diff --git a/docs/command/atlas-clusters-update.txt b/docs/command/atlas-clusters-update.txt index 2e29fb8d96..1a8ebb5139 100644 --- a/docs/command/atlas-clusters-update.txt +++ b/docs/command/atlas-clusters-update.txt @@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ You can specify modifications in a JSON configuration file with the --file flag. You can't change the name of the cluster or downgrade the MongoDB version of your cluster. +You can only update a replica set to a single-shard cluster; you cannot update a replica set to a multi-sharded cluster. To learn more, see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/scale-cluster/#convert-a-replica-set-to-a-sharded-cluster and https://www.mongodb.com/docs/upcoming/tutorial/convert-replica-set-to-replicated-shard-cluster. + To use this command, you must authenticate with a user account or an API key with the Project Cluster Manager role. Atlas supports this command only for M10+ clusters diff --git a/internal/cli/atlas/clusters/update.go b/internal/cli/atlas/clusters/update.go index b291fffe25..0907a84c5a 100644 --- a/internal/cli/atlas/clusters/update.go +++ b/internal/cli/atlas/clusters/update.go @@ -146,6 +146,8 @@ func UpdateBuilder() *cobra.Command { You can't change the name of the cluster or downgrade the MongoDB version of your cluster. +You can only update a replica set to a single-shard cluster; you cannot update a replica set to a multi-sharded cluster. To learn more, see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/scale-cluster/#convert-a-replica-set-to-a-sharded-cluster and https://www.mongodb.com/docs/upcoming/tutorial/convert-replica-set-to-replicated-shard-cluster. + ` + fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", fmt.Sprintf(usage.RequiredRole, "Project Cluster Manager"), "Atlas supports this command only for M10+ clusters"), Example: ` # Update the tier for a cluster named myCluster for the project with ID 5e2211c17a3e5a48f5497de3: atlas cluster update myCluster --projectId 5e2211c17a3e5a48f5497de3 --tier M50