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127 lines (102 loc) · 3.06 KB


File metadata and controls

127 lines (102 loc) · 3.06 KB

export const info = { author: [ {github: 'wooorm', name: 'Titus Wormer', twitter: 'wooorm'} ], modified: new Date('2022-12-14'), published: new Date('2021-10-06') } export const navSortSelf = 1

GitHub flavored markdown (GFM)

This guide explores how to support GFM features such as autolink literals, footnotes, strikethrough, tables, and task lists. {/* more */} MDX supports standard markdown syntax (CommonMark). That means GitHub flavored markdown (GFM) extensions are not supported by default. They can be enabled by using a remark plugin: remark-gfm. Such plugins can be passed in remarkPlugins in ProcessorOptions. More info on plugins is available in § Extending MDX

Say we have an MDX file like this:


## Autolink literals,, and

## Footnote

A note[^1]

[^1]: Big note.

## Strikethrough

~one~ or ~~two~~ tildes.

## Table

| a | b  |  c |  d  |
| - | :- | -: | :-: |

## Tasklist

* [ ] to do
* [x] done

The above MDX with GFM can be transformed with the following module:

import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import {compile} from '@mdx-js/mdx'
import remarkGfm from 'remark-gfm'

    await compile(await fs.readFile('example.mdx'), {remarkPlugins: [remarkGfm]})
Expand equivalent JSX
  <h2>Autolink literals</h2>
    <a href=""></a>,
    <a href=""></a>, and
    <a href=""></a>.
  <p>A note<sup><a href="#user-content-fn-1" id="user-content-fnref-1" data-footnote-ref aria-describedby="footnote-label">1</a></sup></p>
    <del>one</del> or <del>two</del> tildes.
        <th align="left">b</th>
        <th align="right">c</th>
        <th align="center">d</th>
  <ul className="contains-task-list">
    <li className="task-list-item">
      <input type="checkbox" disabled /> to do
    <li className="task-list-item">
      <input type="checkbox" checked disabled /> done
  <section data-footnotes className="footnotes">
  <h2 id="footnote-label" className="sr-only">Footnotes</h2>
    <li id="user-content-fn-1">
        Big note.
        <a href="#user-content-fnref-1" data-footnote-backref className="data-footnote-backref" aria-label="Back to content"></a>