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Use mobx observable like useState



npm install mobx@^6 react@^16.8 # peer dependencies
npm install use-mobx-observable

👉API Docs👈


The current mobx hooks from mobx-react-lite uses pattern like below:

function MyComponent() {

  let store = useLocalObservable(() => ({ count: 0 }))

  return (
    <Observer>                      // <---
    {                               // <---
      () =>                         // <---
    }                               // <---
    </Observer>                     // <---

To be reactive, you have to wrap your jsx with <Observer> and use render props, which is not a favorable way.

There was a Discussion around this issue. At the end of it, simple solution was proposed:

function useSelector(select) {
  const [selected, setSelected] = useState(select)
  useEffect(() => autorun(() => setSelected(select())), [])
  return selected

function myComponent({ observableOrder }) {
  const latestPrice = useSelector(() => observableOrder.price)
  return <h1>{latestPrice}</h1>

However, in practice, you'll still need to create an observable for computed and actions.

Do it at once

import { useObservable, select, useMultiObservables } from 'use-mobx-observable'

function MyComponent() {

  // create local observable, with plain object or an initializer
  let store = useObservable({
      count: 0,
      get countText() {
        return `Count: ${this.count}`
      add() {
        this.count += 1

  // map external observable props to getters
  let store2 = useObservable(select(externalStore, ['propsA', 'propsB'])({ count: 0 }/* Optional */))

  // chaining with lodash.flow for mapping multiple sources
  let store3 = useObservable(
      select(externalStore, ['propsA', 'propsB'],
      select(externalStore2, { renameC: 'propsC' },  // rename getters
      get sum() {
        return this.propsA + this.renameC

  // use observable directly, returned value can be omitted since it is the same as input
  // Be ware of the performance impact: any props change will trigger a rerender.

  return (
      <button onClick={() => store.add()}>Add</button>

Automatically wrap observer HOC

Since React 17, jsx transformation is done via react/run-time instead of React.createElement. Typescript 4.1 introduced new jsx options which enabled customized jsx factory.

Hence, automatically wrap all your components with observer can be easily done via change your tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "esnext",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "jsx": "react-jsx",
    "jsxImportSource": "use-mobx-observable"

If you choose this way, please remember install mobx-react-lite. Check auto-wrap-observer/wrap-jsx.js for detail.

Performance Impact?

TLDR; No, nothing you should worry about