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Releases: microsoft/tslib

tslib 1.12.0

12 May 18:07
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This release adds the __createBinding helper function which is used by non-ECMAScript module emit in TypeScript 3.9.

tslib 1.11.2

05 May 23:22
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This release relicenses tslib to the 0BSD license which should allow projects that embed or bundle tslib to omit its license header.

tslib 1.11.1

27 Feb 19:32
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This release updates tslib's declaration files so that users don't have to include declarations for WeakMap in their compilation.

tslib 1.11.0

20 Feb 21:24
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This release provides the __classPrivateFieldGet and __classPrivateFieldSet helper functions to power ECMAScript private fields in TypeScript 3.8.

tslib 1.10.0

10 Jun 22:29
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This release fixes enumerability in object rest's __rest helper (see details here) and adds a new __spreadArrays helper (done as part of a change for more accurate array spreads).

tslib 1.9.3

22 Jun 07:50
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This release changes the __extends and __assign helper functions so that certain tools may more easily analyze them. Details are available on microsoft/TypeScript#24244.

tslib 1.9.2

29 May 23:50
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Fixes issues in the __generator helper regarding return-ing and throw-ing. Details are available on microsoft/TypeScript#24463

tslib 1.9.1

14 May 18:15
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Updates __asyncValues to more correctly align with CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator, and updates __asyncDelegator to ensure throw is correctly propagated.

tslib 1.9.0

18 Jan 21:46
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This release introduces import helpers that are utilized by TypeScript 2.7's --esModuleInterop flag for interoperability between ECMAScript modules and legacy module formats.

tslib 1.8.1

06 Dec 23:25
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