diff --git a/TROUBLESHOOTING.md b/TROUBLESHOOTING.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000000..b479c8dfa4c3dd --- /dev/null +++ b/TROUBLESHOOTING.md @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +# Troubleshooting Node.js + +### 1. Verify Node.js Installation: + +* **Problem**: Node.js might not be installed or configured correctly. +* **Solution**: + * Check if Node.js is installed by running `node -v` in your terminal. + * If not installed, download and install Node.js from the + [official website][]. + * Ensure that the installation directory is included in your system's PATH. + +### 2. Check Package Dependencies: + +* **Problem**: Missing or outdated dependencies can cause issues. +* **Solution**: + * Navigate to your project directory and run `npm install` to install + dependencies defined in `package.json`. + * Check for any errors during the installation process. + +### 3. Debugging JavaScript Code: + +* **Problem**: Unexpected behavior or errors in your JavaScript code. +* **Solution**: + * Use `console.log()` statements to debug your code and trace the flow. + * Utilize Node.js debugger by running your script with + [`node inspect` or `node --inspect`][`--inspect`]. + * Consider using a debugger like [VSCode][] or [Chrome DevTools][] for more + advanced debugging. + +### 4. Handling Errors: + +* **Problem**: Uncaught exceptions or errors in Node.js applications. +* **Solution**: + * Implement error handling using try-catch blocks or `.catch()` method + for promises. + * Use event listeners for unhandled exceptions and rejections + (`process.on('uncaughtException')` and `process.on('unhandledRejection')`) to + log errors and gracefully shut down the application. + +### 5. Memory Leaks and Performance Issues: + +* **Problem**: Memory leaks or poor performance leading to high memory usage + or slow response times. +* **Solution**: + * Use Node.js built-in tools like [`--inspect`][] or [`--prof`][] to + analyze memory usage and performance. + * Profile your application using tools to identify memory leaks and + performance bottlenecks. + * Optimize code by minimizing synchronous operations, using streams for + large data, and implementing caching where applicable. + +### 6. Network Issues: + +* **Problem**: Issues related to network connectivity or HTTP requests. +* **Solution**: + * Check network configurations and firewall settings. + * Ensure that the correct URLs and ports are used in your application. + * Handle timeouts and retries for network requests to prevent hanging. + +### 7. Deployment and Environment Issues: + +* **Problem**: Differences between development and production environments. +* **Solution**: + * Ensure that environment variables are correctly set, especially for + sensitive data. + * Use tools like [dotenv][] to manage environment-specific configurations. + * Verify that production dependencies are properly installed and up-to-date. + +### 8. Module Loading and Paths: + +* **Problem**: Issues with module loading or incorrect file paths. +* **Solution**: + * Verify that required modules are installed and accessible. + * Check for relative paths and ensure they are correct. + * Consider using [`require.resolve()`][] to troubleshoot module loading + issues. + +### 9. Version Conflicts and Compatibility: + +* **Problem**: Dependency version conflicts or compatibility issues. +* **Solution**: + * Review dependency versions in `package.json` and ensure compatibility. + * Use [`npm audit`][] to check for security vulnerabilities and outdated + dependencies. + * Consider using npm's [`npm ci`][] command to install dependencies from + `package-lock.json` for consistent installs. + +### 10. Monitoring and Logging: + +* **Problem**: Insufficient visibility into application behavior. +* **Solution**: + * Implement logging using libraries to track application activity and errors. + * Use monitoring tools to monitor application performance and health. + * Set up alerts for critical errors or performance degradation. + +### 11. Security Vulnerabilities: + +* **Problem**: Vulnerabilities in dependencies or insecure coding practices. +* **Solution**: + * Regularly update dependencies to patch security vulnerabilities. + * Use security scanning tools like [`npm audit`][] to identify and fix + vulnerabilities. + * Follow security best practices such as input validation, proper + authentication, and secure data handling. + +### 12. System Resources and Limits: + +* **Problem**: Node.js processes consuming too much CPU, memory, or other + resources. +* **Solution**: + * Monitor system resources using tools like `top`, `htop`, or your OS's + built-in resource monitor. + * Adjust Node.js process settings such as maximum memory usage + (`--max-old-space-size`) or CPU affinity if necessary. + * Consider load balancing and scaling your application to distribute + resources effectively. + +### 13. Third-Party Modules and Native Add-ons: + +* **Problem**: Issues with third-party modules or native add-ons. +* **Solution**: + * Ensure that native dependencies are compatible with your platform and + architecture. + * Check documentation and community support for known issues and workarounds. + * Consider alternative modules or implementations if the problem persists. + +### 14. Node.js Version Compatibility: + +* **Problem**: Incompatibility between your Node.js version and dependencies. +* **Solution**: + * Ensure that your dependencies support your Node.js version. + * Use version managers like [nvm][] or [n][] to manage multiple Node.js + installations. + * Consider upgrading or downgrading Node.js version if necessary. + +### 15. Community Resources and Documentation: + +* **Problem**: Difficulty in troubleshooting specific issues. +* **Solution**: + * Search online resources like [StackOverflow][], [GitHub issues][], + or [Node.js Discussions][] for similar problems and solutions. + * Consult official Node.js documentation, including the [API reference][] + and [guides][]. + * Engage with the Node.js community through forums, chat rooms, or social + media for assistance. + +### 16. Performance Optimization: + +* **Problem**: Slow application performance or high response times. +* **Solution**: + * Profile your application using tools like [`--prof`][] to identify performance + bottlenecks. + * Optimize critical code paths by reducing unnecessary operations and + improving algorithms. + * Use caching, asynchronous I/O, and concurrency to improve scalability and + responsiveness. + +### 17. Testing and Continuous Integration: + +* **Problem**: Undetected issues due to lack of automated testing or CI/CD + pipelines. +* **Solution**: + * Implement unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests to catch bugs + and regressions early. + * Use CI/CD pipelines to automate testing, building, and deployment processes. + * Utilize toos (Like the `node:test` module) for testing Node.js applications. + +### 18. Containerization and Orchestration: + +* **Problem**: Issues with containerized Node.js applications or orchestration + platforms. +* **Solution**: + * Ensure that Docker images are properly configured with necessary + dependencies and environment variables. + * Use orchestration tools for managing containerized applications. + * Monitor containerized applications for resource usage, performance, and + health. + +### 19. File System and Permissions: + +* **Problem**: File system-related issues such as file permissions or file not + found errors. +* **Solution**: + * Check file permissions to ensure that Node.js has appropriate access to + read and write files. + * Verify file paths and ensure that files/directories exist where expected. + * Use appropriate file system APIs and handle errors gracefully. + +### 20. Scalability and Load Balancing: + +* **Problem**: Node.js application struggles to handle high traffic or load. +* **Solution**: + * Scale your application horizontally by running multiple instances behind + a load balancer. + * Implement clustering to manage multiple Node.js processes. + * Monitor performance and adjust resources dynamically to handle varying + loads. + +[API reference]: https://nodejs.org/api/ +[Chrome DevTools]: https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools +[GitHub Issues]: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues +[Node.js Discussions]: https://github.com/nodejs/node/discussions +[StackOverflow]: https://stackoverflow.com/ +[VSCode]: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/nodejs-debugging/ +[`--inspect`]: https://nodejs.org/en/docs/guides/debugging-getting-started/ +[`--prof`]: https://nodejs.org/en/docs/guides/simple-profiling/ +[`npm audit`]: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v7/commands/npm-audit +[`npm ci`]: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v7/commands/npm-ci +[`require.resolve()`]: https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html#requireresolverequest-options +[dotenv]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/dotenv +[guides]: https://nodejs.org/en/docs/guides/ +[n]: https://github.com/tj/n +[nvm]: https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm +[official website]: https://nodejs.org/