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Syntax error in the generated query after upgrading to 2.16.4 #527

iledzka opened this issue Oct 21, 2020 · 7 comments · May be fixed by #551

Syntax error in the generated query after upgrading to 2.16.4 #527

iledzka opened this issue Oct 21, 2020 · 7 comments · May be fixed by #551


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iledzka commented Oct 21, 2020


I recently updated from the version 2.7.2 to 2.16.4 and this caused a lot of my queries to fail with error like this

"Invalid input ']': expected whitespace, comment or an expression

This is the debug output:

{"errors":[{"message":"Invalid input ']': expected whitespace, comment or an expression (line 1, column 3667 (offset: 3666))\n\"WITH apoc.cypher.runFirstColumn(\"MATCH(:Person {id: $personId})-[:HAS|HAS_MEMBER]-(project:Project {id: $projectId}) RETURN project\", {offset:$offset, first:$first, personId:$personId, projectId:$projectId}, True) AS x UNWIND x AS `project` RETURN `project` { .id , .title , .status , .type ,creationDate: { formatted: toString(`project`.creationDate) },lastModifiedDate: { formatted: toString(`project`.lastModifiedDate) },pendingInvitations: [ project_pendingInvitations IN apoc.cypher.runFirstColumn(\"MATCH (this)-[:HAS_INVITATION]->(i:Invitation { isArchived: false, status: \\\"PENDING\\\" }) WHERE datetime(i.reminderDate) < datetime() RETURN i \", {this: project}, true) | project_pendingInvitations { .id , .status ,reminderDate: { formatted: toString(`project_pendingInvitations`.reminderDate) },creator: head([(`project_pendingInvitations`)-[:`HAS_CREATOR`]->(`project_pendingInvitations_creator`:`Person`) | `project_pendingInvitations_creator` { .id }]) ,invitee: [ project_pendingInvitations_invitee IN apoc.cypher.runFirstColumn(\" MATCH (this)-[:HAS_INVITEE]->(person:Person) WHERE NOT exists(person.isArchived) OR NOT person.isArchived=true RETURN person \", {this: project_pendingInvitations}, true) | project_pendingInvitations_invitee { .id , .fullName }] }] ,invitations: [(`project`)-[:`HAS_INVITATION`]->(`project_invitations`:`Invitation`) | `project_invitations` { .id }] ,members: [(`project`)-[:`HAS_MEMBER`]->(`project_members`:`Person`) | `project_members` { .id , .accountId , .fullName , .keyName , .abbreviatedName , .description , .emailAddress , .authStatus ,creationDate: { formatted: toString(`project_members`.creationDate) },imageDepictions: [(`project_members`)<-[:`DEPICTS`]-(`project_members_imageDepictions`:`Image`) | `project_members_imageDepictions` { .id , .title , .type ,thumbnail: [ project_members_imageDepictions_thumbnail IN apoc.cypher.runFirstColumn(\" MATCH (this)-[:HAS_THUMBNAIL]->(thumb) WHERE thumb.isArchived=false RETURN thumb \", {this: project_members_imageDepictions}, true) | project_members_imageDepictions_thumbnail { .id ,file: [(`project_members_imageDepictions_thumbnail`)-[:`IN_FILE`]->(`project_members_imageDepictions_thumbnail_file`:`File`) | `project_members_imageDepictions_thumbnail_file` { .uri }] }] }] ,invitationsReceived: [(`project_members`)<-[:`HAS_INVITEE`]-(`project_members_invitationsReceived`:`Invitation`) | `project_members_invitationsReceived` { .id ,creator: head([(`project_members_invitationsReceived`)-[:`HAS_CREATOR`]->(`project_members_invitationsReceived_creator`:`Person`) | `project_members_invitationsReceived_creator` { .id }]) }] }] ,owners: [(`project`)<-[:`HAS`]-(`project_owners`:`Party`) WHERE (\"Person\" IN labels(`project_owners`)) | head([`project_owners` IN [`project_owners`] WHERE \"Person\" IN labels(`project_owners`) | `project_owners` { FRAGMENT_TYPE: \"Person\",  .id , .accountId , .fullName , .keyName , .abbreviatedName , .description , .emailAddress , .authStatus ,imageDepictions: [(`project_owners`)<-[:`DEPICTS`]-(`project_owners_imageDepictions`:`Image`) | `project_owners_imageDepictions` { .id , .title , .type ,thumbnail: [ project_owners_imageDepictions_thumbnail IN apoc.cypher.runFirstColumn(\" MATCH (this)-[:HAS_THUMBNAIL]->(thumb) WHERE thumb.isArchived=false RETURN thumb \", {this: project_owners_imageDepictions}, true) | project_owners_imageDepictions_thumbnail { .id ,file: [(`project_owners_imageDepictions_thumbnail`)-[:`IN_FILE`]->(`project_owners_imageDepictions_thumbnail_file`:`File`) | `project_owners_imageDepictions_thumbnail_file` { .uri }] }] }]  }])] ,resources: [(`project`)-[:`HAS_RESOURCE`]->(`project_resources`:`Resource`) | ] ,comments: [ project_comments IN apoc.cypher.runFirstColumn(\" MATCH (this)<-[:COMMENT_ON]-(com) WHERE com.isArchived=false RETURN com ORDER BY com.lastModifiedDate desc \", {this: project}, true) | project_comments { .id , .text ,creationDate: { formatted: toString(`project_comments`.creationDate) },author: head([(`project_comments`)<-[:`COMMENTED`]-(`project_comments_author`:`Person`) | `project_comments_author` { .id , .accountId , .fullName }]) }] ,genres: [(`project`)<-[:`IN_GENRE`]-(`project_genres`:`Genre`) | `project_genres` { .id , .name }] } AS `project`\"\n                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ^","locations":[{"line":2,"column":3}],"path":["Project"],"extensions":{"code":"INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","exception":{"code":"Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError","name":"Neo4jError"}}}],"data":{"Project":null}}

When I run this query in the neo4j browser, I get this:

Invalid input '': expected whitespace, DISTINCT, an expression or ')' (line 1, column 33 (offset: 32))

Any help is appreciated.

@iledzka iledzka changed the title Syntax error after upgrading to 2.16.4 Syntax error in the generated query after upgrading to 2.16.4 Oct 22, 2020
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Hey there! Could you share a minimal example of your schema and a query that reproduces this error? Thank you 💯

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I have run into a similar issue while trying to work with interface types. I am new to all of this, so please excuse my ignorance. In my situation, was trying to create a relationship between two interfaces, as part of an interface. To demonstrate, i will try to build off the example provided on the interface and union type page in the documentation:

`interface Person {
personid: ID!
name: String
likes: [Likes]

type Likes @relation(name: "LIKES") {
from: Person
to: Subject
rating: Float

interface Subject {
subjectid: ID!
name: String

type Maths implements Subject {
subjectid: ID!
name: String
level: String

type User implements Person {
personid: ID!
name: String
likes: [Likes]
screenName: String

Adding the data:
mutation { u1: CreateUser(name: "Bob", screenName: "bobbyTables", personid: "u1") { personid } s1: CreateMaths(name: "Calculus", subjectid: "s1", level: "Undergrad") { name subjectid level } l1: AddUserLikes(from: { personid: "u1" }, to: { subjectid: "s1" }, data:{ rating: 3.3}) { from { personid } to { subjectid } rating } }

AddUserLikes does seem to establish the realationship, but results in this error for both Person and Subject:
"Abstract type \"Person\" must resolve to an Object type at runtime for field \"_AddUserLikesPayload.from\". Either the \"Person\" type should provide a \"resolveType\" function or each possible type should provide an \"isTypeOf\" function."

I don't remember receiving that error when making simiar additions in the past. I am not sure if am using proper technique. but when I try to query using the interfaces:

query { Person { likes { Subject { ... on Maths { name } } } } }

I recognize this query may be incorrect, but it is how I get an error similar to op (also if quering User):
"Invalid input ']': expected whitespace, comment or an expression (line 1, column 364 (offset: 363))\n\"MATCH (person:Person) RETURN person {FRAGMENT_TYPE: head( [ label IN labels(person) WHERE label IN $Person_derivedTypes ] ),likes: [(person)-[person_likes_relation:LIKES]->(:Subject) | person_likes_relation {Subject: head([(:Person)-[person_likes_relation]->(person_likes_Subject:Subject) WHERE (\"Maths\" IN labels(person_likes_Subject)) | ]) }] } AS person\"\n

It definitely seems tied to the interface in my case. When I try the simple query:

query { Person { name } }

I get the previous abstract type error (even when following the documentation example exactly) :
Abstract type \"Person\" must resolve to an Object type at runtime for field \"Query.Person\". Either the \"Person\" type should provide a \"resolveType\" function or each possible type should provide an \"isTypeOf\" function.

Again, I am new to all this, so I understand I may be going about this all wrong. The fact that I can't even query Person has me worried, though. Any insight is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Any updates regarding this issue?

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iledzka commented Nov 17, 2020

Hey there! Could you share a minimal example of your schema and a query that reproduces this error? Thank you 💯

Apologies for late response. I reverted to 2.7.2 because this is for an app that it's in production ;) I created a new branch and tried to reproduce this and I can confirm that the bug is definitely related to Interfaces.


interface Component {
    id: ID!
    title: String

interface Resource {
    id: ID!
    resourceOf: [Project] @relation(name: "HAS_RESOURCE", direction: "IN")

type Image implements Component & Resource (...& other interfaces...) {
    id: ID!
    title: String
    subtitle: String
    version: String
    creationDate: _Neo4jDateTime

type Project implements Component & Resource {
id: ID!
resources: [Resource] @relation(name: "HAS_RESOURCE", direction: "OUT")

An example of a query:

query getProject(
    $projectId: ID!
  ) {
    projectId: $projectId,
personId: $personId
  ) {
    resources {
      ...on Component {

if I remove the fragment ...on Component, I don't get the error. If I change this fragment to be "...on Resources", I get different error:

"invalid literal number (line 1, column 568 (offset: 567))\n\"WITH apoc.cypher.runFirstColumn(\"MATCH(:Person {id: $personId})-[:HAS|HAS_MEMBER]-(project:Project {id: $projectId}) RETURN project\", {offset:$offset, first:$first, personId:$personId, projectId:$projectId}, True) AS x UNWIND x AS `project` RETURN `project` { .id ,resources: [(`project`)-[:`HAS_RESOURCE`]->(`project_resources`:`Resource`) WHERE (\"Image\" IN labels(`project_resources`) OR \"Recording\" IN labels(`project_resources`) OR \"SourceFile\" IN labels(`project_resources`) OR \"Text\" IN labels(`project_resources`) OR \"Video\" IN labels(`project_resources`)) |  .id ] } AS `project`\"\n

Thanks for your help!

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This issue should be resolved with the PR, I would be happy to hear if it worked for you too.

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Whooo! That seems to work for me!! Thanks!

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