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Releases: mobxjs/mobx-state-tree

Version 5.1.2

09 May 17:44
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What's Changed

  • fix(types): More tightly scoping PromiseLike change by @kav in #1871

Full Changelog: v5.1.1...v5.1.2

Version 5.1.1

04 Feb 20:49
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  • types: Switches from Promise to PromiseLike - #1850 by @kav

Version 5.1.0

05 Dec 00:19
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mobx-state-tree changes

Note from the maintainer: we are releasing a "feature-level" 5.x release due to mst-middlewares and mobx-state-tree versions being synchronized. However, mobx-state-tree does not have any significant changes in this release. We plan to decouple mst-middlewares and mobx-state-tree in the future to avoid this issue. Sorry about any issues this causes!

mst-middlewares changes

Version 5.0.5

08 Nov 21:45
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This patch-level release fixes an issue with snapshots being preprocessed twice in some instances. Thanks to @adamkovalsky for the PR (#1822)!

  • Fixes a regression introduced in #1792 where a snapshot preprocessor gets called on an already preprocessed snapshot, resulting in potential errors.

If there are any problems with this release, please file an issue or leave comments in the attached Discussion! Thanks to everyone who contributed!

Version 5.0.4

25 Oct 16:54
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This patch-level release fixes three issues with node reconciliation. Thanks to @adamkovalsky for the PR!

  • Adds a getReconcilationType method to BaseNode, which returns the type which should be used for reconcilating the node. This is normally the node's type, but in the case of snapshotProcessor it is overridden to be the snapshotProcessor type. This is necessary so that the union type reconcile can correctly reconcile the "current" node first if it's possible. This fixes #1791.
  • Fixes the snapshotProcessor type's isValidSnapshot and is methods to return a validation error and not to throw if the specified preprocessor fails, which can happen when checking if an arbitrary snapshot is valid input (e.g. when determining a union type). We can't expect preprocessors to accept any arbitrary input, so we must assume they can throw when provided with invalid snapshots. This also fixes #1777.
  • Fixes the array's areSame utility to first check that the provided value is a valid snapshot before calling isMatchingSnapshotId, to avoid the preprocessor throwing an error if the provided snapshot is invalid.

If there are any problems with this release, please file an issue or leave comments in the attached Discussion! Thanks to everyone who contributed!

Version 5.0.3

18 Sep 23:26
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This patch-level release has a few small updates:

  • Removed a couple MobX TypeScript properties that have already been removed in MobX in #1666 by @Strandinator
  • Fixes array reconciliation in snapshotProcessor in #1784 by @adamkovalsky, fixing #1776
  • Updates devDependencies across the project in #1786 by @jamonholmgren
  • Some documentation updates as well

If there are any problems with this release, please file an issue or leave comments in the attached Discussion! Thanks to everyone who contributed!

Version 5.0.2

18 Jun 17:20
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This patch-level release fixes #1702, "MST should work with useProxies: ifAvailable option from mobx." It should be fully backwards-compatible with previous 5.x releases.

MobX 6.0 was released recently and ifAvailable was broken in MST. This PR fixes that.

Thanks to @BATCOH for reporting the issue and the PR fixing it!

Version 5.0.1

31 Jan 23:15
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This release fixes #1653 (PR #1656). MobX 6.1.0 introduced a new issue and this addresses that. Thanks to @urugator!

There should be no breaking changes.

This new approach, replacing makeObservable with manually created actions and computed views, also seems to have improved instance instantiation speed (MyModel.create()) by about 20% in @jamonholmgren's benchmarks.

Please report any new bugs and we will address as soon as possible. We wanted to get this fix into the hands of users ASAP as previously doing yarn add mobx mobx-state-tree means you would end up with brokenness.

Version 5.0.0

08 Jan 20:16
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What's New

Version 5.0.0 includes bugfixes that may in rare cases cause breaking changes if relying on undocumented behavior. Most apps should be able to upgrade without problems. Please file an issue if you upgrade and it causes any new bugs.


isPlainObject() supports objects from another window (#1584 by @ConneXNL)
• Models from snapshot processors can now be added to maps (#1581 by @kidroca)
applyPatch can now replace root of store if path is empty (#1522 by @epodgaetskiy)

Version 4.0.3

08 Jan 19:44
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Bug Fixes

• Add missing type definitions for onInvalidated in safeReference -- #1610 by @getkey