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105 lines (73 loc) · 2.38 KB

File metadata and controls

105 lines (73 loc) · 2.38 KB


The actual code generation logic is hold by Twig templates, which an be found in memio/twig-template-engine.

Those templates enforce a highly opinionated coding style based on PHP standards, but they can be easily over loaded with custom ones.

Note: Memio isn't tied to Twig, we can provide alternative template engines by creating a package that would depend on memio/pretty-printer and by rewriting all the templates.

Overriding templates

In this example, we'll over load the file template to remove the empty line between PHP opening tag and the namespace statement.



namespace Vendor\Project;


namespace Vendor\Project;

To do so we'll need to copy the file.twig template in our project:

{#- File: my_templates/file.twig -#}
{% if file.licensePhpdoc is not empty %}

{% include 'phpdoc/license_phpdoc.twig' with { 'license_phpdoc': file.licensePhpdoc } only %}
{% endif %}
namespace {{ file.namespace }};

{% include 'collection/fully_qualified_name_collection.twig' with {
    'fully_qualified_name_collection': file.allFullyQualifiedNames
} only %}
{% if needs_line_after(file, 'fully_qualified_names') %}

{% endif %}
{% if file.structure is contract %}
{% include 'contract.twig' with { 'contract': file.structure } only %}
{% else %}
{% include 'object.twig' with { 'object': file.structure } only %}
{% endif %}

We've removed the line between {% endif %} and namespace {{ file.namespace }};.

In order for our custom template to be used, we'll need to add its directory path to PrettyPrinter:

// ...


And we're done!

Let's check the result:

// ...

use Memio\Model\File;
use Memio\Model\Object;

$file = File::make('src/Vendor/Project/MyClass.php')
    ->setStructure(new Object('Vendor\Project\MyClass'))

echo $prettyPrinter->generateCode($file);

This will output:

namespace Vendor\Project;

class MyClass

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