From 8658d38552cd93d37471814bc78e4b1ae956fa93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Arthur Denner Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2020 19:35:41 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Docs: add errorOnUnmatchedPattern option to CLIEngine (#12834) --- docs/developer-guide/ | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/docs/developer-guide/ b/docs/developer-guide/ index 13f388639a9..3f25b726f4c 100644 --- a/docs/developer-guide/ +++ b/docs/developer-guide/ @@ -356,6 +356,7 @@ The `CLIEngine` is a constructor, and you can create a new instance by passing i * `configFile` - The configuration file to use (default: null). If `useEslintrc` is true or not specified, this configuration will be merged with any configuration defined in `.eslintrc.*` files, with options in this configuration having precedence. Corresponds to `-c`. * `cwd` - Path to a directory that should be considered as the current working directory. * `envs` - An array of environments to load (default: empty array). Corresponds to `--env`. Note: This differs from `.eslintrc.*` / `baseConfig`, where instead the option is called `env` and is an object. +* `errorOnUnmatchedPattern` - Set to `false` to prevent errors when pattern is unmatched. Corresponds to `--no-error-on-unmatched-pattern`. * `extensions` - An array of filename extensions that should be checked for code. The default is an array containing just `".js"`. Corresponds to `--ext`. It is only used in conjunction with directories, not with filenames, glob patterns or when using `executeOnText()`. * `fix` - A boolean or a function (default: `false`). If a function, it will be passed each linting message and should return a boolean indicating whether the fix should be included with the output report (errors and warnings will not be listed if fixed). Files on disk are never changed regardless of the value of `fix`. To persist changes to disk, call [`outputFixes()`](#cliengineoutputfixes). * `fixTypes` - An array of rule types for which fixes should be applied (default: `null`). This array acts like a filter, only allowing rules of the given types to apply fixes. Possible array values are `"problem"`, `"suggestion"`, and `"layout"`.