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List of available matchers.


Tests whether the two values are equal.

This matcher works with any type that conforms to the Equatable protocol:

expect(2).toBeEqual(5) // Fails
expect(2).toBeEqual(2) // Passes

expect([1, 2, 3]).toBeEqual([3, 2, 1]) // Fails
expect([1, 2, 3]).toBeEqual([1, 2, 3]) // Passes

expect("Anakin").toBeEqual("Vader") // Fails
expect("Anakin").toBeEqual("Anakin") // Passes
expect("Anakin").toBeEqual("anakin") // Fails
expect("Anakin").toBeEqual("anakin", comparisonOptions: .caseInsensitive) // Passes

When comparing FloatingPoint numbers use the toBeCloseTo() instead.


Tests whether the two values are identical (share the same memory).

This matcher works with any type that conforms to the AnyObject protocol:

final class Car {
   let color: String

let car1 = Car(color: "red")
let car2 = Car(color: "red")

expect(car1).toBeIdenticalTo(car2) // Fails
expect(car1).toBeIdenticalTo(car1) // Passes


Tests whether the actual value is type of the expected type.

expect("Anakin").toBeTypeOf(Int.self) // Fails
expect("Anakin").toBeTypeOf(String.self) // Passes

This matcher also verifies whether a value or an object conforms to protocol, and can verify the inheritance:

protocol Fighter {}
class TieFighter: Fighter {}
final class TieBomber: TieFighter {}

expect(TieFighter()).toBeTypeOf(Fighter.self) // Passes
expect(TieBomber()).toBeTypeOf(TieFighter.self) // Passes
expect(TieBomber()).toBeTypeOf(Fighter.self) // Passes


Tests whether the two values are close to each other within a specified precision.

This matcher uses the abs(actualValue - expectedValue) <= precision formula to determine whether the values are close to each other.

By default, the ToBeCloseTo.defaultPrecision precision is used. It can be change with the second parameter:

expect(3.005).toBeCloseTo(3.001) // Fails
expect(3.005).toBeCloseTo(3.001, within: 0.01) //Passes


Tests whether the actual value is greater than expected value.

This matcher works with any type that conforms to the Comparable protocol:

expect(2).ToBeGreaterThan(0) // Passes
expect(2).toBeGreaterThan(5) // Fails
expect(2).toBeGreaterThan(2) // Fails


Tests whether the actual value is greater than or equal to expected value.

This matcher works with any type that conforms to the Comparable protocol:

expect(2).toBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(0) // Passes
expect(2).toBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(2) // Passes
expect(2).toBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(5) // Fails


Tests whether the actual value is less than expected value.

This matcher works with any type that conforms to the Comparable protocol:

expect(2).toBeLessThan(5) // Passes
expect(5).toBeLessThan(2) // Fails
expect(2).toBeLessThan(2) // Fails


Tests whether the actual value is less than or equal to expected value.

This matcher works with any type that conforms to the Comparable protocol:

expect(2).toBeLessThanOrEqualTo(5) // Passes
expect(2).toBeLessThanOrEqualTo(2) // Passes
expect(5).toBeLessThanOrEqualTo(2) // Fails


Tests whether the value is Truthy.

expect("Anakin".isEmpty).toBeTruthy() // Fails
expect("".isEmpty).toBeTruthy() // Passes


Tests whether the value is Falsy.

expect("Anakin".isEmpty).toBeFalsy() // Passes
expect("".isEmpty).toBeFalsy() // Fails


Tests whether the value is nil.

let optional: String? = nil
expect(optional).toBeNil() // Passes
expect(optional).not.toBeNil() // Fails


Tests whether a collection of values is empty.

This matcher works with any type that conforms to the Collection protocol, like Array or String:

expect([1, 2, 3]).toBeEmpty() // Fails
expect([Int]()).toBeEmpty() //Passes

expect("Luke Skywalker").toBeEmpty() // Fails
expect("").toBeEmpty() // Passes


Tests whether a collection has a expected number of elements

This matcher works with any type that conforms to the Collection protocol:

expect("Anakin").toHaveCount(2) // Fails
expect("Anakin").toHaveCount(6) // Passes

expect([1, 2, 3, 4]).toHaveCount(2) // Fails
expect([1, 2, 3, 4]).toHaveCount(4) // Passes


Tests whether the actual value is within a range.

Open range:

expect(15).toBeWithin(0..<10) // Fails
expect(10).toBeWithin(0..<10) // Fails
expect(7).toBeWithin(0..<10) // Passes

Closed range:

expect(15).toBeWithin(0...10) // Fails
expect(10).toBeWithin(0...10) // Passes
expect(7).toBeWithin(0...10) // Passes


Verifies whether the actual value contains all the expected values.


expect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toContain(1) // Passes
expect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toContain([2, 3]) // Passes
expect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toContain(7) // Fails
expect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toContain([1, 7]) // Fails


struct RefreshOptions: OptionSet {
    let rawValue: Int8

    static let hourly = RefreshOptions(rawValue: 1 << 0)
    static let daily = RefreshOptions(rawValue: 1 << 1)
    static let weekly = RefreshOptions(rawValue: 1 << 2)
    static let monthly = RefreshOptions(rawValue: 1 << 3)
    static let yearly = RefreshOptions(rawValue: 1 << 4)

let set: RefreshOptions = [.hourly, .daily, .weekly, .monthly]

expect(set).toContain(.daily) // Passes
expect(set).toContain([.hourly, .daily]) // Passes
expect(set).toContain(.yearly) // Fails
expect(set).toContain([.daily, .yearly]) // Fails


expect("Anakin").toContain("Anakin") // Passes
expect("Anakin").toContain("anakin") // Fails
expect("Anakin").toContain("anakin", comparisonOptions: .caseInsensitive) // Passes


Tests whether a String starts the expected substring.

expect("Anakin").toStartWith("Ana") // Passes
expect("Anakin").toStartWith("ana") // Fails
expect("Anakin").toStartWith("ana", comparisonOptions: .caseInsensitive) // Passes


Tests whether a String ends the expected substring.

expect("Anakin").toEndWith("kin") // Passes
expect("Anakin").toEndWith("KiN") // Fails
expect("Anakin").toEndWith("KiN", comparisonOptions: .caseInsensitive) // Passes


Tests whether the expression thrown an Error.

Did throw any error?

expect({ try throwError(NetworkingError.server) }).toThrow() // Passes
expect({ try throwError(nil) }).toThrow() // Fails

Did throw an Error of specified type?

expect({ try throwError(NetworkingError.server) }).toThrow(NetworkingError.self) // Passes
expect({ try throwError(HttpError.badRequest) }).toThrow(NetworkingError.self) // Fails

Did throw a specific Error?

 expect({ try throwError(NetworkingError.server) }).toThrow(NetworkingError.server) // Passes
 expect({ try throwError(HttpError.badRequest) }).toThrow(HttpError.notFound) // Fails