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257 lines (162 loc) · 5.35 KB

File metadata and controls

257 lines (162 loc) · 5.35 KB


Contribution is welcome!

Please check issues with the good first_issue for issues that can be easier to start with.

Please create a new issue for new features you want to work on.

See the next sections on how to set up a development environment, run the tests and debug.

Setting up development environment


Fedora 38 or later is required for development.

Install required packages:

dnf install \
    asciidoc \
    blake3 \
    blake3-devel \
    gcc \
    git \
    libnbd-devel \
    meson \
    openssl-devel \
    python3 \
    python3-pytest \
    qemu-img \
    reuse \
    rpm-build \


FreeBSD 13 or later is required.

Install required packages:

pkg install \
    asciidoc \
    git \
    meson \
    openssl \
    pkgconf \
    python3 \

Install pytest and reuse via pip. See the section "Creating python virtual environment" bellow.


The recommended way to get the required packages is the Homebrew. You can use MacPorts, but more work is needed and there are some issues.

These instructions were tested on macOS Ventura 13.1.

Using Homebrew

Install required packages:

brew install \
    asciidoc \
    blake3 \
    docbook-xsl \
    meson \
    openssl \
    pkg-config \

Add these vars to ~/.zprofile:

# Allow pkg-config to find homebew configs
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@3/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/homebrew/opt/blake3/lib/pkgconfig"

# Allow xmllint to find homebrew catalogs
export XML_CATALOG_FILES=/opt/homebrew/etc/xml/catalog

Open a new shell to apply the changes.

Install pytest and resuse via pip. See the section "Creating virtual environment" bellow.

Using MacPorts

Install require packages:

port install \
    asciidoc \
    meson \
    openssl \
    pkgconfig \
    py311-certifi \
    py311-pytest \
    qemu \

Select python3 and pytest versions:

port select --set python3 python311
port select --set pytest pytest311

Find certifi ca file:

% certifi_ca=$(python3 -c 'import certifi; print(certifi.where())')

Find ssl openssl_cafile location:

% ssl_ca=$(python3 -c 'import ssl; print(ssl.get_default_verify_paths().openssl_cafile)')

Backup ssl ca file:

mv $ssl_ca $ssl_ca.bak

Link to certifi ca file to ssl ca file:

ln -s $certifi_ca $ssl_ca

Install pytest and reuse via pip. See the section "Creating python virtual environment" bellow.

Creating python virtual environment

If pytest or reuse are not available using your package manager, you can install them using pip in a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv ~/.venv/blkhash
source ~/.venv/blkhash/bin/activate
pip install pytest reuse

On FreeBSD using the default shell (sh), use . instead of source:

. ~/.venv/blkhash/bin/activate

To use the virtual environment for configuring, building or running the tests, activate it:

source ~/venv/blkhash/bin/activate

When you are done, you can deactivate the virtual environment:


Get the source

git clone


Create a build directory with default options:

meson setup build

When building on macOS via MacPorts, you need to skip building the manual pages:

meson setup build -Dman=disabled

The default options:

  • nbd=auto - Support NBD if libnbd is available.

To configure build directory for release installing in /usr:

meson configure build --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr

To see all available options and possible values (after running meson setup):

meson configure build


To build run:

meson compile -C build

Instead of specifying the directory, you can run the command inside the build directory:

cd build
meson compile


To install at configured --prefix:

meson install -C build

Building rpms

Before building rpms you need to run meson setup.

To build source rpm in build/rpm/SRPMS run:


To build rpms in build/rpm/RPMS/{arch} run:



To view debug logs run with:

BLKSUM_DEBUG=1 blksum disk.img

To skip checksum calculation for testing I/O performance:

BLKSUM_IO_ONLY=1 blksum disk.img

Running the tests

To run all tests:

meson test -C build

Instead of specifying the directory, you can run the command inside the build directory:

cd build
meson test

To see verbose test output use:

meson test -C build -v

To run specific blksum tests, use pytest directly:

meson compile -C build
pytest -k sha1-sparse

If blksum is built with NBD support, enable the NBD tests:

HAVE_NBD=1 pytest -k sha1-sparse

pytest uses the build directory by default. If you want to use another directory name, or installed blksum executable, specify the path to the executable in the environment:

meson setup release --buildtype=release
meson compile -C release
BLKSUM=release/bin/blksum pytest

To run only blkhash tests:

meson compile -C build build/test/blkhash_test