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Getting Started

Assuming that you have Python and virtualenv installed, set up your environment and install the required dependencies like this:

git clone
cd oci-python-sdk
virtualenv oci-python-sdk-env
. oci-python-sdk-env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

You should also set up your configuration files as described here

Running Tests

The SDK uses pytest as its test framework. You can run tests against Python 2.7, Python 3.5 and Python 3.6 using the tox command. Note that this requires that you have those versions of Python installed, otherwise you must pass -e or run tests directly:

# This will run tests against all configured Pythons in tox.ini (currently 2.7, 3.5 and 3.6). You need to have those versions installed

# This will run tests against a specific Python versions
tox -e py27

If you wish to run an individual test then you can run:

py.test -s tests/integ/

Specifying a config file

By default, the tests will look for a config file at 'tests/resources/config' and use the DEFAULT profile. You can change this with the --config-file and --config-profile options.

# Use a different config file, still using the DEFAULT profile
tox -- --config-file ~/.oci/config

# Using a different profile in the default config file
tox -- --config-profile IAD_PROFILE

Specifying environment variables

In addition to a valid config file for your tenancy, the tests also require the following environment variables to be set:

  • OCI_PYSDK_PUBLIC_SSH_KEY_FILE: path to a public SSH key (.pub file) that will be given access to the instance launched in

Generating Documentation

Sphinx is used for documentation. You can generate HTML locally with the following:

pip install -r requirements.txt
cd docs
make html

Generating the wheel

The SDK is packaged as a wheel. In order to generate the wheel you can run:

python sdist bdist_wheel

This wheel can then be installed via pip.