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Regression with electron 18: Outlook Web App nativefied shows no attachment preview #1401

4 tasks done
dkadioglu opened this issue Apr 24, 2022 · 2 comments
4 tasks done


Copy link


Bug description

Using the most recent release 47.0.0, attachments of an email are not shown anymore as preview in nativefied Outlook Web App. If I build the nativefied Outlook Web App with --electron-version 17.4.0, attachment preview works again.

Steps to reproduce

Give your full nativefier command and its logs, with the --verbose flag, on a public site:
Build with issue:

nativefier -n "Outlook Web" -p linux -a x64 --tray https://some-owa-server.url --single-instance --internal-urls "(.*?)(xx\.yy\.zz)(.*?)" --icon OutlookWeb.ico --inject OutlookWeb.js -m --file-download-options '{"saveAs": true}' --browserwindow-options '{"webPreferences":{"nativeWindowOpen":true,"affinity": "main-window"}}' --clear-cache


    Hi! Nativefier is minimally maintained these days, and needs more hands.
    If you have the time & motivation, help with bugfixes and maintenance is VERY welcome.
    Please go to and help how you can. Thanks.

Processing options...

Preparing Electron app...

Converting icons...

Packaging... This will take a few seconds, maybe minutes if the requested Electron isn't cached yet...
Packaging app for platform linux x64 using electron v18.0.3

Finalizing build...
App built to /home/dkadioglu/OutlookWeb-linux-x64, move to wherever it makes sense for you and run the contained executable file (prefixing with ./ if necessary)
Menu/desktop shortcuts are up to you, because Nativefier cannot know where you're going to move the app. Search for "linux .desktop file" for help, or see

Build without issue:

nativefier -n "Outlook Web" -p linux -a x64 --tray https://some-owa-server.url --single-instance --internal-urls "(.*?)(xx\.yy\.zz)(.*?)"  --icon OutlookWeb.ico --inject OutlookWeb.js -m --file-download-options '{"saveAs": true}' --browserwindow-options '{"webPreferences":{"nativeWindowOpen":true,"affinity": "main-window"}}' --clear-cache --electron-version 17.4.0


    Hi! Nativefier is minimally maintained these days, and needs more hands.
    If you have the time & motivation, help with bugfixes and maintenance is VERY welcome.
    Please go to and help how you can. Thanks.

Processing options...

ATTENTION: Using **old** Electron version 17.4.0 as requested. 
It's untested, bugs and horror will happen, you're on your own. 
Simply abort & re-run without passing the version flag to default to 18.0.3

Preparing Electron app...

Converting icons...

Packaging... This will take a few seconds, maybe minutes if the requested Electron isn't cached yet...
Packaging app for platform linux x64 using electron v17.4.0

Finalizing build...
App built to /home/dkadioglu/OutlookWeb-linux-x64, move to wherever it makes sense for you and run the contained executable file (prefixing with ./ if necessary)
Menu/desktop shortcuts are up to you, because Nativefier cannot know where you're going to move the app. Search for "linux .desktop file" for help, or see

Expected behavior

Attachments of an email are shown as preview in Outlook Web App.

Actual behavior

Attachments of an email are NOT shown as preview in Outlook Web App. Instead a popup is shown with the german error message: Fehler beim Laden des PDF-Dokuments. Basically, a generic error message indicating no reason. In the console of Web Developer Tools is no difference in output between the build with 18.0.3 and 17.4.0.

Debug info

Console logs of your nativefier build command, with --verbose flag (I anonymized the urls, as this is the Exchange Server of my employer.).
electron 18:

Running in verbose mode! This will produce a mountain of logs and is recommended only for troubleshooting or if you like Shakespeare.

    Hi! Nativefier is minimally maintained these days, and needs more hands.
    If you have the time & motivation, help with bugfixes and maintenance is VERY welcome.
    Please go to and help how you can. Thanks.

Processing options...
rawOptions {
  icon: 'OutlookWeb.ico',
  i: 'OutlookWeb.ico',
  _: [ 'https://some-exchange-server.url' ],
  n: 'Outlook Web',
  name: 'Outlook Web',
  p: 'linux',
  platform: 'linux',
  a: 'x64',
  arch: 'x64',
  tray: 'true',
  'single-instance': true,
  singleInstance: true,
  'internal-urls': '(.*?)(xx\\.yy\\.zz)(.*?)',
  internalUrls: '(.*?)(xx\\.yy\\.zz)(.*?)',
  inject: [ 'OutlookWeb.js' ],
  m: true,
  'show-menu-bar': true,
  showMenuBar: true,
  'file-download-options': { saveAs: true },
  fileDownloadOptions: { saveAs: true },
  'browserwindow-options': {
    webPreferences: { nativeWindowOpen: true, affinity: 'main-window' }
  browserwindowOptions: {
    webPreferences: { nativeWindowOpen: true, affinity: 'main-window' }
  'clear-cache': true,
  clearCache: true,
  verbose: true,
  c: false,
  conceal: false,
  'no-overwrite': false,
  noOverwrite: false,
  overwrite: true,
  portable: false,
  widevine: false,
  'always-on-top': false,
  alwaysOnTop: false,
  'disable-context-menu': false,
  disableContextMenu: false,
  'disable-dev-tools': false,
  disableDevTools: false,
  'full-screen': false,
  fullScreen: false,
  'hide-window-frame': false,
  hideWindowFrame: false,
  maximize: false,
  zoom: 1,
  'user-agent-honest': false,
  honest: false,
  userAgentHonest: false,
  'block-external-urls': false,
  blockExternalUrls: false,
  'strict-internal-urls': false,
  strictInternalUrls: false,
  'disable-gpu': false,
  disableGpu: false,
  'enable-es3-apis': false,
  enableEs3Apis: false,
  'ignore-gpu-blacklist': false,
  ignoreGpuBlacklist: false,
  'disable-old-build-warning-yesiknowitisinsecure': false,
  disableOldBuildWarningYesiknowitisinsecure: false,
  'ignore-certificate': false,
  ignoreCertificate: false,
  insecure: false,
  flash: false,
  bounce: false,
  counter: false,
  'darwin-dark-mode-support': false,
  darwinDarkModeSupport: false,
  f: false,
  'fast-quit': false,
  fastQuit: false,
  quiet: false,
  '$0': 'nativefier',
  targetUrl: 'https://some-exchange-server.url',
  out: undefined
Normalized URL https://some-exchange-server.url to: https://some-exchange-server.url/
Running in verbose mode! This will produce a mountain of logs and is recommended only for troubleshooting or if you like Shakespeare.

Performing async options post-processing.
Got icon from options. Using it, no inferring needed
Sanitized filename for Outlook Web : OutlookWeb
options {
  packager: {
    appCopyright: undefined,
    appVersion: undefined,
    arch: 'x64',
    asar: false,
    buildVersion: undefined,
    darwinDarkModeSupport: false,
    dir: '/usr/lib/node_modules/nativefier/app',
    electronVersion: '18.0.3',
    icon: 'OutlookWeb.ico',
    name: 'OutlookWeb',
    out: '/home/dkadioglu',
    overwrite: true,
    quiet: false,
    platform: 'linux',
    portable: false,
    targetUrl: 'https://some-exchange-server.url/',
    tmpdir: false,
    upgrade: false,
    upgradeFrom: undefined,
    win32metadata: {
      ProductName: 'Outlook Web',
      InternalName: 'Outlook Web',
      FileDescription: 'Outlook Web'
  nativefier: {
    accessibilityPrompt: true,
    alwaysOnTop: false,
    backgroundColor: undefined,
    basicAuthPassword: undefined,
    basicAuthUsername: undefined,
    blockExternalUrls: false,
    bookmarksMenu: undefined,
    bounce: false,
    browserwindowOptions: { webPreferences: [Object] },
    clearCache: true,
    counter: false,
    crashReporter: undefined,
    disableContextMenu: false,
    disableDevTools: false,
    disableGpu: false,
    diskCacheSize: undefined,
    disableOldBuildWarning: false,
    enableEs3Apis: false,
    fastQuit: false,
    fileDownloadOptions: { saveAs: true },
    flashPluginDir: undefined,
    fullScreen: false,
    globalShortcuts: undefined,
    hideWindowFrame: false,
    ignoreCertificate: false,
    ignoreGpuBlacklist: false,
    inject: [ 'OutlookWeb.js' ],
    insecure: false,
    internalUrls: '(.*?)(xx\\.yy\\.zz)(.*?)',
    lang: undefined,
    maximize: false,
    nativefierVersion: '47.0.0',
    quiet: false,
    processEnvs: undefined,
    proxyRules: undefined,
    showMenuBar: true,
    singleInstance: true,
    strictInternalUrls: false,
    titleBarStyle: undefined,
    tray: 'true',
    userAgent: undefined,
    userAgentHonest: false,
    verbose: true,
    versionString: undefined,
    width: 1280,
    height: 800,
    minWidth: undefined,
    minHeight: undefined,
    maxWidth: undefined,
    maxHeight: undefined,
    widevine: false,
    x: undefined,
    y: undefined,
    zoom: 1

Preparing Electron app...
Copying electron app from /usr/lib/node_modules/nativefier/app to /tmp/nativefier-10-48-12-app--348362-3Pg9dPXQHI6C
Writing app config to /tmp/nativefier-10-48-12-app--348362-3Pg9dPXQHI6C/nativefier.json {
  accessibilityPrompt: true,
  alwaysOnTop: false,
  appBundleId: undefined,
  appCategoryType: undefined,
  appCopyright: undefined,
  appVersion: undefined,
  arch: 'x64',
  asar: false,
  backgroundColor: undefined,
  basicAuthPassword: undefined,
  basicAuthUsername: undefined,
  blockExternalUrls: false,
  bounce: false,
  browserwindowOptions: {
    webPreferences: { nativeWindowOpen: true, affinity: 'main-window' }
  buildDate: 1650790092933,
  buildVersion: undefined,
  clearCache: true,
  counter: false,
  crashReporter: undefined,
  darwinDarkModeSupport: false,
  derefSymlinks: undefined,
  disableContextMenu: false,
  disableDevTools: false,
  disableGpu: false,
  disableOldBuildWarning: false,
  diskCacheSize: undefined,
  download: undefined,
  electronVersionUsed: '18.0.3',
  enableEs3Apis: false,
  executableName: undefined,
  fastQuit: false,
  fileDownloadOptions: { saveAs: true },
  flashPluginDir: undefined,
  fullScreen: false,
  globalShortcuts: undefined,
  height: 800,
  helperBundleId: undefined,
  hideWindowFrame: false,
  ignoreCertificate: false,
  ignoreGpuBlacklist: false,
  insecure: false,
  internalUrls: '(.*?)(xx\\.yy\\.zz)(.*?)',
  isUpgrade: false,
  junk: undefined,
  lang: undefined,
  maximize: false,
  maxHeight: undefined,
  maxWidth: undefined,
  minHeight: undefined,
  minWidth: undefined,
  name: 'OutlookWeb',
  nativefierVersion: '47.0.0',
  osxNotarize: undefined,
  osxSign: undefined,
  portable: false,
  processEnvs: undefined,
  protocols: undefined,
  proxyRules: undefined,
  prune: undefined,
  quiet: false,
  showMenuBar: true,
  singleInstance: true,
  strictInternalUrls: false,
  targetUrl: 'https://some-exchange-server.url/',
  titleBarStyle: undefined,
  tray: 'true',
  usageDescription: undefined,
  userAgent: undefined,
  userAgentHonest: false,
  versionString: undefined,
  width: 1280,
  widevine: false,
  win32metadata: {
    ProductName: 'Outlook Web',
    InternalName: 'Outlook Web',
    FileDescription: 'Outlook Web'
  x: undefined,
  y: undefined,
  zoom: 1,
  oldBuildWarningText: ''
Copying 1 files to inject in app.
Copying injection file "OutlookWeb.js" to "/tmp/nativefier-10-48-12-app--348362-3Pg9dPXQHI6C/inject/inject-ab8eaa.js"
Updating /tmp/nativefier-10-48-12-app--348362-3Pg9dPXQHI6C/package.json 'name' field to outlookweb-nativefier-393d50

Converting icons...
Converting icon OutlookWeb.ico to /tmp/nativefier-10-48-12-iconconv--348362-hQXG4aDO5VgK/icon.png. Calling shell command: "/usr/lib/node_modules/nativefier/icon-scripts/convertToPng" "OutlookWeb.ico" "/tmp/nativefier-10-48-12-iconconv--348362-hQXG4aDO5VgK/icon.png"
Conversion succeeded and produced icon at /tmp/nativefier-10-48-12-iconconv--348362-hQXG4aDO5VgK/icon.png
Copying icons if necessary
Copying icon /tmp/nativefier-10-48-12-iconconv--348362-hQXG4aDO5VgK/icon.png to /tmp/nativefier-10-48-12-app--348362-3Pg9dPXQHI6C/icon.png

Packaging... This will take a few seconds, maybe minutes if the requested Electron isn't cached yet...
  electron-packager Electron Packager 15.4.0
  electron-packager Node v16.14.2
  electron-packager Host Operating system: linux 5.17.1-zen1-1-zen (x64) +0ms
  electron-packager Packager Options: {"arch":"x64","asar":false,"darwinDarkModeSupport":false,"dir":"/tmp/nativefier-10-48-12-app--348362-3Pg9dPXQHI6C","electronVersion":"18.0.3","icon":"/tmp/nativefier-10-48-12-iconconv--348362-hQXG4aDO5VgK/icon.png","name":"OutlookWeb","out":"/home/dkadioglu","overwrite":true,"quiet":false,"platform":"linux","portable":false,"targetUrl":"https://some-exchange-server.url/","tmpdir":false,"upgrade":false,"win32metadata":{"ProductName":"Outlook Web","InternalName":"Outlook Web","FileDescription":"Outlook Web"},"appBundleId":"com.electron.nativefier.outlookweb-nativefier-393d50"} +1ms
  electron-packager Target Platforms: linux +0ms
  electron-packager Target Architectures: x64 +0ms
  electron-packager Inferring appVersion from version in /tmp/nativefier-10-48-12-app--348362-3Pg9dPXQHI6C/package.json +0ms
  electron-packager Application name: OutlookWeb +5ms
  electron-packager Target Electron version: 18.0.3 +0ms
  electron-packager Ignored path regular expressions: [
] +0ms
  electron-packager Downloading Electron with options {"platform":"linux","arch":"x64","version":"18.0.3","artifactName":"electron"} +0ms
Packaging app for platform linux x64 using electron v18.0.3
  electron-packager Creating /home/dkadioglu/linux-x64-template +4ms
  electron-packager Extracting /home/dkadioglu/.cache/electron/f4b53fda321adc66035985eac16777325dc589e9f8d2c60f8a36c64dccc7a9c0/ to /home/dkadioglu/linux-x64-template +0ms
  electron-packager Initializing app in /home/dkadioglu/OutlookWeb-linux-x64 from /home/dkadioglu/linux-x64-template template +0ms
  electron-packager Ignored paths based on the out param: [
] +2s
  electron-packager Validating bundled Electron app +0ms
  electron-packager Checking for a package.json file +0ms
  electron-packager Checking for the main entry point file +0ms
  electron-packager Validation complete +1ms
  electron-packager Renaming electron to OutlookWeb in /home/dkadioglu/OutlookWeb-linux-x64 +40ms

Finalizing build...
App built to /home/dkadioglu/OutlookWeb-linux-x64, move to wherever it makes sense for you and run the contained executable file (prefixing with ./ if necessary)
Menu/desktop shortcuts are up to you, because Nativefier cannot know where you're going to move the app. Search for "linux .desktop file" for help, or see

electron 17.4.0:

Running in verbose mode! This will produce a mountain of logs and is recommended only for troubleshooting or if you like Shakespeare.

    Hi! Nativefier is minimally maintained these days, and needs more hands.
    If you have the time & motivation, help with bugfixes and maintenance is VERY welcome.
    Please go to and help how you can. Thanks.

Processing options...
rawOptions {
  icon: 'OutlookWeb.ico',
  i: 'OutlookWeb.ico',
  _: [ 'https://some-exchange-server.url' ],
  n: 'Outlook Web',
  name: 'Outlook Web',
  p: 'linux',
  platform: 'linux',
  a: 'x64',
  arch: 'x64',
  tray: 'true',
  'single-instance': true,
  singleInstance: true,
  'internal-urls': '(.*?)(xx\\.yy\\.zz)(.*?)',
  internalUrls: '(.*?)(xx\\.yy\\.zz)(.*?)',
  inject: [ 'OutlookWeb.js' ],
  m: true,
  'show-menu-bar': true,
  showMenuBar: true,
  'file-download-options': { saveAs: true },
  fileDownloadOptions: { saveAs: true },
  'browserwindow-options': {
    webPreferences: { nativeWindowOpen: true, affinity: 'main-window' }
  browserwindowOptions: {
    webPreferences: { nativeWindowOpen: true, affinity: 'main-window' }
  'clear-cache': true,
  clearCache: true,
  'electron-version': '17.4.0',
  e: '17.4.0',
  electronVersion: '17.4.0',
  verbose: true,
  c: false,
  conceal: false,
  'no-overwrite': false,
  noOverwrite: false,
  overwrite: true,
  portable: false,
  widevine: false,
  'always-on-top': false,
  alwaysOnTop: false,
  'disable-context-menu': false,
  disableContextMenu: false,
  'disable-dev-tools': false,
  disableDevTools: false,
  'full-screen': false,
  fullScreen: false,
  'hide-window-frame': false,
  hideWindowFrame: false,
  maximize: false,
  zoom: 1,
  'user-agent-honest': false,
  honest: false,
  userAgentHonest: false,
  'block-external-urls': false,
  blockExternalUrls: false,
  'strict-internal-urls': false,
  strictInternalUrls: false,
  'disable-gpu': false,
  disableGpu: false,
  'enable-es3-apis': false,
  enableEs3Apis: false,
  'ignore-gpu-blacklist': false,
  ignoreGpuBlacklist: false,
  'disable-old-build-warning-yesiknowitisinsecure': false,
  disableOldBuildWarningYesiknowitisinsecure: false,
  'ignore-certificate': false,
  ignoreCertificate: false,
  insecure: false,
  flash: false,
  bounce: false,
  counter: false,
  'darwin-dark-mode-support': false,
  darwinDarkModeSupport: false,
  f: false,
  'fast-quit': false,
  fastQuit: false,
  quiet: false,
  '$0': 'nativefier',
  targetUrl: 'https://some-exchange-server.url',
  out: undefined
Normalized URL https://some-exchange-server.url to: https://some-exchange-server.url/
Running in verbose mode! This will produce a mountain of logs and is recommended only for troubleshooting or if you like Shakespeare.

ATTENTION: Using **old** Electron version 17.4.0 as requested. 
It's untested, bugs and horror will happen, you're on your own. 
Simply abort & re-run without passing the version flag to default to 18.0.3

Performing async options post-processing.
Got icon from options. Using it, no inferring needed
Sanitized filename for Outlook Web : OutlookWeb
options {
  packager: {
    appCopyright: undefined,
    appVersion: undefined,
    arch: 'x64',
    asar: false,
    buildVersion: undefined,
    darwinDarkModeSupport: false,
    dir: '/usr/lib/node_modules/nativefier/app',
    electronVersion: '17.4.0',
    icon: 'OutlookWeb.ico',
    name: 'OutlookWeb',
    out: '/home/dkadioglu',
    overwrite: true,
    quiet: false,
    platform: 'linux',
    portable: false,
    targetUrl: 'https://some-exchange-server.url/',
    tmpdir: false,
    upgrade: false,
    upgradeFrom: undefined,
    win32metadata: {
      ProductName: 'Outlook Web',
      InternalName: 'Outlook Web',
      FileDescription: 'Outlook Web'
  nativefier: {
    accessibilityPrompt: true,
    alwaysOnTop: false,
    backgroundColor: undefined,
    basicAuthPassword: undefined,
    basicAuthUsername: undefined,
    blockExternalUrls: false,
    bookmarksMenu: undefined,
    bounce: false,
    browserwindowOptions: { webPreferences: [Object] },
    clearCache: true,
    counter: false,
    crashReporter: undefined,
    disableContextMenu: false,
    disableDevTools: false,
    disableGpu: false,
    diskCacheSize: undefined,
    disableOldBuildWarning: false,
    enableEs3Apis: false,
    fastQuit: false,
    fileDownloadOptions: { saveAs: true },
    flashPluginDir: undefined,
    fullScreen: false,
    globalShortcuts: undefined,
    hideWindowFrame: false,
    ignoreCertificate: false,
    ignoreGpuBlacklist: false,
    inject: [ 'OutlookWeb.js' ],
    insecure: false,
    internalUrls: '(.*?)(xx\\.yy\\.zz)(.*?)',
    lang: undefined,
    maximize: false,
    nativefierVersion: '47.0.0',
    quiet: false,
    processEnvs: undefined,
    proxyRules: undefined,
    showMenuBar: true,
    singleInstance: true,
    strictInternalUrls: false,
    titleBarStyle: undefined,
    tray: 'true',
    userAgent: undefined,
    userAgentHonest: false,
    verbose: true,
    versionString: undefined,
    width: 1280,
    height: 800,
    minWidth: undefined,
    minHeight: undefined,
    maxWidth: undefined,
    maxHeight: undefined,
    widevine: false,
    x: undefined,
    y: undefined,
    zoom: 1

Preparing Electron app...
Copying electron app from /usr/lib/node_modules/nativefier/app to /tmp/nativefier-11-1-43-app--348932-SDedlpThw2Xl
Writing app config to /tmp/nativefier-11-1-43-app--348932-SDedlpThw2Xl/nativefier.json {
  accessibilityPrompt: true,
  alwaysOnTop: false,
  appBundleId: undefined,
  appCategoryType: undefined,
  appCopyright: undefined,
  appVersion: undefined,
  arch: 'x64',
  asar: false,
  backgroundColor: undefined,
  basicAuthPassword: undefined,
  basicAuthUsername: undefined,
  blockExternalUrls: false,
  bounce: false,
  browserwindowOptions: {
    webPreferences: { nativeWindowOpen: true, affinity: 'main-window' }
  buildDate: 1650790903528,
  buildVersion: undefined,
  clearCache: true,
  counter: false,
  crashReporter: undefined,
  darwinDarkModeSupport: false,
  derefSymlinks: undefined,
  disableContextMenu: false,
  disableDevTools: false,
  disableGpu: false,
  disableOldBuildWarning: false,
  diskCacheSize: undefined,
  download: undefined,
  electronVersionUsed: '17.4.0',
  enableEs3Apis: false,
  executableName: undefined,
  fastQuit: false,
  fileDownloadOptions: { saveAs: true },
  flashPluginDir: undefined,
  fullScreen: false,
  globalShortcuts: undefined,
  height: 800,
  helperBundleId: undefined,
  hideWindowFrame: false,
  ignoreCertificate: false,
  ignoreGpuBlacklist: false,
  insecure: false,
  internalUrls: '(.*?)(xx\\.yy\\.zz)(.*?)',
  isUpgrade: false,
  junk: undefined,
  lang: undefined,
  maximize: false,
  maxHeight: undefined,
  maxWidth: undefined,
  minHeight: undefined,
  minWidth: undefined,
  name: 'OutlookWeb',
  nativefierVersion: '47.0.0',
  osxNotarize: undefined,
  osxSign: undefined,
  portable: false,
  processEnvs: undefined,
  protocols: undefined,
  proxyRules: undefined,
  prune: undefined,
  quiet: false,
  showMenuBar: true,
  singleInstance: true,
  strictInternalUrls: false,
  targetUrl: 'https://some-exchange-server.url/',
  titleBarStyle: undefined,
  tray: 'true',
  usageDescription: undefined,
  userAgent: undefined,
  userAgentHonest: false,
  versionString: undefined,
  width: 1280,
  widevine: false,
  win32metadata: {
    ProductName: 'Outlook Web',
    InternalName: 'Outlook Web',
    FileDescription: 'Outlook Web'
  x: undefined,
  y: undefined,
  zoom: 1,
  oldBuildWarningText: ''
Copying 1 files to inject in app.
Copying injection file "OutlookWeb.js" to "/tmp/nativefier-11-1-43-app--348932-SDedlpThw2Xl/inject/inject-dbfc70.js"
Updating /tmp/nativefier-11-1-43-app--348932-SDedlpThw2Xl/package.json 'name' field to outlookweb-nativefier-393d50

Converting icons...
Converting icon OutlookWeb.ico to /tmp/nativefier-11-1-43-iconconv--348932-haICSyPFn4Vq/icon.png. Calling shell command: "/usr/lib/node_modules/nativefier/icon-scripts/convertToPng" "OutlookWeb.ico" "/tmp/nativefier-11-1-43-iconconv--348932-haICSyPFn4Vq/icon.png"
Conversion succeeded and produced icon at /tmp/nativefier-11-1-43-iconconv--348932-haICSyPFn4Vq/icon.png
Copying icons if necessary
Copying icon /tmp/nativefier-11-1-43-iconconv--348932-haICSyPFn4Vq/icon.png to /tmp/nativefier-11-1-43-app--348932-SDedlpThw2Xl/icon.png

Packaging... This will take a few seconds, maybe minutes if the requested Electron isn't cached yet...
  electron-packager Electron Packager 15.4.0
  electron-packager Node v16.14.2
  electron-packager Host Operating system: linux 5.17.1-zen1-1-zen (x64) +0ms
  electron-packager Packager Options: {"arch":"x64","asar":false,"darwinDarkModeSupport":false,"dir":"/tmp/nativefier-11-1-43-app--348932-SDedlpThw2Xl","electronVersion":"17.4.0","icon":"/tmp/nativefier-11-1-43-iconconv--348932-haICSyPFn4Vq/icon.png","name":"OutlookWeb","out":"/home/dkadioglu","overwrite":true,"quiet":false,"platform":"linux","portable":false,"targetUrl":"https://some-exchange-server.url/","tmpdir":false,"upgrade":false,"win32metadata":{"ProductName":"Outlook Web","InternalName":"Outlook Web","FileDescription":"Outlook Web"},"appBundleId":"com.electron.nativefier.outlookweb-nativefier-393d50"} +1ms
  electron-packager Target Platforms: linux +0ms
  electron-packager Target Architectures: x64 +0ms
  electron-packager Inferring appVersion from version in /tmp/nativefier-11-1-43-app--348932-SDedlpThw2Xl/package.json +0ms
  electron-packager Application name: OutlookWeb +5ms
  electron-packager Target Electron version: 17.4.0 +0ms
  electron-packager Ignored path regular expressions: [
] +0ms
  electron-packager Downloading Electron with options {"platform":"linux","arch":"x64","version":"17.4.0","artifactName":"electron"} +0ms
Packaging app for platform linux x64 using electron v17.4.0
  electron-packager Creating /home/dkadioglu/linux-x64-template +4ms
  electron-packager Extracting /home/dkadioglu/.cache/electron/6ba1e83a63c01ce05e10985bfc4d955c6ad43a3d135b25833fffe94983c2e3a8/ to /home/dkadioglu/linux-x64-template +0ms
  electron-packager Initializing app in /home/dkadioglu/OutlookWeb-linux-x64 from /home/dkadioglu/linux-x64-template template +0ms
  electron-packager Ignored paths based on the out param: [
] +2s
  electron-packager Validating bundled Electron app +0ms
  electron-packager Checking for a package.json file +0ms
  electron-packager Checking for the main entry point file +1ms
  electron-packager Validation complete +0ms
  electron-packager Renaming electron to OutlookWeb in /home/dkadioglu/OutlookWeb-linux-x64 +43ms

Finalizing build...
App built to /home/dkadioglu/OutlookWeb-linux-x64, move to wherever it makes sense for you and run the contained executable file (prefixing with ./ if necessary)
Menu/desktop shortcuts are up to you, because Nativefier cannot know where you're going to move the app. Search for "linux .desktop file" for help, or see

electron 18:
electron 17.4.0:


  • Nativefier: 47.0.0
  • Node.js: 16.14.2
  • Npm: 8.5.5
  • OS: Arch Linux, x86_64, fully updated
  • Is it a regression? Yes. 47.0.0 works only with electron <18
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This seems to be fixed with electron 18.2.0, see electron/electron#33711

Copy link

ronjouch commented May 2, 2022

This seems to be fixed with electron 18.2.0, see electron/electron#33711

@dkadioglu neat, thx for the ping. Closing as freshly-released Nativefier 47.1.0 will default to it.

@ronjouch ronjouch closed this as completed May 2, 2022
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