under various circumstances. The base classes are not meant to be executed. With Xcode, previously, we just needed to disable the tests in the base class. With Bazel, however, there is currently no such feature.

In order to prevent the test cases from the base class being executed, the defaultTestSuite property is overridden. The property returns an empty test suite if it sees the test instance is exactly the base class; otherwise, it returns the default test suite, which is all the tests being inherited. For example:

In InteropTests.h:

@property(class, readonly) XCTestSuite *defaultTestSuite;

In InteropTests.m:

+ (XCTestSuite *)defaultTestSuite {
  if (self == [InteropTests class]) {
    return [XCTestSuite testSuiteWithName:@"InteropTestsEmptySuite"];
  } else {
    return super.defaultTestSuite;

Test Target - grpc_objc_client_internal_testing

Source files in internal_testing are meant to be used for logging patch data of each gRPC call, in order to provide some metrics in the test environment. In addition to that, there are a few lines in the source code that is disabled in the production environment - GRPCOpBatchLog and its references. These lines are enabled only during testing as well.

With Cocoapods, it is allowed to "inject" preprocessor definitions to any targets by modifying post_install in a Podfile. In contrast, due to the nature of Bazel, preprocessor definitions can only be passed down the dependency chain. There is no way to define preprocessors (unless from the command line for the whole project) for the targets that the current target depends on. Therefore, we created a target - grpc_objc_client_internal_testing that recompiled the entire library again with GRPC_TEST_OBJC=1.

grpc_objc_client_internal_testing includes all the source files previously in grpc_objc_client and proto_objc_rpc, along with internal_testing/*.

Local Version of objc_grpc_library

The objc_grpc_library defined in //bazel/objc_grpc_library.bzl for external use creates duplicate symbol problem when used with local source files. That is because objc_grpc_library specifies the dependency to the gRPC library as an external repository which will create another identical set of static libraries in bazel-out. Therefore, a new rule local_objc_grpc_library is defined in //src/objective-c:grpc_objc_internal_library.bzl. Instead of @com_github_grpc_grpc//src/objective-c:grpc_objc_client and proto_objc_rpc, it depends on //src/objective-c:grpc_objc_client_internal_testing.

Other than that, it works identically as objc_grpc_library.

Shared Library and Wrapper Rules

For convenience and future imports to the internal repository, we defined another wrapper rule - grpc_objc_testing_library - for src/objective-c/tests package only. We created a target called TestConfigs which is basically an objc_library rule that contains shared headers, common preprocessor definitions, and the certificate bundle. Each test target is created with the wrapper rule which can append TestConfigs to every target. Meaningless repetitions of adding the shared configuration to deps is avoided, in consequence.

proto_library_objc_wrapper is a temporary workaround for importing the test targets to the internal repository. Its open-source version does nothing other than passing the arguments to native.proto_library.


The implementation is done by tonyzhehaolu.

Open Issues

For the time being, objc_grpc_library is unable to detect if a label in srcs crosses package boundaries. Namely, if the grpc.proto (as in the example above) is referred to as //B:D/grpc.proto instead of //B/D:grpc.proto, it is still accepted.

tvos_unit_test is not ready for use, so are tvos_application and watchos_application. Related issue: here.

After this commit, the objc_proto_library was already removed from Bazel as a native rule. It will probably be removed officially in 0.29. Therefore, we will need to split objc_grpc_library into two in the near future in order to stick with the convention in the internal repository. How this should be done is not discussed here as it's related to implementation details of the two rules in the internal repository.