From 57893e3057b054c861ffc9bb17cb13ee11a33ca6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gar Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2021 13:13:29 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 01/16] chore: remove ignored deps This came up after publish, looks like node_modules didn't get cleaned out properly after the last dep updates and bundle/gitignores --- node_modules/ajv/.tonic_example.js | 20 - node_modules/ajv/LICENSE | 22 - node_modules/ajv/dist/ajv.bundle.js | 7189 ------------ node_modules/ajv/dist/ajv.min.js | 3 - node_modules/ajv/dist/ | 1 - node_modules/ajv/lib/ajv.d.ts | 397 - node_modules/ajv/lib/ajv.js | 506 - node_modules/ajv/lib/cache.js | 26 - node_modules/ajv/lib/compile/async.js | 90 - node_modules/ajv/lib/compile/equal.js | 5 - node_modules/ajv/lib/compile/error_classes.js | 34 - node_modules/ajv/lib/compile/formats.js | 142 - node_modules/ajv/lib/compile/index.js | 387 - node_modules/ajv/lib/compile/resolve.js | 270 - node_modules/ajv/lib/compile/rules.js | 66 - node_modules/ajv/lib/compile/schema_obj.js | 9 - 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"bar": 2}); -test({"foo": 2, "bar": 4}); - -function test(data) { - var valid = validate(data); - if (valid) console.log('Valid!'); - else console.log('Invalid: ' + ajv.errorsText(validate.errors)); -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/LICENSE b/node_modules/ajv/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 96ee719987f77..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -The MIT License (MIT) - -Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Evgeny Poberezkin - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. - diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/dist/ajv.bundle.js b/node_modules/ajv/dist/ajv.bundle.js deleted file mode 100644 index e4d9d156ff757..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/dist/ajv.bundle.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7189 +0,0 @@ -(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.Ajv = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function(){function r(e,n,t){function o(i,f){if(!n[i]){if(!e[i]){var c="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!f&&c)return c(i,!0);if(u)return u(i,!0);var a=new Error("Cannot find module '"+i+"'");throw a.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",a}var p=n[i]={exports:{}};e[i][0].call(p.exports,function(r){var n=e[i][1][r];return o(n||r)},p,p.exports,r,e,n,t)}return n[i].exports}for(var u="function"==typeof require&&require,i=0;i%\\^`{|}]|%[0-9a-f]{2})|\{[+#./;?&=,!@|]?(?:[a-z0-9_]|%[0-9a-f]{2})+(?::[1-9][0-9]{0,3}|\*)?(?:,(?:[a-z0-9_]|%[0-9a-f]{2})+(?::[1-9][0-9]{0,3}|\*)?)*\})*$/i; -// For the source: -// For test cases: -// @todo Delete current URL in favour of the commented out URL rule when this issue is fixed -// var URL = /^(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/)(?:\S+(?::\S*)?@)?(?:(?!10(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!127(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!169\.254(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!192\.168(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!172\.(?:1[6-9]|2\d|3[0-1])(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[01]\d|22[0-3])(?:\.(?:1?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\.(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\u{00a1}-\u{ffff}0-9]+-)*[a-z\u{00a1}-\u{ffff}0-9]+)(?:\.(?:[a-z\u{00a1}-\u{ffff}0-9]+-)*[a-z\u{00a1}-\u{ffff}0-9]+)*(?:\.(?:[a-z\u{00a1}-\u{ffff}]{2,})))(?::\d{2,5})?(?:\/[^\s]*)?$/iu; -var URL = /^(?:(?:http[s\u017F]?|ftp):\/\/)(?:(?:[\0-\x08\x0E-\x1F!-\x9F\xA1-\u167F\u1681-\u1FFF\u200B-\u2027\u202A-\u202E\u2030-\u205E\u2060-\u2FFF\u3001-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFEFE\uFF00-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])+(?::(?:[\0-\x08\x0E-\x1F!-\x9F\xA1-\u167F\u1681-\u1FFF\u200B-\u2027\u202A-\u202E\u2030-\u205E\u2060-\u2FFF\u3001-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFEFE\uFF00-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])*)?@)?(?:(?!10(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){3})(?!127(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){3})(?!169\.254(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){2})(?!192\.168(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){2})(?!172\.(?:1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){2})(?:[1-9][0-9]?|1[0-9][0-9]|2[01][0-9]|22[0-3])(?:\.(?:1?[0-9]{1,2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){2}(?:\.(?:[1-9][0-9]?|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-z\xA1-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])+-)*(?:[0-9a-z\xA1-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])+)(?:\.(?:(?:[0-9a-z\xA1-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])+-)*(?:[0-9a-z\xA1-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])+)*(?:\.(?:(?:[a-z\xA1-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]){2,})))(?::[0-9]{2,5})?(?:\/(?:[\0-\x08\x0E-\x1F!-\x9F\xA1-\u167F\u1681-\u1FFF\u200B-\u2027\u202A-\u202E\u2030-\u205E\u2060-\u2FFF\u3001-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFEFE\uFF00-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])*)?$/i; -var UUID = /^(?:urn:uuid:)?[0-9a-f]{8}-(?:[0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}$/i; -var JSON_POINTER = /^(?:\/(?:[^~/]|~0|~1)*)*$/; -var JSON_POINTER_URI_FRAGMENT = /^#(?:\/(?:[a-z0-9_\-.!$&'()*+,;:=@]|%[0-9a-f]{2}|~0|~1)*)*$/i; -var RELATIVE_JSON_POINTER = /^(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:#|(?:\/(?:[^~/]|~0|~1)*)*)$/; - - -module.exports = formats; - -function formats(mode) { - mode = mode == 'full' ? 'full' : 'fast'; - return util.copy(formats[mode]); -} - - = { - // date: - date: /^\d\d\d\d-[0-1]\d-[0-3]\d$/, - // date-time: - time: /^(?:[0-2]\d:[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d|23:59:60)(?:\.\d+)?(?:z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?)?$/i, - 'date-time': /^\d\d\d\d-[0-1]\d-[0-3]\d[t\s](?:[0-2]\d:[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d|23:59:60)(?:\.\d+)?(?:z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?)$/i, - // uri: - uri: /^(?:[a-z][a-z0-9+\-.]*:)(?:\/?\/)?[^\s]*$/i, - 'uri-reference': /^(?:(?:[a-z][a-z0-9+\-.]*:)?\/?\/)?(?:[^\\\s#][^\s#]*)?(?:#[^\\\s]*)?$/i, - 'uri-template': URITEMPLATE, - url: URL, - // email (sources from jsen validator): - // - // (search for 'willful violation') - email: /^[a-z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?(?:\.[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?)*$/i, - hostname: HOSTNAME, - // optimized - ipv4: /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)$/, - // optimized - ipv6: /^\s*(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){7}(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){6}(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}|(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){5}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,2})|:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){4}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,3})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4})?:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){3}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,4})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,2}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){2}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,5})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,3}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){1}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,6})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,4}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?::(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,7})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,5}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:)))(?:%.+)?\s*$/i, - regex: regex, - // uuid: - uuid: UUID, - // JSON-pointer: - // uri fragment: - 'json-pointer': JSON_POINTER, - 'json-pointer-uri-fragment': JSON_POINTER_URI_FRAGMENT, - // relative JSON-pointer: - 'relative-json-pointer': RELATIVE_JSON_POINTER -}; - - -formats.full = { - date: date, - time: time, - 'date-time': date_time, - uri: uri, - 'uri-reference': URIREF, - 'uri-template': URITEMPLATE, - url: URL, - email: /^[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?$/i, - hostname: HOSTNAME, - ipv4: /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)$/, - ipv6: /^\s*(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){7}(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){6}(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}|(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){5}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,2})|:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){4}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,3})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4})?:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){3}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,4})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,2}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){2}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,5})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,3}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){1}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,6})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,4}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?::(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,7})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,5}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:)))(?:%.+)?\s*$/i, - regex: regex, - uuid: UUID, - 'json-pointer': JSON_POINTER, - 'json-pointer-uri-fragment': JSON_POINTER_URI_FRAGMENT, - 'relative-json-pointer': RELATIVE_JSON_POINTER -}; - - -function isLeapYear(year) { - // - return year % 4 === 0 && (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0); -} - - -function date(str) { - // full-date from - var matches = str.match(DATE); - if (!matches) return false; - - var year = +matches[1]; - var month = +matches[2]; - var day = +matches[3]; - - return month >= 1 && month <= 12 && day >= 1 && - day <= (month == 2 && isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : DAYS[month]); -} - - -function time(str, full) { - var matches = str.match(TIME); - if (!matches) return false; - - var hour = matches[1]; - var minute = matches[2]; - var second = matches[3]; - var timeZone = matches[5]; - return ((hour <= 23 && minute <= 59 && second <= 59) || - (hour == 23 && minute == 59 && second == 60)) && - (!full || timeZone); -} - - -var DATE_TIME_SEPARATOR = /t|\s/i; -function date_time(str) { - // - var dateTime = str.split(DATE_TIME_SEPARATOR); - return dateTime.length == 2 && date(dateTime[0]) && time(dateTime[1], true); -} - - -var NOT_URI_FRAGMENT = /\/|:/; -function uri(str) { - // + optional protocol + required "." - return NOT_URI_FRAGMENT.test(str) && URI.test(str); -} - - -var Z_ANCHOR = /[^\\]\\Z/; -function regex(str) { - if (Z_ANCHOR.test(str)) return false; - try { - new RegExp(str); - return true; - } catch(e) { - return false; - } -} - -},{"./util":10}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; - -var resolve = require('./resolve') - , util = require('./util') - , errorClasses = require('./error_classes') - , stableStringify = require('fast-json-stable-stringify'); - -var validateGenerator = require('../dotjs/validate'); - -/** - * Functions below are used inside compiled validations function - */ - -var ucs2length = util.ucs2length; -var equal = require('fast-deep-equal'); - -// this error is thrown by async schemas to return validation errors via exception -var ValidationError = errorClasses.Validation; - -module.exports = compile; - - -/** - * Compiles schema to validation function - * @this Ajv - * @param {Object} schema schema object - * @param {Object} root object with information about the root schema for this schema - * @param {Object} localRefs the hash of local references inside the schema (created by, used for inline resolution - * @param {String} baseId base ID for IDs in the schema - * @return {Function} validation function - */ -function compile(schema, root, localRefs, baseId) { - /* jshint validthis: true, evil: true */ - /* eslint no-shadow: 0 */ - var self = this - , opts = this._opts - , refVal = [ undefined ] - , refs = {} - , patterns = [] - , patternsHash = {} - , defaults = [] - , defaultsHash = {} - , customRules = []; - - root = root || { schema: schema, refVal: refVal, refs: refs }; - - var c =, schema, root, baseId); - var compilation = this._compilations[c.index]; - if (c.compiling) return (compilation.callValidate = callValidate); - - var formats = this._formats; - var RULES = this.RULES; - - try { - var v = localCompile(schema, root, localRefs, baseId); - compilation.validate = v; - var cv = compilation.callValidate; - if (cv) { - cv.schema = v.schema; - cv.errors = null; - cv.refs = v.refs; - cv.refVal = v.refVal; - cv.root = v.root; - cv.$async = v.$async; - if (opts.sourceCode) cv.source = v.source; - } - return v; - } finally { -, schema, root, baseId); - } - - /* @this {*} - custom context, see passContext option */ - function callValidate() { - /* jshint validthis: true */ - var validate = compilation.validate; - var result = validate.apply(this, arguments); - callValidate.errors = validate.errors; - return result; - } - - function localCompile(_schema, _root, localRefs, baseId) { - var isRoot = !_root || (_root && _root.schema == _schema); - if (_root.schema != root.schema) - return, _schema, _root, localRefs, baseId); - - var $async = _schema.$async === true; - - var sourceCode = validateGenerator({ - isTop: true, - schema: _schema, - isRoot: isRoot, - baseId: baseId, - root: _root, - schemaPath: '', - errSchemaPath: '#', - errorPath: '""', - MissingRefError: errorClasses.MissingRef, - RULES: RULES, - validate: validateGenerator, - util: util, - resolve: resolve, - resolveRef: resolveRef, - usePattern: usePattern, - useDefault: useDefault, - useCustomRule: useCustomRule, - opts: opts, - formats: formats, - logger: self.logger, - self: self - }); - - sourceCode = vars(refVal, refValCode) + vars(patterns, patternCode) - + vars(defaults, defaultCode) + vars(customRules, customRuleCode) - + sourceCode; - - if (opts.processCode) sourceCode = opts.processCode(sourceCode, _schema); - // console.log('\n\n\n *** \n', JSON.stringify(sourceCode)); - var validate; - try { - var makeValidate = new Function( - 'self', - 'RULES', - 'formats', - 'root', - 'refVal', - 'defaults', - 'customRules', - 'equal', - 'ucs2length', - 'ValidationError', - sourceCode - ); - - validate = makeValidate( - self, - RULES, - formats, - root, - refVal, - defaults, - customRules, - equal, - ucs2length, - ValidationError - ); - - refVal[0] = validate; - } catch(e) { - self.logger.error('Error compiling schema, function code:', sourceCode); - throw e; - } - - validate.schema = _schema; - validate.errors = null; - validate.refs = refs; - validate.refVal = refVal; - validate.root = isRoot ? validate : _root; - if ($async) validate.$async = true; - if (opts.sourceCode === true) { - validate.source = { - code: sourceCode, - patterns: patterns, - defaults: defaults - }; - } - - return validate; - } - - function resolveRef(baseId, ref, isRoot) { - ref = resolve.url(baseId, ref); - var refIndex = refs[ref]; - var _refVal, refCode; - if (refIndex !== undefined) { - _refVal = refVal[refIndex]; - refCode = 'refVal[' + refIndex + ']'; - return resolvedRef(_refVal, refCode); - } - if (!isRoot && root.refs) { - var rootRefId = root.refs[ref]; - if (rootRefId !== undefined) { - _refVal = root.refVal[rootRefId]; - refCode = addLocalRef(ref, _refVal); - return resolvedRef(_refVal, refCode); - } - } - - refCode = addLocalRef(ref); - var v =, localCompile, root, ref); - if (v === undefined) { - var localSchema = localRefs && localRefs[ref]; - if (localSchema) { - v = resolve.inlineRef(localSchema, opts.inlineRefs) - ? localSchema - :, localSchema, root, localRefs, baseId); - } - } - - if (v === undefined) { - removeLocalRef(ref); - } else { - replaceLocalRef(ref, v); - return resolvedRef(v, refCode); - } - } - - function addLocalRef(ref, v) { - var refId = refVal.length; - refVal[refId] = v; - refs[ref] = refId; - return 'refVal' + refId; - } - - function removeLocalRef(ref) { - delete refs[ref]; - } - - function replaceLocalRef(ref, v) { - var refId = refs[ref]; - refVal[refId] = v; - } - - function resolvedRef(refVal, code) { - return typeof refVal == 'object' || typeof refVal == 'boolean' - ? { code: code, schema: refVal, inline: true } - : { code: code, $async: refVal && !!refVal.$async }; - } - - function usePattern(regexStr) { - var index = patternsHash[regexStr]; - if (index === undefined) { - index = patternsHash[regexStr] = patterns.length; - patterns[index] = regexStr; - } - return 'pattern' + index; - } - - function useDefault(value) { - switch (typeof value) { - case 'boolean': - case 'number': - return '' + value; - case 'string': - return util.toQuotedString(value); - case 'object': - if (value === null) return 'null'; - var valueStr = stableStringify(value); - var index = defaultsHash[valueStr]; - if (index === undefined) { - index = defaultsHash[valueStr] = defaults.length; - defaults[index] = value; - } - return 'default' + index; - } - } - - function useCustomRule(rule, schema, parentSchema, it) { - if (self._opts.validateSchema !== false) { - var deps = rule.definition.dependencies; - if (deps && !deps.every(function(keyword) { - return, keyword); - })) - throw new Error('parent schema must have all required keywords: ' + deps.join(',')); - - var validateSchema = rule.definition.validateSchema; - if (validateSchema) { - var valid = validateSchema(schema); - if (!valid) { - var message = 'keyword schema is invalid: ' + self.errorsText(validateSchema.errors); - if (self._opts.validateSchema == 'log') self.logger.error(message); - else throw new Error(message); - } - } - } - - var compile = rule.definition.compile - , inline = rule.definition.inline - , macro = rule.definition.macro; - - var validate; - if (compile) { - validate =, schema, parentSchema, it); - } else if (macro) { - validate =, schema, parentSchema, it); - if (opts.validateSchema !== false) self.validateSchema(validate, true); - } else if (inline) { - validate =, it, rule.keyword, schema, parentSchema); - } else { - validate = rule.definition.validate; - if (!validate) return; - } - - if (validate === undefined) - throw new Error('custom keyword "' + rule.keyword + '"failed to compile'); - - var index = customRules.length; - customRules[index] = validate; - - return { - code: 'customRule' + index, - validate: validate - }; - } -} - - -/** - * Checks if the schema is currently compiled - * @this Ajv - * @param {Object} schema schema to compile - * @param {Object} root root object - * @param {String} baseId base schema ID - * @return {Object} object with properties "index" (compilation index) and "compiling" (boolean) - */ -function checkCompiling(schema, root, baseId) { - /* jshint validthis: true */ - var index =, schema, root, baseId); - if (index >= 0) return { index: index, compiling: true }; - index = this._compilations.length; - this._compilations[index] = { - schema: schema, - root: root, - baseId: baseId - }; - return { index: index, compiling: false }; -} - - -/** - * Removes the schema from the currently compiled list - * @this Ajv - * @param {Object} schema schema to compile - * @param {Object} root root object - * @param {String} baseId base schema ID - */ -function endCompiling(schema, root, baseId) { - /* jshint validthis: true */ - var i =, schema, root, baseId); - if (i >= 0) this._compilations.splice(i, 1); -} - - -/** - * Index of schema compilation in the currently compiled list - * @this Ajv - * @param {Object} schema schema to compile - * @param {Object} root root object - * @param {String} baseId base schema ID - * @return {Integer} compilation index - */ -function compIndex(schema, root, baseId) { - /* jshint validthis: true */ - for (var i=0; i= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDBFF && pos < len) { - // high surrogate, and there is a next character - value = str.charCodeAt(pos); - if ((value & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) pos++; // low surrogate - } - } - return length; -}; - -},{}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; - - -module.exports = { - copy: copy, - checkDataType: checkDataType, - checkDataTypes: checkDataTypes, - coerceToTypes: coerceToTypes, - toHash: toHash, - getProperty: getProperty, - escapeQuotes: escapeQuotes, - equal: require('fast-deep-equal'), - ucs2length: require('./ucs2length'), - varOccurences: varOccurences, - varReplace: varReplace, - schemaHasRules: schemaHasRules, - schemaHasRulesExcept: schemaHasRulesExcept, - schemaUnknownRules: schemaUnknownRules, - toQuotedString: toQuotedString, - getPathExpr: getPathExpr, - getPath: getPath, - getData: getData, - unescapeFragment: unescapeFragment, - unescapeJsonPointer: unescapeJsonPointer, - escapeFragment: escapeFragment, - escapeJsonPointer: escapeJsonPointer -}; - - -function copy(o, to) { - to = to || {}; - for (var key in o) to[key] = o[key]; - return to; -} - - -function checkDataType(dataType, data, strictNumbers, negate) { - var EQUAL = negate ? ' !== ' : ' === ' - , AND = negate ? ' || ' : ' && ' - , OK = negate ? '!' : '' - , NOT = negate ? '' : '!'; - switch (dataType) { - case 'null': return data + EQUAL + 'null'; - case 'array': return OK + 'Array.isArray(' + data + ')'; - case 'object': return '(' + OK + data + AND + - 'typeof ' + data + EQUAL + '"object"' + AND + - NOT + 'Array.isArray(' + data + '))'; - case 'integer': return '(typeof ' + data + EQUAL + '"number"' + AND + - NOT + '(' + data + ' % 1)' + - AND + data + EQUAL + data + - (strictNumbers ? (AND + OK + 'isFinite(' + data + ')') : '') + ')'; - case 'number': return '(typeof ' + data + EQUAL + '"' + dataType + '"' + - (strictNumbers ? (AND + OK + 'isFinite(' + data + ')') : '') + ')'; - default: return 'typeof ' + data + EQUAL + '"' + dataType + '"'; - } -} - - -function checkDataTypes(dataTypes, data, strictNumbers) { - switch (dataTypes.length) { - case 1: return checkDataType(dataTypes[0], data, strictNumbers, true); - default: - var code = ''; - var types = toHash(dataTypes); - if (types.array && types.object) { - code = types.null ? '(': '(!' + data + ' || '; - code += 'typeof ' + data + ' !== "object")'; - delete types.null; - delete types.array; - delete types.object; - } - if (types.number) delete types.integer; - for (var t in types) - code += (code ? ' && ' : '' ) + checkDataType(t, data, strictNumbers, true); - - return code; - } -} - - -var COERCE_TO_TYPES = toHash([ 'string', 'number', 'integer', 'boolean', 'null' ]); -function coerceToTypes(optionCoerceTypes, dataTypes) { - if (Array.isArray(dataTypes)) { - var types = []; - for (var i=0; i= lvl) throw new Error('Cannot access property/index ' + up + ' levels up, current level is ' + lvl); - return paths[lvl - up]; - } - - if (up > lvl) throw new Error('Cannot access data ' + up + ' levels up, current level is ' + lvl); - data = 'data' + ((lvl - up) || ''); - if (!jsonPointer) return data; - } - - var expr = data; - var segments = jsonPointer.split('/'); - for (var i=0; i', - $notOp = $isMax ? '>' : '<', - $errorKeyword = undefined; - if (!($isData || typeof $schema == 'number' || $schema === undefined)) { - throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number'); - } - if (!($isDataExcl || $schemaExcl === undefined || typeof $schemaExcl == 'number' || typeof $schemaExcl == 'boolean')) { - throw new Error($exclusiveKeyword + ' must be number or boolean'); - } - if ($isDataExcl) { - var $schemaValueExcl = it.util.getData($schemaExcl.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr), - $exclusive = 'exclusive' + $lvl, - $exclType = 'exclType' + $lvl, - $exclIsNumber = 'exclIsNumber' + $lvl, - $opExpr = 'op' + $lvl, - $opStr = '\' + ' + $opExpr + ' + \''; - out += ' var schemaExcl' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + ($schemaValueExcl) + '; '; - $schemaValueExcl = 'schemaExcl' + $lvl; - out += ' var ' + ($exclusive) + '; var ' + ($exclType) + ' = typeof ' + ($schemaValueExcl) + '; if (' + ($exclType) + ' != \'boolean\' && ' + ($exclType) + ' != \'undefined\' && ' + ($exclType) + ' != \'number\') { '; - var $errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || '_exclusiveLimit') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: {} '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'' + ($exclusiveKeyword) + ' should be boolean\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } else if ( '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\') || '; - } - out += ' ' + ($exclType) + ' == \'number\' ? ( (' + ($exclusive) + ' = ' + ($schemaValue) + ' === undefined || ' + ($schemaValueExcl) + ' ' + ($op) + '= ' + ($schemaValue) + ') ? ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + '= ' + ($schemaValueExcl) + ' : ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ' ) : ( (' + ($exclusive) + ' = ' + ($schemaValueExcl) + ' === true) ? ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + '= ' + ($schemaValue) + ' : ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ' ) || ' + ($data) + ' !== ' + ($data) + ') { var op' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + ($exclusive) + ' ? \'' + ($op) + '\' : \'' + ($op) + '=\'; '; - if ($schema === undefined) { - $errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword; - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $exclusiveKeyword; - $schemaValue = $schemaValueExcl; - $isData = $isDataExcl; - } - } else { - var $exclIsNumber = typeof $schemaExcl == 'number', - $opStr = $op; - if ($exclIsNumber && $isData) { - var $opExpr = '\'' + $opStr + '\''; - out += ' if ( '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\') || '; - } - out += ' ( ' + ($schemaValue) + ' === undefined || ' + ($schemaExcl) + ' ' + ($op) + '= ' + ($schemaValue) + ' ? ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + '= ' + ($schemaExcl) + ' : ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ' ) || ' + ($data) + ' !== ' + ($data) + ') { '; - } else { - if ($exclIsNumber && $schema === undefined) { - $exclusive = true; - $errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword; - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $exclusiveKeyword; - $schemaValue = $schemaExcl; - $notOp += '='; - } else { - if ($exclIsNumber) $schemaValue = Math[$isMax ? 'min' : 'max']($schemaExcl, $schema); - if ($schemaExcl === ($exclIsNumber ? $schemaValue : true)) { - $exclusive = true; - $errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword; - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $exclusiveKeyword; - $notOp += '='; - } else { - $exclusive = false; - $opStr += '='; - } - } - var $opExpr = '\'' + $opStr + '\''; - out += ' if ( '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\') || '; - } - out += ' ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ' || ' + ($data) + ' !== ' + ($data) + ') { '; - } - } - $errorKeyword = $errorKeyword || $keyword; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || '_limit') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { comparison: ' + ($opExpr) + ', limit: ' + ($schemaValue) + ', exclusive: ' + ($exclusive) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should be ' + ($opStr) + ' '; - if ($isData) { - out += '\' + ' + ($schemaValue); - } else { - out += '' + ($schemaValue) + '\''; - } - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: '; - if ($isData) { - out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath); - } else { - out += '' + ($schema); - } - out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - return out; -} - -},{}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate__limitItems(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $errorKeyword; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - if (!($isData || typeof $schema == 'number')) { - throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number'); - } - var $op = $keyword == 'maxItems' ? '>' : '<'; - out += 'if ( '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\') || '; - } - out += ' ' + ($data) + '.length ' + ($op) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ') { '; - var $errorKeyword = $keyword; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || '_limitItems') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { limit: ' + ($schemaValue) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should NOT have '; - if ($keyword == 'maxItems') { - out += 'more'; - } else { - out += 'fewer'; - } - out += ' than '; - if ($isData) { - out += '\' + ' + ($schemaValue) + ' + \''; - } else { - out += '' + ($schema); - } - out += ' items\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: '; - if ($isData) { - out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath); - } else { - out += '' + ($schema); - } - out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += '} '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - return out; -} - -},{}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate__limitLength(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $errorKeyword; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - if (!($isData || typeof $schema == 'number')) { - throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number'); - } - var $op = $keyword == 'maxLength' ? '>' : '<'; - out += 'if ( '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\') || '; - } - if (it.opts.unicode === false) { - out += ' ' + ($data) + '.length '; - } else { - out += ' ucs2length(' + ($data) + ') '; - } - out += ' ' + ($op) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ') { '; - var $errorKeyword = $keyword; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || '_limitLength') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { limit: ' + ($schemaValue) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should NOT be '; - if ($keyword == 'maxLength') { - out += 'longer'; - } else { - out += 'shorter'; - } - out += ' than '; - if ($isData) { - out += '\' + ' + ($schemaValue) + ' + \''; - } else { - out += '' + ($schema); - } - out += ' characters\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: '; - if ($isData) { - out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath); - } else { - out += '' + ($schema); - } - out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += '} '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - return out; -} - -},{}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate__limitProperties(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $errorKeyword; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - if (!($isData || typeof $schema == 'number')) { - throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number'); - } - var $op = $keyword == 'maxProperties' ? '>' : '<'; - out += 'if ( '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\') || '; - } - out += ' Object.keys(' + ($data) + ').length ' + ($op) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ') { '; - var $errorKeyword = $keyword; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || '_limitProperties') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { limit: ' + ($schemaValue) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should NOT have '; - if ($keyword == 'maxProperties') { - out += 'more'; - } else { - out += 'fewer'; - } - out += ' than '; - if ($isData) { - out += '\' + ' + ($schemaValue) + ' + \''; - } else { - out += '' + ($schema); - } - out += ' properties\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: '; - if ($isData) { - out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath); - } else { - out += '' + ($schema); - } - out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += '} '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - return out; -} - -},{}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_allOf(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - var $closingBraces = ''; - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - var $currentBaseId = $it.baseId, - $allSchemasEmpty = true; - var arr1 = $schema; - if (arr1) { - var $sch, $i = -1, - l1 = arr1.length - 1; - while ($i < l1) { - $sch = arr1[$i += 1]; - if ((it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $sch == 'object' && Object.keys($sch).length > 0) || $sch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($sch, it.RULES.all))) { - $allSchemasEmpty = false; - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + '[' + $i + ']'; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + $i; - out += ' ' + (it.validate($it)) + ' '; - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - $closingBraces += '}'; - } - } - } - } - if ($breakOnError) { - if ($allSchemasEmpty) { - out += ' if (true) { '; - } else { - out += ' ' + ($closingBraces.slice(0, -1)) + ' '; - } - } - return out; -} - -},{}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_anyOf(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl; - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - var $closingBraces = ''; - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - var $noEmptySchema = $schema.every(function($sch) { - return (it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $sch == 'object' && Object.keys($sch).length > 0) || $sch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($sch, it.RULES.all)); - }); - if ($noEmptySchema) { - var $currentBaseId = $it.baseId; - out += ' var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors; var ' + ($valid) + ' = false; '; - var $wasComposite = it.compositeRule; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = true; - var arr1 = $schema; - if (arr1) { - var $sch, $i = -1, - l1 = arr1.length - 1; - while ($i < l1) { - $sch = arr1[$i += 1]; - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + '[' + $i + ']'; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + $i; - out += ' ' + (it.validate($it)) + ' '; - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - out += ' ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + ($valid) + ' || ' + ($nextValid) + '; if (!' + ($valid) + ') { '; - $closingBraces += '}'; - } - } - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = $wasComposite; - out += ' ' + ($closingBraces) + ' if (!' + ($valid) + ') { var err = '; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('anyOf') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: {} '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should match some schema in anyOf\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - out += '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError(vErrors); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = vErrors; return false; '; - } - } - out += ' } else { errors = ' + ($errs) + '; if (vErrors !== null) { if (' + ($errs) + ') vErrors.length = ' + ($errs) + '; else vErrors = null; } '; - if (it.opts.allErrors) { - out += ' } '; - } - } else { - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (true) { '; - } - } - return out; -} - -},{}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_comment(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $comment = it.util.toQuotedString($schema); - if (it.opts.$comment === true) { - out += ' console.log(' + ($comment) + ');'; - } else if (typeof it.opts.$comment == 'function') { - out += ' self._opts.$comment(' + ($comment) + ', ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ', validate.root.schema);'; - } - return out; -} - -},{}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_const(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - if (!$isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ';'; - } - out += 'var ' + ($valid) + ' = equal(' + ($data) + ', schema' + ($lvl) + '); if (!' + ($valid) + ') { '; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('const') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { allowedValue: schema' + ($lvl) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should be equal to constant\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' }'; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - return out; -} - -},{}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_contains(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl; - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - var $closingBraces = ''; - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - var $idx = 'i' + $lvl, - $dataNxt = $it.dataLevel = it.dataLevel + 1, - $nextData = 'data' + $dataNxt, - $currentBaseId = it.baseId, - $nonEmptySchema = (it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $schema == 'object' && Object.keys($schema).length > 0) || $schema === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($schema, it.RULES.all)); - out += 'var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors;var ' + ($valid) + ';'; - if ($nonEmptySchema) { - var $wasComposite = it.compositeRule; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = true; - $it.schema = $schema; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - out += ' var ' + ($nextValid) + ' = false; for (var ' + ($idx) + ' = 0; ' + ($idx) + ' < ' + ($data) + '.length; ' + ($idx) + '++) { '; - $it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $idx, it.opts.jsonPointers, true); - var $passData = $data + '[' + $idx + ']'; - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $idx; - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if (it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2) { - out += ' ' + (it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($nextData) + ' = ' + ($passData) + '; ' + ($code) + ' '; - } - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') break; } '; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = $wasComposite; - out += ' ' + ($closingBraces) + ' if (!' + ($nextValid) + ') {'; - } else { - out += ' if (' + ($data) + '.length == 0) {'; - } - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('contains') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: {} '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should contain a valid item\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } else { '; - if ($nonEmptySchema) { - out += ' errors = ' + ($errs) + '; if (vErrors !== null) { if (' + ($errs) + ') vErrors.length = ' + ($errs) + '; else vErrors = null; } '; - } - if (it.opts.allErrors) { - out += ' } '; - } - return out; -} - -},{}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_custom(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $errorKeyword; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl; - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - var $rule = this, - $definition = 'definition' + $lvl, - $rDef = $rule.definition, - $closingBraces = ''; - var $compile, $inline, $macro, $ruleValidate, $validateCode; - if ($isData && $rDef.$data) { - $validateCode = 'keywordValidate' + $lvl; - var $validateSchema = $rDef.validateSchema; - out += ' var ' + ($definition) + ' = RULES.custom[\'' + ($keyword) + '\'].definition; var ' + ($validateCode) + ' = ' + ($definition) + '.validate;'; - } else { - $ruleValidate = it.useCustomRule($rule, $schema, it.schema, it); - if (!$ruleValidate) return; - $schemaValue = 'validate.schema' + $schemaPath; - $validateCode = $ruleValidate.code; - $compile = $rDef.compile; - $inline = $rDef.inline; - $macro = $rDef.macro; - } - var $ruleErrs = $validateCode + '.errors', - $i = 'i' + $lvl, - $ruleErr = 'ruleErr' + $lvl, - $asyncKeyword = $rDef.async; - if ($asyncKeyword && !it.async) throw new Error('async keyword in sync schema'); - if (!($inline || $macro)) { - out += '' + ($ruleErrs) + ' = null;'; - } - out += 'var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors;var ' + ($valid) + ';'; - if ($isData && $rDef.$data) { - $closingBraces += '}'; - out += ' if (' + ($schemaValue) + ' === undefined) { ' + ($valid) + ' = true; } else { '; - if ($validateSchema) { - $closingBraces += '}'; - out += ' ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + ($definition) + '.validateSchema(' + ($schemaValue) + '); if (' + ($valid) + ') { '; - } - } - if ($inline) { - if ($rDef.statements) { - out += ' ' + ($ruleValidate.validate) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + ($ruleValidate.validate) + '; '; - } - } else if ($macro) { - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - var $closingBraces = ''; - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - $it.schema = $ruleValidate.validate; - $it.schemaPath = ''; - var $wasComposite = it.compositeRule; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = true; - var $code = it.validate($it).replace(/validate\.schema/g, $validateCode); - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = $wasComposite; - out += ' ' + ($code); - } else { - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; - out += ' ' + ($validateCode) + '.call( '; - if (it.opts.passContext) { - out += 'this'; - } else { - out += 'self'; - } - if ($compile || $rDef.schema === false) { - out += ' , ' + ($data) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' , ' + ($schemaValue) + ' , ' + ($data) + ' , validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' '; - } - out += ' , (dataPath || \'\')'; - if (it.errorPath != '""') { - out += ' + ' + (it.errorPath); - } - var $parentData = $dataLvl ? 'data' + (($dataLvl - 1) || '') : 'parentData', - $parentDataProperty = $dataLvl ? it.dataPathArr[$dataLvl] : 'parentDataProperty'; - out += ' , ' + ($parentData) + ' , ' + ($parentDataProperty) + ' , rootData ) '; - var def_callRuleValidate = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if ($rDef.errors === false) { - out += ' ' + ($valid) + ' = '; - if ($asyncKeyword) { - out += 'await '; - } - out += '' + (def_callRuleValidate) + '; '; - } else { - if ($asyncKeyword) { - $ruleErrs = 'customErrors' + $lvl; - out += ' var ' + ($ruleErrs) + ' = null; try { ' + ($valid) + ' = await ' + (def_callRuleValidate) + '; } catch (e) { ' + ($valid) + ' = false; if (e instanceof ValidationError) ' + ($ruleErrs) + ' = e.errors; else throw e; } '; - } else { - out += ' ' + ($ruleErrs) + ' = null; ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + (def_callRuleValidate) + '; '; - } - } - } - if ($rDef.modifying) { - out += ' if (' + ($parentData) + ') ' + ($data) + ' = ' + ($parentData) + '[' + ($parentDataProperty) + '];'; - } - out += '' + ($closingBraces); - if ($rDef.valid) { - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (true) { '; - } - } else { - out += ' if ( '; - if ($rDef.valid === undefined) { - out += ' !'; - if ($macro) { - out += '' + ($nextValid); - } else { - out += '' + ($valid); - } - } else { - out += ' ' + (!$rDef.valid) + ' '; - } - out += ') { '; - $errorKeyword = $rule.keyword; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || 'custom') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { keyword: \'' + ($rule.keyword) + '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should pass "' + ($rule.keyword) + '" keyword validation\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - var def_customError = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if ($inline) { - if ($rDef.errors) { - if ($rDef.errors != 'full') { - out += ' for (var ' + ($i) + '=' + ($errs) + '; ' + ($i) + ' 0) || $sch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($sch, it.RULES.all))) { - out += ' ' + ($nextValid) + ' = true; if ( ' + ($data) + (it.util.getProperty($property)) + ' !== undefined '; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' &&' + ($data) + ', \'' + (it.util.escapeQuotes($property)) + '\') '; - } - out += ') { '; - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($property); - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + it.util.escapeFragment($property); - out += ' ' + (it.validate($it)) + ' '; - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - out += ' } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - $closingBraces += '}'; - } - } - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' ' + ($closingBraces) + ' if (' + ($errs) + ' == errors) {'; - } - return out; -} - -},{}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_enum(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - var $i = 'i' + $lvl, - $vSchema = 'schema' + $lvl; - if (!$isData) { - out += ' var ' + ($vSchema) + ' = validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ';'; - } - out += 'var ' + ($valid) + ';'; - if ($isData) { - out += ' if (schema' + ($lvl) + ' === undefined) ' + ($valid) + ' = true; else if (!Array.isArray(schema' + ($lvl) + ')) ' + ($valid) + ' = false; else {'; - } - out += '' + ($valid) + ' = false;for (var ' + ($i) + '=0; ' + ($i) + '<' + ($vSchema) + '.length; ' + ($i) + '++) if (equal(' + ($data) + ', ' + ($vSchema) + '[' + ($i) + '])) { ' + ($valid) + ' = true; break; }'; - if ($isData) { - out += ' } '; - } - out += ' if (!' + ($valid) + ') { '; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('enum') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { allowedValues: schema' + ($lvl) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should be equal to one of the allowed values\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' }'; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - return out; -} - -},{}],25:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_format(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - if (it.opts.format === false) { - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (true) { '; - } - return out; - } - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - var $unknownFormats = it.opts.unknownFormats, - $allowUnknown = Array.isArray($unknownFormats); - if ($isData) { - var $format = 'format' + $lvl, - $isObject = 'isObject' + $lvl, - $formatType = 'formatType' + $lvl; - out += ' var ' + ($format) + ' = formats[' + ($schemaValue) + ']; var ' + ($isObject) + ' = typeof ' + ($format) + ' == \'object\' && !(' + ($format) + ' instanceof RegExp) && ' + ($format) + '.validate; var ' + ($formatType) + ' = ' + ($isObject) + ' && ' + ($format) + '.type || \'string\'; if (' + ($isObject) + ') { '; - if (it.async) { - out += ' var async' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + ($format) + '.async; '; - } - out += ' ' + ($format) + ' = ' + ($format) + '.validate; } if ( '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'string\') || '; - } - out += ' ('; - if ($unknownFormats != 'ignore') { - out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' && !' + ($format) + ' '; - if ($allowUnknown) { - out += ' && self._opts.unknownFormats.indexOf(' + ($schemaValue) + ') == -1 '; - } - out += ') || '; - } - out += ' (' + ($format) + ' && ' + ($formatType) + ' == \'' + ($ruleType) + '\' && !(typeof ' + ($format) + ' == \'function\' ? '; - if (it.async) { - out += ' (async' + ($lvl) + ' ? await ' + ($format) + '(' + ($data) + ') : ' + ($format) + '(' + ($data) + ')) '; - } else { - out += ' ' + ($format) + '(' + ($data) + ') '; - } - out += ' : ' + ($format) + '.test(' + ($data) + '))))) {'; - } else { - var $format = it.formats[$schema]; - if (!$format) { - if ($unknownFormats == 'ignore') { - it.logger.warn('unknown format "' + $schema + '" ignored in schema at path "' + it.errSchemaPath + '"'); - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (true) { '; - } - return out; - } else if ($allowUnknown && $unknownFormats.indexOf($schema) >= 0) { - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (true) { '; - } - return out; - } else { - throw new Error('unknown format "' + $schema + '" is used in schema at path "' + it.errSchemaPath + '"'); - } - } - var $isObject = typeof $format == 'object' && !($format instanceof RegExp) && $format.validate; - var $formatType = $isObject && $format.type || 'string'; - if ($isObject) { - var $async = $format.async === true; - $format = $format.validate; - } - if ($formatType != $ruleType) { - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (true) { '; - } - return out; - } - if ($async) { - if (!it.async) throw new Error('async format in sync schema'); - var $formatRef = 'formats' + it.util.getProperty($schema) + '.validate'; - out += ' if (!(await ' + ($formatRef) + '(' + ($data) + '))) { '; - } else { - out += ' if (! '; - var $formatRef = 'formats' + it.util.getProperty($schema); - if ($isObject) $formatRef += '.validate'; - if (typeof $format == 'function') { - out += ' ' + ($formatRef) + '(' + ($data) + ') '; - } else { - out += ' ' + ($formatRef) + '.test(' + ($data) + ') '; - } - out += ') { '; - } - } - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('format') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { format: '; - if ($isData) { - out += '' + ($schemaValue); - } else { - out += '' + (it.util.toQuotedString($schema)); - } - out += ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should match format "'; - if ($isData) { - out += '\' + ' + ($schemaValue) + ' + \''; - } else { - out += '' + (it.util.escapeQuotes($schema)); - } - out += '"\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: '; - if ($isData) { - out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath); - } else { - out += '' + (it.util.toQuotedString($schema)); - } - out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - return out; -} - -},{}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_if(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl; - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - var $thenSch = it.schema['then'], - $elseSch = it.schema['else'], - $thenPresent = $thenSch !== undefined && (it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $thenSch == 'object' && Object.keys($thenSch).length > 0) || $thenSch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($thenSch, it.RULES.all)), - $elsePresent = $elseSch !== undefined && (it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $elseSch == 'object' && Object.keys($elseSch).length > 0) || $elseSch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($elseSch, it.RULES.all)), - $currentBaseId = $it.baseId; - if ($thenPresent || $elsePresent) { - var $ifClause; - $it.createErrors = false; - $it.schema = $schema; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - out += ' var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors; var ' + ($valid) + ' = true; '; - var $wasComposite = it.compositeRule; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = true; - out += ' ' + (it.validate($it)) + ' '; - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - $it.createErrors = true; - out += ' errors = ' + ($errs) + '; if (vErrors !== null) { if (' + ($errs) + ') vErrors.length = ' + ($errs) + '; else vErrors = null; } '; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = $wasComposite; - if ($thenPresent) { - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - $it.schema = it.schema['then']; - $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.then'; - $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/then'; - out += ' ' + (it.validate($it)) + ' '; - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - out += ' ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + ($nextValid) + '; '; - if ($thenPresent && $elsePresent) { - $ifClause = 'ifClause' + $lvl; - out += ' var ' + ($ifClause) + ' = \'then\'; '; - } else { - $ifClause = '\'then\''; - } - out += ' } '; - if ($elsePresent) { - out += ' else { '; - } - } else { - out += ' if (!' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - } - if ($elsePresent) { - $it.schema = it.schema['else']; - $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.else'; - $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/else'; - out += ' ' + (it.validate($it)) + ' '; - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - out += ' ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + ($nextValid) + '; '; - if ($thenPresent && $elsePresent) { - $ifClause = 'ifClause' + $lvl; - out += ' var ' + ($ifClause) + ' = \'else\'; '; - } else { - $ifClause = '\'else\''; - } - out += ' } '; - } - out += ' if (!' + ($valid) + ') { var err = '; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('if') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { failingKeyword: ' + ($ifClause) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should match "\' + ' + ($ifClause) + ' + \'" schema\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - out += '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError(vErrors); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = vErrors; return false; '; - } - } - out += ' } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - } else { - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (true) { '; - } - } - return out; -} - -},{}],27:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; - -//all requires must be explicit because browserify won't work with dynamic requires -module.exports = { - '$ref': require('./ref'), - allOf: require('./allOf'), - anyOf: require('./anyOf'), - '$comment': require('./comment'), - const: require('./const'), - contains: require('./contains'), - dependencies: require('./dependencies'), - 'enum': require('./enum'), - format: require('./format'), - 'if': require('./if'), - items: require('./items'), - maximum: require('./_limit'), - minimum: require('./_limit'), - maxItems: require('./_limitItems'), - minItems: require('./_limitItems'), - maxLength: require('./_limitLength'), - minLength: require('./_limitLength'), - maxProperties: require('./_limitProperties'), - minProperties: require('./_limitProperties'), - multipleOf: require('./multipleOf'), - not: require('./not'), - oneOf: require('./oneOf'), - pattern: require('./pattern'), - properties: require('./properties'), - propertyNames: require('./propertyNames'), - required: require('./required'), - uniqueItems: require('./uniqueItems'), - validate: require('./validate') -}; - -},{"./_limit":13,"./_limitItems":14,"./_limitLength":15,"./_limitProperties":16,"./allOf":17,"./anyOf":18,"./comment":19,"./const":20,"./contains":21,"./dependencies":23,"./enum":24,"./format":25,"./if":26,"./items":28,"./multipleOf":29,"./not":30,"./oneOf":31,"./pattern":32,"./properties":33,"./propertyNames":34,"./ref":35,"./required":36,"./uniqueItems":37,"./validate":38}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_items(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl; - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - var $closingBraces = ''; - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - var $idx = 'i' + $lvl, - $dataNxt = $it.dataLevel = it.dataLevel + 1, - $nextData = 'data' + $dataNxt, - $currentBaseId = it.baseId; - out += 'var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors;var ' + ($valid) + ';'; - if (Array.isArray($schema)) { - var $additionalItems = it.schema.additionalItems; - if ($additionalItems === false) { - out += ' ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + ($data) + '.length <= ' + ($schema.length) + '; '; - var $currErrSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/additionalItems'; - out += ' if (!' + ($valid) + ') { '; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('additionalItems') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { limit: ' + ($schema.length) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should NOT have more than ' + ($schema.length) + ' items\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: false , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } '; - $errSchemaPath = $currErrSchemaPath; - if ($breakOnError) { - $closingBraces += '}'; - out += ' else { '; - } - } - var arr1 = $schema; - if (arr1) { - var $sch, $i = -1, - l1 = arr1.length - 1; - while ($i < l1) { - $sch = arr1[$i += 1]; - if ((it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $sch == 'object' && Object.keys($sch).length > 0) || $sch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($sch, it.RULES.all))) { - out += ' ' + ($nextValid) + ' = true; if (' + ($data) + '.length > ' + ($i) + ') { '; - var $passData = $data + '[' + $i + ']'; - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + '[' + $i + ']'; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + $i; - $it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $i, it.opts.jsonPointers, true); - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $i; - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if (it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2) { - out += ' ' + (it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($nextData) + ' = ' + ($passData) + '; ' + ($code) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - $closingBraces += '}'; - } - } - } - } - if (typeof $additionalItems == 'object' && (it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $additionalItems == 'object' && Object.keys($additionalItems).length > 0) || $additionalItems === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($additionalItems, it.RULES.all))) { - $it.schema = $additionalItems; - $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.additionalItems'; - $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/additionalItems'; - out += ' ' + ($nextValid) + ' = true; if (' + ($data) + '.length > ' + ($schema.length) + ') { for (var ' + ($idx) + ' = ' + ($schema.length) + '; ' + ($idx) + ' < ' + ($data) + '.length; ' + ($idx) + '++) { '; - $it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $idx, it.opts.jsonPointers, true); - var $passData = $data + '[' + $idx + ']'; - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $idx; - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if (it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2) { - out += ' ' + (it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($nextData) + ' = ' + ($passData) + '; ' + ($code) + ' '; - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (!' + ($nextValid) + ') break; '; - } - out += ' } } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - $closingBraces += '}'; - } - } - } else if ((it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $schema == 'object' && Object.keys($schema).length > 0) || $schema === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($schema, it.RULES.all))) { - $it.schema = $schema; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - out += ' for (var ' + ($idx) + ' = ' + (0) + '; ' + ($idx) + ' < ' + ($data) + '.length; ' + ($idx) + '++) { '; - $it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $idx, it.opts.jsonPointers, true); - var $passData = $data + '[' + $idx + ']'; - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $idx; - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if (it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2) { - out += ' ' + (it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($nextData) + ' = ' + ($passData) + '; ' + ($code) + ' '; - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (!' + ($nextValid) + ') break; '; - } - out += ' }'; - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' ' + ($closingBraces) + ' if (' + ($errs) + ' == errors) {'; - } - return out; -} - -},{}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_multipleOf(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - if (!($isData || typeof $schema == 'number')) { - throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number'); - } - out += 'var division' + ($lvl) + ';if ('; - if ($isData) { - out += ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && ( typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\' || '; - } - out += ' (division' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + ($data) + ' / ' + ($schemaValue) + ', '; - if (it.opts.multipleOfPrecision) { - out += ' Math.abs(Math.round(division' + ($lvl) + ') - division' + ($lvl) + ') > 1e-' + (it.opts.multipleOfPrecision) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' division' + ($lvl) + ' !== parseInt(division' + ($lvl) + ') '; - } - out += ' ) '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' ) '; - } - out += ' ) { '; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('multipleOf') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { multipleOf: ' + ($schemaValue) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should be multiple of '; - if ($isData) { - out += '\' + ' + ($schemaValue); - } else { - out += '' + ($schemaValue) + '\''; - } - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: '; - if ($isData) { - out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath); - } else { - out += '' + ($schema); - } - out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += '} '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - return out; -} - -},{}],30:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_not(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl; - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - if ((it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $schema == 'object' && Object.keys($schema).length > 0) || $schema === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($schema, it.RULES.all))) { - $it.schema = $schema; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - out += ' var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors; '; - var $wasComposite = it.compositeRule; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = true; - $it.createErrors = false; - var $allErrorsOption; - if ($it.opts.allErrors) { - $allErrorsOption = $it.opts.allErrors; - $it.opts.allErrors = false; - } - out += ' ' + (it.validate($it)) + ' '; - $it.createErrors = true; - if ($allErrorsOption) $it.opts.allErrors = $allErrorsOption; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = $wasComposite; - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('not') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: {} '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should NOT be valid\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } else { errors = ' + ($errs) + '; if (vErrors !== null) { if (' + ($errs) + ') vErrors.length = ' + ($errs) + '; else vErrors = null; } '; - if (it.opts.allErrors) { - out += ' } '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = '; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('not') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: {} '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should NOT be valid\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - out += '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (false) { '; - } - } - return out; -} - -},{}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_oneOf(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl; - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - var $closingBraces = ''; - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - var $currentBaseId = $it.baseId, - $prevValid = 'prevValid' + $lvl, - $passingSchemas = 'passingSchemas' + $lvl; - out += 'var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors , ' + ($prevValid) + ' = false , ' + ($valid) + ' = false , ' + ($passingSchemas) + ' = null; '; - var $wasComposite = it.compositeRule; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = true; - var arr1 = $schema; - if (arr1) { - var $sch, $i = -1, - l1 = arr1.length - 1; - while ($i < l1) { - $sch = arr1[$i += 1]; - if ((it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $sch == 'object' && Object.keys($sch).length > 0) || $sch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($sch, it.RULES.all))) { - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + '[' + $i + ']'; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + $i; - out += ' ' + (it.validate($it)) + ' '; - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($nextValid) + ' = true; '; - } - if ($i) { - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ' && ' + ($prevValid) + ') { ' + ($valid) + ' = false; ' + ($passingSchemas) + ' = [' + ($passingSchemas) + ', ' + ($i) + ']; } else { '; - $closingBraces += '}'; - } - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + ($prevValid) + ' = true; ' + ($passingSchemas) + ' = ' + ($i) + '; }'; - } - } - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = $wasComposite; - out += '' + ($closingBraces) + 'if (!' + ($valid) + ') { var err = '; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('oneOf') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { passingSchemas: ' + ($passingSchemas) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should match exactly one schema in oneOf\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - out += '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError(vErrors); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = vErrors; return false; '; - } - } - out += '} else { errors = ' + ($errs) + '; if (vErrors !== null) { if (' + ($errs) + ') vErrors.length = ' + ($errs) + '; else vErrors = null; }'; - if (it.opts.allErrors) { - out += ' } '; - } - return out; -} - -},{}],32:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_pattern(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - var $regexp = $isData ? '(new RegExp(' + $schemaValue + '))' : it.usePattern($schema); - out += 'if ( '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'string\') || '; - } - out += ' !' + ($regexp) + '.test(' + ($data) + ') ) { '; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('pattern') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { pattern: '; - if ($isData) { - out += '' + ($schemaValue); - } else { - out += '' + (it.util.toQuotedString($schema)); - } - out += ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should match pattern "'; - if ($isData) { - out += '\' + ' + ($schemaValue) + ' + \''; - } else { - out += '' + (it.util.escapeQuotes($schema)); - } - out += '"\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: '; - if ($isData) { - out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath); - } else { - out += '' + (it.util.toQuotedString($schema)); - } - out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += '} '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - return out; -} - -},{}],33:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_properties(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl; - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - var $closingBraces = ''; - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - var $key = 'key' + $lvl, - $idx = 'idx' + $lvl, - $dataNxt = $it.dataLevel = it.dataLevel + 1, - $nextData = 'data' + $dataNxt, - $dataProperties = 'dataProperties' + $lvl; - var $schemaKeys = Object.keys($schema || {}).filter(notProto), - $pProperties = it.schema.patternProperties || {}, - $pPropertyKeys = Object.keys($pProperties).filter(notProto), - $aProperties = it.schema.additionalProperties, - $someProperties = $schemaKeys.length || $pPropertyKeys.length, - $noAdditional = $aProperties === false, - $additionalIsSchema = typeof $aProperties == 'object' && Object.keys($aProperties).length, - $removeAdditional = it.opts.removeAdditional, - $checkAdditional = $noAdditional || $additionalIsSchema || $removeAdditional, - $ownProperties = it.opts.ownProperties, - $currentBaseId = it.baseId; - var $required = it.schema.required; - if ($required && !(it.opts.$data && $required.$data) && $required.length < it.opts.loopRequired) { - var $requiredHash = it.util.toHash($required); - } - - function notProto(p) { - return p !== '__proto__'; - } - out += 'var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors;var ' + ($nextValid) + ' = true;'; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' var ' + ($dataProperties) + ' = undefined;'; - } - if ($checkAdditional) { - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' ' + ($dataProperties) + ' = ' + ($dataProperties) + ' || Object.keys(' + ($data) + '); for (var ' + ($idx) + '=0; ' + ($idx) + '<' + ($dataProperties) + '.length; ' + ($idx) + '++) { var ' + ($key) + ' = ' + ($dataProperties) + '[' + ($idx) + ']; '; - } else { - out += ' for (var ' + ($key) + ' in ' + ($data) + ') { '; - } - if ($someProperties) { - out += ' var isAdditional' + ($lvl) + ' = !(false '; - if ($schemaKeys.length) { - if ($schemaKeys.length > 8) { - out += ' || validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + '.hasOwnProperty(' + ($key) + ') '; - } else { - var arr1 = $schemaKeys; - if (arr1) { - var $propertyKey, i1 = -1, - l1 = arr1.length - 1; - while (i1 < l1) { - $propertyKey = arr1[i1 += 1]; - out += ' || ' + ($key) + ' == ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($propertyKey)) + ' '; - } - } - } - } - if ($pPropertyKeys.length) { - var arr2 = $pPropertyKeys; - if (arr2) { - var $pProperty, $i = -1, - l2 = arr2.length - 1; - while ($i < l2) { - $pProperty = arr2[$i += 1]; - out += ' || ' + (it.usePattern($pProperty)) + '.test(' + ($key) + ') '; - } - } - } - out += ' ); if (isAdditional' + ($lvl) + ') { '; - } - if ($removeAdditional == 'all') { - out += ' delete ' + ($data) + '[' + ($key) + ']; '; - } else { - var $currentErrorPath = it.errorPath; - var $additionalProperty = '\' + ' + $key + ' + \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $key, it.opts.jsonPointers); - } - if ($noAdditional) { - if ($removeAdditional) { - out += ' delete ' + ($data) + '[' + ($key) + ']; '; - } else { - out += ' ' + ($nextValid) + ' = false; '; - var $currErrSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/additionalProperties'; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('additionalProperties') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { additionalProperty: \'' + ($additionalProperty) + '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - out += 'is an invalid additional property'; - } else { - out += 'should NOT have additional properties'; - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: false , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - $errSchemaPath = $currErrSchemaPath; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' break; '; - } - } - } else if ($additionalIsSchema) { - if ($removeAdditional == 'failing') { - out += ' var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors; '; - var $wasComposite = it.compositeRule; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = true; - $it.schema = $aProperties; - $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.additionalProperties'; - $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/additionalProperties'; - $it.errorPath = it.opts._errorDataPathProperty ? it.errorPath : it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $key, it.opts.jsonPointers); - var $passData = $data + '[' + $key + ']'; - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $key; - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if (it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2) { - out += ' ' + (it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($nextData) + ' = ' + ($passData) + '; ' + ($code) + ' '; - } - out += ' if (!' + ($nextValid) + ') { errors = ' + ($errs) + '; if (validate.errors !== null) { if (errors) validate.errors.length = errors; else validate.errors = null; } delete ' + ($data) + '[' + ($key) + ']; } '; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = $wasComposite; - } else { - $it.schema = $aProperties; - $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.additionalProperties'; - $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/additionalProperties'; - $it.errorPath = it.opts._errorDataPathProperty ? it.errorPath : it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $key, it.opts.jsonPointers); - var $passData = $data + '[' + $key + ']'; - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $key; - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if (it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2) { - out += ' ' + (it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($nextData) + ' = ' + ($passData) + '; ' + ($code) + ' '; - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (!' + ($nextValid) + ') break; '; - } - } - } - it.errorPath = $currentErrorPath; - } - if ($someProperties) { - out += ' } '; - } - out += ' } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - $closingBraces += '}'; - } - } - var $useDefaults = it.opts.useDefaults && !it.compositeRule; - if ($schemaKeys.length) { - var arr3 = $schemaKeys; - if (arr3) { - var $propertyKey, i3 = -1, - l3 = arr3.length - 1; - while (i3 < l3) { - $propertyKey = arr3[i3 += 1]; - var $sch = $schema[$propertyKey]; - if ((it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $sch == 'object' && Object.keys($sch).length > 0) || $sch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($sch, it.RULES.all))) { - var $prop = it.util.getProperty($propertyKey), - $passData = $data + $prop, - $hasDefault = $useDefaults && $sch.default !== undefined; - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + $prop; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + it.util.escapeFragment($propertyKey); - $it.errorPath = it.util.getPath(it.errorPath, $propertyKey, it.opts.jsonPointers); - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = it.util.toQuotedString($propertyKey); - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if (it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2) { - $code = it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData); - var $useData = $passData; - } else { - var $useData = $nextData; - out += ' var ' + ($nextData) + ' = ' + ($passData) + '; '; - } - if ($hasDefault) { - out += ' ' + ($code) + ' '; - } else { - if ($requiredHash && $requiredHash[$propertyKey]) { - out += ' if ( ' + ($useData) + ' === undefined '; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' || !' + ($data) + ', \'' + (it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey)) + '\') '; - } - out += ') { ' + ($nextValid) + ' = false; '; - var $currentErrorPath = it.errorPath, - $currErrSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath, - $missingProperty = it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey); - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - it.errorPath = it.util.getPath($currentErrorPath, $propertyKey, it.opts.jsonPointers); - } - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/required'; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('required') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { missingProperty: \'' + ($missingProperty) + '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - out += 'is a required property'; - } else { - out += 'should have required property \\\'' + ($missingProperty) + '\\\''; - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - $errSchemaPath = $currErrSchemaPath; - it.errorPath = $currentErrorPath; - out += ' } else { '; - } else { - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if ( ' + ($useData) + ' === undefined '; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' || !' + ($data) + ', \'' + (it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey)) + '\') '; - } - out += ') { ' + ($nextValid) + ' = true; } else { '; - } else { - out += ' if (' + ($useData) + ' !== undefined '; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' &&' + ($data) + ', \'' + (it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey)) + '\') '; - } - out += ' ) { '; - } - } - out += ' ' + ($code) + ' } '; - } - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - $closingBraces += '}'; - } - } - } - } - if ($pPropertyKeys.length) { - var arr4 = $pPropertyKeys; - if (arr4) { - var $pProperty, i4 = -1, - l4 = arr4.length - 1; - while (i4 < l4) { - $pProperty = arr4[i4 += 1]; - var $sch = $pProperties[$pProperty]; - if ((it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $sch == 'object' && Object.keys($sch).length > 0) || $sch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($sch, it.RULES.all))) { - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.patternProperties' + it.util.getProperty($pProperty); - $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/patternProperties/' + it.util.escapeFragment($pProperty); - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' ' + ($dataProperties) + ' = ' + ($dataProperties) + ' || Object.keys(' + ($data) + '); for (var ' + ($idx) + '=0; ' + ($idx) + '<' + ($dataProperties) + '.length; ' + ($idx) + '++) { var ' + ($key) + ' = ' + ($dataProperties) + '[' + ($idx) + ']; '; - } else { - out += ' for (var ' + ($key) + ' in ' + ($data) + ') { '; - } - out += ' if (' + (it.usePattern($pProperty)) + '.test(' + ($key) + ')) { '; - $it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $key, it.opts.jsonPointers); - var $passData = $data + '[' + $key + ']'; - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $key; - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if (it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2) { - out += ' ' + (it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($nextData) + ' = ' + ($passData) + '; ' + ($code) + ' '; - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (!' + ($nextValid) + ') break; '; - } - out += ' } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else ' + ($nextValid) + ' = true; '; - } - out += ' } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - $closingBraces += '}'; - } - } - } - } - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' ' + ($closingBraces) + ' if (' + ($errs) + ' == errors) {'; - } - return out; -} - -},{}],34:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_propertyNames(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl; - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - var $closingBraces = ''; - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - out += 'var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors;'; - if ((it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $schema == 'object' && Object.keys($schema).length > 0) || $schema === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($schema, it.RULES.all))) { - $it.schema = $schema; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - var $key = 'key' + $lvl, - $idx = 'idx' + $lvl, - $i = 'i' + $lvl, - $invalidName = '\' + ' + $key + ' + \'', - $dataNxt = $it.dataLevel = it.dataLevel + 1, - $nextData = 'data' + $dataNxt, - $dataProperties = 'dataProperties' + $lvl, - $ownProperties = it.opts.ownProperties, - $currentBaseId = it.baseId; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' var ' + ($dataProperties) + ' = undefined; '; - } - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' ' + ($dataProperties) + ' = ' + ($dataProperties) + ' || Object.keys(' + ($data) + '); for (var ' + ($idx) + '=0; ' + ($idx) + '<' + ($dataProperties) + '.length; ' + ($idx) + '++) { var ' + ($key) + ' = ' + ($dataProperties) + '[' + ($idx) + ']; '; - } else { - out += ' for (var ' + ($key) + ' in ' + ($data) + ') { '; - } - out += ' var startErrs' + ($lvl) + ' = errors; '; - var $passData = $key; - var $wasComposite = it.compositeRule; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = true; - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if (it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2) { - out += ' ' + (it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($nextData) + ' = ' + ($passData) + '; ' + ($code) + ' '; - } - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = $wasComposite; - out += ' if (!' + ($nextValid) + ') { for (var ' + ($i) + '=startErrs' + ($lvl) + '; ' + ($i) + ' 0) || $propertySch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($propertySch, it.RULES.all)))) { - $required[$required.length] = $property; - } - } - } - } else { - var $required = $schema; - } - } - if ($isData || $required.length) { - var $currentErrorPath = it.errorPath, - $loopRequired = $isData || $required.length >= it.opts.loopRequired, - $ownProperties = it.opts.ownProperties; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' var missing' + ($lvl) + '; '; - if ($loopRequired) { - if (!$isData) { - out += ' var ' + ($vSchema) + ' = validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + '; '; - } - var $i = 'i' + $lvl, - $propertyPath = 'schema' + $lvl + '[' + $i + ']', - $missingProperty = '\' + ' + $propertyPath + ' + \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr($currentErrorPath, $propertyPath, it.opts.jsonPointers); - } - out += ' var ' + ($valid) + ' = true; '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' if (schema' + ($lvl) + ' === undefined) ' + ($valid) + ' = true; else if (!Array.isArray(schema' + ($lvl) + ')) ' + ($valid) + ' = false; else {'; - } - out += ' for (var ' + ($i) + ' = 0; ' + ($i) + ' < ' + ($vSchema) + '.length; ' + ($i) + '++) { ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + ($data) + '[' + ($vSchema) + '[' + ($i) + ']] !== undefined '; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' &&' + ($data) + ', ' + ($vSchema) + '[' + ($i) + ']) '; - } - out += '; if (!' + ($valid) + ') break; } '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' } '; - } - out += ' if (!' + ($valid) + ') { '; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('required') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { missingProperty: \'' + ($missingProperty) + '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - out += 'is a required property'; - } else { - out += 'should have required property \\\'' + ($missingProperty) + '\\\''; - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } else { '; - } else { - out += ' if ( '; - var arr2 = $required; - if (arr2) { - var $propertyKey, $i = -1, - l2 = arr2.length - 1; - while ($i < l2) { - $propertyKey = arr2[$i += 1]; - if ($i) { - out += ' || '; - } - var $prop = it.util.getProperty($propertyKey), - $useData = $data + $prop; - out += ' ( ( ' + ($useData) + ' === undefined '; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' || !' + ($data) + ', \'' + (it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey)) + '\') '; - } - out += ') && (missing' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.toQuotedString(it.opts.jsonPointers ? $propertyKey : $prop)) + ') ) '; - } - } - out += ') { '; - var $propertyPath = 'missing' + $lvl, - $missingProperty = '\' + ' + $propertyPath + ' + \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - it.errorPath = it.opts.jsonPointers ? it.util.getPathExpr($currentErrorPath, $propertyPath, true) : $currentErrorPath + ' + ' + $propertyPath; - } - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('required') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { missingProperty: \'' + ($missingProperty) + '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - out += 'is a required property'; - } else { - out += 'should have required property \\\'' + ($missingProperty) + '\\\''; - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } else { '; - } - } else { - if ($loopRequired) { - if (!$isData) { - out += ' var ' + ($vSchema) + ' = validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + '; '; - } - var $i = 'i' + $lvl, - $propertyPath = 'schema' + $lvl + '[' + $i + ']', - $missingProperty = '\' + ' + $propertyPath + ' + \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr($currentErrorPath, $propertyPath, it.opts.jsonPointers); - } - if ($isData) { - out += ' if (' + ($vSchema) + ' && !Array.isArray(' + ($vSchema) + ')) { var err = '; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('required') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { missingProperty: \'' + ($missingProperty) + '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - out += 'is a required property'; - } else { - out += 'should have required property \\\'' + ($missingProperty) + '\\\''; - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - out += '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; } else if (' + ($vSchema) + ' !== undefined) { '; - } - out += ' for (var ' + ($i) + ' = 0; ' + ($i) + ' < ' + ($vSchema) + '.length; ' + ($i) + '++) { if (' + ($data) + '[' + ($vSchema) + '[' + ($i) + ']] === undefined '; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' || !' + ($data) + ', ' + ($vSchema) + '[' + ($i) + ']) '; - } - out += ') { var err = '; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('required') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { missingProperty: \'' + ($missingProperty) + '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - out += 'is a required property'; - } else { - out += 'should have required property \\\'' + ($missingProperty) + '\\\''; - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - out += '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; } } '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' } '; - } - } else { - var arr3 = $required; - if (arr3) { - var $propertyKey, i3 = -1, - l3 = arr3.length - 1; - while (i3 < l3) { - $propertyKey = arr3[i3 += 1]; - var $prop = it.util.getProperty($propertyKey), - $missingProperty = it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey), - $useData = $data + $prop; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - it.errorPath = it.util.getPath($currentErrorPath, $propertyKey, it.opts.jsonPointers); - } - out += ' if ( ' + ($useData) + ' === undefined '; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' || !' + ($data) + ', \'' + (it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey)) + '\') '; - } - out += ') { var err = '; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('required') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { missingProperty: \'' + ($missingProperty) + '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - out += 'is a required property'; - } else { - out += 'should have required property \\\'' + ($missingProperty) + '\\\''; - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - out += '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; } '; - } - } - } - } - it.errorPath = $currentErrorPath; - } else if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (true) {'; - } - return out; -} - -},{}],37:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_uniqueItems(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - if (($schema || $isData) && it.opts.uniqueItems !== false) { - if ($isData) { - out += ' var ' + ($valid) + '; if (' + ($schemaValue) + ' === false || ' + ($schemaValue) + ' === undefined) ' + ($valid) + ' = true; else if (typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'boolean\') ' + ($valid) + ' = false; else { '; - } - out += ' var i = ' + ($data) + '.length , ' + ($valid) + ' = true , j; if (i > 1) { '; - var $itemType = it.schema.items && it.schema.items.type, - $typeIsArray = Array.isArray($itemType); - if (!$itemType || $itemType == 'object' || $itemType == 'array' || ($typeIsArray && ($itemType.indexOf('object') >= 0 || $itemType.indexOf('array') >= 0))) { - out += ' outer: for (;i--;) { for (j = i; j--;) { if (equal(' + ($data) + '[i], ' + ($data) + '[j])) { ' + ($valid) + ' = false; break outer; } } } '; - } else { - out += ' var itemIndices = {}, item; for (;i--;) { var item = ' + ($data) + '[i]; '; - var $method = 'checkDataType' + ($typeIsArray ? 's' : ''); - out += ' if (' + (it.util[$method]($itemType, 'item', it.opts.strictNumbers, true)) + ') continue; '; - if ($typeIsArray) { - out += ' if (typeof item == \'string\') item = \'"\' + item; '; - } - out += ' if (typeof itemIndices[item] == \'number\') { ' + ($valid) + ' = false; j = itemIndices[item]; break; } itemIndices[item] = i; } '; - } - out += ' } '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' } '; - } - out += ' if (!' + ($valid) + ') { '; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('uniqueItems') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { i: i, j: j } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should NOT have duplicate items (items ## \' + j + \' and \' + i + \' are identical)\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: '; - if ($isData) { - out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath); - } else { - out += '' + ($schema); - } - out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - } else { - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (true) { '; - } - } - return out; -} - -},{}],38:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_validate(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ''; - var $async = it.schema.$async === true, - $refKeywords = it.util.schemaHasRulesExcept(it.schema, it.RULES.all, '$ref'), - $id = it.self._getId(it.schema); - if (it.opts.strictKeywords) { - var $unknownKwd = it.util.schemaUnknownRules(it.schema, it.RULES.keywords); - if ($unknownKwd) { - var $keywordsMsg = 'unknown keyword: ' + $unknownKwd; - if (it.opts.strictKeywords === 'log') it.logger.warn($keywordsMsg); - else throw new Error($keywordsMsg); - } - } - if (it.isTop) { - out += ' var validate = '; - if ($async) { - it.async = true; - out += 'async '; - } - out += 'function(data, dataPath, parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData) { \'use strict\'; '; - if ($id && (it.opts.sourceCode || it.opts.processCode)) { - out += ' ' + ('/\*# sourceURL=' + $id + ' */') + ' '; - } - } - if (typeof it.schema == 'boolean' || !($refKeywords || it.schema.$ref)) { - var $keyword = 'false schema'; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $errorKeyword; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - if (it.schema === false) { - if (it.isTop) { - $breakOnError = true; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($valid) + ' = false; '; - } - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || 'false schema') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: {} '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'boolean schema is false\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: false , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - } else { - if (it.isTop) { - if ($async) { - out += ' return data; '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = null; return true; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($valid) + ' = true; '; - } - } - if (it.isTop) { - out += ' }; return validate; '; - } - return out; - } - if (it.isTop) { - var $top = it.isTop, - $lvl = it.level = 0, - $dataLvl = it.dataLevel = 0, - $data = 'data'; - it.rootId = it.resolve.fullPath(it.self._getId(it.root.schema)); - it.baseId = it.baseId || it.rootId; - delete it.isTop; - it.dataPathArr = [""]; - if (it.schema.default !== undefined && it.opts.useDefaults && it.opts.strictDefaults) { - var $defaultMsg = 'default is ignored in the schema root'; - if (it.opts.strictDefaults === 'log') it.logger.warn($defaultMsg); - else throw new Error($defaultMsg); - } - out += ' var vErrors = null; '; - out += ' var errors = 0; '; - out += ' if (rootData === undefined) rootData = data; '; - } else { - var $lvl = it.level, - $dataLvl = it.dataLevel, - $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - if ($id) it.baseId = it.resolve.url(it.baseId, $id); - if ($async && !it.async) throw new Error('async schema in sync schema'); - out += ' var errs_' + ($lvl) + ' = errors;'; - } - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl, - $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors, - $closingBraces1 = '', - $closingBraces2 = ''; - var $errorKeyword; - var $typeSchema = it.schema.type, - $typeIsArray = Array.isArray($typeSchema); - if ($typeSchema && it.opts.nullable && it.schema.nullable === true) { - if ($typeIsArray) { - if ($typeSchema.indexOf('null') == -1) $typeSchema = $typeSchema.concat('null'); - } else if ($typeSchema != 'null') { - $typeSchema = [$typeSchema, 'null']; - $typeIsArray = true; - } - } - if ($typeIsArray && $typeSchema.length == 1) { - $typeSchema = $typeSchema[0]; - $typeIsArray = false; - } - if (it.schema.$ref && $refKeywords) { - if (it.opts.extendRefs == 'fail') { - throw new Error('$ref: validation keywords used in schema at path "' + it.errSchemaPath + '" (see option extendRefs)'); - } else if (it.opts.extendRefs !== true) { - $refKeywords = false; - it.logger.warn('$ref: keywords ignored in schema at path "' + it.errSchemaPath + '"'); - } - } - if (it.schema.$comment && it.opts.$comment) { - out += ' ' + (it.RULES.all.$comment.code(it, '$comment')); - } - if ($typeSchema) { - if (it.opts.coerceTypes) { - var $coerceToTypes = it.util.coerceToTypes(it.opts.coerceTypes, $typeSchema); - } - var $rulesGroup = it.RULES.types[$typeSchema]; - if ($coerceToTypes || $typeIsArray || $rulesGroup === true || ($rulesGroup && !$shouldUseGroup($rulesGroup))) { - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.type', - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/type'; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.type', - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/type', - $method = $typeIsArray ? 'checkDataTypes' : 'checkDataType'; - out += ' if (' + (it.util[$method]($typeSchema, $data, it.opts.strictNumbers, true)) + ') { '; - if ($coerceToTypes) { - var $dataType = 'dataType' + $lvl, - $coerced = 'coerced' + $lvl; - out += ' var ' + ($dataType) + ' = typeof ' + ($data) + '; var ' + ($coerced) + ' = undefined; '; - if (it.opts.coerceTypes == 'array') { - out += ' if (' + ($dataType) + ' == \'object\' && Array.isArray(' + ($data) + ') && ' + ($data) + '.length == 1) { ' + ($data) + ' = ' + ($data) + '[0]; ' + ($dataType) + ' = typeof ' + ($data) + '; if (' + (it.util.checkDataType(it.schema.type, $data, it.opts.strictNumbers)) + ') ' + ($coerced) + ' = ' + ($data) + '; } '; - } - out += ' if (' + ($coerced) + ' !== undefined) ; '; - var arr1 = $coerceToTypes; - if (arr1) { - var $type, $i = -1, - l1 = arr1.length - 1; - while ($i < l1) { - $type = arr1[$i += 1]; - if ($type == 'string') { - out += ' else if (' + ($dataType) + ' == \'number\' || ' + ($dataType) + ' == \'boolean\') ' + ($coerced) + ' = \'\' + ' + ($data) + '; else if (' + ($data) + ' === null) ' + ($coerced) + ' = \'\'; '; - } else if ($type == 'number' || $type == 'integer') { - out += ' else if (' + ($dataType) + ' == \'boolean\' || ' + ($data) + ' === null || (' + ($dataType) + ' == \'string\' && ' + ($data) + ' && ' + ($data) + ' == +' + ($data) + ' '; - if ($type == 'integer') { - out += ' && !(' + ($data) + ' % 1)'; - } - out += ')) ' + ($coerced) + ' = +' + ($data) + '; '; - } else if ($type == 'boolean') { - out += ' else if (' + ($data) + ' === \'false\' || ' + ($data) + ' === 0 || ' + ($data) + ' === null) ' + ($coerced) + ' = false; else if (' + ($data) + ' === \'true\' || ' + ($data) + ' === 1) ' + ($coerced) + ' = true; '; - } else if ($type == 'null') { - out += ' else if (' + ($data) + ' === \'\' || ' + ($data) + ' === 0 || ' + ($data) + ' === false) ' + ($coerced) + ' = null; '; - } else if (it.opts.coerceTypes == 'array' && $type == 'array') { - out += ' else if (' + ($dataType) + ' == \'string\' || ' + ($dataType) + ' == \'number\' || ' + ($dataType) + ' == \'boolean\' || ' + ($data) + ' == null) ' + ($coerced) + ' = [' + ($data) + ']; '; - } - } - } - out += ' else { '; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || 'type') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { type: \''; - if ($typeIsArray) { - out += '' + ($typeSchema.join(",")); - } else { - out += '' + ($typeSchema); - } - out += '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should be '; - if ($typeIsArray) { - out += '' + ($typeSchema.join(",")); - } else { - out += '' + ($typeSchema); - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } if (' + ($coerced) + ' !== undefined) { '; - var $parentData = $dataLvl ? 'data' + (($dataLvl - 1) || '') : 'parentData', - $parentDataProperty = $dataLvl ? it.dataPathArr[$dataLvl] : 'parentDataProperty'; - out += ' ' + ($data) + ' = ' + ($coerced) + '; '; - if (!$dataLvl) { - out += 'if (' + ($parentData) + ' !== undefined)'; - } - out += ' ' + ($parentData) + '[' + ($parentDataProperty) + '] = ' + ($coerced) + '; } '; - } else { - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || 'type') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { type: \''; - if ($typeIsArray) { - out += '' + ($typeSchema.join(",")); - } else { - out += '' + ($typeSchema); - } - out += '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should be '; - if ($typeIsArray) { - out += '' + ($typeSchema.join(",")); - } else { - out += '' + ($typeSchema); - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - } - out += ' } '; - } - } - if (it.schema.$ref && !$refKeywords) { - out += ' ' + (it.RULES.all.$ref.code(it, '$ref')) + ' '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' } if (errors === '; - if ($top) { - out += '0'; - } else { - out += 'errs_' + ($lvl); - } - out += ') { '; - $closingBraces2 += '}'; - } - } else { - var arr2 = it.RULES; - if (arr2) { - var $rulesGroup, i2 = -1, - l2 = arr2.length - 1; - while (i2 < l2) { - $rulesGroup = arr2[i2 += 1]; - if ($shouldUseGroup($rulesGroup)) { - if ($rulesGroup.type) { - out += ' if (' + (it.util.checkDataType($rulesGroup.type, $data, it.opts.strictNumbers)) + ') { '; - } - if (it.opts.useDefaults) { - if ($rulesGroup.type == 'object' && { - var $schema =, - $schemaKeys = Object.keys($schema); - var arr3 = $schemaKeys; - if (arr3) { - var $propertyKey, i3 = -1, - l3 = arr3.length - 1; - while (i3 < l3) { - $propertyKey = arr3[i3 += 1]; - var $sch = $schema[$propertyKey]; - if ($sch.default !== undefined) { - var $passData = $data + it.util.getProperty($propertyKey); - if (it.compositeRule) { - if (it.opts.strictDefaults) { - var $defaultMsg = 'default is ignored for: ' + $passData; - if (it.opts.strictDefaults === 'log') it.logger.warn($defaultMsg); - else throw new Error($defaultMsg); - } - } else { - out += ' if (' + ($passData) + ' === undefined '; - if (it.opts.useDefaults == 'empty') { - out += ' || ' + ($passData) + ' === null || ' + ($passData) + ' === \'\' '; - } - out += ' ) ' + ($passData) + ' = '; - if (it.opts.useDefaults == 'shared') { - out += ' ' + (it.useDefault($sch.default)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' ' + (JSON.stringify($sch.default)) + ' '; - } - out += '; '; - } - } - } - } - } else if ($rulesGroup.type == 'array' && Array.isArray(it.schema.items)) { - var arr4 = it.schema.items; - if (arr4) { - var $sch, $i = -1, - l4 = arr4.length - 1; - while ($i < l4) { - $sch = arr4[$i += 1]; - if ($sch.default !== undefined) { - var $passData = $data + '[' + $i + ']'; - if (it.compositeRule) { - if (it.opts.strictDefaults) { - var $defaultMsg = 'default is ignored for: ' + $passData; - if (it.opts.strictDefaults === 'log') it.logger.warn($defaultMsg); - else throw new Error($defaultMsg); - } - } else { - out += ' if (' + ($passData) + ' === undefined '; - if (it.opts.useDefaults == 'empty') { - out += ' || ' + ($passData) + ' === null || ' + ($passData) + ' === \'\' '; - } - out += ' ) ' + ($passData) + ' = '; - if (it.opts.useDefaults == 'shared') { - out += ' ' + (it.useDefault($sch.default)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' ' + (JSON.stringify($sch.default)) + ' '; - } - out += '; '; - } - } - } - } - } - } - var arr5 = $rulesGroup.rules; - if (arr5) { - var $rule, i5 = -1, - l5 = arr5.length - 1; - while (i5 < l5) { - $rule = arr5[i5 += 1]; - if ($shouldUseRule($rule)) { - var $code = $rule.code(it, $rule.keyword, $rulesGroup.type); - if ($code) { - out += ' ' + ($code) + ' '; - if ($breakOnError) { - $closingBraces1 += '}'; - } - } - } - } - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' ' + ($closingBraces1) + ' '; - $closingBraces1 = ''; - } - if ($rulesGroup.type) { - out += ' } '; - if ($typeSchema && $typeSchema === $rulesGroup.type && !$coerceToTypes) { - out += ' else { '; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.type', - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/type'; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || 'type') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { type: \''; - if ($typeIsArray) { - out += '' + ($typeSchema.join(",")); - } else { - out += '' + ($typeSchema); - } - out += '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should be '; - if ($typeIsArray) { - out += '' + ($typeSchema.join(",")); - } else { - out += '' + ($typeSchema); - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } '; - } - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (errors === '; - if ($top) { - out += '0'; - } else { - out += 'errs_' + ($lvl); - } - out += ') { '; - $closingBraces2 += '}'; - } - } - } - } - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' ' + ($closingBraces2) + ' '; - } - if ($top) { - if ($async) { - out += ' if (errors === 0) return data; '; - out += ' else throw new ValidationError(vErrors); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = vErrors; '; - out += ' return errors === 0; '; - } - out += ' }; return validate;'; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($valid) + ' = errors === errs_' + ($lvl) + ';'; - } - - function $shouldUseGroup($rulesGroup) { - var rules = $rulesGroup.rules; - for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) - if ($shouldUseRule(rules[i])) return true; - } - - function $shouldUseRule($rule) { - return it.schema[$rule.keyword] !== undefined || ($rule.implements && $ruleImplementsSomeKeyword($rule)); - } - - function $ruleImplementsSomeKeyword($rule) { - var impl = $rule.implements; - for (var i = 0; i < impl.length; i++) - if (it.schema[impl[i]] !== undefined) return true; - } - return out; -} - -},{}],39:[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; - -var IDENTIFIER = /^[a-z_$][a-z0-9_$-]*$/i; -var customRuleCode = require('./dotjs/custom'); -var definitionSchema = require('./definition_schema'); - -module.exports = { - add: addKeyword, - get: getKeyword, - remove: removeKeyword, - validate: validateKeyword -}; - - -/** - * Define custom keyword - * @this Ajv - * @param {String} keyword custom keyword, should be unique (including different from all standard, custom and macro keywords). - * @param {Object} definition keyword definition object with properties `type` (type(s) which the keyword applies to), `validate` or `compile`. - * @return {Ajv} this for method chaining - */ -function addKeyword(keyword, definition) { - /* jshint validthis: true */ - /* eslint no-shadow: 0 */ - var RULES = this.RULES; - if (RULES.keywords[keyword]) - throw new Error('Keyword ' + keyword + ' is already defined'); - - if (!IDENTIFIER.test(keyword)) - throw new Error('Keyword ' + keyword + ' is not a valid identifier'); - - if (definition) { - this.validateKeyword(definition, true); - - var dataType = definition.type; - if (Array.isArray(dataType)) { - for (var i=0; i 1) { - sets[0] = sets[0].slice(0, -1); - var xl = sets.length - 1; - for (var x = 1; x < xl; ++x) { - sets[x] = sets[x].slice(1, -1); - } - sets[xl] = sets[xl].slice(1); - return sets.join(''); - } else { - return sets[0]; - } -} -function subexp(str) { - return "(?:" + str + ")"; -} -function typeOf(o) { - return o === undefined ? "undefined" : o === null ? "null" :" ").pop().split("]").shift().toLowerCase(); -} -function toUpperCase(str) { - return str.toUpperCase(); -} -function toArray(obj) { - return obj !== undefined && obj !== null ? obj instanceof Array ? obj : typeof obj.length !== "number" || obj.split || obj.setInterval || ? [obj] : : []; -} -function assign(target, source) { - var obj = target; - if (source) { - for (var key in source) { - obj[key] = source[key]; - } - } - return obj; -} - -function buildExps(isIRI) { - var ALPHA$$ = "[A-Za-z]", - CR$ = "[\\x0D]", - DIGIT$$ = "[0-9]", - DQUOTE$$ = "[\\x22]", - HEXDIG$$ = merge(DIGIT$$, "[A-Fa-f]"), - //case-insensitive - LF$$ = "[\\x0A]", - SP$$ = "[\\x20]", - PCT_ENCODED$ = subexp(subexp("%[EFef]" + HEXDIG$$ + "%" + HEXDIG$$ + HEXDIG$$ + "%" + HEXDIG$$ + HEXDIG$$) + "|" + subexp("%[89A-Fa-f]" + HEXDIG$$ + "%" + HEXDIG$$ + HEXDIG$$) + "|" + subexp("%" + HEXDIG$$ + HEXDIG$$)), - //expanded - GEN_DELIMS$$ = "[\\:\\/\\?\\#\\[\\]\\@]", - SUB_DELIMS$$ = "[\\!\\$\\&\\'\\(\\)\\*\\+\\,\\;\\=]", - RESERVED$$ = merge(GEN_DELIMS$$, SUB_DELIMS$$), - UCSCHAR$$ = isIRI ? "[\\xA0-\\u200D\\u2010-\\u2029\\u202F-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF]" : "[]", - //subset, excludes bidi control characters - IPRIVATE$$ = isIRI ? "[\\uE000-\\uF8FF]" : "[]", - //subset - UNRESERVED$$ = merge(ALPHA$$, DIGIT$$, "[\\-\\.\\_\\~]", UCSCHAR$$), - SCHEME$ = subexp(ALPHA$$ + merge(ALPHA$$, DIGIT$$, "[\\+\\-\\.]") + "*"), - USERINFO$ = subexp(subexp(PCT_ENCODED$ + "|" + merge(UNRESERVED$$, SUB_DELIMS$$, "[\\:]")) + "*"), - DEC_OCTET$ = subexp(subexp("25[0-5]") + "|" + subexp("2[0-4]" + DIGIT$$) + "|" + subexp("1" + DIGIT$$ + DIGIT$$) + "|" + subexp("[1-9]" + DIGIT$$) + "|" + DIGIT$$), - DEC_OCTET_RELAXED$ = subexp(subexp("25[0-5]") + "|" + subexp("2[0-4]" + DIGIT$$) + "|" + subexp("1" + DIGIT$$ + DIGIT$$) + "|" + subexp("0?[1-9]" + DIGIT$$) + "|0?0?" + DIGIT$$), - //relaxed parsing rules - IPV4ADDRESS$ = subexp(DEC_OCTET_RELAXED$ + "\\." + DEC_OCTET_RELAXED$ + "\\." + DEC_OCTET_RELAXED$ + "\\." + DEC_OCTET_RELAXED$), - H16$ = subexp(HEXDIG$$ + "{1,4}"), - LS32$ = subexp(subexp(H16$ + "\\:" + H16$) + "|" + IPV4ADDRESS$), - IPV6ADDRESS1$ = subexp(subexp(H16$ + "\\:") + "{6}" + LS32$), - // 6( h16 ":" ) ls32 - IPV6ADDRESS2$ = subexp("\\:\\:" + subexp(H16$ + "\\:") + "{5}" + LS32$), - // "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32 - IPV6ADDRESS3$ = subexp(subexp(H16$) + "?\\:\\:" + subexp(H16$ + "\\:") + "{4}" + LS32$), - //[ h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32 - IPV6ADDRESS4$ = subexp(subexp(subexp(H16$ + "\\:") + "{0,1}" + H16$) + "?\\:\\:" + subexp(H16$ + "\\:") + "{3}" + LS32$), - //[ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32 - IPV6ADDRESS5$ = subexp(subexp(subexp(H16$ + "\\:") + "{0,2}" + H16$) + "?\\:\\:" + subexp(H16$ + "\\:") + "{2}" + LS32$), - //[ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32 - IPV6ADDRESS6$ = subexp(subexp(subexp(H16$ + "\\:") + "{0,3}" + H16$) + "?\\:\\:" + H16$ + "\\:" + LS32$), - //[ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16 ":" ls32 - IPV6ADDRESS7$ = subexp(subexp(subexp(H16$ + "\\:") + "{0,4}" + H16$) + "?\\:\\:" + LS32$), - //[ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" ls32 - IPV6ADDRESS8$ = subexp(subexp(subexp(H16$ + "\\:") + "{0,5}" + H16$) + "?\\:\\:" + H16$), - //[ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16 - IPV6ADDRESS9$ = subexp(subexp(subexp(H16$ + "\\:") + "{0,6}" + H16$) + "?\\:\\:"), - //[ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" - IPV6ADDRESS$ = subexp([IPV6ADDRESS1$, IPV6ADDRESS2$, IPV6ADDRESS3$, IPV6ADDRESS4$, IPV6ADDRESS5$, IPV6ADDRESS6$, IPV6ADDRESS7$, IPV6ADDRESS8$, IPV6ADDRESS9$].join("|")), - ZONEID$ = subexp(subexp(UNRESERVED$$ + "|" + PCT_ENCODED$) + "+"), - //RFC 6874 - IPV6ADDRZ$ = subexp(IPV6ADDRESS$ + "\\%25" + ZONEID$), - //RFC 6874 - IPV6ADDRZ_RELAXED$ = subexp(IPV6ADDRESS$ + subexp("\\%25|\\%(?!" + HEXDIG$$ + "{2})") + ZONEID$), - //RFC 6874, with relaxed parsing rules - IPVFUTURE$ = subexp("[vV]" + HEXDIG$$ + "+\\." + merge(UNRESERVED$$, SUB_DELIMS$$, "[\\:]") + "+"), - IP_LITERAL$ = subexp("\\[" + subexp(IPV6ADDRZ_RELAXED$ + "|" + IPV6ADDRESS$ + "|" + IPVFUTURE$) + "\\]"), - //RFC 6874 - REG_NAME$ = subexp(subexp(PCT_ENCODED$ + "|" + merge(UNRESERVED$$, SUB_DELIMS$$)) + "*"), - HOST$ = subexp(IP_LITERAL$ + "|" + IPV4ADDRESS$ + "(?!" + REG_NAME$ + ")" + "|" + REG_NAME$), - PORT$ = subexp(DIGIT$$ + "*"), - AUTHORITY$ = subexp(subexp(USERINFO$ + "@") + "?" + HOST$ + subexp("\\:" + PORT$) + "?"), - PCHAR$ = subexp(PCT_ENCODED$ + "|" + merge(UNRESERVED$$, SUB_DELIMS$$, "[\\:\\@]")), - SEGMENT$ = subexp(PCHAR$ + "*"), - SEGMENT_NZ$ = subexp(PCHAR$ + "+"), - SEGMENT_NZ_NC$ = subexp(subexp(PCT_ENCODED$ + "|" + merge(UNRESERVED$$, SUB_DELIMS$$, "[\\@]")) + "+"), - PATH_ABEMPTY$ = subexp(subexp("\\/" + SEGMENT$) + "*"), - PATH_ABSOLUTE$ = subexp("\\/" + subexp(SEGMENT_NZ$ + PATH_ABEMPTY$) + "?"), - //simplified - PATH_NOSCHEME$ = subexp(SEGMENT_NZ_NC$ + PATH_ABEMPTY$), - //simplified - PATH_ROOTLESS$ = subexp(SEGMENT_NZ$ + PATH_ABEMPTY$), - //simplified - PATH_EMPTY$ = "(?!" + PCHAR$ + ")", - PATH$ = subexp(PATH_ABEMPTY$ + "|" + PATH_ABSOLUTE$ + "|" + PATH_NOSCHEME$ + "|" + PATH_ROOTLESS$ + "|" + PATH_EMPTY$), - QUERY$ = subexp(subexp(PCHAR$ + "|" + merge("[\\/\\?]", IPRIVATE$$)) + "*"), - FRAGMENT$ = subexp(subexp(PCHAR$ + "|[\\/\\?]") + "*"), - HIER_PART$ = subexp(subexp("\\/\\/" + AUTHORITY$ + PATH_ABEMPTY$) + "|" + PATH_ABSOLUTE$ + "|" + PATH_ROOTLESS$ + "|" + PATH_EMPTY$), - URI$ = subexp(SCHEME$ + "\\:" + HIER_PART$ + subexp("\\?" + QUERY$) + "?" + subexp("\\#" + FRAGMENT$) + "?"), - RELATIVE_PART$ = subexp(subexp("\\/\\/" + AUTHORITY$ + PATH_ABEMPTY$) + "|" + PATH_ABSOLUTE$ + "|" + PATH_NOSCHEME$ + "|" + PATH_EMPTY$), - RELATIVE$ = subexp(RELATIVE_PART$ + subexp("\\?" + QUERY$) + "?" + subexp("\\#" + FRAGMENT$) + "?"), - URI_REFERENCE$ = subexp(URI$ + "|" + RELATIVE$), - ABSOLUTE_URI$ = subexp(SCHEME$ + "\\:" + HIER_PART$ + subexp("\\?" + QUERY$) + "?"), - GENERIC_REF$ = "^(" + SCHEME$ + ")\\:" + subexp(subexp("\\/\\/(" + subexp("(" + USERINFO$ + ")@") + "?(" + HOST$ + ")" + subexp("\\:(" + PORT$ + ")") + "?)") + "?(" + PATH_ABEMPTY$ + "|" + PATH_ABSOLUTE$ + "|" + PATH_ROOTLESS$ + "|" + PATH_EMPTY$ + ")") + subexp("\\?(" + QUERY$ + ")") + "?" + subexp("\\#(" + FRAGMENT$ + ")") + "?$", - RELATIVE_REF$ = "^(){0}" + subexp(subexp("\\/\\/(" + subexp("(" + USERINFO$ + ")@") + "?(" + HOST$ + ")" + subexp("\\:(" + PORT$ + ")") + "?)") + "?(" + PATH_ABEMPTY$ + "|" + PATH_ABSOLUTE$ + "|" + PATH_NOSCHEME$ + "|" + PATH_EMPTY$ + ")") + subexp("\\?(" + QUERY$ + ")") + "?" + subexp("\\#(" + FRAGMENT$ + ")") + "?$", - ABSOLUTE_REF$ = "^(" + SCHEME$ + ")\\:" + subexp(subexp("\\/\\/(" + subexp("(" + USERINFO$ + ")@") + "?(" + HOST$ + ")" + subexp("\\:(" + PORT$ + ")") + "?)") + "?(" + PATH_ABEMPTY$ + "|" + PATH_ABSOLUTE$ + "|" + PATH_ROOTLESS$ + "|" + PATH_EMPTY$ + ")") + subexp("\\?(" + QUERY$ + ")") + "?$", - SAMEDOC_REF$ = "^" + subexp("\\#(" + FRAGMENT$ + ")") + "?$", - AUTHORITY_REF$ = "^" + subexp("(" + USERINFO$ + ")@") + "?(" + HOST$ + ")" + subexp("\\:(" + PORT$ + ")") + "?$"; - return { - NOT_SCHEME: new RegExp(merge("[^]", ALPHA$$, DIGIT$$, "[\\+\\-\\.]"), "g"), - NOT_USERINFO: new RegExp(merge("[^\\%\\:]", UNRESERVED$$, SUB_DELIMS$$), "g"), - NOT_HOST: new RegExp(merge("[^\\%\\[\\]\\:]", UNRESERVED$$, SUB_DELIMS$$), "g"), - NOT_PATH: new RegExp(merge("[^\\%\\/\\:\\@]", UNRESERVED$$, SUB_DELIMS$$), "g"), - NOT_PATH_NOSCHEME: new RegExp(merge("[^\\%\\/\\@]", UNRESERVED$$, SUB_DELIMS$$), "g"), - NOT_QUERY: new RegExp(merge("[^\\%]", UNRESERVED$$, SUB_DELIMS$$, "[\\:\\@\\/\\?]", IPRIVATE$$), "g"), - NOT_FRAGMENT: new RegExp(merge("[^\\%]", UNRESERVED$$, SUB_DELIMS$$, "[\\:\\@\\/\\?]"), "g"), - ESCAPE: new RegExp(merge("[^]", UNRESERVED$$, SUB_DELIMS$$), "g"), - UNRESERVED: new RegExp(UNRESERVED$$, "g"), - OTHER_CHARS: new RegExp(merge("[^\\%]", UNRESERVED$$, RESERVED$$), "g"), - PCT_ENCODED: new RegExp(PCT_ENCODED$, "g"), - IPV4ADDRESS: new RegExp("^(" + IPV4ADDRESS$ + ")$"), - IPV6ADDRESS: new RegExp("^\\[?(" + IPV6ADDRESS$ + ")" + subexp(subexp("\\%25|\\%(?!" + HEXDIG$$ + "{2})") + "(" + ZONEID$ + ")") + "?\\]?$") //RFC 6874, with relaxed parsing rules - }; -} -var URI_PROTOCOL = buildExps(false); - -var IRI_PROTOCOL = buildExps(true); - -var slicedToArray = function () { - function sliceIterator(arr, i) { - var _arr = []; - var _n = true; - var _d = false; - var _e = undefined; - - try { - for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { - _arr.push(_s.value); - - if (i && _arr.length === i) break; - } - } catch (err) { - _d = true; - _e = err; - } finally { - try { - if (!_n && _i["return"]) _i["return"](); - } finally { - if (_d) throw _e; - } - } - - return _arr; - } - - return function (arr, i) { - if (Array.isArray(arr)) { - return arr; - } else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) { - return sliceIterator(arr, i); - } else { - throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); - } - }; -}(); - - - - - - - - - - - - - -var toConsumableArray = function (arr) { - if (Array.isArray(arr)) { - for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i]; - - return arr2; - } else { - return Array.from(arr); - } -}; - -/** Highest positive signed 32-bit float value */ - -var maxInt = 2147483647; // aka. 0x7FFFFFFF or 2^31-1 - -/** Bootstring parameters */ -var base = 36; -var tMin = 1; -var tMax = 26; -var skew = 38; -var damp = 700; -var initialBias = 72; -var initialN = 128; // 0x80 -var delimiter = '-'; // '\x2D' - -/** Regular expressions */ -var regexPunycode = /^xn--/; -var regexNonASCII = /[^\0-\x7E]/; // non-ASCII chars -var regexSeparators = /[\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g; // RFC 3490 separators - -/** Error messages */ -var errors = { - 'overflow': 'Overflow: input needs wider integers to process', - 'not-basic': 'Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)', - 'invalid-input': 'Invalid input' -}; - -/** Convenience shortcuts */ -var baseMinusTMin = base - tMin; -var floor = Math.floor; -var stringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode; - -/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - -/** - * A generic error utility function. - * @private - * @param {String} type The error type. - * @returns {Error} Throws a `RangeError` with the applicable error message. - */ -function error$1(type) { - throw new RangeError(errors[type]); -} - -/** - * A generic `Array#map` utility function. - * @private - * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. - * @param {Function} callback The function that gets called for every array - * item. - * @returns {Array} A new array of values returned by the callback function. - */ -function map(array, fn) { - var result = []; - var length = array.length; - while (length--) { - result[length] = fn(array[length]); - } - return result; -} - -/** - * A simple `Array#map`-like wrapper to work with domain name strings or email - * addresses. - * @private - * @param {String} domain The domain name or email address. - * @param {Function} callback The function that gets called for every - * character. - * @returns {Array} A new string of characters returned by the callback - * function. - */ -function mapDomain(string, fn) { - var parts = string.split('@'); - var result = ''; - if (parts.length > 1) { - // In email addresses, only the domain name should be punycoded. Leave - // the local part (i.e. everything up to `@`) intact. - result = parts[0] + '@'; - string = parts[1]; - } - // Avoid `split(regex)` for IE8 compatibility. See #17. - string = string.replace(regexSeparators, '\x2E'); - var labels = string.split('.'); - var encoded = map(labels, fn).join('.'); - return result + encoded; -} - -/** - * Creates an array containing the numeric code points of each Unicode - * character in the string. While JavaScript uses UCS-2 internally, - * this function will convert a pair of surrogate halves (each of which - * UCS-2 exposes as separate characters) into a single code point, - * matching UTF-16. - * @see `punycode.ucs2.encode` - * @see - * @memberOf punycode.ucs2 - * @name decode - * @param {String} string The Unicode input string (UCS-2). - * @returns {Array} The new array of code points. - */ -function ucs2decode(string) { - var output = []; - var counter = 0; - var length = string.length; - while (counter < length) { - var value = string.charCodeAt(counter++); - if (value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDBFF && counter < length) { - // It's a high surrogate, and there is a next character. - var extra = string.charCodeAt(counter++); - if ((extra & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) { - // Low surrogate. - output.push(((value & 0x3FF) << 10) + (extra & 0x3FF) + 0x10000); - } else { - // It's an unmatched surrogate; only append this code unit, in case the - // next code unit is the high surrogate of a surrogate pair. - output.push(value); - counter--; - } - } else { - output.push(value); - } - } - return output; -} - -/** - * Creates a string based on an array of numeric code points. - * @see `punycode.ucs2.decode` - * @memberOf punycode.ucs2 - * @name encode - * @param {Array} codePoints The array of numeric code points. - * @returns {String} The new Unicode string (UCS-2). - */ -var ucs2encode = function ucs2encode(array) { - return String.fromCodePoint.apply(String, toConsumableArray(array)); -}; - -/** - * Converts a basic code point into a digit/integer. - * @see `digitToBasic()` - * @private - * @param {Number} codePoint The basic numeric code point value. - * @returns {Number} The numeric value of a basic code point (for use in - * representing integers) in the range `0` to `base - 1`, or `base` if - * the code point does not represent a value. - */ -var basicToDigit = function basicToDigit(codePoint) { - if (codePoint - 0x30 < 0x0A) { - return codePoint - 0x16; - } - if (codePoint - 0x41 < 0x1A) { - return codePoint - 0x41; - } - if (codePoint - 0x61 < 0x1A) { - return codePoint - 0x61; - } - return base; -}; - -/** - * Converts a digit/integer into a basic code point. - * @see `basicToDigit()` - * @private - * @param {Number} digit The numeric value of a basic code point. - * @returns {Number} The basic code point whose value (when used for - * representing integers) is `digit`, which needs to be in the range - * `0` to `base - 1`. If `flag` is non-zero, the uppercase form is - * used; else, the lowercase form is used. The behavior is undefined - * if `flag` is non-zero and `digit` has no uppercase form. - */ -var digitToBasic = function digitToBasic(digit, flag) { - // 0..25 map to ASCII a..z or A..Z - // 26..35 map to ASCII 0..9 - return digit + 22 + 75 * (digit < 26) - ((flag != 0) << 5); -}; - -/** - * Bias adaptation function as per section 3.4 of RFC 3492. - * - * @private - */ -var adapt = function adapt(delta, numPoints, firstTime) { - var k = 0; - delta = firstTime ? floor(delta / damp) : delta >> 1; - delta += floor(delta / numPoints); - for (; /* no initialization */delta > baseMinusTMin * tMax >> 1; k += base) { - delta = floor(delta / baseMinusTMin); - } - return floor(k + (baseMinusTMin + 1) * delta / (delta + skew)); -}; - -/** - * Converts a Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols to a string of Unicode - * symbols. - * @memberOf punycode - * @param {String} input The Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols. - * @returns {String} The resulting string of Unicode symbols. - */ -var decode = function decode(input) { - // Don't use UCS-2. - var output = []; - var inputLength = input.length; - var i = 0; - var n = initialN; - var bias = initialBias; - - // Handle the basic code points: let `basic` be the number of input code - // points before the last delimiter, or `0` if there is none, then copy - // the first basic code points to the output. - - var basic = input.lastIndexOf(delimiter); - if (basic < 0) { - basic = 0; - } - - for (var j = 0; j < basic; ++j) { - // if it's not a basic code point - if (input.charCodeAt(j) >= 0x80) { - error$1('not-basic'); - } - output.push(input.charCodeAt(j)); - } - - // Main decoding loop: start just after the last delimiter if any basic code - // points were copied; start at the beginning otherwise. - - for (var index = basic > 0 ? basic + 1 : 0; index < inputLength;) /* no final expression */{ - - // `index` is the index of the next character to be consumed. - // Decode a generalized variable-length integer into `delta`, - // which gets added to `i`. The overflow checking is easier - // if we increase `i` as we go, then subtract off its starting - // value at the end to obtain `delta`. - var oldi = i; - for (var w = 1, k = base;; /* no condition */k += base) { - - if (index >= inputLength) { - error$1('invalid-input'); - } - - var digit = basicToDigit(input.charCodeAt(index++)); - - if (digit >= base || digit > floor((maxInt - i) / w)) { - error$1('overflow'); - } - - i += digit * w; - var t = k <= bias ? tMin : k >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k - bias; - - if (digit < t) { - break; - } - - var baseMinusT = base - t; - if (w > floor(maxInt / baseMinusT)) { - error$1('overflow'); - } - - w *= baseMinusT; - } - - var out = output.length + 1; - bias = adapt(i - oldi, out, oldi == 0); - - // `i` was supposed to wrap around from `out` to `0`, - // incrementing `n` each time, so we'll fix that now: - if (floor(i / out) > maxInt - n) { - error$1('overflow'); - } - - n += floor(i / out); - i %= out; - - // Insert `n` at position `i` of the output. - output.splice(i++, 0, n); - } - - return String.fromCodePoint.apply(String, output); -}; - -/** - * Converts a string of Unicode symbols (e.g. a domain name label) to a - * Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols. - * @memberOf punycode - * @param {String} input The string of Unicode symbols. - * @returns {String} The resulting Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols. - */ -var encode = function encode(input) { - var output = []; - - // Convert the input in UCS-2 to an array of Unicode code points. - input = ucs2decode(input); - - // Cache the length. - var inputLength = input.length; - - // Initialize the state. - var n = initialN; - var delta = 0; - var bias = initialBias; - - // Handle the basic code points. - var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true; - var _didIteratorError = false; - var _iteratorError = undefined; - - try { - for (var _iterator = input[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) { - var _currentValue2 = _step.value; - - if (_currentValue2 < 0x80) { - output.push(stringFromCharCode(_currentValue2)); - } - } - } catch (err) { - _didIteratorError = true; - _iteratorError = err; - } finally { - try { - if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) { - _iterator.return(); - } - } finally { - if (_didIteratorError) { - throw _iteratorError; - } - } - } - - var basicLength = output.length; - var handledCPCount = basicLength; - - // `handledCPCount` is the number of code points that have been handled; - // `basicLength` is the number of basic code points. - - // Finish the basic string with a delimiter unless it's empty. - if (basicLength) { - output.push(delimiter); - } - - // Main encoding loop: - while (handledCPCount < inputLength) { - - // All non-basic code points < n have been handled already. Find the next - // larger one: - var m = maxInt; - var _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true; - var _didIteratorError2 = false; - var _iteratorError2 = undefined; - - try { - for (var _iterator2 = input[Symbol.iterator](), _step2; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion2 = (_step2 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true) { - var currentValue = _step2.value; - - if (currentValue >= n && currentValue < m) { - m = currentValue; - } - } - - // Increase `delta` enough to advance the decoder's state to , - // but guard against overflow. - } catch (err) { - _didIteratorError2 = true; - _iteratorError2 = err; - } finally { - try { - if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion2 && _iterator2.return) { - _iterator2.return(); - } - } finally { - if (_didIteratorError2) { - throw _iteratorError2; - } - } - } - - var handledCPCountPlusOne = handledCPCount + 1; - if (m - n > floor((maxInt - delta) / handledCPCountPlusOne)) { - error$1('overflow'); - } - - delta += (m - n) * handledCPCountPlusOne; - n = m; - - var _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true; - var _didIteratorError3 = false; - var _iteratorError3 = undefined; - - try { - for (var _iterator3 = input[Symbol.iterator](), _step3; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion3 = (_step3 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true) { - var _currentValue = _step3.value; - - if (_currentValue < n && ++delta > maxInt) { - error$1('overflow'); - } - if (_currentValue == n) { - // Represent delta as a generalized variable-length integer. - var q = delta; - for (var k = base;; /* no condition */k += base) { - var t = k <= bias ? tMin : k >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k - bias; - if (q < t) { - break; - } - var qMinusT = q - t; - var baseMinusT = base - t; - output.push(stringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(t + qMinusT % baseMinusT, 0))); - q = floor(qMinusT / baseMinusT); - } - - output.push(stringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(q, 0))); - bias = adapt(delta, handledCPCountPlusOne, handledCPCount == basicLength); - delta = 0; - ++handledCPCount; - } - } - } catch (err) { - _didIteratorError3 = true; - _iteratorError3 = err; - } finally { - try { - if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion3 && _iterator3.return) { - _iterator3.return(); - } - } finally { - if (_didIteratorError3) { - throw _iteratorError3; - } - } - } - - ++delta; - ++n; - } - return output.join(''); -}; - -/** - * Converts a Punycode string representing a domain name or an email address - * to Unicode. Only the Punycoded parts of the input will be converted, i.e. - * it doesn't matter if you call it on a string that has already been - * converted to Unicode. - * @memberOf punycode - * @param {String} input The Punycoded domain name or email address to - * convert to Unicode. - * @returns {String} The Unicode representation of the given Punycode - * string. - */ -var toUnicode = function toUnicode(input) { - return mapDomain(input, function (string) { - return regexPunycode.test(string) ? decode(string.slice(4).toLowerCase()) : string; - }); -}; - -/** - * Converts a Unicode string representing a domain name or an email address to - * Punycode. Only the non-ASCII parts of the domain name will be converted, - * i.e. it doesn't matter if you call it with a domain that's already in - * ASCII. - * @memberOf punycode - * @param {String} input The domain name or email address to convert, as a - * Unicode string. - * @returns {String} The Punycode representation of the given domain name or - * email address. - */ -var toASCII = function toASCII(input) { - return mapDomain(input, function (string) { - return regexNonASCII.test(string) ? 'xn--' + encode(string) : string; - }); -}; - -/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - -/** Define the public API */ -var punycode = { - /** - * A string representing the current Punycode.js version number. - * @memberOf punycode - * @type String - */ - 'version': '2.1.0', - /** - * An object of methods to convert from JavaScript's internal character - * representation (UCS-2) to Unicode code points, and back. - * @see - * @memberOf punycode - * @type Object - */ - 'ucs2': { - 'decode': ucs2decode, - 'encode': ucs2encode - }, - 'decode': decode, - 'encode': encode, - 'toASCII': toASCII, - 'toUnicode': toUnicode -}; - -/** - * URI.js - * - * @fileoverview An RFC 3986 compliant, scheme extendable URI parsing/validating/resolving library for JavaScript. - * @author Gary Court - * @see - */ -/** - * Copyright 2011 Gary Court. All rights reserved. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are - * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - * - * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of - * conditions and the following disclaimer. - * - * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list - * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials - * provided with the distribution. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY GARY COURT ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED - * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND - * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL GARY COURT OR - * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR - * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR - * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON - * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING - * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF - * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - * - * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the - * authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed - * or implied, of Gary Court. - */ -var SCHEMES = {}; -function pctEncChar(chr) { - var c = chr.charCodeAt(0); - var e = void 0; - if (c < 16) e = "%0" + c.toString(16).toUpperCase();else if (c < 128) e = "%" + c.toString(16).toUpperCase();else if (c < 2048) e = "%" + (c >> 6 | 192).toString(16).toUpperCase() + "%" + (c & 63 | 128).toString(16).toUpperCase();else e = "%" + (c >> 12 | 224).toString(16).toUpperCase() + "%" + (c >> 6 & 63 | 128).toString(16).toUpperCase() + "%" + (c & 63 | 128).toString(16).toUpperCase(); - return e; -} -function pctDecChars(str) { - var newStr = ""; - var i = 0; - var il = str.length; - while (i < il) { - var c = parseInt(str.substr(i + 1, 2), 16); - if (c < 128) { - newStr += String.fromCharCode(c); - i += 3; - } else if (c >= 194 && c < 224) { - if (il - i >= 6) { - var c2 = parseInt(str.substr(i + 4, 2), 16); - newStr += String.fromCharCode((c & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63); - } else { - newStr += str.substr(i, 6); - } - i += 6; - } else if (c >= 224) { - if (il - i >= 9) { - var _c = parseInt(str.substr(i + 4, 2), 16); - var c3 = parseInt(str.substr(i + 7, 2), 16); - newStr += String.fromCharCode((c & 15) << 12 | (_c & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63); - } else { - newStr += str.substr(i, 9); - } - i += 9; - } else { - newStr += str.substr(i, 3); - i += 3; - } - } - return newStr; -} -function _normalizeComponentEncoding(components, protocol) { - function decodeUnreserved(str) { - var decStr = pctDecChars(str); - return !decStr.match(protocol.UNRESERVED) ? str : decStr; - } - if (components.scheme) components.scheme = String(components.scheme).replace(protocol.PCT_ENCODED, decodeUnreserved).toLowerCase().replace(protocol.NOT_SCHEME, ""); - if (components.userinfo !== undefined) components.userinfo = String(components.userinfo).replace(protocol.PCT_ENCODED, decodeUnreserved).replace(protocol.NOT_USERINFO, pctEncChar).replace(protocol.PCT_ENCODED, toUpperCase); - if ( !== undefined) = String(, decodeUnreserved).toLowerCase().replace(protocol.NOT_HOST, pctEncChar).replace(protocol.PCT_ENCODED, toUpperCase); - if (components.path !== undefined) components.path = String(components.path).replace(protocol.PCT_ENCODED, decodeUnreserved).replace(components.scheme ? protocol.NOT_PATH : protocol.NOT_PATH_NOSCHEME, pctEncChar).replace(protocol.PCT_ENCODED, toUpperCase); - if (components.query !== undefined) components.query = String(components.query).replace(protocol.PCT_ENCODED, decodeUnreserved).replace(protocol.NOT_QUERY, pctEncChar).replace(protocol.PCT_ENCODED, toUpperCase); - if (components.fragment !== undefined) components.fragment = String(components.fragment).replace(protocol.PCT_ENCODED, decodeUnreserved).replace(protocol.NOT_FRAGMENT, pctEncChar).replace(protocol.PCT_ENCODED, toUpperCase); - return components; -} - -function _stripLeadingZeros(str) { - return str.replace(/^0*(.*)/, "$1") || "0"; -} -function _normalizeIPv4(host, protocol) { - var matches = host.match(protocol.IPV4ADDRESS) || []; - - var _matches = slicedToArray(matches, 2), - address = _matches[1]; - - if (address) { - return address.split(".").map(_stripLeadingZeros).join("."); - } else { - return host; - } -} -function _normalizeIPv6(host, protocol) { - var matches = host.match(protocol.IPV6ADDRESS) || []; - - var _matches2 = slicedToArray(matches, 3), - address = _matches2[1], - zone = _matches2[2]; - - if (address) { - var _address$toLowerCase$ = address.toLowerCase().split('::').reverse(), - _address$toLowerCase$2 = slicedToArray(_address$toLowerCase$, 2), - last = _address$toLowerCase$2[0], - first = _address$toLowerCase$2[1]; - - var firstFields = first ? first.split(":").map(_stripLeadingZeros) : []; - var lastFields = last.split(":").map(_stripLeadingZeros); - var isLastFieldIPv4Address = protocol.IPV4ADDRESS.test(lastFields[lastFields.length - 1]); - var fieldCount = isLastFieldIPv4Address ? 7 : 8; - var lastFieldsStart = lastFields.length - fieldCount; - var fields = Array(fieldCount); - for (var x = 0; x < fieldCount; ++x) { - fields[x] = firstFields[x] || lastFields[lastFieldsStart + x] || ''; - } - if (isLastFieldIPv4Address) { - fields[fieldCount - 1] = _normalizeIPv4(fields[fieldCount - 1], protocol); - } - var allZeroFields = fields.reduce(function (acc, field, index) { - if (!field || field === "0") { - var lastLongest = acc[acc.length - 1]; - if (lastLongest && lastLongest.index + lastLongest.length === index) { - lastLongest.length++; - } else { - acc.push({ index: index, length: 1 }); - } - } - return acc; - }, []); - var longestZeroFields = allZeroFields.sort(function (a, b) { - return b.length - a.length; - })[0]; - var newHost = void 0; - if (longestZeroFields && longestZeroFields.length > 1) { - var newFirst = fields.slice(0, longestZeroFields.index); - var newLast = fields.slice(longestZeroFields.index + longestZeroFields.length); - newHost = newFirst.join(":") + "::" + newLast.join(":"); - } else { - newHost = fields.join(":"); - } - if (zone) { - newHost += "%" + zone; - } - return newHost; - } else { - return host; - } -} -var URI_PARSE = /^(?:([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/((?:([^\/?#@]*)@)?(\[[^\/?#\]]+\]|[^\/?#:]*)(?:\:(\d*))?))?([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#((?:.|\n|\r)*))?/i; -var NO_MATCH_IS_UNDEFINED = "".match(/(){0}/)[1] === undefined; -function parse(uriString) { - var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; - - var components = {}; - var protocol = options.iri !== false ? IRI_PROTOCOL : URI_PROTOCOL; - if (options.reference === "suffix") uriString = (options.scheme ? options.scheme + ":" : "") + "//" + uriString; - var matches = uriString.match(URI_PARSE); - if (matches) { - if (NO_MATCH_IS_UNDEFINED) { - //store each component - components.scheme = matches[1]; - components.userinfo = matches[3]; - = matches[4]; - components.port = parseInt(matches[5], 10); - components.path = matches[6] || ""; - components.query = matches[7]; - components.fragment = matches[8]; - //fix port number - if (isNaN(components.port)) { - components.port = matches[5]; - } - } else { - //IE FIX for improper RegExp matching - //store each component - components.scheme = matches[1] || undefined; - components.userinfo = uriString.indexOf("@") !== -1 ? matches[3] : undefined; - = uriString.indexOf("//") !== -1 ? matches[4] : undefined; - components.port = parseInt(matches[5], 10); - components.path = matches[6] || ""; - components.query = uriString.indexOf("?") !== -1 ? matches[7] : undefined; - components.fragment = uriString.indexOf("#") !== -1 ? matches[8] : undefined; - //fix port number - if (isNaN(components.port)) { - components.port = uriString.match(/\/\/(?:.|\n)*\:(?:\/|\?|\#|$)/) ? matches[4] : undefined; - } - } - if ( { - //normalize IP hosts - = _normalizeIPv6(_normalizeIPv4(, protocol), protocol); - } - //determine reference type - if (components.scheme === undefined && components.userinfo === undefined && === undefined && components.port === undefined && !components.path && components.query === undefined) { - components.reference = "same-document"; - } else if (components.scheme === undefined) { - components.reference = "relative"; - } else if (components.fragment === undefined) { - components.reference = "absolute"; - } else { - components.reference = "uri"; - } - //check for reference errors - if (options.reference && options.reference !== "suffix" && options.reference !== components.reference) { - components.error = components.error || "URI is not a " + options.reference + " reference."; - } - //find scheme handler - var schemeHandler = SCHEMES[(options.scheme || components.scheme || "").toLowerCase()]; - //check if scheme can't handle IRIs - if (!options.unicodeSupport && (!schemeHandler || !schemeHandler.unicodeSupport)) { - //if host component is a domain name - if ( && (options.domainHost || schemeHandler && schemeHandler.domainHost)) { - //convert Unicode IDN -> ASCII IDN - try { - = punycode.toASCII(, pctDecChars).toLowerCase()); - } catch (e) { - components.error = components.error || "Host's domain name can not be converted to ASCII via punycode: " + e; - } - } - //convert IRI -> URI - _normalizeComponentEncoding(components, URI_PROTOCOL); - } else { - //normalize encodings - _normalizeComponentEncoding(components, protocol); - } - //perform scheme specific parsing - if (schemeHandler && schemeHandler.parse) { - schemeHandler.parse(components, options); - } - } else { - components.error = components.error || "URI can not be parsed."; - } - return components; -} - -function _recomposeAuthority(components, options) { - var protocol = options.iri !== false ? IRI_PROTOCOL : URI_PROTOCOL; - var uriTokens = []; - if (components.userinfo !== undefined) { - uriTokens.push(components.userinfo); - uriTokens.push("@"); - } - if ( !== undefined) { - //normalize IP hosts, add brackets and escape zone separator for IPv6 - uriTokens.push(_normalizeIPv6(_normalizeIPv4(String(, protocol), protocol).replace(protocol.IPV6ADDRESS, function (_, $1, $2) { - return "[" + $1 + ($2 ? "%25" + $2 : "") + "]"; - })); - } - if (typeof components.port === "number" || typeof components.port === "string") { - uriTokens.push(":"); - uriTokens.push(String(components.port)); - } - return uriTokens.length ? uriTokens.join("") : undefined; -} - -var RDS1 = /^\.\.?\//; -var RDS2 = /^\/\.(\/|$)/; -var RDS3 = /^\/\.\.(\/|$)/; -var RDS5 = /^\/?(?:.|\n)*?(?=\/|$)/; -function removeDotSegments(input) { - var output = []; - while (input.length) { - if (input.match(RDS1)) { - input = input.replace(RDS1, ""); - } else if (input.match(RDS2)) { - input = input.replace(RDS2, "/"); - } else if (input.match(RDS3)) { - input = input.replace(RDS3, "/"); - output.pop(); - } else if (input === "." || input === "..") { - input = ""; - } else { - var im = input.match(RDS5); - if (im) { - var s = im[0]; - input = input.slice(s.length); - output.push(s); - } else { - throw new Error("Unexpected dot segment condition"); - } - } - } - return output.join(""); -} - -function serialize(components) { - var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; - - var protocol = options.iri ? IRI_PROTOCOL : URI_PROTOCOL; - var uriTokens = []; - //find scheme handler - var schemeHandler = SCHEMES[(options.scheme || components.scheme || "").toLowerCase()]; - //perform scheme specific serialization - if (schemeHandler && schemeHandler.serialize) schemeHandler.serialize(components, options); - if ( { - //if host component is an IPv6 address - if (protocol.IPV6ADDRESS.test( {} - //TODO: normalize IPv6 address as per RFC 5952 - - //if host component is a domain name - else if (options.domainHost || schemeHandler && schemeHandler.domainHost) { - //convert IDN via punycode - try { - = !options.iri ? punycode.toASCII(, pctDecChars).toLowerCase()) : punycode.toUnicode(; - } catch (e) { - components.error = components.error || "Host's domain name can not be converted to " + (!options.iri ? "ASCII" : "Unicode") + " via punycode: " + e; - } - } - } - //normalize encoding - _normalizeComponentEncoding(components, protocol); - if (options.reference !== "suffix" && components.scheme) { - uriTokens.push(components.scheme); - uriTokens.push(":"); - } - var authority = _recomposeAuthority(components, options); - if (authority !== undefined) { - if (options.reference !== "suffix") { - uriTokens.push("//"); - } - uriTokens.push(authority); - if (components.path && components.path.charAt(0) !== "/") { - uriTokens.push("/"); - } - } - if (components.path !== undefined) { - var s = components.path; - if (!options.absolutePath && (!schemeHandler || !schemeHandler.absolutePath)) { - s = removeDotSegments(s); - } - if (authority === undefined) { - s = s.replace(/^\/\//, "/%2F"); //don't allow the path to start with "//" - } - uriTokens.push(s); - } - if (components.query !== undefined) { - uriTokens.push("?"); - uriTokens.push(components.query); - } - if (components.fragment !== undefined) { - uriTokens.push("#"); - uriTokens.push(components.fragment); - } - return uriTokens.join(""); //merge tokens into a string -} - -function resolveComponents(base, relative) { - var options = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; - var skipNormalization = arguments[3]; - - var target = {}; - if (!skipNormalization) { - base = parse(serialize(base, options), options); //normalize base components - relative = parse(serialize(relative, options), options); //normalize relative components - } - options = options || {}; - if (!options.tolerant && relative.scheme) { - target.scheme = relative.scheme; - //target.authority = relative.authority; - target.userinfo = relative.userinfo; - =; - target.port = relative.port; - target.path = removeDotSegments(relative.path || ""); - target.query = relative.query; - } else { - if (relative.userinfo !== undefined || !== undefined || relative.port !== undefined) { - //target.authority = relative.authority; - target.userinfo = relative.userinfo; - =; - target.port = relative.port; - target.path = removeDotSegments(relative.path || ""); - target.query = relative.query; - } else { - if (!relative.path) { - target.path = base.path; - if (relative.query !== undefined) { - target.query = relative.query; - } else { - target.query = base.query; - } - } else { - if (relative.path.charAt(0) === "/") { - target.path = removeDotSegments(relative.path); - } else { - if ((base.userinfo !== undefined || !== undefined || base.port !== undefined) && !base.path) { - target.path = "/" + relative.path; - } else if (!base.path) { - target.path = relative.path; - } else { - target.path = base.path.slice(0, base.path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + relative.path; - } - target.path = removeDotSegments(target.path); - } - target.query = relative.query; - } - //target.authority = base.authority; - target.userinfo = base.userinfo; - =; - target.port = base.port; - } - target.scheme = base.scheme; - } - target.fragment = relative.fragment; - return target; -} - -function resolve(baseURI, relativeURI, options) { - var schemelessOptions = assign({ scheme: 'null' }, options); - return serialize(resolveComponents(parse(baseURI, schemelessOptions), parse(relativeURI, schemelessOptions), schemelessOptions, true), schemelessOptions); -} - -function normalize(uri, options) { - if (typeof uri === "string") { - uri = serialize(parse(uri, options), options); - } else if (typeOf(uri) === "object") { - uri = parse(serialize(uri, options), options); - } - return uri; -} - -function equal(uriA, uriB, options) { - if (typeof uriA === "string") { - uriA = serialize(parse(uriA, options), options); - } else if (typeOf(uriA) === "object") { - uriA = serialize(uriA, options); - } - if (typeof uriB === "string") { - uriB = serialize(parse(uriB, options), options); - } else if (typeOf(uriB) === "object") { - uriB = serialize(uriB, options); - } - return uriA === uriB; -} - -function escapeComponent(str, options) { - return str && str.toString().replace(!options || !options.iri ? URI_PROTOCOL.ESCAPE : IRI_PROTOCOL.ESCAPE, pctEncChar); -} - -function unescapeComponent(str, options) { - return str && str.toString().replace(!options || !options.iri ? URI_PROTOCOL.PCT_ENCODED : IRI_PROTOCOL.PCT_ENCODED, pctDecChars); -} - -var handler = { - scheme: "http", - domainHost: true, - parse: function parse(components, options) { - //report missing host - if (! { - components.error = components.error || "HTTP URIs must have a host."; - } - return components; - }, - serialize: function serialize(components, options) { - var secure = String(components.scheme).toLowerCase() === "https"; - //normalize the default port - if (components.port === (secure ? 443 : 80) || components.port === "") { - components.port = undefined; - } - //normalize the empty path - if (!components.path) { - components.path = "/"; - } - //NOTE: We do not parse query strings for HTTP URIs - //as WWW Form Url Encoded query strings are part of the HTML4+ spec, - //and not the HTTP spec. - return components; - } -}; - -var handler$1 = { - scheme: "https", - domainHost: handler.domainHost, - parse: handler.parse, - serialize: handler.serialize -}; - -function isSecure(wsComponents) { - return typeof === 'boolean' ? : String(wsComponents.scheme).toLowerCase() === "wss"; -} -//RFC 6455 -var handler$2 = { - scheme: "ws", - domainHost: true, - parse: function parse(components, options) { - var wsComponents = components; - //indicate if the secure flag is set - = isSecure(wsComponents); - //construct resouce name - wsComponents.resourceName = (wsComponents.path || '/') + (wsComponents.query ? '?' + wsComponents.query : ''); - wsComponents.path = undefined; - wsComponents.query = undefined; - return wsComponents; - }, - serialize: function serialize(wsComponents, options) { - //normalize the default port - if (wsComponents.port === (isSecure(wsComponents) ? 443 : 80) || wsComponents.port === "") { - wsComponents.port = undefined; - } - //ensure scheme matches secure flag - if (typeof === 'boolean') { - wsComponents.scheme = ? 'wss' : 'ws'; - = undefined; - } - //reconstruct path from resource name - if (wsComponents.resourceName) { - var _wsComponents$resourc = wsComponents.resourceName.split('?'), - _wsComponents$resourc2 = slicedToArray(_wsComponents$resourc, 2), - path = _wsComponents$resourc2[0], - query = _wsComponents$resourc2[1]; - - wsComponents.path = path && path !== '/' ? path : undefined; - wsComponents.query = query; - wsComponents.resourceName = undefined; - } - //forbid fragment component - wsComponents.fragment = undefined; - return wsComponents; - } -}; - -var handler$3 = { - scheme: "wss", - domainHost: handler$2.domainHost, - parse: handler$2.parse, - serialize: handler$2.serialize -}; - -var O = {}; -var isIRI = true; -//RFC 3986 -var UNRESERVED$$ = "[A-Za-z0-9\\-\\.\\_\\~" + (isIRI ? "\\xA0-\\u200D\\u2010-\\u2029\\u202F-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF" : "") + "]"; -var HEXDIG$$ = "[0-9A-Fa-f]"; //case-insensitive -var PCT_ENCODED$ = subexp(subexp("%[EFef]" + HEXDIG$$ + "%" + HEXDIG$$ + HEXDIG$$ + "%" + HEXDIG$$ + HEXDIG$$) + "|" + subexp("%[89A-Fa-f]" + HEXDIG$$ + "%" + HEXDIG$$ + HEXDIG$$) + "|" + subexp("%" + HEXDIG$$ + HEXDIG$$)); //expanded -//RFC 5322, except these symbols as per RFC 6068: @ : / ? # [ ] & ; = -//const ATEXT$$ = "[A-Za-z0-9\\!\\#\\$\\%\\&\\'\\*\\+\\-\\/\\=\\?\\^\\_\\`\\{\\|\\}\\~]"; -//const WSP$$ = "[\\x20\\x09]"; -//const OBS_QTEXT$$ = "[\\x01-\\x08\\x0B\\x0C\\x0E-\\x1F\\x7F]"; //(%d1-8 / %d11-12 / %d14-31 / %d127) -//const QTEXT$$ = merge("[\\x21\\x23-\\x5B\\x5D-\\x7E]", OBS_QTEXT$$); //%d33 / %d35-91 / %d93-126 / obs-qtext -//const VCHAR$$ = "[\\x21-\\x7E]"; -//const WSP$$ = "[\\x20\\x09]"; -//const OBS_QP$ = subexp("\\\\" + merge("[\\x00\\x0D\\x0A]", OBS_QTEXT$$)); //%d0 / CR / LF / obs-qtext -//const FWS$ = subexp(subexp(WSP$$ + "*" + "\\x0D\\x0A") + "?" + WSP$$ + "+"); -//const QUOTED_PAIR$ = subexp(subexp("\\\\" + subexp(VCHAR$$ + "|" + WSP$$)) + "|" + OBS_QP$); -//const QUOTED_STRING$ = subexp('\\"' + subexp(FWS$ + "?" + QCONTENT$) + "*" + FWS$ + "?" + '\\"'); -var ATEXT$$ = "[A-Za-z0-9\\!\\$\\%\\'\\*\\+\\-\\^\\_\\`\\{\\|\\}\\~]"; -var QTEXT$$ = "[\\!\\$\\%\\'\\(\\)\\*\\+\\,\\-\\.0-9\\<\\>A-Z\\x5E-\\x7E]"; -var VCHAR$$ = merge(QTEXT$$, "[\\\"\\\\]"); -var SOME_DELIMS$$ = "[\\!\\$\\'\\(\\)\\*\\+\\,\\;\\:\\@]"; -var UNRESERVED = new RegExp(UNRESERVED$$, "g"); -var PCT_ENCODED = new RegExp(PCT_ENCODED$, "g"); -var NOT_LOCAL_PART = new RegExp(merge("[^]", ATEXT$$, "[\\.]", '[\\"]', VCHAR$$), "g"); -var NOT_HFNAME = new RegExp(merge("[^]", UNRESERVED$$, SOME_DELIMS$$), "g"); -var NOT_HFVALUE = NOT_HFNAME; -function decodeUnreserved(str) { - var decStr = pctDecChars(str); - return !decStr.match(UNRESERVED) ? str : decStr; -} -var handler$4 = { - scheme: "mailto", - parse: function parse$$1(components, options) { - var mailtoComponents = components; - var to = = mailtoComponents.path ? mailtoComponents.path.split(",") : []; - mailtoComponents.path = undefined; - if (mailtoComponents.query) { - var unknownHeaders = false; - var headers = {}; - var hfields = mailtoComponents.query.split("&"); - for (var x = 0, xl = hfields.length; x < xl; ++x) { - var hfield = hfields[x].split("="); - switch (hfield[0]) { - case "to": - var toAddrs = hfield[1].split(","); - for (var _x = 0, _xl = toAddrs.length; _x < _xl; ++_x) { - to.push(toAddrs[_x]); - } - break; - case "subject": - mailtoComponents.subject = unescapeComponent(hfield[1], options); - break; - case "body": - mailtoComponents.body = unescapeComponent(hfield[1], options); - break; - default: - unknownHeaders = true; - headers[unescapeComponent(hfield[0], options)] = unescapeComponent(hfield[1], options); - break; - } - } - if (unknownHeaders) mailtoComponents.headers = headers; - } - mailtoComponents.query = undefined; - for (var _x2 = 0, _xl2 = to.length; _x2 < _xl2; ++_x2) { - var addr = to[_x2].split("@"); - addr[0] = unescapeComponent(addr[0]); - if (!options.unicodeSupport) { - //convert Unicode IDN -> ASCII IDN - try { - addr[1] = punycode.toASCII(unescapeComponent(addr[1], options).toLowerCase()); - } catch (e) { - mailtoComponents.error = mailtoComponents.error || "Email address's domain name can not be converted to ASCII via punycode: " + e; - } - } else { - addr[1] = unescapeComponent(addr[1], options).toLowerCase(); - } - to[_x2] = addr.join("@"); - } - return mailtoComponents; - }, - serialize: function serialize$$1(mailtoComponents, options) { - var components = mailtoComponents; - var to = toArray(; - if (to) { - for (var x = 0, xl = to.length; x < xl; ++x) { - var toAddr = String(to[x]); - var atIdx = toAddr.lastIndexOf("@"); - var localPart = toAddr.slice(0, atIdx).replace(PCT_ENCODED, decodeUnreserved).replace(PCT_ENCODED, toUpperCase).replace(NOT_LOCAL_PART, pctEncChar); - var domain = toAddr.slice(atIdx + 1); - //convert IDN via punycode - try { - domain = !options.iri ? punycode.toASCII(unescapeComponent(domain, options).toLowerCase()) : punycode.toUnicode(domain); - } catch (e) { - components.error = components.error || "Email address's domain name can not be converted to " + (!options.iri ? "ASCII" : "Unicode") + " via punycode: " + e; - } - to[x] = localPart + "@" + domain; - } - components.path = to.join(","); - } - var headers = mailtoComponents.headers = mailtoComponents.headers || {}; - if (mailtoComponents.subject) headers["subject"] = mailtoComponents.subject; - if (mailtoComponents.body) headers["body"] = mailtoComponents.body; - var fields = []; - for (var name in headers) { - if (headers[name] !== O[name]) { - fields.push(name.replace(PCT_ENCODED, decodeUnreserved).replace(PCT_ENCODED, toUpperCase).replace(NOT_HFNAME, pctEncChar) + "=" + headers[name].replace(PCT_ENCODED, decodeUnreserved).replace(PCT_ENCODED, toUpperCase).replace(NOT_HFVALUE, pctEncChar)); - } - } - if (fields.length) { - components.query = fields.join("&"); - } - return components; - } -}; - -var URN_PARSE = /^([^\:]+)\:(.*)/; -//RFC 2141 -var handler$5 = { - scheme: "urn", - parse: function parse$$1(components, options) { - var matches = components.path && components.path.match(URN_PARSE); - var urnComponents = components; - if (matches) { - var scheme = options.scheme || urnComponents.scheme || "urn"; - var nid = matches[1].toLowerCase(); - var nss = matches[2]; - var urnScheme = scheme + ":" + (options.nid || nid); - var schemeHandler = SCHEMES[urnScheme]; - urnComponents.nid = nid; - urnComponents.nss = nss; - urnComponents.path = undefined; - if (schemeHandler) { - urnComponents = schemeHandler.parse(urnComponents, options); - } - } else { - urnComponents.error = urnComponents.error || "URN can not be parsed."; - } - return urnComponents; - }, - serialize: function serialize$$1(urnComponents, options) { - var scheme = options.scheme || urnComponents.scheme || "urn"; - var nid = urnComponents.nid; - var urnScheme = scheme + ":" + (options.nid || nid); - var schemeHandler = SCHEMES[urnScheme]; - if (schemeHandler) { - urnComponents = schemeHandler.serialize(urnComponents, options); - } - var uriComponents = urnComponents; - var nss = urnComponents.nss; - uriComponents.path = (nid || options.nid) + ":" + nss; - return uriComponents; - } -}; - -var UUID = /^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}(?:\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}){3}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}$/; -//RFC 4122 -var handler$6 = { - scheme: "urn:uuid", - parse: function parse(urnComponents, options) { - var uuidComponents = urnComponents; - uuidComponents.uuid = uuidComponents.nss; - uuidComponents.nss = undefined; - if (!options.tolerant && (!uuidComponents.uuid || !uuidComponents.uuid.match(UUID))) { - uuidComponents.error = uuidComponents.error || "UUID is not valid."; - } - return uuidComponents; - }, - serialize: function serialize(uuidComponents, options) { - var urnComponents = uuidComponents; - //normalize UUID - urnComponents.nss = (uuidComponents.uuid || "").toLowerCase(); - return urnComponents; - } -}; - -SCHEMES[handler.scheme] = handler; -SCHEMES[handler$1.scheme] = handler$1; -SCHEMES[handler$2.scheme] = handler$2; -SCHEMES[handler$3.scheme] = handler$3; -SCHEMES[handler$4.scheme] = handler$4; -SCHEMES[handler$5.scheme] = handler$5; -SCHEMES[handler$6.scheme] = handler$6; - -exports.SCHEMES = SCHEMES; -exports.pctEncChar = pctEncChar; -exports.pctDecChars = pctDecChars; -exports.parse = parse; -exports.removeDotSegments = removeDotSegments; -exports.serialize = serialize; -exports.resolveComponents = resolveComponents; -exports.resolve = resolve; -exports.normalize = normalize; -exports.equal = equal; -exports.escapeComponent = escapeComponent; -exports.unescapeComponent = unescapeComponent; - -Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - -}))); - - -},{}],"ajv":[function(require,module,exports){ -'use strict'; - -var compileSchema = require('./compile') - , resolve = require('./compile/resolve') - , Cache = require('./cache') - , SchemaObject = require('./compile/schema_obj') - , stableStringify = require('fast-json-stable-stringify') - , formats = require('./compile/formats') - , rules = require('./compile/rules') - , $dataMetaSchema = require('./data') - , util = require('./compile/util'); - -module.exports = Ajv; - -Ajv.prototype.validate = validate; -Ajv.prototype.compile = compile; -Ajv.prototype.addSchema = addSchema; -Ajv.prototype.addMetaSchema = addMetaSchema; -Ajv.prototype.validateSchema = validateSchema; -Ajv.prototype.getSchema = getSchema; -Ajv.prototype.removeSchema = removeSchema; -Ajv.prototype.addFormat = addFormat; -Ajv.prototype.errorsText = errorsText; - -Ajv.prototype._addSchema = _addSchema; -Ajv.prototype._compile = _compile; - -Ajv.prototype.compileAsync = require('./compile/async'); -var customKeyword = require('./keyword'); -Ajv.prototype.addKeyword = customKeyword.add; -Ajv.prototype.getKeyword = customKeyword.get; -Ajv.prototype.removeKeyword = customKeyword.remove; -Ajv.prototype.validateKeyword = customKeyword.validate; - -var errorClasses = require('./compile/error_classes'); -Ajv.ValidationError = errorClasses.Validation; -Ajv.MissingRefError = errorClasses.MissingRef; -Ajv.$dataMetaSchema = $dataMetaSchema; - -var META_SCHEMA_ID = ''; - -var META_IGNORE_OPTIONS = [ 'removeAdditional', 'useDefaults', 'coerceTypes', 'strictDefaults' ]; -var META_SUPPORT_DATA = ['/properties']; - -/** - * Creates validator instance. - * Usage: `Ajv(opts)` - * @param {Object} opts optional options - * @return {Object} ajv instance - */ -function Ajv(opts) { - if (!(this instanceof Ajv)) return new Ajv(opts); - opts = this._opts = util.copy(opts) || {}; - setLogger(this); - this._schemas = {}; - this._refs = {}; - this._fragments = {}; - this._formats = formats(opts.format); - - this._cache = opts.cache || new Cache; - this._loadingSchemas = {}; - this._compilations = []; - this.RULES = rules(); - this._getId = chooseGetId(opts); - - opts.loopRequired = opts.loopRequired || Infinity; - if (opts.errorDataPath == 'property') opts._errorDataPathProperty = true; - if (opts.serialize === undefined) opts.serialize = stableStringify; - this._metaOpts = getMetaSchemaOptions(this); - - if (opts.formats) addInitialFormats(this); - if (opts.keywords) addInitialKeywords(this); - addDefaultMetaSchema(this); - if (typeof opts.meta == 'object') this.addMetaSchema(opts.meta); - if (opts.nullable) this.addKeyword('nullable', {metaSchema: {type: 'boolean'}}); - addInitialSchemas(this); -} - - - -/** - * Validate data using schema - * Schema will be compiled and cached (using serialized JSON as key. [fast-json-stable-stringify]( is used to serialize. - * @this Ajv - * @param {String|Object} schemaKeyRef key, ref or schema object - * @param {Any} data to be validated - * @return {Boolean} validation result. Errors from the last validation will be available in `ajv.errors` (and also in compiled schema: `schema.errors`). - */ -function validate(schemaKeyRef, data) { - var v; - if (typeof schemaKeyRef == 'string') { - v = this.getSchema(schemaKeyRef); - if (!v) throw new Error('no schema with key or ref "' + schemaKeyRef + '"'); - } else { - var schemaObj = this._addSchema(schemaKeyRef); - v = schemaObj.validate || this._compile(schemaObj); - } - - var valid = v(data); - if (v.$async !== true) this.errors = v.errors; - return valid; -} - - -/** - * Create validating function for passed schema. - * @this Ajv - * @param {Object} schema schema object - * @param {Boolean} _meta true if schema is a meta-schema. Used internally to compile meta schemas of custom keywords. - * @return {Function} validating function - */ -function compile(schema, _meta) { - var schemaObj = this._addSchema(schema, undefined, _meta); - return schemaObj.validate || this._compile(schemaObj); -} - - -/** - * Adds schema to the instance. - * @this Ajv - * @param {Object|Array} schema schema or array of schemas. If array is passed, `key` and other parameters will be ignored. - * @param {String} key Optional schema key. Can be passed to `validate` method instead of schema object or id/ref. One schema per instance can have empty `id` and `key`. - * @param {Boolean} _skipValidation true to skip schema validation. Used internally, option validateSchema should be used instead. - * @param {Boolean} _meta true if schema is a meta-schema. Used internally, addMetaSchema should be used instead. - * @return {Ajv} this for method chaining - */ -function addSchema(schema, key, _skipValidation, _meta) { - if (Array.isArray(schema)){ - for (var i=0; i} errors optional array of validation errors, if not passed errors from the instance are used. - * @param {Object} options optional options with properties `separator` and `dataVar`. - * @return {String} human readable string with all errors descriptions - */ -function errorsText(errors, options) { - errors = errors || this.errors; - if (!errors) return 'No errors'; - options = options || {}; - var separator = options.separator === undefined ? ', ' : options.separator; - var dataVar = options.dataVar === undefined ? 'data' : options.dataVar; - - var text = ''; - for (var i=0; i%\\^`{|}]|%[0-9a-f]{2})|\{[+#./;?&=,!@|]?(?:[a-z0-9_]|%[0-9a-f]{2})+(?::[1-9][0-9]{0,3}|\*)?(?:,(?:[a-z0-9_]|%[0-9a-f]{2})+(?::[1-9][0-9]{0,3}|\*)?)*\})*$/i,u=/^(?:(?:http[s\u017F]?|ftp):\/\/)(?:(?:[\0-\x08\x0E-\x1F!-\x9F\xA1-\u167F\u1681-\u1FFF\u200B-\u2027\u202A-\u202E\u2030-\u205E\u2060-\u2FFF\u3001-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFEFE\uFF00-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])+(?::(?:[\0-\x08\x0E-\x1F!-\x9F\xA1-\u167F\u1681-\u1FFF\u200B-\u2027\u202A-\u202E\u2030-\u205E\u2060-\u2FFF\u3001-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFEFE\uFF00-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])*)?@)?(?:(?!10(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){3})(?!127(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){3})(?!169\.254(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){2})(?!192\.168(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){2})(?!172\.(?:1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){2})(?:[1-9][0-9]?|1[0-9][0-9]|2[01][0-9]|22[0-3])(?:\.(?:1?[0-9]{1,2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){2}(?:\.(?:[1-9][0-9]?|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-z\xA1-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])+-)*(?:[0-9a-z\xA1-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])+)(?:\.(?:(?:[0-9a-z\xA1-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])+-)*(?:[0-9a-z\xA1-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])+)*(?:\.(?:(?:[a-z\xA1-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]){2,})))(?::[0-9]{2,5})?(?:\/(?:[\0-\x08\x0E-\x1F!-\x9F\xA1-\u167F\u1681-\u1FFF\u200B-\u2027\u202A-\u202E\u2030-\u205E\u2060-\u2FFF\u3001-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFEFE\uFF00-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])*)?$/i,h=/^(?:urn:uuid:)?[0-9a-f]{8}-(?:[0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}$/i,d=/^(?:\/(?:[^~/]|~0|~1)*)*$/,p=/^#(?:\/(?:[a-z0-9_\-.!$&'()*+,;:=@]|%[0-9a-f]{2}|~0|~1)*)*$/i,f=/^(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:#|(?:\/(?:[^~/]|~0|~1)*)*)$/;function m(e){return a.copy(m[e="full"==e?"full":"fast"])}function v(e){var r=e.match(o);if(!r)return!1;var t,a=+r[2],s=+r[3];return 1<=a&&a<=12&&1<=s&&s<=(2!=a||((t=+r[1])%4!=0||t%100==0&&t%400!=0)?i[a]:29)}function y(e,r){var t=e.match(n);if(!t)return!1;var 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r=e.split(g);return 2==r.length&&v(r[0])&&y(r[1],!0)},uri:function(e){return 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g=/t|\s/i;var P=/\/|:/;var E=/[^\\]\\Z/;function w(e){if(E.test(e))return!1;try{return new RegExp(e),!0}catch(e){return!1}}},{"./util":10}],5:[function(e,r,t){"use strict";var R=e("./resolve"),$=e("./util"),j=e("./error_classes"),D=e("fast-json-stable-stringify"),O=e("../dotjs/validate"),I=$.ucs2length,A=e("fast-deep-equal"),k=j.Validation;function C(e,c,u,r){var d=this,p=this._opts,h=[void 0],f={},l=[],t={},m=[],a={},v=[],s=function(e,r,t){var,e,r,t);return 0<=a?{index:a,compiling:!0}:{index:a=this._compilations.length,compiling:!(this._compilations[a]={schema:e,root:r,baseId:t})}}.call(this,e,c=c||{schema:e,refVal:h,refs:f},r),o=this._compilations[s.index];if(s.compiling)return o.callValidate=P;var y=this._formats,g=this.RULES;try{var i=E(e,c,u,r);o.validate=i;var n=o.callValidate;return n&&(n.schema=i.schema,n.errors=null,n.refs=i.refs,n.refVal=i.refVal,n.root=i.root,n.$async=i.$async,p.sourceCode&&(n.source=i.source)),i}finally{(function(e,r,t){var,e,r,t);0<=a&&this._compilations.splice(a,1)}).call(this,e,c,r)}function P(){var e=o.validate,r=e.apply(this,arguments);return P.errors=e.errors,r}function E(e,r,t,a){var s=!r||r&&r.schema==e;if(r.schema!=c.schema)return,e,r,t,a);var o=!0===e.$async,i=O({isTop:!0,schema:e,isRoot:s,baseId:a,root:r,schemaPath:"",errSchemaPath:"#",errorPath:'""',MissingRefError:j.MissingRef,RULES:g,validate:O,util:$,resolve:R,resolveRef:w,usePattern:_,useDefault:F,useCustomRule:x,opts:p,formats:y,logger:d.logger,self:d}),i=Q(h,z)+Q(l,N)+Q(m,q)+Q(v,T)+i;p.processCode&&(i=p.processCode(i,e));try{var n=new Function("self","RULES","formats","root","refVal","defaults","customRules","equal","ucs2length","ValidationError",i)(d,g,y,c,h,m,v,A,I,k);h[0]=n}catch(e){throw d.logger.error("Error compiling schema, function code:",i),e}return n.schema=e,n.errors=null,n.refs=f,n.refVal=h,n.root=s?n:r,o&&(n.$async=!0),!0===p.sourceCode&&(n.source={code:i,patterns:l,defaults:m}),n}function w(e,r,t){r=R.url(e,r);var a,s,o=f[r];if(void 0!==o)return S(a=h[o],s="refVal["+o+"]");if(!t&&c.refs){var i=c.refs[r];if(void 0!==i)return S(a=c.refVal[i],s=b(r,a))}s=b(r);var n,,E,c,r);if(void 0!==l||(n=u&&u[r])&&(l=R.inlineRef(n,p.inlineRefs)?,n,c,u,e)),void 0!==l)return S(h[f[r]]=l,s);delete f[r]}function b(e,r){var t=h.length;return h[t]=r,"refVal"+(f[e]=t)}function S(e,r){return"object"==typeof e||"boolean"==typeof e?{code:r,schema:e,inline:!0}:{code:r,$async:e&&!!e.$async}}function _(e){var r=t[e];return void 0===r&&(r=t[e]=l.length,l[r]=e),"pattern"+r}function F(e){switch(typeof e){case"boolean":case"number":return""+e;case"string":return $.toQuotedString(e);case"object":if(null===e)return"null";var r=D(e),t=a[r];return void 0===t&&(t=a[r]=m.length,m[t]=e),"default"+t}}function x(e,r,t,a){if(!1!==d._opts.validateSchema){var s=e.definition.dependencies;if(s&&!s.every(function(e){return,e)}))throw new Error("parent schema must have all required keywords: "+s.join(","));var o=e.definition.validateSchema;if(o)if(!o(r)){var i="keyword schema is invalid: "+d.errorsText(o.errors);if("log"!=d._opts.validateSchema)throw new Error(i);d.logger.error(i)}}var n,l=e.definition.compile,c=e.definition.inline,u=e.definition.macro;if(l),r,t,a);else if(u),r,t,a),!1!==p.validateSchema&&d.validateSchema(n,!0);else if(c),a,e.keyword,r,t);else if(!(n=e.definition.validate))return;if(void 0===n)throw new Error('custom keyword "'+e.keyword+'"failed to compile');var h=v.length;return{code:"customRule"+h,validate:v[h]=n}}}function L(e,r,t){for(var a=0;a",_=P?">":"<",F=void 0;if(!y&&"number"!=typeof d&&void 0!==d)throw new Error(r+" must be number");if(!b&&void 0!==w&&"number"!=typeof w&&"boolean"!=typeof w)throw new Error(E+" must be number or boolean");b?(o="exclIsNumber"+u,i="' + "+(n="op"+u)+" + '",c+=" var schemaExcl"+u+" = "+(t=e.util.getData(w.$data,h,e.dataPathArr))+"; ",F=E,(l=l||[]).push(c+=" var "+(a="exclusive"+u)+"; var "+(s="exclType"+u)+" = typeof "+(t="schemaExcl"+u)+"; if ("+s+" != 'boolean' && "+s+" != 'undefined' && "+s+" != 'number') { "),c="",!1!==e.createErrors?(c+=" { keyword: '"+(F||"_exclusiveLimit")+"' , dataPath: (dataPath || '') + "+e.errorPath+" , schemaPath: "+e.util.toQuotedString(f)+" , params: {} ",!1!==e.opts.messages&&(c+=" , message: '"+E+" should be boolean' "),e.opts.verbose&&(c+=" , schema: validate.schema"+p+" , parentSchema: validate.schema"+e.schemaPath+" , data: "+v+" "),c+=" } "):c+=" {} ",x=c,c=l.pop(),c+=!e.compositeRule&&m?e.async?" throw new ValidationError(["+x+"]); ":" validate.errors = ["+x+"]; return false; ":" var err = "+x+"; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; ",c+=" } else if ( ",y&&(c+=" ("+g+" !== undefined && typeof "+g+" != 'number') || "),c+=" "+s+" == 'number' ? ( ("+a+" = "+g+" === undefined || "+t+" "+S+"= "+g+") ? "+v+" "+_+"= "+t+" : "+v+" "+_+" "+g+" ) : ( ("+a+" = "+t+" === true) ? "+v+" "+_+"= "+g+" : "+v+" "+_+" "+g+" ) || "+v+" !== "+v+") { var op"+u+" = "+a+" ? '"+S+"' : '"+S+"='; ",void 0===d&&(f=e.errSchemaPath+"/"+(F=E),g=t,y=b)):(i=S,(o="number"==typeof w)&&y?(n="'"+i+"'",c+=" if ( ",y&&(c+=" ("+g+" !== undefined && typeof "+g+" != 'number') || "),c+=" ( "+g+" === undefined || "+w+" "+S+"= "+g+" ? "+v+" "+_+"= "+w+" : "+v+" "+_+" "+g+" ) || "+v+" !== "+v+") { "):(o&&void 0===d?(a=!0,f=e.errSchemaPath+"/"+(F=E),g=w,_+="="):(o&&(g=Math[P?"min":"max"](w,d)),w===(!o||g)?(a=!0,f=e.errSchemaPath+"/"+(F=E),_+="="):(a=!1,i+="=")),n="'"+i+"'",c+=" if ( ",y&&(c+=" ("+g+" !== undefined && typeof "+g+" != 'number') || "),c+=" "+v+" "+_+" "+g+" || "+v+" !== "+v+") { ")),F=F||r,(l=l||[]).push(c),c="",!1!==e.createErrors?(c+=" { keyword: '"+(F||"_limit")+"' , dataPath: (dataPath || '') + "+e.errorPath+" , schemaPath: "+e.util.toQuotedString(f)+" , params: { comparison: "+n+", limit: "+g+", exclusive: "+a+" } ",!1!==e.opts.messages&&(c+=" , message: 'should be "+i+" ",c+=y?"' + "+g:g+"'"),e.opts.verbose&&(c+=" , schema: ",c+=y?"validate.schema"+p:""+d,c+=" , parentSchema: validate.schema"+e.schemaPath+" , data: "+v+" "),c+=" } "):c+=" {} ";var x=c;return c=l.pop(),c+=!e.compositeRule&&m?e.async?" throw new ValidationError(["+x+"]); ":" validate.errors = ["+x+"]; return false; ":" var err = "+x+"; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; ",c+=" } ",m&&(c+=" else { "),c}},{}],14:[function(e,r,t){"use strict";r.exports=function(e,r){var t=" ",a=e.level,s=e.dataLevel,o=e.schema[r],i=e.schemaPath+e.util.getProperty(r),n=e.errSchemaPath+"/"+r,l=!e.opts.allErrors,c="data"+(s||""),u=e.opts.$data&&o&&o.$data,h=u?(t+=" var schema"+a+" = "+e.util.getData(o.$data,s,e.dataPathArr)+"; ","schema"+a):o;if(!u&&"number"!=typeof o)throw new Error(r+" must be number");t+="if ( ",u&&(t+=" ("+h+" !== undefined && typeof "+h+" != 'number') || ");var d=r,p=p||[];p.push(t+=" "+c+".length "+("maxItems"==r?">":"<")+" "+h+") { "),t="",!1!==e.createErrors?(t+=" { keyword: '"+(d||"_limitItems")+"' , dataPath: (dataPath || '') + "+e.errorPath+" , schemaPath: "+e.util.toQuotedString(n)+" , params: { limit: "+h+" } ",!1!==e.opts.messages&&(t+=" , message: 'should NOT have ",t+="maxItems"==r?"more":"fewer",t+=" than ",t+=u?"' + "+h+" + '":""+o,t+=" items' "),e.opts.verbose&&(t+=" , schema: ",t+=u?"validate.schema"+i:""+o,t+=" , parentSchema: validate.schema"+e.schemaPath+" , data: "+c+" "),t+=" } "):t+=" {} ";var f=t,t=p.pop();return t+=!e.compositeRule&&l?e.async?" throw new ValidationError(["+f+"]); ":" validate.errors = ["+f+"]; return false; ":" var err = "+f+"; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; ",t+="} ",l&&(t+=" else { "),t}},{}],15:[function(e,r,t){"use strict";r.exports=function(e,r){var t=" ",a=e.level,s=e.dataLevel,o=e.schema[r],i=e.schemaPath+e.util.getProperty(r),n=e.errSchemaPath+"/"+r,l=!e.opts.allErrors,c="data"+(s||""),u=e.opts.$data&&o&&o.$data,h=u?(t+=" var schema"+a+" = "+e.util.getData(o.$data,s,e.dataPathArr)+"; ","schema"+a):o;if(!u&&"number"!=typeof o)throw new Error(r+" must be number");t+="if ( ",u&&(t+=" ("+h+" !== undefined && typeof "+h+" != 'number') || "),t+=!1===e.opts.unicode?" "+c+".length ":" ucs2length("+c+") ";var d=r,p=p||[];p.push(t+=" "+("maxLength"==r?">":"<")+" "+h+") { "),t="",!1!==e.createErrors?(t+=" { keyword: '"+(d||"_limitLength")+"' , dataPath: (dataPath || '') + "+e.errorPath+" , schemaPath: "+e.util.toQuotedString(n)+" , params: { limit: "+h+" } ",!1!==e.opts.messages&&(t+=" , message: 'should NOT be ",t+="maxLength"==r?"longer":"shorter",t+=" than ",t+=u?"' + "+h+" + '":""+o,t+=" characters' "),e.opts.verbose&&(t+=" , schema: ",t+=u?"validate.schema"+i:""+o,t+=" , parentSchema: validate.schema"+e.schemaPath+" , data: "+c+" "),t+=" } "):t+=" {} ";var f=t,t=p.pop();return t+=!e.compositeRule&&l?e.async?" throw new ValidationError(["+f+"]); ":" validate.errors = ["+f+"]; return false; ":" var err = "+f+"; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; ",t+="} ",l&&(t+=" else { "),t}},{}],16:[function(e,r,t){"use strict";r.exports=function(e,r){var t=" ",a=e.level,s=e.dataLevel,o=e.schema[r],i=e.schemaPath+e.util.getProperty(r),n=e.errSchemaPath+"/"+r,l=!e.opts.allErrors,c="data"+(s||""),u=e.opts.$data&&o&&o.$data,h=u?(t+=" var schema"+a+" = "+e.util.getData(o.$data,s,e.dataPathArr)+"; ","schema"+a):o;if(!u&&"number"!=typeof o)throw new Error(r+" must be number");t+="if ( ",u&&(t+=" ("+h+" !== undefined && typeof "+h+" != 'number') || ");var d=r,p=p||[];p.push(t+=" Object.keys("+c+").length "+("maxProperties"==r?">":"<")+" "+h+") { "),t="",!1!==e.createErrors?(t+=" { keyword: '"+(d||"_limitProperties")+"' , dataPath: (dataPath || '') + "+e.errorPath+" , schemaPath: "+e.util.toQuotedString(n)+" , params: { limit: "+h+" } ",!1!==e.opts.messages&&(t+=" , message: 'should NOT have ",t+="maxProperties"==r?"more":"fewer",t+=" than ",t+=u?"' + "+h+" + '":""+o,t+=" properties' "),e.opts.verbose&&(t+=" , schema: ",t+=u?"validate.schema"+i:""+o,t+=" , parentSchema: validate.schema"+e.schemaPath+" , data: "+c+" "),t+=" } "):t+=" {} ";var f=t,t=p.pop();return t+=!e.compositeRule&&l?e.async?" throw new ValidationError(["+f+"]); ":" validate.errors = ["+f+"]; return false; ":" var err = "+f+"; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; ",t+="} ",l&&(t+=" else { "),t}},{}],17:[function(e,r,t){"use strict";r.exports=function(e,r){var t=" ",a=e.schema[r],s=e.schemaPath+e.util.getProperty(r),o=e.errSchemaPath+"/"+r,i=!e.opts.allErrors,n=e.util.copy(e),l="";n.level++;var c="valid"+n.level,u=n.baseId,h=!0,d=a;if(d)for(var p,f=-1,m=d.length-1;f "+_+") { ",x=c+"["+_+"]",d.schema=$,d.schemaPath=i+"["+_+"]",d.errSchemaPath=n+"/"+_,d.errorPath=e.util.getPathExpr(e.errorPath,_,e.opts.jsonPointers,!0),d.dataPathArr[v]=_,R=e.validate(d),d.baseId=g,e.util.varOccurences(R,y)<2?t+=" "+e.util.varReplace(R,y,x)+" ":t+=" var "+y+" = "+x+"; "+R+" ",t+=" } ",l&&(t+=" if ("+f+") { ",p+="}"))}"object"==typeof b&&(e.opts.strictKeywords?"object"==typeof b&&0 "+o.length+") { for (var "+m+" = "+o.length+"; "+m+" < "+c+".length; "+m+"++) { ",d.errorPath=e.util.getPathExpr(e.errorPath,m,e.opts.jsonPointers,!0),x=c+"["+m+"]",d.dataPathArr[v]=m,R=e.validate(d),d.baseId=g,e.util.varOccurences(R,y)<2?t+=" "+e.util.varReplace(R,y,x)+" ":t+=" var "+y+" = "+x+"; "+R+" ",l&&(t+=" if (!"+f+") break; "),t+=" } } ",l&&(t+=" if ("+f+") { ",p+="}"))}else{(e.opts.strictKeywords?"object"==typeof o&&0 1e-"+e.opts.multipleOfPrecision+" ":" division"+a+" !== parseInt(division"+a+") ",t+=" ) ",u&&(t+=" ) ");var d=d||[];d.push(t+=" ) { "),t="",!1!==e.createErrors?(t+=" { keyword: 'multipleOf' , dataPath: (dataPath || '') + "+e.errorPath+" , schemaPath: "+e.util.toQuotedString(n)+" , params: { multipleOf: "+h+" } ",!1!==e.opts.messages&&(t+=" , message: 'should be multiple of ",t+=u?"' + "+h:h+"'"),e.opts.verbose&&(t+=" , schema: ",t+=u?"validate.schema"+i:""+o,t+=" , parentSchema: validate.schema"+e.schemaPath+" , data: "+c+" "),t+=" } "):t+=" {} ";var p=t,t=d.pop();return t+=!e.compositeRule&&l?e.async?" throw new ValidationError(["+p+"]); ":" validate.errors = ["+p+"]; return false; ":" var err = "+p+"; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; ",t+="} ",l&&(t+=" else { "),t}},{}],30:[function(e,r,t){"use strict";r.exports=function(e,r){var t=" ",a=e.level,s=e.dataLevel,o=e.schema[r],i=e.schemaPath+e.util.getProperty(r),n=e.errSchemaPath+"/"+r,l=!e.opts.allErrors,c="data"+(s||""),u="errs__"+a,h=e.util.copy(e);h.level++;var d,p,f,m,v="valid"+h.level;return(e.opts.strictKeywords?"object"==typeof o&&0 1) { ",t=e.schema.items&&e.schema.items.type,a=Array.isArray(t),!t||"object"==t||"array"==t||a&&(0<=t.indexOf("object")||0<=t.indexOf("array"))?i+=" outer: for (;i--;) { for (j = i; j--;) { if (equal("+p+"[i], "+p+"[j])) { "+f+" = false; break outer; } } } ":(i+=" var itemIndices = {}, item; for (;i--;) { var item = "+p+"[i]; ",i+=" if ("+e.util["checkDataType"+(a?"s":"")](t,"item",e.opts.strictNumbers,!0)+") continue; ",a&&(i+=" if (typeof item == 'string') item = '\"' + item; "),i+=" if (typeof itemIndices[item] == 'number') { "+f+" = false; j = itemIndices[item]; break; } itemIndices[item] = i; } "),i+=" } ",m&&(i+=" } "),(s=s||[]).push(i+=" if (!"+f+") { "),i="",!1!==e.createErrors?(i+=" { keyword: 'uniqueItems' , dataPath: (dataPath || '') + "+e.errorPath+" , schemaPath: "+e.util.toQuotedString(h)+" , params: { i: i, j: j } ",!1!==e.opts.messages&&(i+=" , message: 'should NOT have duplicate items (items ## ' + j + ' and ' + i + ' are identical)' "),e.opts.verbose&&(i+=" , schema: ",i+=m?"validate.schema"+u:""+c,i+=" , parentSchema: validate.schema"+e.schemaPath+" , data: "+p+" "),i+=" } "):i+=" {} ",o=i,i=s.pop(),i+=!e.compositeRule&&d?e.async?" throw new ValidationError(["+o+"]); ":" validate.errors = ["+o+"]; return false; ":" var err = "+o+"; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; ",i+=" } ",d&&(i+=" else { ")):d&&(i+=" if (true) { "),i}},{}],38:[function(e,r,t){"use strict";r.exports=function(a,e){var r="",t=!0===a.schema.$async,s=a.util.schemaHasRulesExcept(a.schema,a.RULES.all,"$ref"),o=a.self._getId(a.schema);if(a.opts.strictKeywords){var i=a.util.schemaUnknownRules(a.schema,a.RULES.keywords);if(i){var n="unknown keyword: "+i;if("log"!==a.opts.strictKeywords)throw new Error(n);a.logger.warn(n)}}if(a.isTop&&(r+=" var validate = ",t&&(a.async=!0,r+="async "),r+="function(data, dataPath, parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData) { 'use strict'; ",o&&(a.opts.sourceCode||a.opts.processCode)&&(r+=" /*# sourceURL="+o+" */ ")),"boolean"==typeof a.schema||!s&&!a.schema.$ref){var l=a.level,c=a.dataLevel,u=a.schema[e="false schema"],h=a.schemaPath+a.util.getProperty(e),d=a.errSchemaPath+"/"+e,p=!a.opts.allErrors,f="data"+(c||""),m="valid"+l;return!1===a.schema?(a.isTop?p=!0:r+=" var "+m+" = false; ",(U=U||[]).push(r),r="",!1!==a.createErrors?(r+=" { keyword: 'false schema' , dataPath: (dataPath || '') + "+a.errorPath+" , schemaPath: "+a.util.toQuotedString(d)+" , params: {} ",!1!==a.opts.messages&&(r+=" , message: 'boolean schema is false' "),a.opts.verbose&&(r+=" , schema: false , parentSchema: validate.schema"+a.schemaPath+" , data: "+f+" "),r+=" } "):r+=" {} ",D=r,r=U.pop(),r+=!a.compositeRule&&p?a.async?" throw new ValidationError(["+D+"]); ":" validate.errors = ["+D+"]; return false; ":" var err = "+D+"; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; "):r+=a.isTop?t?" return data; ":" validate.errors = null; return true; ":" var "+m+" = true; ",a.isTop&&(r+=" }; return validate; "),r}if(a.isTop){var v=a.isTop,l=a.level=0,c=a.dataLevel=0,f="data";if(a.rootId=a.resolve.fullPath(a.self._getId(a.root.schema)),a.baseId=a.baseId||a.rootId,delete a.isTop,a.dataPathArr=[""],void 0!==a.schema.default&&a.opts.useDefaults&&a.opts.strictDefaults){var y="default is ignored in the schema root";if("log"!==a.opts.strictDefaults)throw new Error(y);a.logger.warn(y)}r+=" var vErrors = null; ",r+=" var errors = 0; ",r+=" if (rootData === undefined) rootData = data; "}else{l=a.level,f="data"+((c=a.dataLevel)||"");if(o&&(a.baseId=a.resolve.url(a.baseId,o)),t&&!a.async)throw new Error("async schema in sync schema");r+=" var errs_"+l+" = errors;"}var g,m="valid"+l,p=!a.opts.allErrors,P="",E="",w=a.schema.type,b=Array.isArray(w);if(w&&a.opts.nullable&&!0===a.schema.nullable&&(b?-1==w.indexOf("null")&&(w=w.concat("null")):"null"!=w&&(w=[w,"null"],b=!0)),b&&1==w.length&&(w=w[0],b=!1),a.schema.$ref&&s){if("fail"==a.opts.extendRefs)throw new Error('$ref: validation keywords used in schema at path "'+a.errSchemaPath+'" (see option extendRefs)');!0!==a.opts.extendRefs&&(s=!1,a.logger.warn('$ref: keywords ignored in schema at path "'+a.errSchemaPath+'"'))}if(a.schema.$comment&&a.opts.$comment&&(r+=" "+a.RULES.all.$comment.code(a,"$comment")),w){a.opts.coerceTypes&&(g=a.util.coerceToTypes(a.opts.coerceTypes,w));var S=a.RULES.types[w];if(g||b||!0===S||S&&!Z(S)){h=a.schemaPath+".type",d=a.errSchemaPath+"/type",h=a.schemaPath+".type",d=a.errSchemaPath+"/type";if(r+=" if ("+a.util[b?"checkDataTypes":"checkDataType"](w,f,a.opts.strictNumbers,!0)+") { ",g){var _="dataType"+l,F="coerced"+l;r+=" var "+_+" = typeof "+f+"; var "+F+" = undefined; ","array"==a.opts.coerceTypes&&(r+=" if ("+_+" == 'object' && Array.isArray("+f+") && "+f+".length == 1) { "+f+" = "+f+"[0]; "+_+" = typeof "+f+"; if ("+a.util.checkDataType(a.schema.type,f,a.opts.strictNumbers)+") "+F+" = "+f+"; } "),r+=" if ("+F+" !== undefined) ; ";var x=g;if(x)for(var R,$=-1,j=x.length-1;$= 0x80 (not a basic code point)","invalid-input":"Invalid input"},k=Math.floor,C=String.fromCharCode;function L(e){throw new RangeError(i[e])}function n(e,r){var t=e.split("@"),a="";return 1>1,e+=k(e/r);455k((A-a)/h))&&L("overflow"),a+=p*h;var f=d<=o?1:o+26<=d?26:d-o;if(pk(A/m)&&L("overflow"),h*=m}var v=r.length+1,o=z(a-u,v,0==u);k(a/v)>A-s&&L("overflow"),s+=k(a/v),a%=v,r.splice(a++,0,s)}return String.fromCodePoint.apply(String,r)}function c(e){var r=[],t=(e=N(e)).length,a=128,s=0,o=72,i=!0,n=!1,l=void 0;try{for(var c,u=e[Symbol.iterator]();!(i=(;i=!0){var h=c.value;h<128&&r.push(C(h))}}catch(e){n=!0,l=e}finally{try{!i&&u.return&&u.return()}finally{if(n)throw l}}var d=r.length,p=d;for(d&&r.push("-");pk((A-s)/w)&&L("overflow"),s+=(f-a)*w,a=f;var b=!0,S=!1,_=void 0;try{for(var F,x=e[Symbol.iterator]();!(b=(;b=!0){var R=F.value;if(RA&&L("overflow"),R==a){for(var $=s,j=36;;j+=36){var D=j<=o?1:o+26<=j?26:j-o;if($>6|192).toString(16).toUpperCase()+"%"+(63&r|128).toString(16).toUpperCase():"%"+(r>>12|224).toString(16).toUpperCase()+"%"+(r>>6&63|128).toString(16).toUpperCase()+"%"+(63&r|128).toString(16).toUpperCase()}function p(e){for(var r="",t=0,a=e.length;tA-Z\\x5E-\\x7E]",'[\\"\\\\]')),Y=new RegExp(K,"g"),W=new RegExp("(?:(?:%[EFef][0-9A-Fa-f]%[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]%[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])|(?:%[89A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]%[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])|(?:%[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]))","g"),X=new RegExp(J("[^]","[A-Za-z0-9\\!\\$\\%\\'\\*\\+\\-\\^\\_\\`\\{\\|\\}\\~]","[\\.]",'[\\"]',G),"g"),ee=new RegExp(J("[^]",K,"[\\!\\$\\'\\(\\)\\*\\+\\,\\;\\:\\@]"),"g"),re=ee;function te(e){var r=p(e);return r.match(Y)?r:e}var ae={scheme:"mailto",parse:function(e,r){var t=e,","):[];if(t.path=void 0,t.query){for(var s=!1,o={},i=t.query.split("&"),n=0,l=i.length;n); - - message: string; - errors: Array; - ajv: true; - validation: true; - } - - class MissingRefError extends Error { - constructor(baseId: string, ref: string, message?: string); - static message: (baseId: string, ref: string) => string; - - message: string; - missingRef: string; - missingSchema: string; - } -} - -declare namespace ajv { - type ValidationError = AjvErrors.ValidationError; - - type MissingRefError = AjvErrors.MissingRefError; - - interface Ajv { - /** - * Validate data using schema - * Schema will be compiled and cached (using serialized JSON as key, [fast-json-stable-stringify]( is used to serialize by default). - * @param {string|object|Boolean} schemaKeyRef key, ref or schema object - * @param {Any} data to be validated - * @return {Boolean} validation result. Errors from the last validation will be available in `ajv.errors` (and also in compiled schema: `schema.errors`). - */ - validate(schemaKeyRef: object | string | boolean, data: any): boolean | PromiseLike; - /** - * Create validating function for passed schema. - * @param {object|Boolean} schema schema object - * @return {Function} validating function - */ - compile(schema: object | boolean): ValidateFunction; - /** - * Creates validating function for passed schema with asynchronous loading of missing schemas. - * `loadSchema` option should be a function that accepts schema uri and node-style callback. - * @this Ajv - * @param {object|Boolean} schema schema object - * @param {Boolean} meta optional true to compile meta-schema; this parameter can be skipped - * @param {Function} callback optional node-style callback, it is always called with 2 parameters: error (or null) and validating function. - * @return {PromiseLike} validating function - */ - compileAsync(schema: object | boolean, meta?: Boolean, callback?: (err: Error, validate: ValidateFunction) => any): PromiseLike; - /** - * Adds schema to the instance. - * @param {object|Array} schema schema or array of schemas. If array is passed, `key` and other parameters will be ignored. - * @param {string} key Optional schema key. Can be passed to `validate` method instead of schema object or id/ref. One schema per instance can have empty `id` and `key`. - * @return {Ajv} this for method chaining - */ - addSchema(schema: Array | object, key?: string): Ajv; - /** - * Add schema that will be used to validate other schemas - * options in META_IGNORE_OPTIONS are alway set to false - * @param {object} schema schema object - * @param {string} key optional schema key - * @return {Ajv} this for method chaining - */ - addMetaSchema(schema: object, key?: string): Ajv; - /** - * Validate schema - * @param {object|Boolean} schema schema to validate - * @return {Boolean} true if schema is valid - */ - validateSchema(schema: object | boolean): boolean; - /** - * Get compiled schema from the instance by `key` or `ref`. - * @param {string} keyRef `key` that was passed to `addSchema` or full schema reference (`` or resolved id). - * @return {Function} schema validating function (with property `schema`). Returns undefined if keyRef can't be resolved to an existing schema. - */ - getSchema(keyRef: string): ValidateFunction | undefined; - /** - * Remove cached schema(s). - * If no parameter is passed all schemas but meta-schemas are removed. - * If RegExp is passed all schemas with key/id matching pattern but meta-schemas are removed. - * Even if schema is referenced by other schemas it still can be removed as other schemas have local references. - * @param {string|object|RegExp|Boolean} schemaKeyRef key, ref, pattern to match key/ref or schema object - * @return {Ajv} this for method chaining - */ - removeSchema(schemaKeyRef?: object | string | RegExp | boolean): Ajv; - /** - * Add custom format - * @param {string} name format name - * @param {string|RegExp|Function} format string is converted to RegExp; function should return boolean (true when valid) - * @return {Ajv} this for method chaining - */ - addFormat(name: string, format: FormatValidator | FormatDefinition): Ajv; - /** - * Define custom keyword - * @this Ajv - * @param {string} keyword custom keyword, should be a valid identifier, should be different from all standard, custom and macro keywords. - * @param {object} definition keyword definition object with properties `type` (type(s) which the keyword applies to), `validate` or `compile`. - * @return {Ajv} this for method chaining - */ - addKeyword(keyword: string, definition: KeywordDefinition): Ajv; - /** - * Get keyword definition - * @this Ajv - * @param {string} keyword pre-defined or custom keyword. - * @return {object|Boolean} custom keyword definition, `true` if it is a predefined keyword, `false` otherwise. - */ - getKeyword(keyword: string): object | boolean; - /** - * Remove keyword - * @this Ajv - * @param {string} keyword pre-defined or custom keyword. - * @return {Ajv} this for method chaining - */ - removeKeyword(keyword: string): Ajv; - /** - * Validate keyword - * @this Ajv - * @param {object} definition keyword definition object - * @param {boolean} throwError true to throw exception if definition is invalid - * @return {boolean} validation result - */ - validateKeyword(definition: KeywordDefinition, throwError: boolean): boolean; - /** - * Convert array of error message objects to string - * @param {Array} errors optional array of validation errors, if not passed errors from the instance are used. - * @param {object} options optional options with properties `separator` and `dataVar`. - * @return {string} human readable string with all errors descriptions - */ - errorsText(errors?: Array | null, options?: ErrorsTextOptions): string; - errors?: Array | null; - _opts: Options; - } - - interface CustomLogger { - log(...args: any[]): any; - warn(...args: any[]): any; - error(...args: any[]): any; - } - - interface ValidateFunction { - ( - data: any, - dataPath?: string, - parentData?: object | Array, - parentDataProperty?: string | number, - rootData?: object | Array - ): boolean | PromiseLike; - schema?: object | boolean; - errors?: null | Array; - refs?: object; - refVal?: Array; - root?: ValidateFunction | object; - $async?: true; - source?: object; - } - - interface Options { - $data?: boolean; - allErrors?: boolean; - verbose?: boolean; - jsonPointers?: boolean; - uniqueItems?: boolean; - unicode?: boolean; - format?: false | string; - formats?: object; - keywords?: object; - unknownFormats?: true | string[] | 'ignore'; - schemas?: Array | object; - schemaId?: '$id' | 'id' | 'auto'; - missingRefs?: true | 'ignore' | 'fail'; - extendRefs?: true | 'ignore' | 'fail'; - loadSchema?: (uri: string, cb?: (err: Error, schema: object) => void) => PromiseLike; - removeAdditional?: boolean | 'all' | 'failing'; - useDefaults?: boolean | 'empty' | 'shared'; - coerceTypes?: boolean | 'array'; - strictDefaults?: boolean | 'log'; - strictKeywords?: boolean | 'log'; - strictNumbers?: boolean; - async?: boolean | string; - transpile?: string | ((code: string) => string); - meta?: boolean | object; - validateSchema?: boolean | 'log'; - addUsedSchema?: boolean; - inlineRefs?: boolean | number; - passContext?: boolean; - loopRequired?: number; - ownProperties?: boolean; - multipleOfPrecision?: boolean | number; - errorDataPath?: string, - messages?: boolean; - sourceCode?: boolean; - processCode?: (code: string, schema: object) => string; - cache?: object; - logger?: CustomLogger | false; - nullable?: boolean; - serialize?: ((schema: object | boolean) => any) | false; - } - - type FormatValidator = string | RegExp | ((data: string) => boolean | PromiseLike); - type NumberFormatValidator = ((data: number) => boolean | PromiseLike); - - interface NumberFormatDefinition { - type: "number", - validate: NumberFormatValidator; - compare?: (data1: number, data2: number) => number; - async?: boolean; - } - - interface StringFormatDefinition { - type?: "string", - validate: FormatValidator; - compare?: (data1: string, data2: string) => number; - async?: boolean; - } - - type FormatDefinition = NumberFormatDefinition | StringFormatDefinition; - - interface KeywordDefinition { - type?: string | Array; - async?: boolean; - $data?: boolean; - errors?: boolean | string; - metaSchema?: object; - // schema: false makes validate not to expect schema (ValidateFunction) - schema?: boolean; - statements?: boolean; - dependencies?: Array; - modifying?: boolean; - valid?: boolean; - // one and only one of the following properties should be present - validate?: SchemaValidateFunction | ValidateFunction; - compile?: (schema: any, parentSchema: object, it: CompilationContext) => ValidateFunction; - macro?: (schema: any, parentSchema: object, it: CompilationContext) => object | boolean; - inline?: (it: CompilationContext, keyword: string, schema: any, parentSchema: object) => string; - } - - interface CompilationContext { - level: number; - dataLevel: number; - dataPathArr: string[]; - schema: any; - schemaPath: string; - baseId: string; - async: boolean; - opts: Options; - formats: { - [index: string]: FormatDefinition | undefined; - }; - keywords: { - [index: string]: KeywordDefinition | undefined; - }; - compositeRule: boolean; - validate: (schema: object) => boolean; - util: { - copy(obj: any, target?: any): any; - toHash(source: string[]): { [index: string]: true | undefined }; - equal(obj: any, target: any): boolean; - getProperty(str: string): string; - schemaHasRules(schema: object, rules: any): string; - escapeQuotes(str: string): string; - toQuotedString(str: string): string; - getData(jsonPointer: string, dataLevel: number, paths: string[]): string; - escapeJsonPointer(str: string): string; - unescapeJsonPointer(str: string): string; - escapeFragment(str: string): string; - unescapeFragment(str: string): string; - }; - self: Ajv; - } - - interface SchemaValidateFunction { - ( - schema: any, - data: any, - parentSchema?: object, - dataPath?: string, - parentData?: object | Array, - parentDataProperty?: string | number, - rootData?: object | Array - ): boolean | PromiseLike; - errors?: Array; - } - - interface ErrorsTextOptions { - separator?: string; - dataVar?: string; - } - - interface ErrorObject { - keyword: string; - dataPath: string; - schemaPath: string; - params: ErrorParameters; - // Added to validation errors of propertyNames keyword schema - propertyName?: string; - // Excluded if messages set to false. - message?: string; - // These are added with the `verbose` option. - schema?: any; - parentSchema?: object; - data?: any; - } - - type ErrorParameters = RefParams | LimitParams | AdditionalPropertiesParams | - DependenciesParams | FormatParams | ComparisonParams | - MultipleOfParams | PatternParams | RequiredParams | - TypeParams | UniqueItemsParams | CustomParams | - PatternRequiredParams | PropertyNamesParams | - IfParams | SwitchParams | NoParams | EnumParams; - - interface RefParams { - ref: string; - } - - interface LimitParams { - limit: number; - } - - interface AdditionalPropertiesParams { - additionalProperty: string; - } - - interface DependenciesParams { - property: string; - missingProperty: string; - depsCount: number; - deps: string; - } - - interface FormatParams { - format: string - } - - interface ComparisonParams { - comparison: string; - limit: number | string; - exclusive: boolean; - } - - interface MultipleOfParams { - multipleOf: number; - } - - interface PatternParams { - pattern: string; - } - - interface RequiredParams { - missingProperty: string; - } - - interface TypeParams { - type: string; - } - - interface UniqueItemsParams { - i: number; - j: number; - } - - interface CustomParams { - keyword: string; - } - - interface PatternRequiredParams { - missingPattern: string; - } - - interface PropertyNamesParams { - propertyName: string; - } - - interface IfParams { - failingKeyword: string; - } - - interface SwitchParams { - caseIndex: number; - } - - interface NoParams { } - - interface EnumParams { - allowedValues: Array; - } -} - -export = ajv; diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/ajv.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/ajv.js deleted file mode 100644 index 06a45b650b3ac..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/ajv.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,506 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var compileSchema = require('./compile') - , resolve = require('./compile/resolve') - , Cache = require('./cache') - , SchemaObject = require('./compile/schema_obj') - , stableStringify = require('fast-json-stable-stringify') - , formats = require('./compile/formats') - , rules = require('./compile/rules') - , $dataMetaSchema = require('./data') - , util = require('./compile/util'); - -module.exports = Ajv; - -Ajv.prototype.validate = validate; -Ajv.prototype.compile = compile; -Ajv.prototype.addSchema = addSchema; -Ajv.prototype.addMetaSchema = addMetaSchema; -Ajv.prototype.validateSchema = validateSchema; -Ajv.prototype.getSchema = getSchema; -Ajv.prototype.removeSchema = removeSchema; -Ajv.prototype.addFormat = addFormat; -Ajv.prototype.errorsText = errorsText; - -Ajv.prototype._addSchema = _addSchema; -Ajv.prototype._compile = _compile; - -Ajv.prototype.compileAsync = require('./compile/async'); -var customKeyword = require('./keyword'); -Ajv.prototype.addKeyword = customKeyword.add; -Ajv.prototype.getKeyword = customKeyword.get; -Ajv.prototype.removeKeyword = customKeyword.remove; -Ajv.prototype.validateKeyword = customKeyword.validate; - -var errorClasses = require('./compile/error_classes'); -Ajv.ValidationError = errorClasses.Validation; -Ajv.MissingRefError = errorClasses.MissingRef; -Ajv.$dataMetaSchema = $dataMetaSchema; - -var META_SCHEMA_ID = ''; - -var META_IGNORE_OPTIONS = [ 'removeAdditional', 'useDefaults', 'coerceTypes', 'strictDefaults' ]; -var META_SUPPORT_DATA = ['/properties']; - -/** - * Creates validator instance. - * Usage: `Ajv(opts)` - * @param {Object} opts optional options - * @return {Object} ajv instance - */ -function Ajv(opts) { - if (!(this instanceof Ajv)) return new Ajv(opts); - opts = this._opts = util.copy(opts) || {}; - setLogger(this); - this._schemas = {}; - this._refs = {}; - this._fragments = {}; - this._formats = formats(opts.format); - - this._cache = opts.cache || new Cache; - this._loadingSchemas = {}; - this._compilations = []; - this.RULES = rules(); - this._getId = chooseGetId(opts); - - opts.loopRequired = opts.loopRequired || Infinity; - if (opts.errorDataPath == 'property') opts._errorDataPathProperty = true; - if (opts.serialize === undefined) opts.serialize = stableStringify; - this._metaOpts = getMetaSchemaOptions(this); - - if (opts.formats) addInitialFormats(this); - if (opts.keywords) addInitialKeywords(this); - addDefaultMetaSchema(this); - if (typeof opts.meta == 'object') this.addMetaSchema(opts.meta); - if (opts.nullable) this.addKeyword('nullable', {metaSchema: {type: 'boolean'}}); - addInitialSchemas(this); -} - - - -/** - * Validate data using schema - * Schema will be compiled and cached (using serialized JSON as key. [fast-json-stable-stringify]( is used to serialize. - * @this Ajv - * @param {String|Object} schemaKeyRef key, ref or schema object - * @param {Any} data to be validated - * @return {Boolean} validation result. Errors from the last validation will be available in `ajv.errors` (and also in compiled schema: `schema.errors`). - */ -function validate(schemaKeyRef, data) { - var v; - if (typeof schemaKeyRef == 'string') { - v = this.getSchema(schemaKeyRef); - if (!v) throw new Error('no schema with key or ref "' + schemaKeyRef + '"'); - } else { - var schemaObj = this._addSchema(schemaKeyRef); - v = schemaObj.validate || this._compile(schemaObj); - } - - var valid = v(data); - if (v.$async !== true) this.errors = v.errors; - return valid; -} - - -/** - * Create validating function for passed schema. - * @this Ajv - * @param {Object} schema schema object - * @param {Boolean} _meta true if schema is a meta-schema. Used internally to compile meta schemas of custom keywords. - * @return {Function} validating function - */ -function compile(schema, _meta) { - var schemaObj = this._addSchema(schema, undefined, _meta); - return schemaObj.validate || this._compile(schemaObj); -} - - -/** - * Adds schema to the instance. - * @this Ajv - * @param {Object|Array} schema schema or array of schemas. If array is passed, `key` and other parameters will be ignored. - * @param {String} key Optional schema key. Can be passed to `validate` method instead of schema object or id/ref. One schema per instance can have empty `id` and `key`. - * @param {Boolean} _skipValidation true to skip schema validation. Used internally, option validateSchema should be used instead. - * @param {Boolean} _meta true if schema is a meta-schema. Used internally, addMetaSchema should be used instead. - * @return {Ajv} this for method chaining - */ -function addSchema(schema, key, _skipValidation, _meta) { - if (Array.isArray(schema)){ - for (var i=0; i} errors optional array of validation errors, if not passed errors from the instance are used. - * @param {Object} options optional options with properties `separator` and `dataVar`. - * @return {String} human readable string with all errors descriptions - */ -function errorsText(errors, options) { - errors = errors || this.errors; - if (!errors) return 'No errors'; - options = options || {}; - var separator = options.separator === undefined ? ', ' : options.separator; - var dataVar = options.dataVar === undefined ? 'data' : options.dataVar; - - var text = ''; - for (var i=0; i%\\^`{|}]|%[0-9a-f]{2})|\{[+#./;?&=,!@|]?(?:[a-z0-9_]|%[0-9a-f]{2})+(?::[1-9][0-9]{0,3}|\*)?(?:,(?:[a-z0-9_]|%[0-9a-f]{2})+(?::[1-9][0-9]{0,3}|\*)?)*\})*$/i; -// For the source: -// For test cases: -// @todo Delete current URL in favour of the commented out URL rule when this issue is fixed -// var URL = /^(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/)(?:\S+(?::\S*)?@)?(?:(?!10(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!127(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!169\.254(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!192\.168(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!172\.(?:1[6-9]|2\d|3[0-1])(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[01]\d|22[0-3])(?:\.(?:1?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\.(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\u{00a1}-\u{ffff}0-9]+-)*[a-z\u{00a1}-\u{ffff}0-9]+)(?:\.(?:[a-z\u{00a1}-\u{ffff}0-9]+-)*[a-z\u{00a1}-\u{ffff}0-9]+)*(?:\.(?:[a-z\u{00a1}-\u{ffff}]{2,})))(?::\d{2,5})?(?:\/[^\s]*)?$/iu; -var URL = /^(?:(?:http[s\u017F]?|ftp):\/\/)(?:(?:[\0-\x08\x0E-\x1F!-\x9F\xA1-\u167F\u1681-\u1FFF\u200B-\u2027\u202A-\u202E\u2030-\u205E\u2060-\u2FFF\u3001-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFEFE\uFF00-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])+(?::(?:[\0-\x08\x0E-\x1F!-\x9F\xA1-\u167F\u1681-\u1FFF\u200B-\u2027\u202A-\u202E\u2030-\u205E\u2060-\u2FFF\u3001-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFEFE\uFF00-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])*)?@)?(?:(?!10(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){3})(?!127(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){3})(?!169\.254(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){2})(?!192\.168(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){2})(?!172\.(?:1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){2})(?:[1-9][0-9]?|1[0-9][0-9]|2[01][0-9]|22[0-3])(?:\.(?:1?[0-9]{1,2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){2}(?:\.(?:[1-9][0-9]?|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-z\xA1-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])+-)*(?:[0-9a-z\xA1-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])+)(?:\.(?:(?:[0-9a-z\xA1-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])+-)*(?:[0-9a-z\xA1-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])+)*(?:\.(?:(?:[a-z\xA1-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]){2,})))(?::[0-9]{2,5})?(?:\/(?:[\0-\x08\x0E-\x1F!-\x9F\xA1-\u167F\u1681-\u1FFF\u200B-\u2027\u202A-\u202E\u2030-\u205E\u2060-\u2FFF\u3001-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFEFE\uFF00-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])*)?$/i; -var UUID = /^(?:urn:uuid:)?[0-9a-f]{8}-(?:[0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}$/i; -var JSON_POINTER = /^(?:\/(?:[^~/]|~0|~1)*)*$/; -var JSON_POINTER_URI_FRAGMENT = /^#(?:\/(?:[a-z0-9_\-.!$&'()*+,;:=@]|%[0-9a-f]{2}|~0|~1)*)*$/i; -var RELATIVE_JSON_POINTER = /^(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:#|(?:\/(?:[^~/]|~0|~1)*)*)$/; - - -module.exports = formats; - -function formats(mode) { - mode = mode == 'full' ? 'full' : 'fast'; - return util.copy(formats[mode]); -} - - = { - // date: - date: /^\d\d\d\d-[0-1]\d-[0-3]\d$/, - // date-time: - time: /^(?:[0-2]\d:[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d|23:59:60)(?:\.\d+)?(?:z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?)?$/i, - 'date-time': /^\d\d\d\d-[0-1]\d-[0-3]\d[t\s](?:[0-2]\d:[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d|23:59:60)(?:\.\d+)?(?:z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?)$/i, - // uri: - uri: /^(?:[a-z][a-z0-9+\-.]*:)(?:\/?\/)?[^\s]*$/i, - 'uri-reference': /^(?:(?:[a-z][a-z0-9+\-.]*:)?\/?\/)?(?:[^\\\s#][^\s#]*)?(?:#[^\\\s]*)?$/i, - 'uri-template': URITEMPLATE, - url: URL, - // email (sources from jsen validator): - // - // (search for 'willful violation') - email: /^[a-z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?(?:\.[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?)*$/i, - hostname: HOSTNAME, - // optimized - ipv4: /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)$/, - // optimized - ipv6: /^\s*(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){7}(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){6}(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}|(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){5}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,2})|:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){4}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,3})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4})?:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){3}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,4})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,2}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){2}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,5})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,3}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){1}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,6})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,4}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?::(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,7})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,5}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:)))(?:%.+)?\s*$/i, - regex: regex, - // uuid: - uuid: UUID, - // JSON-pointer: - // uri fragment: - 'json-pointer': JSON_POINTER, - 'json-pointer-uri-fragment': JSON_POINTER_URI_FRAGMENT, - // relative JSON-pointer: - 'relative-json-pointer': RELATIVE_JSON_POINTER -}; - - -formats.full = { - date: date, - time: time, - 'date-time': date_time, - uri: uri, - 'uri-reference': URIREF, - 'uri-template': URITEMPLATE, - url: URL, - email: /^[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?$/i, - hostname: HOSTNAME, - ipv4: /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)$/, - ipv6: /^\s*(?:(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){7}(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){6}(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}|(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){5}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,2})|:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){4}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,3})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4})?:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){3}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,4})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,2}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){2}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,5})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,3}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}:){1}(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,6})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,4}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(?::(?:(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){1,7})|(?:(?::[0-9a-f]{1,4}){0,5}:(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(?:\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:)))(?:%.+)?\s*$/i, - regex: regex, - uuid: UUID, - 'json-pointer': JSON_POINTER, - 'json-pointer-uri-fragment': JSON_POINTER_URI_FRAGMENT, - 'relative-json-pointer': RELATIVE_JSON_POINTER -}; - - -function isLeapYear(year) { - // - return year % 4 === 0 && (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0); -} - - -function date(str) { - // full-date from - var matches = str.match(DATE); - if (!matches) return false; - - var year = +matches[1]; - var month = +matches[2]; - var day = +matches[3]; - - return month >= 1 && month <= 12 && day >= 1 && - day <= (month == 2 && isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : DAYS[month]); -} - - -function time(str, full) { - var matches = str.match(TIME); - if (!matches) return false; - - var hour = matches[1]; - var minute = matches[2]; - var second = matches[3]; - var timeZone = matches[5]; - return ((hour <= 23 && minute <= 59 && second <= 59) || - (hour == 23 && minute == 59 && second == 60)) && - (!full || timeZone); -} - - -var DATE_TIME_SEPARATOR = /t|\s/i; -function date_time(str) { - // - var dateTime = str.split(DATE_TIME_SEPARATOR); - return dateTime.length == 2 && date(dateTime[0]) && time(dateTime[1], true); -} - - -var NOT_URI_FRAGMENT = /\/|:/; -function uri(str) { - // + optional protocol + required "." - return NOT_URI_FRAGMENT.test(str) && URI.test(str); -} - - -var Z_ANCHOR = /[^\\]\\Z/; -function regex(str) { - if (Z_ANCHOR.test(str)) return false; - try { - new RegExp(str); - return true; - } catch(e) { - return false; - } -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/compile/index.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/compile/index.js deleted file mode 100644 index 97518c42479db..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/compile/index.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,387 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var resolve = require('./resolve') - , util = require('./util') - , errorClasses = require('./error_classes') - , stableStringify = require('fast-json-stable-stringify'); - -var validateGenerator = require('../dotjs/validate'); - -/** - * Functions below are used inside compiled validations function - */ - -var ucs2length = util.ucs2length; -var equal = require('fast-deep-equal'); - -// this error is thrown by async schemas to return validation errors via exception -var ValidationError = errorClasses.Validation; - -module.exports = compile; - - -/** - * Compiles schema to validation function - * @this Ajv - * @param {Object} schema schema object - * @param {Object} root object with information about the root schema for this schema - * @param {Object} localRefs the hash of local references inside the schema (created by, used for inline resolution - * @param {String} baseId base ID for IDs in the schema - * @return {Function} validation function - */ -function compile(schema, root, localRefs, baseId) { - /* jshint validthis: true, evil: true */ - /* eslint no-shadow: 0 */ - var self = this - , opts = this._opts - , refVal = [ undefined ] - , refs = {} - , patterns = [] - , patternsHash = {} - , defaults = [] - , defaultsHash = {} - , customRules = []; - - root = root || { schema: schema, refVal: refVal, refs: refs }; - - var c =, schema, root, baseId); - var compilation = this._compilations[c.index]; - if (c.compiling) return (compilation.callValidate = callValidate); - - var formats = this._formats; - var RULES = this.RULES; - - try { - var v = localCompile(schema, root, localRefs, baseId); - compilation.validate = v; - var cv = compilation.callValidate; - if (cv) { - cv.schema = v.schema; - cv.errors = null; - cv.refs = v.refs; - cv.refVal = v.refVal; - cv.root = v.root; - cv.$async = v.$async; - if (opts.sourceCode) cv.source = v.source; - } - return v; - } finally { -, schema, root, baseId); - } - - /* @this {*} - custom context, see passContext option */ - function callValidate() { - /* jshint validthis: true */ - var validate = compilation.validate; - var result = validate.apply(this, arguments); - callValidate.errors = validate.errors; - return result; - } - - function localCompile(_schema, _root, localRefs, baseId) { - var isRoot = !_root || (_root && _root.schema == _schema); - if (_root.schema != root.schema) - return, _schema, _root, localRefs, baseId); - - var $async = _schema.$async === true; - - var sourceCode = validateGenerator({ - isTop: true, - schema: _schema, - isRoot: isRoot, - baseId: baseId, - root: _root, - schemaPath: '', - errSchemaPath: '#', - errorPath: '""', - MissingRefError: errorClasses.MissingRef, - RULES: RULES, - validate: validateGenerator, - util: util, - resolve: resolve, - resolveRef: resolveRef, - usePattern: usePattern, - useDefault: useDefault, - useCustomRule: useCustomRule, - opts: opts, - formats: formats, - logger: self.logger, - self: self - }); - - sourceCode = vars(refVal, refValCode) + vars(patterns, patternCode) - + vars(defaults, defaultCode) + vars(customRules, customRuleCode) - + sourceCode; - - if (opts.processCode) sourceCode = opts.processCode(sourceCode, _schema); - // console.log('\n\n\n *** \n', JSON.stringify(sourceCode)); - var validate; - try { - var makeValidate = new Function( - 'self', - 'RULES', - 'formats', - 'root', - 'refVal', - 'defaults', - 'customRules', - 'equal', - 'ucs2length', - 'ValidationError', - sourceCode - ); - - validate = makeValidate( - self, - RULES, - formats, - root, - refVal, - defaults, - customRules, - equal, - ucs2length, - ValidationError - ); - - refVal[0] = validate; - } catch(e) { - self.logger.error('Error compiling schema, function code:', sourceCode); - throw e; - } - - validate.schema = _schema; - validate.errors = null; - validate.refs = refs; - validate.refVal = refVal; - validate.root = isRoot ? validate : _root; - if ($async) validate.$async = true; - if (opts.sourceCode === true) { - validate.source = { - code: sourceCode, - patterns: patterns, - defaults: defaults - }; - } - - return validate; - } - - function resolveRef(baseId, ref, isRoot) { - ref = resolve.url(baseId, ref); - var refIndex = refs[ref]; - var _refVal, refCode; - if (refIndex !== undefined) { - _refVal = refVal[refIndex]; - refCode = 'refVal[' + refIndex + ']'; - return resolvedRef(_refVal, refCode); - } - if (!isRoot && root.refs) { - var rootRefId = root.refs[ref]; - if (rootRefId !== undefined) { - _refVal = root.refVal[rootRefId]; - refCode = addLocalRef(ref, _refVal); - return resolvedRef(_refVal, refCode); - } - } - - refCode = addLocalRef(ref); - var v =, localCompile, root, ref); - if (v === undefined) { - var localSchema = localRefs && localRefs[ref]; - if (localSchema) { - v = resolve.inlineRef(localSchema, opts.inlineRefs) - ? localSchema - :, localSchema, root, localRefs, baseId); - } - } - - if (v === undefined) { - removeLocalRef(ref); - } else { - replaceLocalRef(ref, v); - return resolvedRef(v, refCode); - } - } - - function addLocalRef(ref, v) { - var refId = refVal.length; - refVal[refId] = v; - refs[ref] = refId; - return 'refVal' + refId; - } - - function removeLocalRef(ref) { - delete refs[ref]; - } - - function replaceLocalRef(ref, v) { - var refId = refs[ref]; - refVal[refId] = v; - } - - function resolvedRef(refVal, code) { - return typeof refVal == 'object' || typeof refVal == 'boolean' - ? { code: code, schema: refVal, inline: true } - : { code: code, $async: refVal && !!refVal.$async }; - } - - function usePattern(regexStr) { - var index = patternsHash[regexStr]; - if (index === undefined) { - index = patternsHash[regexStr] = patterns.length; - patterns[index] = regexStr; - } - return 'pattern' + index; - } - - function useDefault(value) { - switch (typeof value) { - case 'boolean': - case 'number': - return '' + value; - case 'string': - return util.toQuotedString(value); - case 'object': - if (value === null) return 'null'; - var valueStr = stableStringify(value); - var index = defaultsHash[valueStr]; - if (index === undefined) { - index = defaultsHash[valueStr] = defaults.length; - defaults[index] = value; - } - return 'default' + index; - } - } - - function useCustomRule(rule, schema, parentSchema, it) { - if (self._opts.validateSchema !== false) { - var deps = rule.definition.dependencies; - if (deps && !deps.every(function(keyword) { - return, keyword); - })) - throw new Error('parent schema must have all required keywords: ' + deps.join(',')); - - var validateSchema = rule.definition.validateSchema; - if (validateSchema) { - var valid = validateSchema(schema); - if (!valid) { - var message = 'keyword schema is invalid: ' + self.errorsText(validateSchema.errors); - if (self._opts.validateSchema == 'log') self.logger.error(message); - else throw new Error(message); - } - } - } - - var compile = rule.definition.compile - , inline = rule.definition.inline - , macro = rule.definition.macro; - - var validate; - if (compile) { - validate =, schema, parentSchema, it); - } else if (macro) { - validate =, schema, parentSchema, it); - if (opts.validateSchema !== false) self.validateSchema(validate, true); - } else if (inline) { - validate =, it, rule.keyword, schema, parentSchema); - } else { - validate = rule.definition.validate; - if (!validate) return; - } - - if (validate === undefined) - throw new Error('custom keyword "' + rule.keyword + '"failed to compile'); - - var index = customRules.length; - customRules[index] = validate; - - return { - code: 'customRule' + index, - validate: validate - }; - } -} - - -/** - * Checks if the schema is currently compiled - * @this Ajv - * @param {Object} schema schema to compile - * @param {Object} root root object - * @param {String} baseId base schema ID - * @return {Object} object with properties "index" (compilation index) and "compiling" (boolean) - */ -function checkCompiling(schema, root, baseId) { - /* jshint validthis: true */ - var index =, schema, root, baseId); - if (index >= 0) return { index: index, compiling: true }; - index = this._compilations.length; - this._compilations[index] = { - schema: schema, - root: root, - baseId: baseId - }; - return { index: index, compiling: false }; -} - - -/** - * Removes the schema from the currently compiled list - * @this Ajv - * @param {Object} schema schema to compile - * @param {Object} root root object - * @param {String} baseId base schema ID - */ -function endCompiling(schema, root, baseId) { - /* jshint validthis: true */ - var i =, schema, root, baseId); - if (i >= 0) this._compilations.splice(i, 1); -} - - -/** - * Index of schema compilation in the currently compiled list - * @this Ajv - * @param {Object} schema schema to compile - * @param {Object} root root object - * @param {String} baseId base schema ID - * @return {Integer} compilation index - */ -function compIndex(schema, root, baseId) { - /* jshint validthis: true */ - for (var i=0; i= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDBFF && pos < len) { - // high surrogate, and there is a next character - value = str.charCodeAt(pos); - if ((value & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) pos++; // low surrogate - } - } - return length; -}; diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/compile/util.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/compile/util.js deleted file mode 100644 index ef07b8c757972..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/compile/util.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,239 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - - -module.exports = { - copy: copy, - checkDataType: checkDataType, - checkDataTypes: checkDataTypes, - coerceToTypes: coerceToTypes, - toHash: toHash, - getProperty: getProperty, - escapeQuotes: escapeQuotes, - equal: require('fast-deep-equal'), - ucs2length: require('./ucs2length'), - varOccurences: varOccurences, - varReplace: varReplace, - schemaHasRules: schemaHasRules, - schemaHasRulesExcept: schemaHasRulesExcept, - schemaUnknownRules: schemaUnknownRules, - toQuotedString: toQuotedString, - getPathExpr: getPathExpr, - getPath: getPath, - getData: getData, - unescapeFragment: unescapeFragment, - unescapeJsonPointer: unescapeJsonPointer, - escapeFragment: escapeFragment, - escapeJsonPointer: escapeJsonPointer -}; - - -function copy(o, to) { - to = to || {}; - for (var key in o) to[key] = o[key]; - return to; -} - - -function checkDataType(dataType, data, strictNumbers, negate) { - var EQUAL = negate ? ' !== ' : ' === ' - , AND = negate ? ' || ' : ' && ' - , OK = negate ? '!' : '' - , NOT = negate ? '' : '!'; - switch (dataType) { - case 'null': return data + EQUAL + 'null'; - case 'array': return OK + 'Array.isArray(' + data + ')'; - case 'object': return '(' + OK + data + AND + - 'typeof ' + data + EQUAL + '"object"' + AND + - NOT + 'Array.isArray(' + data + '))'; - case 'integer': return '(typeof ' + data + EQUAL + '"number"' + AND + - NOT + '(' + data + ' % 1)' + - AND + data + EQUAL + data + - (strictNumbers ? (AND + OK + 'isFinite(' + data + ')') : '') + ')'; - case 'number': return '(typeof ' + data + EQUAL + '"' + dataType + '"' + - (strictNumbers ? (AND + OK + 'isFinite(' + data + ')') : '') + ')'; - default: return 'typeof ' + data + EQUAL + '"' + dataType + '"'; - } -} - - -function checkDataTypes(dataTypes, data, strictNumbers) { - switch (dataTypes.length) { - case 1: return checkDataType(dataTypes[0], data, strictNumbers, true); - default: - var code = ''; - var types = toHash(dataTypes); - if (types.array && types.object) { - code = types.null ? '(': '(!' + data + ' || '; - code += 'typeof ' + data + ' !== "object")'; - delete types.null; - delete types.array; - delete types.object; - } - if (types.number) delete types.integer; - for (var t in types) - code += (code ? ' && ' : '' ) + checkDataType(t, data, strictNumbers, true); - - return code; - } -} - - -var COERCE_TO_TYPES = toHash([ 'string', 'number', 'integer', 'boolean', 'null' ]); -function coerceToTypes(optionCoerceTypes, dataTypes) { - if (Array.isArray(dataTypes)) { - var types = []; - for (var i=0; i= lvl) throw new Error('Cannot access property/index ' + up + ' levels up, current level is ' + lvl); - return paths[lvl - up]; - } - - if (up > lvl) throw new Error('Cannot access data ' + up + ' levels up, current level is ' + lvl); - data = 'data' + ((lvl - up) || ''); - if (!jsonPointer) return data; - } - - var expr = data; - var segments = jsonPointer.split('/'); - for (var i=0; i' - , $notOp = $isMax ? '>' : '<' - , $errorKeyword = undefined; - - if (!($isData || typeof $schema == 'number' || $schema === undefined)) { - throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number'); - } - if (!($isDataExcl || $schemaExcl === undefined - || typeof $schemaExcl == 'number' - || typeof $schemaExcl == 'boolean')) { - throw new Error($exclusiveKeyword + ' must be number or boolean'); - } -}} - -{{? $isDataExcl }} - {{ - var $schemaValueExcl = it.util.getData($schemaExcl.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr) - , $exclusive = 'exclusive' + $lvl - , $exclType = 'exclType' + $lvl - , $exclIsNumber = 'exclIsNumber' + $lvl - , $opExpr = 'op' + $lvl - , $opStr = '\' + ' + $opExpr + ' + \''; - }} - var schemaExcl{{=$lvl}} = {{=$schemaValueExcl}}; - {{ $schemaValueExcl = 'schemaExcl' + $lvl; }} - - var {{=$exclusive}}; - var {{=$exclType}} = typeof {{=$schemaValueExcl}}; - if ({{=$exclType}} != 'boolean' && {{=$exclType}} != 'undefined' && {{=$exclType}} != 'number') { - {{ var $errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword; }} - {{# def.error:'_exclusiveLimit' }} - } else if ({{# def.$dataNotType:'number' }} - {{=$exclType}} == 'number' - ? ( - ({{=$exclusive}} = {{=$schemaValue}} === undefined || {{=$schemaValueExcl}} {{=$op}}= {{=$schemaValue}}) - ? {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}}= {{=$schemaValueExcl}} - : {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}} {{=$schemaValue}} - ) - : ( - ({{=$exclusive}} = {{=$schemaValueExcl}} === true) - ? {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}}= {{=$schemaValue}} - : {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}} {{=$schemaValue}} - ) - || {{=$data}} !== {{=$data}}) { - var op{{=$lvl}} = {{=$exclusive}} ? '{{=$op}}' : '{{=$op}}='; - {{ - if ($schema === undefined) { - $errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword; - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $exclusiveKeyword; - $schemaValue = $schemaValueExcl; - $isData = $isDataExcl; - } - }} -{{??}} - {{ - var $exclIsNumber = typeof $schemaExcl == 'number' - , $opStr = $op; /*used in error*/ - }} - - {{? $exclIsNumber && $isData }} - {{ var $opExpr = '\'' + $opStr + '\''; /*used in error*/ }} - if ({{# def.$dataNotType:'number' }} - ( {{=$schemaValue}} === undefined - || {{=$schemaExcl}} {{=$op}}= {{=$schemaValue}} - ? {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}}= {{=$schemaExcl}} - : {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}} {{=$schemaValue}} ) - || {{=$data}} !== {{=$data}}) { - {{??}} - {{ - if ($exclIsNumber && $schema === undefined) { - {{# def.setExclusiveLimit }} - $schemaValue = $schemaExcl; - $notOp += '='; - } else { - if ($exclIsNumber) - $schemaValue = Math[$isMax ? 'min' : 'max']($schemaExcl, $schema); - - if ($schemaExcl === ($exclIsNumber ? $schemaValue : true)) { - {{# def.setExclusiveLimit }} - $notOp += '='; - } else { - $exclusive = false; - $opStr += '='; - } - } - - var $opExpr = '\'' + $opStr + '\''; /*used in error*/ - }} - - if ({{# def.$dataNotType:'number' }} - {{=$data}} {{=$notOp}} {{=$schemaValue}} - || {{=$data}} !== {{=$data}}) { - {{?}} -{{?}} - {{ $errorKeyword = $errorKeyword || $keyword; }} - {{# def.error:'_limit' }} - } {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/_limitItems.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/_limitItems.jst deleted file mode 100644 index 741329e7769ff..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/_limitItems.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.$data }} - -{{# def.numberKeyword }} - -{{ var $op = $keyword == 'maxItems' ? '>' : '<'; }} -if ({{# def.$dataNotType:'number' }} {{=$data}}.length {{=$op}} {{=$schemaValue}}) { - {{ var $errorKeyword = $keyword; }} - {{# def.error:'_limitItems' }} -} {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/_limitLength.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/_limitLength.jst deleted file mode 100644 index 285c66bd2eed2..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/_limitLength.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.$data }} - -{{# def.numberKeyword }} - -{{ var $op = $keyword == 'maxLength' ? '>' : '<'; }} -if ({{# def.$dataNotType:'number' }} {{# def.strLength }} {{=$op}} {{=$schemaValue}}) { - {{ var $errorKeyword = $keyword; }} - {{# def.error:'_limitLength' }} -} {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/_limitProperties.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/_limitProperties.jst deleted file mode 100644 index c4c21551abc3d..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/_limitProperties.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.$data }} - -{{# def.numberKeyword }} - -{{ var $op = $keyword == 'maxProperties' ? '>' : '<'; }} -if ({{# def.$dataNotType:'number' }} Object.keys({{=$data}}).length {{=$op}} {{=$schemaValue}}) { - {{ var $errorKeyword = $keyword; }} - {{# def.error:'_limitProperties' }} -} {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/allOf.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/allOf.jst deleted file mode 100644 index 0e782fe98e2da..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/allOf.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.setupNextLevel }} - -{{ - var $currentBaseId = $it.baseId - , $allSchemasEmpty = true; -}} - -{{~ $schema:$sch:$i }} - {{? {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$sch }} }} - {{ - $allSchemasEmpty = false; - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + '[' + $i + ']'; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + $i; - }} - - {{# def.insertSubschemaCode }} - - {{# def.ifResultValid }} - {{?}} -{{~}} - -{{? $breakOnError }} - {{? $allSchemasEmpty }} - if (true) { - {{??}} - {{= $closingBraces.slice(0,-1) }} - {{?}} -{{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/anyOf.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/anyOf.jst deleted file mode 100644 index ea909ee628e6b..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/anyOf.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.setupNextLevel }} - -{{ - var $noEmptySchema = $schema.every(function($sch) { - return {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$sch }}; - }); -}} -{{? $noEmptySchema }} - {{ var $currentBaseId = $it.baseId; }} - var {{=$errs}} = errors; - var {{=$valid}} = false; - - {{# def.setCompositeRule }} - - {{~ $schema:$sch:$i }} - {{ - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + '[' + $i + ']'; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + $i; - }} - - {{# def.insertSubschemaCode }} - - {{=$valid}} = {{=$valid}} || {{=$nextValid}}; - - if (!{{=$valid}}) { - {{ $closingBraces += '}'; }} - {{~}} - - {{# def.resetCompositeRule }} - - {{= $closingBraces }} - - if (!{{=$valid}}) { - {{# def.extraError:'anyOf' }} - } else { - {{# def.resetErrors }} - {{? it.opts.allErrors }} } {{?}} -{{??}} - {{? $breakOnError }} - if (true) { - {{?}} -{{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/coerce.def b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/coerce.def deleted file mode 100644 index c947ed6af81d2..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/coerce.def +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -{{## def.coerceType: - {{ - var $dataType = 'dataType' + $lvl - , $coerced = 'coerced' + $lvl; - }} - var {{=$dataType}} = typeof {{=$data}}; - var {{=$coerced}} = undefined; - - {{? it.opts.coerceTypes == 'array' }} - if ({{=$dataType}} == 'object' && Array.isArray({{=$data}}) && {{=$data}}.length == 1) { - {{=$data}} = {{=$data}}[0]; - {{=$dataType}} = typeof {{=$data}}; - if ({{=it.util.checkDataType(it.schema.type, $data, it.opts.strictNumbers)}}) {{=$coerced}} = {{=$data}}; - } - {{?}} - - if ({{=$coerced}} !== undefined) ; - {{~ $coerceToTypes:$type:$i }} - {{? $type == 'string' }} - else if ({{=$dataType}} == 'number' || {{=$dataType}} == 'boolean') - {{=$coerced}} = '' + {{=$data}}; - else if ({{=$data}} === null) {{=$coerced}} = ''; - {{?? $type == 'number' || $type == 'integer' }} - else if ({{=$dataType}} == 'boolean' || {{=$data}} === null - || ({{=$dataType}} == 'string' && {{=$data}} && {{=$data}} == +{{=$data}} - {{? $type == 'integer' }} && !({{=$data}} % 1){{?}})) - {{=$coerced}} = +{{=$data}}; - {{?? $type == 'boolean' }} - else if ({{=$data}} === 'false' || {{=$data}} === 0 || {{=$data}} === null) - {{=$coerced}} = false; - else if ({{=$data}} === 'true' || {{=$data}} === 1) - {{=$coerced}} = true; - {{?? $type == 'null' }} - else if ({{=$data}} === '' || {{=$data}} === 0 || {{=$data}} === false) - {{=$coerced}} = null; - {{?? it.opts.coerceTypes == 'array' && $type == 'array' }} - else if ({{=$dataType}} == 'string' || {{=$dataType}} == 'number' || {{=$dataType}} == 'boolean' || {{=$data}} == null) - {{=$coerced}} = [{{=$data}}]; - {{?}} - {{~}} - else { - {{# def.error:'type' }} - } - - if ({{=$coerced}} !== undefined) { - {{# def.setParentData }} - {{=$data}} = {{=$coerced}}; - {{? !$dataLvl }}if ({{=$parentData}} !== undefined){{?}} - {{=$parentData}}[{{=$parentDataProperty}}] = {{=$coerced}}; - } -#}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/comment.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/comment.jst deleted file mode 100644 index f95915035c6b5..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/comment.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} - -{{ var $comment = it.util.toQuotedString($schema); }} -{{? it.opts.$comment === true }} - console.log({{=$comment}}); -{{?? typeof it.opts.$comment == 'function' }} - self._opts.$comment({{=$comment}}, {{=it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)}}, validate.root.schema); -{{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/const.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/const.jst deleted file mode 100644 index 2aa22980d7fc6..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/const.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.$data }} - -{{? !$isData }} - var schema{{=$lvl}} = validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}; -{{?}} -var {{=$valid}} = equal({{=$data}}, schema{{=$lvl}}); -{{# def.checkError:'const' }} -{{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/contains.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/contains.jst deleted file mode 100644 index 4dc9967418dec..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/contains.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.setupNextLevel }} - - -{{ - var $idx = 'i' + $lvl - , $dataNxt = $it.dataLevel = it.dataLevel + 1 - , $nextData = 'data' + $dataNxt - , $currentBaseId = it.baseId - , $nonEmptySchema = {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$schema }}; -}} - -var {{=$errs}} = errors; -var {{=$valid}}; - -{{? $nonEmptySchema }} - {{# def.setCompositeRule }} - - {{ - $it.schema = $schema; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - }} - - var {{=$nextValid}} = false; - - for (var {{=$idx}} = 0; {{=$idx}} < {{=$data}}.length; {{=$idx}}++) { - {{ - $it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $idx, it.opts.jsonPointers, true); - var $passData = $data + '[' + $idx + ']'; - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $idx; - }} - - {{# def.generateSubschemaCode }} - {{# def.optimizeValidate }} - - if ({{=$nextValid}}) break; - } - - {{# def.resetCompositeRule }} - {{= $closingBraces }} - - if (!{{=$nextValid}}) { -{{??}} - if ({{=$data}}.length == 0) { -{{?}} - - {{# def.error:'contains' }} - } else { - {{? $nonEmptySchema }} - {{# def.resetErrors }} - {{?}} - {{? it.opts.allErrors }} } {{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/custom.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/custom.jst deleted file mode 100644 index d30588fb0b4b5..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/custom.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.$data }} - -{{ - var $rule = this - , $definition = 'definition' + $lvl - , $rDef = $rule.definition - , $closingBraces = ''; - var $validate = $rDef.validate; - var $compile, $inline, $macro, $ruleValidate, $validateCode; -}} - -{{? $isData && $rDef.$data }} - {{ - $validateCode = 'keywordValidate' + $lvl; - var $validateSchema = $rDef.validateSchema; - }} - var {{=$definition}} = RULES.custom['{{=$keyword}}'].definition; - var {{=$validateCode}} = {{=$definition}}.validate; -{{??}} - {{ - $ruleValidate = it.useCustomRule($rule, $schema, it.schema, it); - if (!$ruleValidate) return; - $schemaValue = 'validate.schema' + $schemaPath; - $validateCode = $ruleValidate.code; - $compile = $rDef.compile; - $inline = $rDef.inline; - $macro = $rDef.macro; - }} -{{?}} - -{{ - var $ruleErrs = $validateCode + '.errors' - , $i = 'i' + $lvl - , $ruleErr = 'ruleErr' + $lvl - , $asyncKeyword = $rDef.async; - - if ($asyncKeyword && !it.async) - throw new Error('async keyword in sync schema'); -}} - - -{{? !($inline || $macro) }}{{=$ruleErrs}} = null;{{?}} -var {{=$errs}} = errors; -var {{=$valid}}; - -{{## def.callRuleValidate: - {{=$validateCode}}.call( - {{? it.opts.passContext }}this{{??}}self{{?}} - {{? $compile || $rDef.schema === false }} - , {{=$data}} - {{??}} - , {{=$schemaValue}} - , {{=$data}} - , validate.schema{{=it.schemaPath}} - {{?}} - , {{# def.dataPath }} - {{# def.passParentData }} - , rootData - ) -#}} - -{{## def.extendErrors:_inline: - for (var {{=$i}}={{=$errs}}; {{=$i}} 0) - || _schema === false - : it.util.schemaHasRules(_schema, it.RULES.all)) -#}} - - -{{## def.strLength: - {{? it.opts.unicode === false }} - {{=$data}}.length - {{??}} - ucs2length({{=$data}}) - {{?}} -#}} - - -{{## def.willOptimize: - it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2 -#}} - - -{{## def.generateSubschemaCode: - {{ - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - }} -#}} - - -{{## def.insertSubschemaCode: - {{= it.validate($it) }} - {{ $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; }} -#}} - - -{{## def._optimizeValidate: - it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData) -#}} - - -{{## def.optimizeValidate: - {{? {{# def.willOptimize}} }} - {{= {{# def._optimizeValidate }} }} - {{??}} - var {{=$nextData}} = {{=$passData}}; - {{= $code }} - {{?}} -#}} - - -{{## def.$data: - {{ - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data - , $schemaValue; - }} - {{? $isData }} - var schema{{=$lvl}} = {{= it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr) }}; - {{ $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; }} - {{??}} - {{ $schemaValue = $schema; }} - {{?}} -#}} - - -{{## def.$dataNotType:_type: - {{?$isData}} ({{=$schemaValue}} !== undefined && typeof {{=$schemaValue}} != _type) || {{?}} -#}} - - -{{## def.check$dataIsArray: - if (schema{{=$lvl}} === undefined) {{=$valid}} = true; - else if (!Array.isArray(schema{{=$lvl}})) {{=$valid}} = false; - else { -#}} - - -{{## def.numberKeyword: - {{? !($isData || typeof $schema == 'number') }} - {{ throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number'); }} - {{?}} -#}} - - -{{## def.beginDefOut: - {{ - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; - }} -#}} - - -{{## def.storeDefOut:_variable: - {{ - var _variable = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - }} -#}} - - -{{## def.dataPath:(dataPath || ''){{? it.errorPath != '""'}} + {{= it.errorPath }}{{?}}#}} - -{{## def.setParentData: - {{ - var $parentData = $dataLvl ? 'data' + (($dataLvl-1)||'') : 'parentData' - , $parentDataProperty = $dataLvl ? it.dataPathArr[$dataLvl] : 'parentDataProperty'; - }} -#}} - -{{## def.passParentData: - {{# def.setParentData }} - , {{= $parentData }} - , {{= $parentDataProperty }} -#}} - - -{{## def.iterateProperties: - {{? $ownProperties }} - {{=$dataProperties}} = {{=$dataProperties}} || Object.keys({{=$data}}); - for (var {{=$idx}}=0; {{=$idx}}<{{=$dataProperties}}.length; {{=$idx}}++) { - var {{=$key}} = {{=$dataProperties}}[{{=$idx}}]; - {{??}} - for (var {{=$key}} in {{=$data}}) { - {{?}} -#}} - - -{{## def.noPropertyInData: - {{=$useData}} === undefined - {{? $ownProperties }} - || !{{# def.isOwnProperty }} - {{?}} -#}} - - -{{## def.isOwnProperty: -{{=$data}}, '{{=it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey)}}') -#}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/dependencies.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/dependencies.jst deleted file mode 100644 index e4bdddec8eb95..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/dependencies.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.missing }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.setupNextLevel }} - - -{{## def.propertyInData: - {{=$data}}{{= it.util.getProperty($property) }} !== undefined - {{? $ownProperties }} - &&{{=$data}}, '{{=it.util.escapeQuotes($property)}}') - {{?}} -#}} - - -{{ - var $schemaDeps = {} - , $propertyDeps = {} - , $ownProperties = it.opts.ownProperties; - - for ($property in $schema) { - if ($property == '__proto__') continue; - var $sch = $schema[$property]; - var $deps = Array.isArray($sch) ? $propertyDeps : $schemaDeps; - $deps[$property] = $sch; - } -}} - -var {{=$errs}} = errors; - -{{ var $currentErrorPath = it.errorPath; }} - -var missing{{=$lvl}}; -{{ for (var $property in $propertyDeps) { }} - {{ $deps = $propertyDeps[$property]; }} - {{? $deps.length }} - if ({{# def.propertyInData }} - {{? $breakOnError }} - && ({{# def.checkMissingProperty:$deps }})) { - {{# def.errorMissingProperty:'dependencies' }} - {{??}} - ) { - {{~ $deps:$propertyKey }} - {{# def.allErrorsMissingProperty:'dependencies' }} - {{~}} - {{?}} - } {{# def.elseIfValid }} - {{?}} -{{ } }} - -{{ - it.errorPath = $currentErrorPath; - var $currentBaseId = $it.baseId; -}} - - -{{ for (var $property in $schemaDeps) { }} - {{ var $sch = $schemaDeps[$property]; }} - {{? {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$sch }} }} - {{=$nextValid}} = true; - - if ({{# def.propertyInData }}) { - {{ - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($property); - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + it.util.escapeFragment($property); - }} - - {{# def.insertSubschemaCode }} - } - - {{# def.ifResultValid }} - {{?}} -{{ } }} - -{{? $breakOnError }} - {{= $closingBraces }} - if ({{=$errs}} == errors) { -{{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/enum.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/enum.jst deleted file mode 100644 index 357c2e8c081d1..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/enum.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.$data }} - -{{ - var $i = 'i' + $lvl - , $vSchema = 'schema' + $lvl; -}} - -{{? !$isData }} - var {{=$vSchema}} = validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}; -{{?}} -var {{=$valid}}; - -{{?$isData}}{{# def.check$dataIsArray }}{{?}} - -{{=$valid}} = false; - -for (var {{=$i}}=0; {{=$i}}<{{=$vSchema}}.length; {{=$i}}++) - if (equal({{=$data}}, {{=$vSchema}}[{{=$i}}])) { - {{=$valid}} = true; - break; - } - -{{? $isData }} } {{?}} - -{{# def.checkError:'enum' }} - -{{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/errors.def b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/errors.def deleted file mode 100644 index 5c5752cb04db9..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/errors.def +++ /dev/null @@ -1,194 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} - -{{## def._error:_rule: - {{ 'istanbul ignore else'; }} - {{? it.createErrors !== false }} - { - keyword: '{{= $errorKeyword || _rule }}' - , dataPath: (dataPath || '') + {{= it.errorPath }} - , schemaPath: {{=it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)}} - , params: {{# def._errorParams[_rule] }} - {{? it.opts.messages !== false }} - , message: {{# def._errorMessages[_rule] }} - {{?}} - {{? it.opts.verbose }} - , schema: {{# def._errorSchemas[_rule] }} - , parentSchema: validate.schema{{=it.schemaPath}} - , data: {{=$data}} - {{?}} - } - {{??}} - {} - {{?}} -#}} - - -{{## def._addError:_rule: - if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; - else vErrors.push(err); - errors++; -#}} - - -{{## def.addError:_rule: - var err = {{# def._error:_rule }}; - {{# def._addError:_rule }} -#}} - - -{{## def.error:_rule: - {{# def.beginDefOut}} - {{# def._error:_rule }} - {{# def.storeDefOut:__err }} - - {{? !it.compositeRule && $breakOnError }} - {{ 'istanbul ignore if'; }} - {{? it.async }} - throw new ValidationError([{{=__err}}]); - {{??}} - validate.errors = [{{=__err}}]; - return false; - {{?}} - {{??}} - var err = {{=__err}}; - {{# def._addError:_rule }} - {{?}} -#}} - - -{{## def.extraError:_rule: - {{# def.addError:_rule}} - {{? !it.compositeRule && $breakOnError }} - {{ 'istanbul ignore if'; }} - {{? it.async }} - throw new ValidationError(vErrors); - {{??}} - validate.errors = vErrors; - return false; - {{?}} - {{?}} -#}} - - -{{## def.checkError:_rule: - if (!{{=$valid}}) { - {{# def.error:_rule }} - } -#}} - - -{{## def.resetErrors: - errors = {{=$errs}}; - if (vErrors !== null) { - if ({{=$errs}}) vErrors.length = {{=$errs}}; - else vErrors = null; - } -#}} - - -{{## def.concatSchema:{{?$isData}}' + {{=$schemaValue}} + '{{??}}{{=$schema}}{{?}}#}} -{{## def.appendSchema:{{?$isData}}' + {{=$schemaValue}}{{??}}{{=$schemaValue}}'{{?}}#}} -{{## def.concatSchemaEQ:{{?$isData}}' + {{=$schemaValue}} + '{{??}}{{=it.util.escapeQuotes($schema)}}{{?}}#}} - -{{## def._errorMessages = { - 'false schema': "'boolean schema is false'", - $ref: "'can\\\'t resolve reference {{=it.util.escapeQuotes($schema)}}'", - additionalItems: "'should NOT have more than {{=$schema.length}} items'", - additionalProperties: "'{{? it.opts._errorDataPathProperty }}is an invalid additional property{{??}}should NOT have additional properties{{?}}'", - anyOf: "'should match some schema in anyOf'", - const: "'should be equal to constant'", - contains: "'should contain a valid item'", - dependencies: "'should have {{? $deps.length == 1 }}property {{= it.util.escapeQuotes($deps[0]) }}{{??}}properties {{= it.util.escapeQuotes($deps.join(\", \")) }}{{?}} when property {{= it.util.escapeQuotes($property) }} is present'", - 'enum': "'should be equal to one of the allowed values'", - format: "'should match format \"{{#def.concatSchemaEQ}}\"'", - 'if': "'should match \"' + {{=$ifClause}} + '\" schema'", - _limit: "'should be {{=$opStr}} {{#def.appendSchema}}", - _exclusiveLimit: "'{{=$exclusiveKeyword}} should be boolean'", - _limitItems: "'should NOT have {{?$keyword=='maxItems'}}more{{??}}fewer{{?}} than {{#def.concatSchema}} items'", - _limitLength: "'should NOT be {{?$keyword=='maxLength'}}longer{{??}}shorter{{?}} than {{#def.concatSchema}} characters'", - _limitProperties:"'should NOT have {{?$keyword=='maxProperties'}}more{{??}}fewer{{?}} than {{#def.concatSchema}} properties'", - multipleOf: "'should be multiple of {{#def.appendSchema}}", - not: "'should NOT be valid'", - oneOf: "'should match exactly one schema in oneOf'", - pattern: "'should match pattern \"{{#def.concatSchemaEQ}}\"'", - propertyNames: "'property name \\'{{=$invalidName}}\\' is invalid'", - required: "'{{? it.opts._errorDataPathProperty }}is a required property{{??}}should have required property \\'{{=$missingProperty}}\\'{{?}}'", - type: "'should be {{? $typeIsArray }}{{= $typeSchema.join(\",\") }}{{??}}{{=$typeSchema}}{{?}}'", - uniqueItems: "'should NOT have duplicate items (items ## ' + j + ' and ' + i + ' are identical)'", - custom: "'should pass \"{{=$rule.keyword}}\" keyword validation'", - patternRequired: "'should have property matching pattern \\'{{=$missingPattern}}\\''", - switch: "'should pass \"switch\" keyword validation'", - _formatLimit: "'should be {{=$opStr}} \"{{#def.concatSchemaEQ}}\"'", - _formatExclusiveLimit: "'{{=$exclusiveKeyword}} should be boolean'" -} #}} - - -{{## def.schemaRefOrVal: {{?$isData}}validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}{{??}}{{=$schema}}{{?}} #}} -{{## def.schemaRefOrQS: {{?$isData}}validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}{{??}}{{=it.util.toQuotedString($schema)}}{{?}} #}} - -{{## def._errorSchemas = { - 'false schema': "false", - $ref: "{{=it.util.toQuotedString($schema)}}", - additionalItems: "false", - additionalProperties: "false", - anyOf: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}", - const: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}", - contains: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}", - dependencies: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}", - 'enum': "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}", - format: "{{#def.schemaRefOrQS}}", - 'if': "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}", - _limit: "{{#def.schemaRefOrVal}}", - _exclusiveLimit: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}", - _limitItems: "{{#def.schemaRefOrVal}}", - _limitLength: "{{#def.schemaRefOrVal}}", - _limitProperties:"{{#def.schemaRefOrVal}}", - multipleOf: "{{#def.schemaRefOrVal}}", - not: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}", - oneOf: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}", - pattern: "{{#def.schemaRefOrQS}}", - propertyNames: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}", - required: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}", - type: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}", - uniqueItems: "{{#def.schemaRefOrVal}}", - custom: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}", - patternRequired: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}", - switch: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}", - _formatLimit: "{{#def.schemaRefOrQS}}", - _formatExclusiveLimit: "validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}" -} #}} - - -{{## def.schemaValueQS: {{?$isData}}{{=$schemaValue}}{{??}}{{=it.util.toQuotedString($schema)}}{{?}} #}} - -{{## def._errorParams = { - 'false schema': "{}", - $ref: "{ ref: '{{=it.util.escapeQuotes($schema)}}' }", - additionalItems: "{ limit: {{=$schema.length}} }", - additionalProperties: "{ additionalProperty: '{{=$additionalProperty}}' }", - anyOf: "{}", - const: "{ allowedValue: schema{{=$lvl}} }", - contains: "{}", - dependencies: "{ property: '{{= it.util.escapeQuotes($property) }}', missingProperty: '{{=$missingProperty}}', depsCount: {{=$deps.length}}, deps: '{{= it.util.escapeQuotes($deps.length==1 ? $deps[0] : $deps.join(\", \")) }}' }", - 'enum': "{ allowedValues: schema{{=$lvl}} }", - format: "{ format: {{#def.schemaValueQS}} }", - 'if': "{ failingKeyword: {{=$ifClause}} }", - _limit: "{ comparison: {{=$opExpr}}, limit: {{=$schemaValue}}, exclusive: {{=$exclusive}} }", - _exclusiveLimit: "{}", - _limitItems: "{ limit: {{=$schemaValue}} }", - _limitLength: "{ limit: {{=$schemaValue}} }", - _limitProperties:"{ limit: {{=$schemaValue}} }", - multipleOf: "{ multipleOf: {{=$schemaValue}} }", - not: "{}", - oneOf: "{ passingSchemas: {{=$passingSchemas}} }", - pattern: "{ pattern: {{#def.schemaValueQS}} }", - propertyNames: "{ propertyName: '{{=$invalidName}}' }", - required: "{ missingProperty: '{{=$missingProperty}}' }", - type: "{ type: '{{? $typeIsArray }}{{= $typeSchema.join(\",\") }}{{??}}{{=$typeSchema}}{{?}}' }", - uniqueItems: "{ i: i, j: j }", - custom: "{ keyword: '{{=$rule.keyword}}' }", - patternRequired: "{ missingPattern: '{{=$missingPattern}}' }", - switch: "{ caseIndex: {{=$caseIndex}} }", - _formatLimit: "{ comparison: {{=$opExpr}}, limit: {{#def.schemaValueQS}}, exclusive: {{=$exclusive}} }", - _formatExclusiveLimit: "{}" -} #}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/format.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/format.jst deleted file mode 100644 index 37f14da80ef8f..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/format.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} - -{{## def.skipFormat: - {{? $breakOnError }} if (true) { {{?}} - {{ return out; }} -#}} - -{{? it.opts.format === false }}{{# def.skipFormat }}{{?}} - - -{{# def.$data }} - - -{{## def.$dataCheckFormat: - {{# def.$dataNotType:'string' }} - ({{? $unknownFormats != 'ignore' }} - ({{=$schemaValue}} && !{{=$format}} - {{? $allowUnknown }} - && self._opts.unknownFormats.indexOf({{=$schemaValue}}) == -1 - {{?}}) || - {{?}} - ({{=$format}} && {{=$formatType}} == '{{=$ruleType}}' - && !(typeof {{=$format}} == 'function' - ? {{? it.async}} - (async{{=$lvl}} ? await {{=$format}}({{=$data}}) : {{=$format}}({{=$data}})) - {{??}} - {{=$format}}({{=$data}}) - {{?}} - : {{=$format}}.test({{=$data}})))) -#}} - -{{## def.checkFormat: - {{ - var $formatRef = 'formats' + it.util.getProperty($schema); - if ($isObject) $formatRef += '.validate'; - }} - {{? typeof $format == 'function' }} - {{=$formatRef}}({{=$data}}) - {{??}} - {{=$formatRef}}.test({{=$data}}) - {{?}} -#}} - - -{{ - var $unknownFormats = it.opts.unknownFormats - , $allowUnknown = Array.isArray($unknownFormats); -}} - -{{? $isData }} - {{ - var $format = 'format' + $lvl - , $isObject = 'isObject' + $lvl - , $formatType = 'formatType' + $lvl; - }} - var {{=$format}} = formats[{{=$schemaValue}}]; - var {{=$isObject}} = typeof {{=$format}} == 'object' - && !({{=$format}} instanceof RegExp) - && {{=$format}}.validate; - var {{=$formatType}} = {{=$isObject}} && {{=$format}}.type || 'string'; - if ({{=$isObject}}) { - {{? it.async}} - var async{{=$lvl}} = {{=$format}}.async; - {{?}} - {{=$format}} = {{=$format}}.validate; - } - if ({{# def.$dataCheckFormat }}) { -{{??}} - {{ var $format = it.formats[$schema]; }} - {{? !$format }} - {{? $unknownFormats == 'ignore' }} - {{ it.logger.warn('unknown format "' + $schema + '" ignored in schema at path "' + it.errSchemaPath + '"'); }} - {{# def.skipFormat }} - {{?? $allowUnknown && $unknownFormats.indexOf($schema) >= 0 }} - {{# def.skipFormat }} - {{??}} - {{ throw new Error('unknown format "' + $schema + '" is used in schema at path "' + it.errSchemaPath + '"'); }} - {{?}} - {{?}} - {{ - var $isObject = typeof $format == 'object' - && !($format instanceof RegExp) - && $format.validate; - var $formatType = $isObject && $format.type || 'string'; - if ($isObject) { - var $async = $format.async === true; - $format = $format.validate; - } - }} - {{? $formatType != $ruleType }} - {{# def.skipFormat }} - {{?}} - {{? $async }} - {{ - if (!it.async) throw new Error('async format in sync schema'); - var $formatRef = 'formats' + it.util.getProperty($schema) + '.validate'; - }} - if (!(await {{=$formatRef}}({{=$data}}))) { - {{??}} - if (!{{# def.checkFormat }}) { - {{?}} -{{?}} - {{# def.error:'format' }} - } {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/if.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/if.jst deleted file mode 100644 index adb50361245a1..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/if.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.setupNextLevel }} - - -{{## def.validateIfClause:_clause: - {{ - $it.schema = it.schema['_clause']; - $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '._clause'; - $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/_clause'; - }} - {{# def.insertSubschemaCode }} - {{=$valid}} = {{=$nextValid}}; - {{? $thenPresent && $elsePresent }} - {{ $ifClause = 'ifClause' + $lvl; }} - var {{=$ifClause}} = '_clause'; - {{??}} - {{ $ifClause = '\'_clause\''; }} - {{?}} -#}} - -{{ - var $thenSch = it.schema['then'] - , $elseSch = it.schema['else'] - , $thenPresent = $thenSch !== undefined && {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$thenSch }} - , $elsePresent = $elseSch !== undefined && {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$elseSch }} - , $currentBaseId = $it.baseId; -}} - -{{? $thenPresent || $elsePresent }} - {{ - var $ifClause; - $it.createErrors = false; - $it.schema = $schema; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - }} - var {{=$errs}} = errors; - var {{=$valid}} = true; - - {{# def.setCompositeRule }} - {{# def.insertSubschemaCode }} - {{ $it.createErrors = true; }} - {{# def.resetErrors }} - {{# def.resetCompositeRule }} - - {{? $thenPresent }} - if ({{=$nextValid}}) { - {{# def.validateIfClause:then }} - } - {{? $elsePresent }} - else { - {{?}} - {{??}} - if (!{{=$nextValid}}) { - {{?}} - - {{? $elsePresent }} - {{# def.validateIfClause:else }} - } - {{?}} - - if (!{{=$valid}}) { - {{# def.extraError:'if' }} - } - {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}} -{{??}} - {{? $breakOnError }} - if (true) { - {{?}} -{{?}} - diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/items.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/items.jst deleted file mode 100644 index acc932a26eea8..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/items.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.setupNextLevel }} - - -{{## def.validateItems:startFrom: - for (var {{=$idx}} = {{=startFrom}}; {{=$idx}} < {{=$data}}.length; {{=$idx}}++) { - {{ - $it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $idx, it.opts.jsonPointers, true); - var $passData = $data + '[' + $idx + ']'; - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $idx; - }} - - {{# def.generateSubschemaCode }} - {{# def.optimizeValidate }} - - {{? $breakOnError }} - if (!{{=$nextValid}}) break; - {{?}} - } -#}} - -{{ - var $idx = 'i' + $lvl - , $dataNxt = $it.dataLevel = it.dataLevel + 1 - , $nextData = 'data' + $dataNxt - , $currentBaseId = it.baseId; -}} - -var {{=$errs}} = errors; -var {{=$valid}}; - -{{? Array.isArray($schema) }} - {{ /* 'items' is an array of schemas */}} - {{ var $additionalItems = it.schema.additionalItems; }} - {{? $additionalItems === false }} - {{=$valid}} = {{=$data}}.length <= {{= $schema.length }}; - {{ - var $currErrSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/additionalItems'; - }} - {{# def.checkError:'additionalItems' }} - {{ $errSchemaPath = $currErrSchemaPath; }} - {{# def.elseIfValid}} - {{?}} - - {{~ $schema:$sch:$i }} - {{? {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$sch }} }} - {{=$nextValid}} = true; - - if ({{=$data}}.length > {{=$i}}) { - {{ - var $passData = $data + '[' + $i + ']'; - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + '[' + $i + ']'; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + $i; - $it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $i, it.opts.jsonPointers, true); - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $i; - }} - - {{# def.generateSubschemaCode }} - {{# def.optimizeValidate }} - } - - {{# def.ifResultValid }} - {{?}} - {{~}} - - {{? typeof $additionalItems == 'object' && {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$additionalItems }} }} - {{ - $it.schema = $additionalItems; - $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.additionalItems'; - $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/additionalItems'; - }} - {{=$nextValid}} = true; - - if ({{=$data}}.length > {{= $schema.length }}) { - {{# def.validateItems: $schema.length }} - } - - {{# def.ifResultValid }} - {{?}} - -{{?? {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$schema }} }} - {{ /* 'items' is a single schema */}} - {{ - $it.schema = $schema; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - }} - {{# def.validateItems: 0 }} -{{?}} - -{{? $breakOnError }} - {{= $closingBraces }} - if ({{=$errs}} == errors) { -{{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/missing.def b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/missing.def deleted file mode 100644 index a73b9f966e9e8..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/missing.def +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -{{## def.checkMissingProperty:_properties: - {{~ _properties:$propertyKey:$i }} - {{?$i}} || {{?}} - {{ - var $prop = it.util.getProperty($propertyKey) - , $useData = $data + $prop; - }} - ( ({{# def.noPropertyInData }}) && (missing{{=$lvl}} = {{= it.util.toQuotedString(it.opts.jsonPointers ? $propertyKey : $prop) }}) ) - {{~}} -#}} - - -{{## def.errorMissingProperty:_error: - {{ - var $propertyPath = 'missing' + $lvl - , $missingProperty = '\' + ' + $propertyPath + ' + \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - it.errorPath = it.opts.jsonPointers - ? it.util.getPathExpr($currentErrorPath, $propertyPath, true) - : $currentErrorPath + ' + ' + $propertyPath; - } - }} - {{# def.error:_error }} -#}} - - -{{## def.allErrorsMissingProperty:_error: - {{ - var $prop = it.util.getProperty($propertyKey) - , $missingProperty = it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey) - , $useData = $data + $prop; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - it.errorPath = it.util.getPath($currentErrorPath, $propertyKey, it.opts.jsonPointers); - } - }} - if ({{# def.noPropertyInData }}) { - {{# def.addError:_error }} - } -#}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/multipleOf.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/multipleOf.jst deleted file mode 100644 index 6d88a456f3817..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/multipleOf.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.$data }} - -{{# def.numberKeyword }} - -var division{{=$lvl}}; -if ({{?$isData}} - {{=$schemaValue}} !== undefined && ( - typeof {{=$schemaValue}} != 'number' || - {{?}} - (division{{=$lvl}} = {{=$data}} / {{=$schemaValue}}, - {{? it.opts.multipleOfPrecision }} - Math.abs(Math.round(division{{=$lvl}}) - division{{=$lvl}}) > 1e-{{=it.opts.multipleOfPrecision}} - {{??}} - division{{=$lvl}} !== parseInt(division{{=$lvl}}) - {{?}} - ) - {{?$isData}} ) {{?}} ) { - {{# def.error:'multipleOf' }} -} {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/not.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/not.jst deleted file mode 100644 index e03185ae87405..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/not.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.setupNextLevel }} - -{{? {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$schema }} }} - {{ - $it.schema = $schema; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - }} - - var {{=$errs}} = errors; - - {{# def.setCompositeRule }} - - {{ - $it.createErrors = false; - var $allErrorsOption; - if ($it.opts.allErrors) { - $allErrorsOption = $it.opts.allErrors; - $it.opts.allErrors = false; - } - }} - {{= it.validate($it) }} - {{ - $it.createErrors = true; - if ($allErrorsOption) $it.opts.allErrors = $allErrorsOption; - }} - - {{# def.resetCompositeRule }} - - if ({{=$nextValid}}) { - {{# def.error:'not' }} - } else { - {{# def.resetErrors }} - {{? it.opts.allErrors }} } {{?}} -{{??}} - {{# def.addError:'not' }} - {{? $breakOnError}} - if (false) { - {{?}} -{{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/oneOf.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/oneOf.jst deleted file mode 100644 index bcce2c6ed5afe..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/oneOf.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.setupNextLevel }} - -{{ - var $currentBaseId = $it.baseId - , $prevValid = 'prevValid' + $lvl - , $passingSchemas = 'passingSchemas' + $lvl; -}} - -var {{=$errs}} = errors - , {{=$prevValid}} = false - , {{=$valid}} = false - , {{=$passingSchemas}} = null; - -{{# def.setCompositeRule }} - -{{~ $schema:$sch:$i }} - {{? {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$sch }} }} - {{ - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + '[' + $i + ']'; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + $i; - }} - - {{# def.insertSubschemaCode }} - {{??}} - var {{=$nextValid}} = true; - {{?}} - - {{? $i }} - if ({{=$nextValid}} && {{=$prevValid}}) { - {{=$valid}} = false; - {{=$passingSchemas}} = [{{=$passingSchemas}}, {{=$i}}]; - } else { - {{ $closingBraces += '}'; }} - {{?}} - - if ({{=$nextValid}}) { - {{=$valid}} = {{=$prevValid}} = true; - {{=$passingSchemas}} = {{=$i}}; - } -{{~}} - -{{# def.resetCompositeRule }} - -{{= $closingBraces }} - -if (!{{=$valid}}) { - {{# def.extraError:'oneOf' }} -} else { - {{# def.resetErrors }} -{{? it.opts.allErrors }} } {{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/pattern.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/pattern.jst deleted file mode 100644 index 3a37ef6cb8560..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/pattern.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.$data }} - -{{ - var $regexp = $isData - ? '(new RegExp(' + $schemaValue + '))' - : it.usePattern($schema); -}} - -if ({{# def.$dataNotType:'string' }} !{{=$regexp}}.test({{=$data}}) ) { - {{# def.error:'pattern' }} -} {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/properties.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/properties.jst deleted file mode 100644 index 5cebb9b12e948..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/properties.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,245 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.setupNextLevel }} - - -{{## def.validateAdditional: - {{ /* additionalProperties is schema */ - $it.schema = $aProperties; - $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.additionalProperties'; - $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/additionalProperties'; - $it.errorPath = it.opts._errorDataPathProperty - ? it.errorPath - : it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $key, it.opts.jsonPointers); - var $passData = $data + '[' + $key + ']'; - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $key; - }} - - {{# def.generateSubschemaCode }} - {{# def.optimizeValidate }} -#}} - - -{{ - var $key = 'key' + $lvl - , $idx = 'idx' + $lvl - , $dataNxt = $it.dataLevel = it.dataLevel + 1 - , $nextData = 'data' + $dataNxt - , $dataProperties = 'dataProperties' + $lvl; - - var $schemaKeys = Object.keys($schema || {}).filter(notProto) - , $pProperties = it.schema.patternProperties || {} - , $pPropertyKeys = Object.keys($pProperties).filter(notProto) - , $aProperties = it.schema.additionalProperties - , $someProperties = $schemaKeys.length || $pPropertyKeys.length - , $noAdditional = $aProperties === false - , $additionalIsSchema = typeof $aProperties == 'object' - && Object.keys($aProperties).length - , $removeAdditional = it.opts.removeAdditional - , $checkAdditional = $noAdditional || $additionalIsSchema || $removeAdditional - , $ownProperties = it.opts.ownProperties - , $currentBaseId = it.baseId; - - var $required = it.schema.required; - if ($required && !(it.opts.$data && $required.$data) && $required.length < it.opts.loopRequired) { - var $requiredHash = it.util.toHash($required); - } - - function notProto(p) { return p !== '__proto__'; } -}} - - -var {{=$errs}} = errors; -var {{=$nextValid}} = true; -{{? $ownProperties }} - var {{=$dataProperties}} = undefined; -{{?}} - -{{? $checkAdditional }} - {{# def.iterateProperties }} - {{? $someProperties }} - var isAdditional{{=$lvl}} = !(false - {{? $schemaKeys.length }} - {{? $schemaKeys.length > 8 }} - || validate.schema{{=$schemaPath}}.hasOwnProperty({{=$key}}) - {{??}} - {{~ $schemaKeys:$propertyKey }} - || {{=$key}} == {{= it.util.toQuotedString($propertyKey) }} - {{~}} - {{?}} - {{?}} - {{? $pPropertyKeys.length }} - {{~ $pPropertyKeys:$pProperty:$i }} - || {{= it.usePattern($pProperty) }}.test({{=$key}}) - {{~}} - {{?}} - ); - - if (isAdditional{{=$lvl}}) { - {{?}} - {{? $removeAdditional == 'all' }} - delete {{=$data}}[{{=$key}}]; - {{??}} - {{ - var $currentErrorPath = it.errorPath; - var $additionalProperty = '\' + ' + $key + ' + \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $key, it.opts.jsonPointers); - } - }} - {{? $noAdditional }} - {{? $removeAdditional }} - delete {{=$data}}[{{=$key}}]; - {{??}} - {{=$nextValid}} = false; - {{ - var $currErrSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/additionalProperties'; - }} - {{# def.error:'additionalProperties' }} - {{ $errSchemaPath = $currErrSchemaPath; }} - {{? $breakOnError }} break; {{?}} - {{?}} - {{?? $additionalIsSchema }} - {{? $removeAdditional == 'failing' }} - var {{=$errs}} = errors; - {{# def.setCompositeRule }} - - {{# def.validateAdditional }} - - if (!{{=$nextValid}}) { - errors = {{=$errs}}; - if (validate.errors !== null) { - if (errors) validate.errors.length = errors; - else validate.errors = null; - } - delete {{=$data}}[{{=$key}}]; - } - - {{# def.resetCompositeRule }} - {{??}} - {{# def.validateAdditional }} - {{? $breakOnError }} if (!{{=$nextValid}}) break; {{?}} - {{?}} - {{?}} - {{ it.errorPath = $currentErrorPath; }} - {{?}} - {{? $someProperties }} - } - {{?}} - } - - {{# def.ifResultValid }} -{{?}} - -{{ var $useDefaults = it.opts.useDefaults && !it.compositeRule; }} - -{{? $schemaKeys.length }} - {{~ $schemaKeys:$propertyKey }} - {{ var $sch = $schema[$propertyKey]; }} - - {{? {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$sch}} }} - {{ - var $prop = it.util.getProperty($propertyKey) - , $passData = $data + $prop - , $hasDefault = $useDefaults && $sch.default !== undefined; - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + $prop; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + it.util.escapeFragment($propertyKey); - $it.errorPath = it.util.getPath(it.errorPath, $propertyKey, it.opts.jsonPointers); - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = it.util.toQuotedString($propertyKey); - }} - - {{# def.generateSubschemaCode }} - - {{? {{# def.willOptimize }} }} - {{ - $code = {{# def._optimizeValidate }}; - var $useData = $passData; - }} - {{??}} - {{ var $useData = $nextData; }} - var {{=$nextData}} = {{=$passData}}; - {{?}} - - {{? $hasDefault }} - {{= $code }} - {{??}} - {{? $requiredHash && $requiredHash[$propertyKey] }} - if ({{# def.noPropertyInData }}) { - {{=$nextValid}} = false; - {{ - var $currentErrorPath = it.errorPath - , $currErrSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath - , $missingProperty = it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey); - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - it.errorPath = it.util.getPath($currentErrorPath, $propertyKey, it.opts.jsonPointers); - } - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/required'; - }} - {{# def.error:'required' }} - {{ $errSchemaPath = $currErrSchemaPath; }} - {{ it.errorPath = $currentErrorPath; }} - } else { - {{??}} - {{? $breakOnError }} - if ({{# def.noPropertyInData }}) { - {{=$nextValid}} = true; - } else { - {{??}} - if ({{=$useData}} !== undefined - {{? $ownProperties }} - && {{# def.isOwnProperty }} - {{?}} - ) { - {{?}} - {{?}} - - {{= $code }} - } - {{?}} {{ /* $hasDefault */ }} - {{?}} {{ /* def.nonEmptySchema */ }} - - {{# def.ifResultValid }} - {{~}} -{{?}} - -{{? $pPropertyKeys.length }} - {{~ $pPropertyKeys:$pProperty }} - {{ var $sch = $pProperties[$pProperty]; }} - - {{? {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$sch}} }} - {{ - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.patternProperties' + it.util.getProperty($pProperty); - $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/patternProperties/' - + it.util.escapeFragment($pProperty); - }} - - {{# def.iterateProperties }} - if ({{= it.usePattern($pProperty) }}.test({{=$key}})) { - {{ - $it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $key, it.opts.jsonPointers); - var $passData = $data + '[' + $key + ']'; - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $key; - }} - - {{# def.generateSubschemaCode }} - {{# def.optimizeValidate }} - - {{? $breakOnError }} if (!{{=$nextValid}}) break; {{?}} - } - {{? $breakOnError }} else {{=$nextValid}} = true; {{?}} - } - - {{# def.ifResultValid }} - {{?}} {{ /* def.nonEmptySchema */ }} - {{~}} -{{?}} - - -{{? $breakOnError }} - {{= $closingBraces }} - if ({{=$errs}} == errors) { -{{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/propertyNames.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/propertyNames.jst deleted file mode 100644 index d456ccafc4b58..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/propertyNames.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.setupNextLevel }} - -var {{=$errs}} = errors; - -{{? {{# def.nonEmptySchema:$schema }} }} - {{ - $it.schema = $schema; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - }} - - {{ - var $key = 'key' + $lvl - , $idx = 'idx' + $lvl - , $i = 'i' + $lvl - , $invalidName = '\' + ' + $key + ' + \'' - , $dataNxt = $it.dataLevel = it.dataLevel + 1 - , $nextData = 'data' + $dataNxt - , $dataProperties = 'dataProperties' + $lvl - , $ownProperties = it.opts.ownProperties - , $currentBaseId = it.baseId; - }} - - {{? $ownProperties }} - var {{=$dataProperties}} = undefined; - {{?}} - {{# def.iterateProperties }} - var startErrs{{=$lvl}} = errors; - - {{ var $passData = $key; }} - {{# def.setCompositeRule }} - {{# def.generateSubschemaCode }} - {{# def.optimizeValidate }} - {{# def.resetCompositeRule }} - - if (!{{=$nextValid}}) { - for (var {{=$i}}=startErrs{{=$lvl}}; {{=$i}}= it.opts.loopRequired - , $ownProperties = it.opts.ownProperties; - }} - - {{? $breakOnError }} - var missing{{=$lvl}}; - {{? $loopRequired }} - {{# def.setupLoop }} - var {{=$valid}} = true; - - {{?$isData}}{{# def.check$dataIsArray }}{{?}} - - for (var {{=$i}} = 0; {{=$i}} < {{=$vSchema}}.length; {{=$i}}++) { - {{=$valid}} = {{=$data}}[{{=$vSchema}}[{{=$i}}]] !== undefined - {{? $ownProperties }} - && {{# def.isRequiredOwnProperty }} - {{?}}; - if (!{{=$valid}}) break; - } - - {{? $isData }} } {{?}} - - {{# def.checkError:'required' }} - else { - {{??}} - if ({{# def.checkMissingProperty:$required }}) { - {{# def.errorMissingProperty:'required' }} - } else { - {{?}} - {{??}} - {{? $loopRequired }} - {{# def.setupLoop }} - {{? $isData }} - if ({{=$vSchema}} && !Array.isArray({{=$vSchema}})) { - {{# def.addError:'required' }} - } else if ({{=$vSchema}} !== undefined) { - {{?}} - - for (var {{=$i}} = 0; {{=$i}} < {{=$vSchema}}.length; {{=$i}}++) { - if ({{=$data}}[{{=$vSchema}}[{{=$i}}]] === undefined - {{? $ownProperties }} - || !{{# def.isRequiredOwnProperty }} - {{?}}) { - {{# def.addError:'required' }} - } - } - - {{? $isData }} } {{?}} - {{??}} - {{~ $required:$propertyKey }} - {{# def.allErrorsMissingProperty:'required' }} - {{~}} - {{?}} - {{?}} - - {{ it.errorPath = $currentErrorPath; }} - -{{?? $breakOnError }} - if (true) { -{{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/uniqueItems.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/uniqueItems.jst deleted file mode 100644 index e69b8308d2c47..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/uniqueItems.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.setupKeyword }} -{{# def.$data }} - - -{{? ($schema || $isData) && it.opts.uniqueItems !== false }} - {{? $isData }} - var {{=$valid}}; - if ({{=$schemaValue}} === false || {{=$schemaValue}} === undefined) - {{=$valid}} = true; - else if (typeof {{=$schemaValue}} != 'boolean') - {{=$valid}} = false; - else { - {{?}} - - var i = {{=$data}}.length - , {{=$valid}} = true - , j; - if (i > 1) { - {{ - var $itemType = it.schema.items && it.schema.items.type - , $typeIsArray = Array.isArray($itemType); - }} - {{? !$itemType || $itemType == 'object' || $itemType == 'array' || - ($typeIsArray && ($itemType.indexOf('object') >= 0 || $itemType.indexOf('array') >= 0)) }} - outer: - for (;i--;) { - for (j = i; j--;) { - if (equal({{=$data}}[i], {{=$data}}[j])) { - {{=$valid}} = false; - break outer; - } - } - } - {{??}} - var itemIndices = {}, item; - for (;i--;) { - var item = {{=$data}}[i]; - {{ var $method = 'checkDataType' + ($typeIsArray ? 's' : ''); }} - if ({{= it.util[$method]($itemType, 'item', it.opts.strictNumbers, true) }}) continue; - {{? $typeIsArray}} - if (typeof item == 'string') item = '"' + item; - {{?}} - if (typeof itemIndices[item] == 'number') { - {{=$valid}} = false; - j = itemIndices[item]; - break; - } - itemIndices[item] = i; - } - {{?}} - } - - {{? $isData }} } {{?}} - - if (!{{=$valid}}) { - {{# def.error:'uniqueItems' }} - } {{? $breakOnError }} else { {{?}} -{{??}} - {{? $breakOnError }} if (true) { {{?}} -{{?}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/validate.jst b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/validate.jst deleted file mode 100644 index 32087e71c0d53..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dot/validate.jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,276 +0,0 @@ -{{# def.definitions }} -{{# def.errors }} -{{# def.defaults }} -{{# def.coerce }} - -{{ /** - * schema compilation (render) time: - * it = { schema, RULES, _validate, opts } - * it.validate - this template function, - * it is used recursively to generate code for subschemas - * - * runtime: - * "validate" is a variable name to which this function will be assigned - * validateRef etc. are defined in the parent scope in index.js - */ }} - -{{ - var $async = it.schema.$async === true - , $refKeywords = it.util.schemaHasRulesExcept(it.schema, it.RULES.all, '$ref') - , $id = it.self._getId(it.schema); -}} - -{{ - if (it.opts.strictKeywords) { - var $unknownKwd = it.util.schemaUnknownRules(it.schema, it.RULES.keywords); - if ($unknownKwd) { - var $keywordsMsg = 'unknown keyword: ' + $unknownKwd; - if (it.opts.strictKeywords === 'log') it.logger.warn($keywordsMsg); - else throw new Error($keywordsMsg); - } - } -}} - -{{? it.isTop }} - var validate = {{?$async}}{{it.async = true;}}async {{?}}function(data, dataPath, parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData) { - 'use strict'; - {{? $id && (it.opts.sourceCode || it.opts.processCode) }} - {{= '/\*# sourceURL=' + $id + ' */' }} - {{?}} -{{?}} - -{{? typeof it.schema == 'boolean' || !($refKeywords || it.schema.$ref) }} - {{ var $keyword = 'false schema'; }} - {{# def.setupKeyword }} - {{? it.schema === false}} - {{? it.isTop}} - {{ $breakOnError = true; }} - {{??}} - var {{=$valid}} = false; - {{?}} - {{# def.error:'false schema' }} - {{??}} - {{? it.isTop}} - {{? $async }} - return data; - {{??}} - validate.errors = null; - return true; - {{?}} - {{??}} - var {{=$valid}} = true; - {{?}} - {{?}} - - {{? it.isTop}} - }; - return validate; - {{?}} - - {{ return out; }} -{{?}} - - -{{? it.isTop }} - {{ - var $top = it.isTop - , $lvl = it.level = 0 - , $dataLvl = it.dataLevel = 0 - , $data = 'data'; - it.rootId = it.resolve.fullPath(it.self._getId(it.root.schema)); - it.baseId = it.baseId || it.rootId; - delete it.isTop; - - it.dataPathArr = [""]; - - if (it.schema.default !== undefined && it.opts.useDefaults && it.opts.strictDefaults) { - var $defaultMsg = 'default is ignored in the schema root'; - if (it.opts.strictDefaults === 'log') it.logger.warn($defaultMsg); - else throw new Error($defaultMsg); - } - }} - - var vErrors = null; {{ /* don't edit, used in replace */ }} - var errors = 0; {{ /* don't edit, used in replace */ }} - if (rootData === undefined) rootData = data; {{ /* don't edit, used in replace */ }} -{{??}} - {{ - var $lvl = it.level - , $dataLvl = it.dataLevel - , $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - - if ($id) it.baseId = it.resolve.url(it.baseId, $id); - - if ($async && !it.async) throw new Error('async schema in sync schema'); - }} - - var errs_{{=$lvl}} = errors; -{{?}} - -{{ - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl - , $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors - , $closingBraces1 = '' - , $closingBraces2 = ''; - - var $errorKeyword; - var $typeSchema = it.schema.type - , $typeIsArray = Array.isArray($typeSchema); - - if ($typeSchema && it.opts.nullable && it.schema.nullable === true) { - if ($typeIsArray) { - if ($typeSchema.indexOf('null') == -1) - $typeSchema = $typeSchema.concat('null'); - } else if ($typeSchema != 'null') { - $typeSchema = [$typeSchema, 'null']; - $typeIsArray = true; - } - } - - if ($typeIsArray && $typeSchema.length == 1) { - $typeSchema = $typeSchema[0]; - $typeIsArray = false; - } -}} - -{{## def.checkType: - {{ - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.type' - , $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/type' - , $method = $typeIsArray ? 'checkDataTypes' : 'checkDataType'; - }} - - if ({{= it.util[$method]($typeSchema, $data, it.opts.strictNumbers, true) }}) { -#}} - -{{? it.schema.$ref && $refKeywords }} - {{? it.opts.extendRefs == 'fail' }} - {{ throw new Error('$ref: validation keywords used in schema at path "' + it.errSchemaPath + '" (see option extendRefs)'); }} - {{?? it.opts.extendRefs !== true }} - {{ - $refKeywords = false; - it.logger.warn('$ref: keywords ignored in schema at path "' + it.errSchemaPath + '"'); - }} - {{?}} -{{?}} - -{{? it.schema.$comment && it.opts.$comment }} - {{= it.RULES.all.$comment.code(it, '$comment') }} -{{?}} - -{{? $typeSchema }} - {{? it.opts.coerceTypes }} - {{ var $coerceToTypes = it.util.coerceToTypes(it.opts.coerceTypes, $typeSchema); }} - {{?}} - - {{ var $rulesGroup = it.RULES.types[$typeSchema]; }} - {{? $coerceToTypes || $typeIsArray || $rulesGroup === true || - ($rulesGroup && !$shouldUseGroup($rulesGroup)) }} - {{ - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.type' - , $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/type'; - }} - {{# def.checkType }} - {{? $coerceToTypes }} - {{# def.coerceType }} - {{??}} - {{# def.error:'type' }} - {{?}} - } - {{?}} -{{?}} - - -{{? it.schema.$ref && !$refKeywords }} - {{= it.RULES.all.$ref.code(it, '$ref') }} - {{? $breakOnError }} - } - if (errors === {{?$top}}0{{??}}errs_{{=$lvl}}{{?}}) { - {{ $closingBraces2 += '}'; }} - {{?}} -{{??}} - {{~ it.RULES:$rulesGroup }} - {{? $shouldUseGroup($rulesGroup) }} - {{? $rulesGroup.type }} - if ({{= it.util.checkDataType($rulesGroup.type, $data, it.opts.strictNumbers) }}) { - {{?}} - {{? it.opts.useDefaults }} - {{? $rulesGroup.type == 'object' && }} - {{# def.defaultProperties }} - {{?? $rulesGroup.type == 'array' && Array.isArray(it.schema.items) }} - {{# def.defaultItems }} - {{?}} - {{?}} - {{~ $rulesGroup.rules:$rule }} - {{? $shouldUseRule($rule) }} - {{ var $code = $rule.code(it, $rule.keyword, $rulesGroup.type); }} - {{? $code }} - {{= $code }} - {{? $breakOnError }} - {{ $closingBraces1 += '}'; }} - {{?}} - {{?}} - {{?}} - {{~}} - {{? $breakOnError }} - {{= $closingBraces1 }} - {{ $closingBraces1 = ''; }} - {{?}} - {{? $rulesGroup.type }} - } - {{? $typeSchema && $typeSchema === $rulesGroup.type && !$coerceToTypes }} - else { - {{ - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.type' - , $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/type'; - }} - {{# def.error:'type' }} - } - {{?}} - {{?}} - - {{? $breakOnError }} - if (errors === {{?$top}}0{{??}}errs_{{=$lvl}}{{?}}) { - {{ $closingBraces2 += '}'; }} - {{?}} - {{?}} - {{~}} -{{?}} - -{{? $breakOnError }} {{= $closingBraces2 }} {{?}} - -{{? $top }} - {{? $async }} - if (errors === 0) return data; {{ /* don't edit, used in replace */ }} - else throw new ValidationError(vErrors); {{ /* don't edit, used in replace */ }} - {{??}} - validate.errors = vErrors; {{ /* don't edit, used in replace */ }} - return errors === 0; {{ /* don't edit, used in replace */ }} - {{?}} - }; - - return validate; -{{??}} - var {{=$valid}} = errors === errs_{{=$lvl}}; -{{?}} - -{{ - function $shouldUseGroup($rulesGroup) { - var rules = $rulesGroup.rules; - for (var i=0; i < rules.length; i++) - if ($shouldUseRule(rules[i])) - return true; - } - - function $shouldUseRule($rule) { - return it.schema[$rule.keyword] !== undefined || - ($rule.implements && $ruleImplementsSomeKeyword($rule)); - } - - function $ruleImplementsSomeKeyword($rule) { - var impl = $rule.implements; - for (var i=0; i < impl.length; i++) - if (it.schema[impl[i]] !== undefined) - return true; - } -}} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/_limit.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/_limit.js deleted file mode 100644 index 05a1979dcb8e9..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/_limit.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,163 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate__limit(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $errorKeyword; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - var $isMax = $keyword == 'maximum', - $exclusiveKeyword = $isMax ? 'exclusiveMaximum' : 'exclusiveMinimum', - $schemaExcl = it.schema[$exclusiveKeyword], - $isDataExcl = it.opts.$data && $schemaExcl && $schemaExcl.$data, - $op = $isMax ? '<' : '>', - $notOp = $isMax ? '>' : '<', - $errorKeyword = undefined; - if (!($isData || typeof $schema == 'number' || $schema === undefined)) { - throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number'); - } - if (!($isDataExcl || $schemaExcl === undefined || typeof $schemaExcl == 'number' || typeof $schemaExcl == 'boolean')) { - throw new Error($exclusiveKeyword + ' must be number or boolean'); - } - if ($isDataExcl) { - var $schemaValueExcl = it.util.getData($schemaExcl.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr), - $exclusive = 'exclusive' + $lvl, - $exclType = 'exclType' + $lvl, - $exclIsNumber = 'exclIsNumber' + $lvl, - $opExpr = 'op' + $lvl, - $opStr = '\' + ' + $opExpr + ' + \''; - out += ' var schemaExcl' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + ($schemaValueExcl) + '; '; - $schemaValueExcl = 'schemaExcl' + $lvl; - out += ' var ' + ($exclusive) + '; var ' + ($exclType) + ' = typeof ' + ($schemaValueExcl) + '; if (' + ($exclType) + ' != \'boolean\' && ' + ($exclType) + ' != \'undefined\' && ' + ($exclType) + ' != \'number\') { '; - var $errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || '_exclusiveLimit') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: {} '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'' + ($exclusiveKeyword) + ' should be boolean\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } else if ( '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\') || '; - } - out += ' ' + ($exclType) + ' == \'number\' ? ( (' + ($exclusive) + ' = ' + ($schemaValue) + ' === undefined || ' + ($schemaValueExcl) + ' ' + ($op) + '= ' + ($schemaValue) + ') ? ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + '= ' + ($schemaValueExcl) + ' : ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ' ) : ( (' + ($exclusive) + ' = ' + ($schemaValueExcl) + ' === true) ? ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + '= ' + ($schemaValue) + ' : ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ' ) || ' + ($data) + ' !== ' + ($data) + ') { var op' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + ($exclusive) + ' ? \'' + ($op) + '\' : \'' + ($op) + '=\'; '; - if ($schema === undefined) { - $errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword; - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $exclusiveKeyword; - $schemaValue = $schemaValueExcl; - $isData = $isDataExcl; - } - } else { - var $exclIsNumber = typeof $schemaExcl == 'number', - $opStr = $op; - if ($exclIsNumber && $isData) { - var $opExpr = '\'' + $opStr + '\''; - out += ' if ( '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\') || '; - } - out += ' ( ' + ($schemaValue) + ' === undefined || ' + ($schemaExcl) + ' ' + ($op) + '= ' + ($schemaValue) + ' ? ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + '= ' + ($schemaExcl) + ' : ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ' ) || ' + ($data) + ' !== ' + ($data) + ') { '; - } else { - if ($exclIsNumber && $schema === undefined) { - $exclusive = true; - $errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword; - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $exclusiveKeyword; - $schemaValue = $schemaExcl; - $notOp += '='; - } else { - if ($exclIsNumber) $schemaValue = Math[$isMax ? 'min' : 'max']($schemaExcl, $schema); - if ($schemaExcl === ($exclIsNumber ? $schemaValue : true)) { - $exclusive = true; - $errorKeyword = $exclusiveKeyword; - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $exclusiveKeyword; - $notOp += '='; - } else { - $exclusive = false; - $opStr += '='; - } - } - var $opExpr = '\'' + $opStr + '\''; - out += ' if ( '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\') || '; - } - out += ' ' + ($data) + ' ' + ($notOp) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ' || ' + ($data) + ' !== ' + ($data) + ') { '; - } - } - $errorKeyword = $errorKeyword || $keyword; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || '_limit') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { comparison: ' + ($opExpr) + ', limit: ' + ($schemaValue) + ', exclusive: ' + ($exclusive) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should be ' + ($opStr) + ' '; - if ($isData) { - out += '\' + ' + ($schemaValue); - } else { - out += '' + ($schemaValue) + '\''; - } - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: '; - if ($isData) { - out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath); - } else { - out += '' + ($schema); - } - out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/_limitItems.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/_limitItems.js deleted file mode 100644 index e092a559ea0ae..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/_limitItems.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate__limitItems(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $errorKeyword; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - if (!($isData || typeof $schema == 'number')) { - throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number'); - } - var $op = $keyword == 'maxItems' ? '>' : '<'; - out += 'if ( '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\') || '; - } - out += ' ' + ($data) + '.length ' + ($op) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ') { '; - var $errorKeyword = $keyword; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || '_limitItems') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { limit: ' + ($schemaValue) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should NOT have '; - if ($keyword == 'maxItems') { - out += 'more'; - } else { - out += 'fewer'; - } - out += ' than '; - if ($isData) { - out += '\' + ' + ($schemaValue) + ' + \''; - } else { - out += '' + ($schema); - } - out += ' items\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: '; - if ($isData) { - out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath); - } else { - out += '' + ($schema); - } - out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += '} '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/_limitLength.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/_limitLength.js deleted file mode 100644 index ecbd3fe1906f3..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/_limitLength.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate__limitLength(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $errorKeyword; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - if (!($isData || typeof $schema == 'number')) { - throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number'); - } - var $op = $keyword == 'maxLength' ? '>' : '<'; - out += 'if ( '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\') || '; - } - if (it.opts.unicode === false) { - out += ' ' + ($data) + '.length '; - } else { - out += ' ucs2length(' + ($data) + ') '; - } - out += ' ' + ($op) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ') { '; - var $errorKeyword = $keyword; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || '_limitLength') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { limit: ' + ($schemaValue) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should NOT be '; - if ($keyword == 'maxLength') { - out += 'longer'; - } else { - out += 'shorter'; - } - out += ' than '; - if ($isData) { - out += '\' + ' + ($schemaValue) + ' + \''; - } else { - out += '' + ($schema); - } - out += ' characters\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: '; - if ($isData) { - out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath); - } else { - out += '' + ($schema); - } - out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += '} '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/_limitProperties.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/_limitProperties.js deleted file mode 100644 index d232755ad0b21..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/_limitProperties.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate__limitProperties(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $errorKeyword; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - if (!($isData || typeof $schema == 'number')) { - throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number'); - } - var $op = $keyword == 'maxProperties' ? '>' : '<'; - out += 'if ( '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\') || '; - } - out += ' Object.keys(' + ($data) + ').length ' + ($op) + ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ') { '; - var $errorKeyword = $keyword; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || '_limitProperties') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { limit: ' + ($schemaValue) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should NOT have '; - if ($keyword == 'maxProperties') { - out += 'more'; - } else { - out += 'fewer'; - } - out += ' than '; - if ($isData) { - out += '\' + ' + ($schemaValue) + ' + \''; - } else { - out += '' + ($schema); - } - out += ' properties\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: '; - if ($isData) { - out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath); - } else { - out += '' + ($schema); - } - out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += '} '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/allOf.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/allOf.js deleted file mode 100644 index fb8c2e4bbefe9..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/allOf.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_allOf(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - var $closingBraces = ''; - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - var $currentBaseId = $it.baseId, - $allSchemasEmpty = true; - var arr1 = $schema; - if (arr1) { - var $sch, $i = -1, - l1 = arr1.length - 1; - while ($i < l1) { - $sch = arr1[$i += 1]; - if ((it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $sch == 'object' && Object.keys($sch).length > 0) || $sch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($sch, it.RULES.all))) { - $allSchemasEmpty = false; - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + '[' + $i + ']'; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + $i; - out += ' ' + (it.validate($it)) + ' '; - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - $closingBraces += '}'; - } - } - } - } - if ($breakOnError) { - if ($allSchemasEmpty) { - out += ' if (true) { '; - } else { - out += ' ' + ($closingBraces.slice(0, -1)) + ' '; - } - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/anyOf.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/anyOf.js deleted file mode 100644 index 0600a9d42bce5..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/anyOf.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_anyOf(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl; - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - var $closingBraces = ''; - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - var $noEmptySchema = $schema.every(function($sch) { - return (it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $sch == 'object' && Object.keys($sch).length > 0) || $sch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($sch, it.RULES.all)); - }); - if ($noEmptySchema) { - var $currentBaseId = $it.baseId; - out += ' var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors; var ' + ($valid) + ' = false; '; - var $wasComposite = it.compositeRule; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = true; - var arr1 = $schema; - if (arr1) { - var $sch, $i = -1, - l1 = arr1.length - 1; - while ($i < l1) { - $sch = arr1[$i += 1]; - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + '[' + $i + ']'; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + $i; - out += ' ' + (it.validate($it)) + ' '; - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - out += ' ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + ($valid) + ' || ' + ($nextValid) + '; if (!' + ($valid) + ') { '; - $closingBraces += '}'; - } - } - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = $wasComposite; - out += ' ' + ($closingBraces) + ' if (!' + ($valid) + ') { var err = '; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('anyOf') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: {} '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should match some schema in anyOf\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - out += '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError(vErrors); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = vErrors; return false; '; - } - } - out += ' } else { errors = ' + ($errs) + '; if (vErrors !== null) { if (' + ($errs) + ') vErrors.length = ' + ($errs) + '; else vErrors = null; } '; - if (it.opts.allErrors) { - out += ' } '; - } - } else { - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (true) { '; - } - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/comment.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/comment.js deleted file mode 100644 index dd66bb8f0f951..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/comment.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_comment(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $comment = it.util.toQuotedString($schema); - if (it.opts.$comment === true) { - out += ' console.log(' + ($comment) + ');'; - } else if (typeof it.opts.$comment == 'function') { - out += ' self._opts.$comment(' + ($comment) + ', ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ', validate.root.schema);'; - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/const.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/const.js deleted file mode 100644 index 15b7c619fff05..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/const.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_const(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - if (!$isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ';'; - } - out += 'var ' + ($valid) + ' = equal(' + ($data) + ', schema' + ($lvl) + '); if (!' + ($valid) + ') { '; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('const') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { allowedValue: schema' + ($lvl) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should be equal to constant\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' }'; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/contains.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/contains.js deleted file mode 100644 index 7d763009073aa..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/contains.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_contains(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl; - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - var $closingBraces = ''; - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - var $idx = 'i' + $lvl, - $dataNxt = $it.dataLevel = it.dataLevel + 1, - $nextData = 'data' + $dataNxt, - $currentBaseId = it.baseId, - $nonEmptySchema = (it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $schema == 'object' && Object.keys($schema).length > 0) || $schema === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($schema, it.RULES.all)); - out += 'var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors;var ' + ($valid) + ';'; - if ($nonEmptySchema) { - var $wasComposite = it.compositeRule; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = true; - $it.schema = $schema; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - out += ' var ' + ($nextValid) + ' = false; for (var ' + ($idx) + ' = 0; ' + ($idx) + ' < ' + ($data) + '.length; ' + ($idx) + '++) { '; - $it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $idx, it.opts.jsonPointers, true); - var $passData = $data + '[' + $idx + ']'; - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $idx; - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if (it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2) { - out += ' ' + (it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($nextData) + ' = ' + ($passData) + '; ' + ($code) + ' '; - } - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') break; } '; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = $wasComposite; - out += ' ' + ($closingBraces) + ' if (!' + ($nextValid) + ') {'; - } else { - out += ' if (' + ($data) + '.length == 0) {'; - } - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('contains') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: {} '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should contain a valid item\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } else { '; - if ($nonEmptySchema) { - out += ' errors = ' + ($errs) + '; if (vErrors !== null) { if (' + ($errs) + ') vErrors.length = ' + ($errs) + '; else vErrors = null; } '; - } - if (it.opts.allErrors) { - out += ' } '; - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/custom.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/custom.js deleted file mode 100644 index f3e641e701709..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/custom.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,228 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_custom(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $errorKeyword; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl; - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - var $rule = this, - $definition = 'definition' + $lvl, - $rDef = $rule.definition, - $closingBraces = ''; - var $compile, $inline, $macro, $ruleValidate, $validateCode; - if ($isData && $rDef.$data) { - $validateCode = 'keywordValidate' + $lvl; - var $validateSchema = $rDef.validateSchema; - out += ' var ' + ($definition) + ' = RULES.custom[\'' + ($keyword) + '\'].definition; var ' + ($validateCode) + ' = ' + ($definition) + '.validate;'; - } else { - $ruleValidate = it.useCustomRule($rule, $schema, it.schema, it); - if (!$ruleValidate) return; - $schemaValue = 'validate.schema' + $schemaPath; - $validateCode = $ruleValidate.code; - $compile = $rDef.compile; - $inline = $rDef.inline; - $macro = $rDef.macro; - } - var $ruleErrs = $validateCode + '.errors', - $i = 'i' + $lvl, - $ruleErr = 'ruleErr' + $lvl, - $asyncKeyword = $rDef.async; - if ($asyncKeyword && !it.async) throw new Error('async keyword in sync schema'); - if (!($inline || $macro)) { - out += '' + ($ruleErrs) + ' = null;'; - } - out += 'var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors;var ' + ($valid) + ';'; - if ($isData && $rDef.$data) { - $closingBraces += '}'; - out += ' if (' + ($schemaValue) + ' === undefined) { ' + ($valid) + ' = true; } else { '; - if ($validateSchema) { - $closingBraces += '}'; - out += ' ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + ($definition) + '.validateSchema(' + ($schemaValue) + '); if (' + ($valid) + ') { '; - } - } - if ($inline) { - if ($rDef.statements) { - out += ' ' + ($ruleValidate.validate) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + ($ruleValidate.validate) + '; '; - } - } else if ($macro) { - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - var $closingBraces = ''; - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - $it.schema = $ruleValidate.validate; - $it.schemaPath = ''; - var $wasComposite = it.compositeRule; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = true; - var $code = it.validate($it).replace(/validate\.schema/g, $validateCode); - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = $wasComposite; - out += ' ' + ($code); - } else { - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; - out += ' ' + ($validateCode) + '.call( '; - if (it.opts.passContext) { - out += 'this'; - } else { - out += 'self'; - } - if ($compile || $rDef.schema === false) { - out += ' , ' + ($data) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' , ' + ($schemaValue) + ' , ' + ($data) + ' , validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' '; - } - out += ' , (dataPath || \'\')'; - if (it.errorPath != '""') { - out += ' + ' + (it.errorPath); - } - var $parentData = $dataLvl ? 'data' + (($dataLvl - 1) || '') : 'parentData', - $parentDataProperty = $dataLvl ? it.dataPathArr[$dataLvl] : 'parentDataProperty'; - out += ' , ' + ($parentData) + ' , ' + ($parentDataProperty) + ' , rootData ) '; - var def_callRuleValidate = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if ($rDef.errors === false) { - out += ' ' + ($valid) + ' = '; - if ($asyncKeyword) { - out += 'await '; - } - out += '' + (def_callRuleValidate) + '; '; - } else { - if ($asyncKeyword) { - $ruleErrs = 'customErrors' + $lvl; - out += ' var ' + ($ruleErrs) + ' = null; try { ' + ($valid) + ' = await ' + (def_callRuleValidate) + '; } catch (e) { ' + ($valid) + ' = false; if (e instanceof ValidationError) ' + ($ruleErrs) + ' = e.errors; else throw e; } '; - } else { - out += ' ' + ($ruleErrs) + ' = null; ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + (def_callRuleValidate) + '; '; - } - } - } - if ($rDef.modifying) { - out += ' if (' + ($parentData) + ') ' + ($data) + ' = ' + ($parentData) + '[' + ($parentDataProperty) + '];'; - } - out += '' + ($closingBraces); - if ($rDef.valid) { - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (true) { '; - } - } else { - out += ' if ( '; - if ($rDef.valid === undefined) { - out += ' !'; - if ($macro) { - out += '' + ($nextValid); - } else { - out += '' + ($valid); - } - } else { - out += ' ' + (!$rDef.valid) + ' '; - } - out += ') { '; - $errorKeyword = $rule.keyword; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || 'custom') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { keyword: \'' + ($rule.keyword) + '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should pass "' + ($rule.keyword) + '" keyword validation\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - var def_customError = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if ($inline) { - if ($rDef.errors) { - if ($rDef.errors != 'full') { - out += ' for (var ' + ($i) + '=' + ($errs) + '; ' + ($i) + ' 0) || $sch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($sch, it.RULES.all))) { - out += ' ' + ($nextValid) + ' = true; if ( ' + ($data) + (it.util.getProperty($property)) + ' !== undefined '; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' &&' + ($data) + ', \'' + (it.util.escapeQuotes($property)) + '\') '; - } - out += ') { '; - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($property); - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + it.util.escapeFragment($property); - out += ' ' + (it.validate($it)) + ' '; - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - out += ' } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - $closingBraces += '}'; - } - } - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' ' + ($closingBraces) + ' if (' + ($errs) + ' == errors) {'; - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/enum.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/enum.js deleted file mode 100644 index 90580b9ff7940..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/enum.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_enum(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - var $i = 'i' + $lvl, - $vSchema = 'schema' + $lvl; - if (!$isData) { - out += ' var ' + ($vSchema) + ' = validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ';'; - } - out += 'var ' + ($valid) + ';'; - if ($isData) { - out += ' if (schema' + ($lvl) + ' === undefined) ' + ($valid) + ' = true; else if (!Array.isArray(schema' + ($lvl) + ')) ' + ($valid) + ' = false; else {'; - } - out += '' + ($valid) + ' = false;for (var ' + ($i) + '=0; ' + ($i) + '<' + ($vSchema) + '.length; ' + ($i) + '++) if (equal(' + ($data) + ', ' + ($vSchema) + '[' + ($i) + '])) { ' + ($valid) + ' = true; break; }'; - if ($isData) { - out += ' } '; - } - out += ' if (!' + ($valid) + ') { '; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('enum') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { allowedValues: schema' + ($lvl) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should be equal to one of the allowed values\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' }'; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/format.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/format.js deleted file mode 100644 index cd9a5693e70e9..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/format.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_format(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - if (it.opts.format === false) { - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (true) { '; - } - return out; - } - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - var $unknownFormats = it.opts.unknownFormats, - $allowUnknown = Array.isArray($unknownFormats); - if ($isData) { - var $format = 'format' + $lvl, - $isObject = 'isObject' + $lvl, - $formatType = 'formatType' + $lvl; - out += ' var ' + ($format) + ' = formats[' + ($schemaValue) + ']; var ' + ($isObject) + ' = typeof ' + ($format) + ' == \'object\' && !(' + ($format) + ' instanceof RegExp) && ' + ($format) + '.validate; var ' + ($formatType) + ' = ' + ($isObject) + ' && ' + ($format) + '.type || \'string\'; if (' + ($isObject) + ') { '; - if (it.async) { - out += ' var async' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + ($format) + '.async; '; - } - out += ' ' + ($format) + ' = ' + ($format) + '.validate; } if ( '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'string\') || '; - } - out += ' ('; - if ($unknownFormats != 'ignore') { - out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' && !' + ($format) + ' '; - if ($allowUnknown) { - out += ' && self._opts.unknownFormats.indexOf(' + ($schemaValue) + ') == -1 '; - } - out += ') || '; - } - out += ' (' + ($format) + ' && ' + ($formatType) + ' == \'' + ($ruleType) + '\' && !(typeof ' + ($format) + ' == \'function\' ? '; - if (it.async) { - out += ' (async' + ($lvl) + ' ? await ' + ($format) + '(' + ($data) + ') : ' + ($format) + '(' + ($data) + ')) '; - } else { - out += ' ' + ($format) + '(' + ($data) + ') '; - } - out += ' : ' + ($format) + '.test(' + ($data) + '))))) {'; - } else { - var $format = it.formats[$schema]; - if (!$format) { - if ($unknownFormats == 'ignore') { - it.logger.warn('unknown format "' + $schema + '" ignored in schema at path "' + it.errSchemaPath + '"'); - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (true) { '; - } - return out; - } else if ($allowUnknown && $unknownFormats.indexOf($schema) >= 0) { - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (true) { '; - } - return out; - } else { - throw new Error('unknown format "' + $schema + '" is used in schema at path "' + it.errSchemaPath + '"'); - } - } - var $isObject = typeof $format == 'object' && !($format instanceof RegExp) && $format.validate; - var $formatType = $isObject && $format.type || 'string'; - if ($isObject) { - var $async = $format.async === true; - $format = $format.validate; - } - if ($formatType != $ruleType) { - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (true) { '; - } - return out; - } - if ($async) { - if (!it.async) throw new Error('async format in sync schema'); - var $formatRef = 'formats' + it.util.getProperty($schema) + '.validate'; - out += ' if (!(await ' + ($formatRef) + '(' + ($data) + '))) { '; - } else { - out += ' if (! '; - var $formatRef = 'formats' + it.util.getProperty($schema); - if ($isObject) $formatRef += '.validate'; - if (typeof $format == 'function') { - out += ' ' + ($formatRef) + '(' + ($data) + ') '; - } else { - out += ' ' + ($formatRef) + '.test(' + ($data) + ') '; - } - out += ') { '; - } - } - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('format') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { format: '; - if ($isData) { - out += '' + ($schemaValue); - } else { - out += '' + (it.util.toQuotedString($schema)); - } - out += ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should match format "'; - if ($isData) { - out += '\' + ' + ($schemaValue) + ' + \''; - } else { - out += '' + (it.util.escapeQuotes($schema)); - } - out += '"\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: '; - if ($isData) { - out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath); - } else { - out += '' + (it.util.toQuotedString($schema)); - } - out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/if.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/if.js deleted file mode 100644 index 94d27ad853836..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/if.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_if(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl; - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - var $thenSch = it.schema['then'], - $elseSch = it.schema['else'], - $thenPresent = $thenSch !== undefined && (it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $thenSch == 'object' && Object.keys($thenSch).length > 0) || $thenSch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($thenSch, it.RULES.all)), - $elsePresent = $elseSch !== undefined && (it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $elseSch == 'object' && Object.keys($elseSch).length > 0) || $elseSch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($elseSch, it.RULES.all)), - $currentBaseId = $it.baseId; - if ($thenPresent || $elsePresent) { - var $ifClause; - $it.createErrors = false; - $it.schema = $schema; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - out += ' var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors; var ' + ($valid) + ' = true; '; - var $wasComposite = it.compositeRule; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = true; - out += ' ' + (it.validate($it)) + ' '; - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - $it.createErrors = true; - out += ' errors = ' + ($errs) + '; if (vErrors !== null) { if (' + ($errs) + ') vErrors.length = ' + ($errs) + '; else vErrors = null; } '; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = $wasComposite; - if ($thenPresent) { - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - $it.schema = it.schema['then']; - $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.then'; - $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/then'; - out += ' ' + (it.validate($it)) + ' '; - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - out += ' ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + ($nextValid) + '; '; - if ($thenPresent && $elsePresent) { - $ifClause = 'ifClause' + $lvl; - out += ' var ' + ($ifClause) + ' = \'then\'; '; - } else { - $ifClause = '\'then\''; - } - out += ' } '; - if ($elsePresent) { - out += ' else { '; - } - } else { - out += ' if (!' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - } - if ($elsePresent) { - $it.schema = it.schema['else']; - $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.else'; - $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/else'; - out += ' ' + (it.validate($it)) + ' '; - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - out += ' ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + ($nextValid) + '; '; - if ($thenPresent && $elsePresent) { - $ifClause = 'ifClause' + $lvl; - out += ' var ' + ($ifClause) + ' = \'else\'; '; - } else { - $ifClause = '\'else\''; - } - out += ' } '; - } - out += ' if (!' + ($valid) + ') { var err = '; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('if') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { failingKeyword: ' + ($ifClause) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should match "\' + ' + ($ifClause) + ' + \'" schema\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - out += '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError(vErrors); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = vErrors; return false; '; - } - } - out += ' } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - } else { - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (true) { '; - } - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/index.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/index.js deleted file mode 100644 index 2fb1b00ef69f6..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/index.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -//all requires must be explicit because browserify won't work with dynamic requires -module.exports = { - '$ref': require('./ref'), - allOf: require('./allOf'), - anyOf: require('./anyOf'), - '$comment': require('./comment'), - const: require('./const'), - contains: require('./contains'), - dependencies: require('./dependencies'), - 'enum': require('./enum'), - format: require('./format'), - 'if': require('./if'), - items: require('./items'), - maximum: require('./_limit'), - minimum: require('./_limit'), - maxItems: require('./_limitItems'), - minItems: require('./_limitItems'), - maxLength: require('./_limitLength'), - minLength: require('./_limitLength'), - maxProperties: require('./_limitProperties'), - minProperties: require('./_limitProperties'), - multipleOf: require('./multipleOf'), - not: require('./not'), - oneOf: require('./oneOf'), - pattern: require('./pattern'), - properties: require('./properties'), - propertyNames: require('./propertyNames'), - required: require('./required'), - uniqueItems: require('./uniqueItems'), - validate: require('./validate') -}; diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/items.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/items.js deleted file mode 100644 index bee5d67da246f..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/items.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_items(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl; - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - var $closingBraces = ''; - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - var $idx = 'i' + $lvl, - $dataNxt = $it.dataLevel = it.dataLevel + 1, - $nextData = 'data' + $dataNxt, - $currentBaseId = it.baseId; - out += 'var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors;var ' + ($valid) + ';'; - if (Array.isArray($schema)) { - var $additionalItems = it.schema.additionalItems; - if ($additionalItems === false) { - out += ' ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + ($data) + '.length <= ' + ($schema.length) + '; '; - var $currErrSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/additionalItems'; - out += ' if (!' + ($valid) + ') { '; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('additionalItems') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { limit: ' + ($schema.length) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should NOT have more than ' + ($schema.length) + ' items\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: false , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } '; - $errSchemaPath = $currErrSchemaPath; - if ($breakOnError) { - $closingBraces += '}'; - out += ' else { '; - } - } - var arr1 = $schema; - if (arr1) { - var $sch, $i = -1, - l1 = arr1.length - 1; - while ($i < l1) { - $sch = arr1[$i += 1]; - if ((it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $sch == 'object' && Object.keys($sch).length > 0) || $sch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($sch, it.RULES.all))) { - out += ' ' + ($nextValid) + ' = true; if (' + ($data) + '.length > ' + ($i) + ') { '; - var $passData = $data + '[' + $i + ']'; - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + '[' + $i + ']'; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + $i; - $it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $i, it.opts.jsonPointers, true); - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $i; - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if (it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2) { - out += ' ' + (it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($nextData) + ' = ' + ($passData) + '; ' + ($code) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - $closingBraces += '}'; - } - } - } - } - if (typeof $additionalItems == 'object' && (it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $additionalItems == 'object' && Object.keys($additionalItems).length > 0) || $additionalItems === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($additionalItems, it.RULES.all))) { - $it.schema = $additionalItems; - $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.additionalItems'; - $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/additionalItems'; - out += ' ' + ($nextValid) + ' = true; if (' + ($data) + '.length > ' + ($schema.length) + ') { for (var ' + ($idx) + ' = ' + ($schema.length) + '; ' + ($idx) + ' < ' + ($data) + '.length; ' + ($idx) + '++) { '; - $it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $idx, it.opts.jsonPointers, true); - var $passData = $data + '[' + $idx + ']'; - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $idx; - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if (it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2) { - out += ' ' + (it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($nextData) + ' = ' + ($passData) + '; ' + ($code) + ' '; - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (!' + ($nextValid) + ') break; '; - } - out += ' } } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - $closingBraces += '}'; - } - } - } else if ((it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $schema == 'object' && Object.keys($schema).length > 0) || $schema === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($schema, it.RULES.all))) { - $it.schema = $schema; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - out += ' for (var ' + ($idx) + ' = ' + (0) + '; ' + ($idx) + ' < ' + ($data) + '.length; ' + ($idx) + '++) { '; - $it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $idx, it.opts.jsonPointers, true); - var $passData = $data + '[' + $idx + ']'; - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $idx; - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if (it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2) { - out += ' ' + (it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($nextData) + ' = ' + ($passData) + '; ' + ($code) + ' '; - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (!' + ($nextValid) + ') break; '; - } - out += ' }'; - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' ' + ($closingBraces) + ' if (' + ($errs) + ' == errors) {'; - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/multipleOf.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/multipleOf.js deleted file mode 100644 index 9d6401b8f723f..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/multipleOf.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_multipleOf(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - if (!($isData || typeof $schema == 'number')) { - throw new Error($keyword + ' must be number'); - } - out += 'var division' + ($lvl) + ';if ('; - if ($isData) { - out += ' ' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && ( typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'number\' || '; - } - out += ' (division' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + ($data) + ' / ' + ($schemaValue) + ', '; - if (it.opts.multipleOfPrecision) { - out += ' Math.abs(Math.round(division' + ($lvl) + ') - division' + ($lvl) + ') > 1e-' + (it.opts.multipleOfPrecision) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' division' + ($lvl) + ' !== parseInt(division' + ($lvl) + ') '; - } - out += ' ) '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' ) '; - } - out += ' ) { '; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('multipleOf') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { multipleOf: ' + ($schemaValue) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should be multiple of '; - if ($isData) { - out += '\' + ' + ($schemaValue); - } else { - out += '' + ($schemaValue) + '\''; - } - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: '; - if ($isData) { - out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath); - } else { - out += '' + ($schema); - } - out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += '} '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/not.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/not.js deleted file mode 100644 index f50c93785b712..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/not.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_not(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl; - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - if ((it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $schema == 'object' && Object.keys($schema).length > 0) || $schema === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($schema, it.RULES.all))) { - $it.schema = $schema; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - out += ' var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors; '; - var $wasComposite = it.compositeRule; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = true; - $it.createErrors = false; - var $allErrorsOption; - if ($it.opts.allErrors) { - $allErrorsOption = $it.opts.allErrors; - $it.opts.allErrors = false; - } - out += ' ' + (it.validate($it)) + ' '; - $it.createErrors = true; - if ($allErrorsOption) $it.opts.allErrors = $allErrorsOption; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = $wasComposite; - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('not') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: {} '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should NOT be valid\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } else { errors = ' + ($errs) + '; if (vErrors !== null) { if (' + ($errs) + ') vErrors.length = ' + ($errs) + '; else vErrors = null; } '; - if (it.opts.allErrors) { - out += ' } '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = '; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('not') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: {} '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should NOT be valid\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - out += '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (false) { '; - } - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/oneOf.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/oneOf.js deleted file mode 100644 index dfe2fd550ef28..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/oneOf.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_oneOf(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl; - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - var $closingBraces = ''; - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - var $currentBaseId = $it.baseId, - $prevValid = 'prevValid' + $lvl, - $passingSchemas = 'passingSchemas' + $lvl; - out += 'var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors , ' + ($prevValid) + ' = false , ' + ($valid) + ' = false , ' + ($passingSchemas) + ' = null; '; - var $wasComposite = it.compositeRule; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = true; - var arr1 = $schema; - if (arr1) { - var $sch, $i = -1, - l1 = arr1.length - 1; - while ($i < l1) { - $sch = arr1[$i += 1]; - if ((it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $sch == 'object' && Object.keys($sch).length > 0) || $sch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($sch, it.RULES.all))) { - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + '[' + $i + ']'; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + $i; - out += ' ' + (it.validate($it)) + ' '; - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($nextValid) + ' = true; '; - } - if ($i) { - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ' && ' + ($prevValid) + ') { ' + ($valid) + ' = false; ' + ($passingSchemas) + ' = [' + ($passingSchemas) + ', ' + ($i) + ']; } else { '; - $closingBraces += '}'; - } - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + ($prevValid) + ' = true; ' + ($passingSchemas) + ' = ' + ($i) + '; }'; - } - } - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = $wasComposite; - out += '' + ($closingBraces) + 'if (!' + ($valid) + ') { var err = '; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('oneOf') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { passingSchemas: ' + ($passingSchemas) + ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should match exactly one schema in oneOf\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - out += '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError(vErrors); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = vErrors; return false; '; - } - } - out += '} else { errors = ' + ($errs) + '; if (vErrors !== null) { if (' + ($errs) + ') vErrors.length = ' + ($errs) + '; else vErrors = null; }'; - if (it.opts.allErrors) { - out += ' } '; - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/pattern.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/pattern.js deleted file mode 100644 index 1d74d6b04be0a..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/pattern.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_pattern(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - var $regexp = $isData ? '(new RegExp(' + $schemaValue + '))' : it.usePattern($schema); - out += 'if ( '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' (' + ($schemaValue) + ' !== undefined && typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'string\') || '; - } - out += ' !' + ($regexp) + '.test(' + ($data) + ') ) { '; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('pattern') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { pattern: '; - if ($isData) { - out += '' + ($schemaValue); - } else { - out += '' + (it.util.toQuotedString($schema)); - } - out += ' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should match pattern "'; - if ($isData) { - out += '\' + ' + ($schemaValue) + ' + \''; - } else { - out += '' + (it.util.escapeQuotes($schema)); - } - out += '"\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: '; - if ($isData) { - out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath); - } else { - out += '' + (it.util.toQuotedString($schema)); - } - out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += '} '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/properties.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/properties.js deleted file mode 100644 index bc5ee55478090..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/properties.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,335 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_properties(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl; - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - var $closingBraces = ''; - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - var $key = 'key' + $lvl, - $idx = 'idx' + $lvl, - $dataNxt = $it.dataLevel = it.dataLevel + 1, - $nextData = 'data' + $dataNxt, - $dataProperties = 'dataProperties' + $lvl; - var $schemaKeys = Object.keys($schema || {}).filter(notProto), - $pProperties = it.schema.patternProperties || {}, - $pPropertyKeys = Object.keys($pProperties).filter(notProto), - $aProperties = it.schema.additionalProperties, - $someProperties = $schemaKeys.length || $pPropertyKeys.length, - $noAdditional = $aProperties === false, - $additionalIsSchema = typeof $aProperties == 'object' && Object.keys($aProperties).length, - $removeAdditional = it.opts.removeAdditional, - $checkAdditional = $noAdditional || $additionalIsSchema || $removeAdditional, - $ownProperties = it.opts.ownProperties, - $currentBaseId = it.baseId; - var $required = it.schema.required; - if ($required && !(it.opts.$data && $required.$data) && $required.length < it.opts.loopRequired) { - var $requiredHash = it.util.toHash($required); - } - - function notProto(p) { - return p !== '__proto__'; - } - out += 'var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors;var ' + ($nextValid) + ' = true;'; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' var ' + ($dataProperties) + ' = undefined;'; - } - if ($checkAdditional) { - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' ' + ($dataProperties) + ' = ' + ($dataProperties) + ' || Object.keys(' + ($data) + '); for (var ' + ($idx) + '=0; ' + ($idx) + '<' + ($dataProperties) + '.length; ' + ($idx) + '++) { var ' + ($key) + ' = ' + ($dataProperties) + '[' + ($idx) + ']; '; - } else { - out += ' for (var ' + ($key) + ' in ' + ($data) + ') { '; - } - if ($someProperties) { - out += ' var isAdditional' + ($lvl) + ' = !(false '; - if ($schemaKeys.length) { - if ($schemaKeys.length > 8) { - out += ' || validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + '.hasOwnProperty(' + ($key) + ') '; - } else { - var arr1 = $schemaKeys; - if (arr1) { - var $propertyKey, i1 = -1, - l1 = arr1.length - 1; - while (i1 < l1) { - $propertyKey = arr1[i1 += 1]; - out += ' || ' + ($key) + ' == ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($propertyKey)) + ' '; - } - } - } - } - if ($pPropertyKeys.length) { - var arr2 = $pPropertyKeys; - if (arr2) { - var $pProperty, $i = -1, - l2 = arr2.length - 1; - while ($i < l2) { - $pProperty = arr2[$i += 1]; - out += ' || ' + (it.usePattern($pProperty)) + '.test(' + ($key) + ') '; - } - } - } - out += ' ); if (isAdditional' + ($lvl) + ') { '; - } - if ($removeAdditional == 'all') { - out += ' delete ' + ($data) + '[' + ($key) + ']; '; - } else { - var $currentErrorPath = it.errorPath; - var $additionalProperty = '\' + ' + $key + ' + \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $key, it.opts.jsonPointers); - } - if ($noAdditional) { - if ($removeAdditional) { - out += ' delete ' + ($data) + '[' + ($key) + ']; '; - } else { - out += ' ' + ($nextValid) + ' = false; '; - var $currErrSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/additionalProperties'; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('additionalProperties') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { additionalProperty: \'' + ($additionalProperty) + '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - out += 'is an invalid additional property'; - } else { - out += 'should NOT have additional properties'; - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: false , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - $errSchemaPath = $currErrSchemaPath; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' break; '; - } - } - } else if ($additionalIsSchema) { - if ($removeAdditional == 'failing') { - out += ' var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors; '; - var $wasComposite = it.compositeRule; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = true; - $it.schema = $aProperties; - $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.additionalProperties'; - $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/additionalProperties'; - $it.errorPath = it.opts._errorDataPathProperty ? it.errorPath : it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $key, it.opts.jsonPointers); - var $passData = $data + '[' + $key + ']'; - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $key; - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if (it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2) { - out += ' ' + (it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($nextData) + ' = ' + ($passData) + '; ' + ($code) + ' '; - } - out += ' if (!' + ($nextValid) + ') { errors = ' + ($errs) + '; if (validate.errors !== null) { if (errors) validate.errors.length = errors; else validate.errors = null; } delete ' + ($data) + '[' + ($key) + ']; } '; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = $wasComposite; - } else { - $it.schema = $aProperties; - $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.additionalProperties'; - $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/additionalProperties'; - $it.errorPath = it.opts._errorDataPathProperty ? it.errorPath : it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $key, it.opts.jsonPointers); - var $passData = $data + '[' + $key + ']'; - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $key; - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if (it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2) { - out += ' ' + (it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($nextData) + ' = ' + ($passData) + '; ' + ($code) + ' '; - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (!' + ($nextValid) + ') break; '; - } - } - } - it.errorPath = $currentErrorPath; - } - if ($someProperties) { - out += ' } '; - } - out += ' } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - $closingBraces += '}'; - } - } - var $useDefaults = it.opts.useDefaults && !it.compositeRule; - if ($schemaKeys.length) { - var arr3 = $schemaKeys; - if (arr3) { - var $propertyKey, i3 = -1, - l3 = arr3.length - 1; - while (i3 < l3) { - $propertyKey = arr3[i3 += 1]; - var $sch = $schema[$propertyKey]; - if ((it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $sch == 'object' && Object.keys($sch).length > 0) || $sch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($sch, it.RULES.all))) { - var $prop = it.util.getProperty($propertyKey), - $passData = $data + $prop, - $hasDefault = $useDefaults && $sch.default !== undefined; - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath + $prop; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath + '/' + it.util.escapeFragment($propertyKey); - $it.errorPath = it.util.getPath(it.errorPath, $propertyKey, it.opts.jsonPointers); - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = it.util.toQuotedString($propertyKey); - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if (it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2) { - $code = it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData); - var $useData = $passData; - } else { - var $useData = $nextData; - out += ' var ' + ($nextData) + ' = ' + ($passData) + '; '; - } - if ($hasDefault) { - out += ' ' + ($code) + ' '; - } else { - if ($requiredHash && $requiredHash[$propertyKey]) { - out += ' if ( ' + ($useData) + ' === undefined '; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' || !' + ($data) + ', \'' + (it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey)) + '\') '; - } - out += ') { ' + ($nextValid) + ' = false; '; - var $currentErrorPath = it.errorPath, - $currErrSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath, - $missingProperty = it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey); - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - it.errorPath = it.util.getPath($currentErrorPath, $propertyKey, it.opts.jsonPointers); - } - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/required'; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('required') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { missingProperty: \'' + ($missingProperty) + '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - out += 'is a required property'; - } else { - out += 'should have required property \\\'' + ($missingProperty) + '\\\''; - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - $errSchemaPath = $currErrSchemaPath; - it.errorPath = $currentErrorPath; - out += ' } else { '; - } else { - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if ( ' + ($useData) + ' === undefined '; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' || !' + ($data) + ', \'' + (it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey)) + '\') '; - } - out += ') { ' + ($nextValid) + ' = true; } else { '; - } else { - out += ' if (' + ($useData) + ' !== undefined '; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' &&' + ($data) + ', \'' + (it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey)) + '\') '; - } - out += ' ) { '; - } - } - out += ' ' + ($code) + ' } '; - } - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - $closingBraces += '}'; - } - } - } - } - if ($pPropertyKeys.length) { - var arr4 = $pPropertyKeys; - if (arr4) { - var $pProperty, i4 = -1, - l4 = arr4.length - 1; - while (i4 < l4) { - $pProperty = arr4[i4 += 1]; - var $sch = $pProperties[$pProperty]; - if ((it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $sch == 'object' && Object.keys($sch).length > 0) || $sch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($sch, it.RULES.all))) { - $it.schema = $sch; - $it.schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.patternProperties' + it.util.getProperty($pProperty); - $it.errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/patternProperties/' + it.util.escapeFragment($pProperty); - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' ' + ($dataProperties) + ' = ' + ($dataProperties) + ' || Object.keys(' + ($data) + '); for (var ' + ($idx) + '=0; ' + ($idx) + '<' + ($dataProperties) + '.length; ' + ($idx) + '++) { var ' + ($key) + ' = ' + ($dataProperties) + '[' + ($idx) + ']; '; - } else { - out += ' for (var ' + ($key) + ' in ' + ($data) + ') { '; - } - out += ' if (' + (it.usePattern($pProperty)) + '.test(' + ($key) + ')) { '; - $it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr(it.errorPath, $key, it.opts.jsonPointers); - var $passData = $data + '[' + $key + ']'; - $it.dataPathArr[$dataNxt] = $key; - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if (it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2) { - out += ' ' + (it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($nextData) + ' = ' + ($passData) + '; ' + ($code) + ' '; - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (!' + ($nextValid) + ') break; '; - } - out += ' } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else ' + ($nextValid) + ' = true; '; - } - out += ' } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (' + ($nextValid) + ') { '; - $closingBraces += '}'; - } - } - } - } - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' ' + ($closingBraces) + ' if (' + ($errs) + ' == errors) {'; - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/propertyNames.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/propertyNames.js deleted file mode 100644 index 2a54a08f45e54..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/propertyNames.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_propertyNames(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $errs = 'errs__' + $lvl; - var $it = it.util.copy(it); - var $closingBraces = ''; - $it.level++; - var $nextValid = 'valid' + $it.level; - out += 'var ' + ($errs) + ' = errors;'; - if ((it.opts.strictKeywords ? (typeof $schema == 'object' && Object.keys($schema).length > 0) || $schema === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($schema, it.RULES.all))) { - $it.schema = $schema; - $it.schemaPath = $schemaPath; - $it.errSchemaPath = $errSchemaPath; - var $key = 'key' + $lvl, - $idx = 'idx' + $lvl, - $i = 'i' + $lvl, - $invalidName = '\' + ' + $key + ' + \'', - $dataNxt = $it.dataLevel = it.dataLevel + 1, - $nextData = 'data' + $dataNxt, - $dataProperties = 'dataProperties' + $lvl, - $ownProperties = it.opts.ownProperties, - $currentBaseId = it.baseId; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' var ' + ($dataProperties) + ' = undefined; '; - } - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' ' + ($dataProperties) + ' = ' + ($dataProperties) + ' || Object.keys(' + ($data) + '); for (var ' + ($idx) + '=0; ' + ($idx) + '<' + ($dataProperties) + '.length; ' + ($idx) + '++) { var ' + ($key) + ' = ' + ($dataProperties) + '[' + ($idx) + ']; '; - } else { - out += ' for (var ' + ($key) + ' in ' + ($data) + ') { '; - } - out += ' var startErrs' + ($lvl) + ' = errors; '; - var $passData = $key; - var $wasComposite = it.compositeRule; - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = true; - var $code = it.validate($it); - $it.baseId = $currentBaseId; - if (it.util.varOccurences($code, $nextData) < 2) { - out += ' ' + (it.util.varReplace($code, $nextData, $passData)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($nextData) + ' = ' + ($passData) + '; ' + ($code) + ' '; - } - it.compositeRule = $it.compositeRule = $wasComposite; - out += ' if (!' + ($nextValid) + ') { for (var ' + ($i) + '=startErrs' + ($lvl) + '; ' + ($i) + ' 0) || $propertySch === false : it.util.schemaHasRules($propertySch, it.RULES.all)))) { - $required[$required.length] = $property; - } - } - } - } else { - var $required = $schema; - } - } - if ($isData || $required.length) { - var $currentErrorPath = it.errorPath, - $loopRequired = $isData || $required.length >= it.opts.loopRequired, - $ownProperties = it.opts.ownProperties; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' var missing' + ($lvl) + '; '; - if ($loopRequired) { - if (!$isData) { - out += ' var ' + ($vSchema) + ' = validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + '; '; - } - var $i = 'i' + $lvl, - $propertyPath = 'schema' + $lvl + '[' + $i + ']', - $missingProperty = '\' + ' + $propertyPath + ' + \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr($currentErrorPath, $propertyPath, it.opts.jsonPointers); - } - out += ' var ' + ($valid) + ' = true; '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' if (schema' + ($lvl) + ' === undefined) ' + ($valid) + ' = true; else if (!Array.isArray(schema' + ($lvl) + ')) ' + ($valid) + ' = false; else {'; - } - out += ' for (var ' + ($i) + ' = 0; ' + ($i) + ' < ' + ($vSchema) + '.length; ' + ($i) + '++) { ' + ($valid) + ' = ' + ($data) + '[' + ($vSchema) + '[' + ($i) + ']] !== undefined '; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' &&' + ($data) + ', ' + ($vSchema) + '[' + ($i) + ']) '; - } - out += '; if (!' + ($valid) + ') break; } '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' } '; - } - out += ' if (!' + ($valid) + ') { '; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('required') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { missingProperty: \'' + ($missingProperty) + '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - out += 'is a required property'; - } else { - out += 'should have required property \\\'' + ($missingProperty) + '\\\''; - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } else { '; - } else { - out += ' if ( '; - var arr2 = $required; - if (arr2) { - var $propertyKey, $i = -1, - l2 = arr2.length - 1; - while ($i < l2) { - $propertyKey = arr2[$i += 1]; - if ($i) { - out += ' || '; - } - var $prop = it.util.getProperty($propertyKey), - $useData = $data + $prop; - out += ' ( ( ' + ($useData) + ' === undefined '; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' || !' + ($data) + ', \'' + (it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey)) + '\') '; - } - out += ') && (missing' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.toQuotedString(it.opts.jsonPointers ? $propertyKey : $prop)) + ') ) '; - } - } - out += ') { '; - var $propertyPath = 'missing' + $lvl, - $missingProperty = '\' + ' + $propertyPath + ' + \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - it.errorPath = it.opts.jsonPointers ? it.util.getPathExpr($currentErrorPath, $propertyPath, true) : $currentErrorPath + ' + ' + $propertyPath; - } - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('required') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { missingProperty: \'' + ($missingProperty) + '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - out += 'is a required property'; - } else { - out += 'should have required property \\\'' + ($missingProperty) + '\\\''; - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } else { '; - } - } else { - if ($loopRequired) { - if (!$isData) { - out += ' var ' + ($vSchema) + ' = validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + '; '; - } - var $i = 'i' + $lvl, - $propertyPath = 'schema' + $lvl + '[' + $i + ']', - $missingProperty = '\' + ' + $propertyPath + ' + \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - it.errorPath = it.util.getPathExpr($currentErrorPath, $propertyPath, it.opts.jsonPointers); - } - if ($isData) { - out += ' if (' + ($vSchema) + ' && !Array.isArray(' + ($vSchema) + ')) { var err = '; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('required') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { missingProperty: \'' + ($missingProperty) + '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - out += 'is a required property'; - } else { - out += 'should have required property \\\'' + ($missingProperty) + '\\\''; - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - out += '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; } else if (' + ($vSchema) + ' !== undefined) { '; - } - out += ' for (var ' + ($i) + ' = 0; ' + ($i) + ' < ' + ($vSchema) + '.length; ' + ($i) + '++) { if (' + ($data) + '[' + ($vSchema) + '[' + ($i) + ']] === undefined '; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' || !' + ($data) + ', ' + ($vSchema) + '[' + ($i) + ']) '; - } - out += ') { var err = '; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('required') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { missingProperty: \'' + ($missingProperty) + '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - out += 'is a required property'; - } else { - out += 'should have required property \\\'' + ($missingProperty) + '\\\''; - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - out += '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; } } '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' } '; - } - } else { - var arr3 = $required; - if (arr3) { - var $propertyKey, i3 = -1, - l3 = arr3.length - 1; - while (i3 < l3) { - $propertyKey = arr3[i3 += 1]; - var $prop = it.util.getProperty($propertyKey), - $missingProperty = it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey), - $useData = $data + $prop; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - it.errorPath = it.util.getPath($currentErrorPath, $propertyKey, it.opts.jsonPointers); - } - out += ' if ( ' + ($useData) + ' === undefined '; - if ($ownProperties) { - out += ' || !' + ($data) + ', \'' + (it.util.escapeQuotes($propertyKey)) + '\') '; - } - out += ') { var err = '; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('required') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { missingProperty: \'' + ($missingProperty) + '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \''; - if (it.opts._errorDataPathProperty) { - out += 'is a required property'; - } else { - out += 'should have required property \\\'' + ($missingProperty) + '\\\''; - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - out += '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; } '; - } - } - } - } - it.errorPath = $currentErrorPath; - } else if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (true) {'; - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/uniqueItems.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/uniqueItems.js deleted file mode 100644 index 0736a0ed2333c..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/uniqueItems.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_uniqueItems(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ' '; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - var $isData = it.opts.$data && $schema && $schema.$data, - $schemaValue; - if ($isData) { - out += ' var schema' + ($lvl) + ' = ' + (it.util.getData($schema.$data, $dataLvl, it.dataPathArr)) + '; '; - $schemaValue = 'schema' + $lvl; - } else { - $schemaValue = $schema; - } - if (($schema || $isData) && it.opts.uniqueItems !== false) { - if ($isData) { - out += ' var ' + ($valid) + '; if (' + ($schemaValue) + ' === false || ' + ($schemaValue) + ' === undefined) ' + ($valid) + ' = true; else if (typeof ' + ($schemaValue) + ' != \'boolean\') ' + ($valid) + ' = false; else { '; - } - out += ' var i = ' + ($data) + '.length , ' + ($valid) + ' = true , j; if (i > 1) { '; - var $itemType = it.schema.items && it.schema.items.type, - $typeIsArray = Array.isArray($itemType); - if (!$itemType || $itemType == 'object' || $itemType == 'array' || ($typeIsArray && ($itemType.indexOf('object') >= 0 || $itemType.indexOf('array') >= 0))) { - out += ' outer: for (;i--;) { for (j = i; j--;) { if (equal(' + ($data) + '[i], ' + ($data) + '[j])) { ' + ($valid) + ' = false; break outer; } } } '; - } else { - out += ' var itemIndices = {}, item; for (;i--;) { var item = ' + ($data) + '[i]; '; - var $method = 'checkDataType' + ($typeIsArray ? 's' : ''); - out += ' if (' + (it.util[$method]($itemType, 'item', it.opts.strictNumbers, true)) + ') continue; '; - if ($typeIsArray) { - out += ' if (typeof item == \'string\') item = \'"\' + item; '; - } - out += ' if (typeof itemIndices[item] == \'number\') { ' + ($valid) + ' = false; j = itemIndices[item]; break; } itemIndices[item] = i; } '; - } - out += ' } '; - if ($isData) { - out += ' } '; - } - out += ' if (!' + ($valid) + ') { '; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ('uniqueItems') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { i: i, j: j } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should NOT have duplicate items (items ## \' + j + \' and \' + i + \' are identical)\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: '; - if ($isData) { - out += 'validate.schema' + ($schemaPath); - } else { - out += '' + ($schema); - } - out += ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' else { '; - } - } else { - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (true) { '; - } - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/validate.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/validate.js deleted file mode 100644 index f295824b9325a..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/dotjs/validate.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,482 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; -module.exports = function generate_validate(it, $keyword, $ruleType) { - var out = ''; - var $async = it.schema.$async === true, - $refKeywords = it.util.schemaHasRulesExcept(it.schema, it.RULES.all, '$ref'), - $id = it.self._getId(it.schema); - if (it.opts.strictKeywords) { - var $unknownKwd = it.util.schemaUnknownRules(it.schema, it.RULES.keywords); - if ($unknownKwd) { - var $keywordsMsg = 'unknown keyword: ' + $unknownKwd; - if (it.opts.strictKeywords === 'log') it.logger.warn($keywordsMsg); - else throw new Error($keywordsMsg); - } - } - if (it.isTop) { - out += ' var validate = '; - if ($async) { - it.async = true; - out += 'async '; - } - out += 'function(data, dataPath, parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData) { \'use strict\'; '; - if ($id && (it.opts.sourceCode || it.opts.processCode)) { - out += ' ' + ('/\*# sourceURL=' + $id + ' */') + ' '; - } - } - if (typeof it.schema == 'boolean' || !($refKeywords || it.schema.$ref)) { - var $keyword = 'false schema'; - var $lvl = it.level; - var $dataLvl = it.dataLevel; - var $schema = it.schema[$keyword]; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + it.util.getProperty($keyword); - var $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/' + $keyword; - var $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors; - var $errorKeyword; - var $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl; - if (it.schema === false) { - if (it.isTop) { - $breakOnError = true; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($valid) + ' = false; '; - } - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || 'false schema') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: {} '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'boolean schema is false\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: false , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - } else { - if (it.isTop) { - if ($async) { - out += ' return data; '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = null; return true; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($valid) + ' = true; '; - } - } - if (it.isTop) { - out += ' }; return validate; '; - } - return out; - } - if (it.isTop) { - var $top = it.isTop, - $lvl = it.level = 0, - $dataLvl = it.dataLevel = 0, - $data = 'data'; - it.rootId = it.resolve.fullPath(it.self._getId(it.root.schema)); - it.baseId = it.baseId || it.rootId; - delete it.isTop; - it.dataPathArr = [""]; - if (it.schema.default !== undefined && it.opts.useDefaults && it.opts.strictDefaults) { - var $defaultMsg = 'default is ignored in the schema root'; - if (it.opts.strictDefaults === 'log') it.logger.warn($defaultMsg); - else throw new Error($defaultMsg); - } - out += ' var vErrors = null; '; - out += ' var errors = 0; '; - out += ' if (rootData === undefined) rootData = data; '; - } else { - var $lvl = it.level, - $dataLvl = it.dataLevel, - $data = 'data' + ($dataLvl || ''); - if ($id) it.baseId = it.resolve.url(it.baseId, $id); - if ($async && !it.async) throw new Error('async schema in sync schema'); - out += ' var errs_' + ($lvl) + ' = errors;'; - } - var $valid = 'valid' + $lvl, - $breakOnError = !it.opts.allErrors, - $closingBraces1 = '', - $closingBraces2 = ''; - var $errorKeyword; - var $typeSchema = it.schema.type, - $typeIsArray = Array.isArray($typeSchema); - if ($typeSchema && it.opts.nullable && it.schema.nullable === true) { - if ($typeIsArray) { - if ($typeSchema.indexOf('null') == -1) $typeSchema = $typeSchema.concat('null'); - } else if ($typeSchema != 'null') { - $typeSchema = [$typeSchema, 'null']; - $typeIsArray = true; - } - } - if ($typeIsArray && $typeSchema.length == 1) { - $typeSchema = $typeSchema[0]; - $typeIsArray = false; - } - if (it.schema.$ref && $refKeywords) { - if (it.opts.extendRefs == 'fail') { - throw new Error('$ref: validation keywords used in schema at path "' + it.errSchemaPath + '" (see option extendRefs)'); - } else if (it.opts.extendRefs !== true) { - $refKeywords = false; - it.logger.warn('$ref: keywords ignored in schema at path "' + it.errSchemaPath + '"'); - } - } - if (it.schema.$comment && it.opts.$comment) { - out += ' ' + (it.RULES.all.$comment.code(it, '$comment')); - } - if ($typeSchema) { - if (it.opts.coerceTypes) { - var $coerceToTypes = it.util.coerceToTypes(it.opts.coerceTypes, $typeSchema); - } - var $rulesGroup = it.RULES.types[$typeSchema]; - if ($coerceToTypes || $typeIsArray || $rulesGroup === true || ($rulesGroup && !$shouldUseGroup($rulesGroup))) { - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.type', - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/type'; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.type', - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/type', - $method = $typeIsArray ? 'checkDataTypes' : 'checkDataType'; - out += ' if (' + (it.util[$method]($typeSchema, $data, it.opts.strictNumbers, true)) + ') { '; - if ($coerceToTypes) { - var $dataType = 'dataType' + $lvl, - $coerced = 'coerced' + $lvl; - out += ' var ' + ($dataType) + ' = typeof ' + ($data) + '; var ' + ($coerced) + ' = undefined; '; - if (it.opts.coerceTypes == 'array') { - out += ' if (' + ($dataType) + ' == \'object\' && Array.isArray(' + ($data) + ') && ' + ($data) + '.length == 1) { ' + ($data) + ' = ' + ($data) + '[0]; ' + ($dataType) + ' = typeof ' + ($data) + '; if (' + (it.util.checkDataType(it.schema.type, $data, it.opts.strictNumbers)) + ') ' + ($coerced) + ' = ' + ($data) + '; } '; - } - out += ' if (' + ($coerced) + ' !== undefined) ; '; - var arr1 = $coerceToTypes; - if (arr1) { - var $type, $i = -1, - l1 = arr1.length - 1; - while ($i < l1) { - $type = arr1[$i += 1]; - if ($type == 'string') { - out += ' else if (' + ($dataType) + ' == \'number\' || ' + ($dataType) + ' == \'boolean\') ' + ($coerced) + ' = \'\' + ' + ($data) + '; else if (' + ($data) + ' === null) ' + ($coerced) + ' = \'\'; '; - } else if ($type == 'number' || $type == 'integer') { - out += ' else if (' + ($dataType) + ' == \'boolean\' || ' + ($data) + ' === null || (' + ($dataType) + ' == \'string\' && ' + ($data) + ' && ' + ($data) + ' == +' + ($data) + ' '; - if ($type == 'integer') { - out += ' && !(' + ($data) + ' % 1)'; - } - out += ')) ' + ($coerced) + ' = +' + ($data) + '; '; - } else if ($type == 'boolean') { - out += ' else if (' + ($data) + ' === \'false\' || ' + ($data) + ' === 0 || ' + ($data) + ' === null) ' + ($coerced) + ' = false; else if (' + ($data) + ' === \'true\' || ' + ($data) + ' === 1) ' + ($coerced) + ' = true; '; - } else if ($type == 'null') { - out += ' else if (' + ($data) + ' === \'\' || ' + ($data) + ' === 0 || ' + ($data) + ' === false) ' + ($coerced) + ' = null; '; - } else if (it.opts.coerceTypes == 'array' && $type == 'array') { - out += ' else if (' + ($dataType) + ' == \'string\' || ' + ($dataType) + ' == \'number\' || ' + ($dataType) + ' == \'boolean\' || ' + ($data) + ' == null) ' + ($coerced) + ' = [' + ($data) + ']; '; - } - } - } - out += ' else { '; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || 'type') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { type: \''; - if ($typeIsArray) { - out += '' + ($typeSchema.join(",")); - } else { - out += '' + ($typeSchema); - } - out += '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should be '; - if ($typeIsArray) { - out += '' + ($typeSchema.join(",")); - } else { - out += '' + ($typeSchema); - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } if (' + ($coerced) + ' !== undefined) { '; - var $parentData = $dataLvl ? 'data' + (($dataLvl - 1) || '') : 'parentData', - $parentDataProperty = $dataLvl ? it.dataPathArr[$dataLvl] : 'parentDataProperty'; - out += ' ' + ($data) + ' = ' + ($coerced) + '; '; - if (!$dataLvl) { - out += 'if (' + ($parentData) + ' !== undefined)'; - } - out += ' ' + ($parentData) + '[' + ($parentDataProperty) + '] = ' + ($coerced) + '; } '; - } else { - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || 'type') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { type: \''; - if ($typeIsArray) { - out += '' + ($typeSchema.join(",")); - } else { - out += '' + ($typeSchema); - } - out += '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should be '; - if ($typeIsArray) { - out += '' + ($typeSchema.join(",")); - } else { - out += '' + ($typeSchema); - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - } - out += ' } '; - } - } - if (it.schema.$ref && !$refKeywords) { - out += ' ' + (it.RULES.all.$ref.code(it, '$ref')) + ' '; - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' } if (errors === '; - if ($top) { - out += '0'; - } else { - out += 'errs_' + ($lvl); - } - out += ') { '; - $closingBraces2 += '}'; - } - } else { - var arr2 = it.RULES; - if (arr2) { - var $rulesGroup, i2 = -1, - l2 = arr2.length - 1; - while (i2 < l2) { - $rulesGroup = arr2[i2 += 1]; - if ($shouldUseGroup($rulesGroup)) { - if ($rulesGroup.type) { - out += ' if (' + (it.util.checkDataType($rulesGroup.type, $data, it.opts.strictNumbers)) + ') { '; - } - if (it.opts.useDefaults) { - if ($rulesGroup.type == 'object' && { - var $schema =, - $schemaKeys = Object.keys($schema); - var arr3 = $schemaKeys; - if (arr3) { - var $propertyKey, i3 = -1, - l3 = arr3.length - 1; - while (i3 < l3) { - $propertyKey = arr3[i3 += 1]; - var $sch = $schema[$propertyKey]; - if ($sch.default !== undefined) { - var $passData = $data + it.util.getProperty($propertyKey); - if (it.compositeRule) { - if (it.opts.strictDefaults) { - var $defaultMsg = 'default is ignored for: ' + $passData; - if (it.opts.strictDefaults === 'log') it.logger.warn($defaultMsg); - else throw new Error($defaultMsg); - } - } else { - out += ' if (' + ($passData) + ' === undefined '; - if (it.opts.useDefaults == 'empty') { - out += ' || ' + ($passData) + ' === null || ' + ($passData) + ' === \'\' '; - } - out += ' ) ' + ($passData) + ' = '; - if (it.opts.useDefaults == 'shared') { - out += ' ' + (it.useDefault($sch.default)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' ' + (JSON.stringify($sch.default)) + ' '; - } - out += '; '; - } - } - } - } - } else if ($rulesGroup.type == 'array' && Array.isArray(it.schema.items)) { - var arr4 = it.schema.items; - if (arr4) { - var $sch, $i = -1, - l4 = arr4.length - 1; - while ($i < l4) { - $sch = arr4[$i += 1]; - if ($sch.default !== undefined) { - var $passData = $data + '[' + $i + ']'; - if (it.compositeRule) { - if (it.opts.strictDefaults) { - var $defaultMsg = 'default is ignored for: ' + $passData; - if (it.opts.strictDefaults === 'log') it.logger.warn($defaultMsg); - else throw new Error($defaultMsg); - } - } else { - out += ' if (' + ($passData) + ' === undefined '; - if (it.opts.useDefaults == 'empty') { - out += ' || ' + ($passData) + ' === null || ' + ($passData) + ' === \'\' '; - } - out += ' ) ' + ($passData) + ' = '; - if (it.opts.useDefaults == 'shared') { - out += ' ' + (it.useDefault($sch.default)) + ' '; - } else { - out += ' ' + (JSON.stringify($sch.default)) + ' '; - } - out += '; '; - } - } - } - } - } - } - var arr5 = $rulesGroup.rules; - if (arr5) { - var $rule, i5 = -1, - l5 = arr5.length - 1; - while (i5 < l5) { - $rule = arr5[i5 += 1]; - if ($shouldUseRule($rule)) { - var $code = $rule.code(it, $rule.keyword, $rulesGroup.type); - if ($code) { - out += ' ' + ($code) + ' '; - if ($breakOnError) { - $closingBraces1 += '}'; - } - } - } - } - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' ' + ($closingBraces1) + ' '; - $closingBraces1 = ''; - } - if ($rulesGroup.type) { - out += ' } '; - if ($typeSchema && $typeSchema === $rulesGroup.type && !$coerceToTypes) { - out += ' else { '; - var $schemaPath = it.schemaPath + '.type', - $errSchemaPath = it.errSchemaPath + '/type'; - var $$outStack = $$outStack || []; - $$outStack.push(out); - out = ''; /* istanbul ignore else */ - if (it.createErrors !== false) { - out += ' { keyword: \'' + ($errorKeyword || 'type') + '\' , dataPath: (dataPath || \'\') + ' + (it.errorPath) + ' , schemaPath: ' + (it.util.toQuotedString($errSchemaPath)) + ' , params: { type: \''; - if ($typeIsArray) { - out += '' + ($typeSchema.join(",")); - } else { - out += '' + ($typeSchema); - } - out += '\' } '; - if (it.opts.messages !== false) { - out += ' , message: \'should be '; - if ($typeIsArray) { - out += '' + ($typeSchema.join(",")); - } else { - out += '' + ($typeSchema); - } - out += '\' '; - } - if (it.opts.verbose) { - out += ' , schema: validate.schema' + ($schemaPath) + ' , parentSchema: validate.schema' + (it.schemaPath) + ' , data: ' + ($data) + ' '; - } - out += ' } '; - } else { - out += ' {} '; - } - var __err = out; - out = $$outStack.pop(); - if (!it.compositeRule && $breakOnError) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (it.async) { - out += ' throw new ValidationError([' + (__err) + ']); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = [' + (__err) + ']; return false; '; - } - } else { - out += ' var err = ' + (__err) + '; if (vErrors === null) vErrors = [err]; else vErrors.push(err); errors++; '; - } - out += ' } '; - } - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' if (errors === '; - if ($top) { - out += '0'; - } else { - out += 'errs_' + ($lvl); - } - out += ') { '; - $closingBraces2 += '}'; - } - } - } - } - } - if ($breakOnError) { - out += ' ' + ($closingBraces2) + ' '; - } - if ($top) { - if ($async) { - out += ' if (errors === 0) return data; '; - out += ' else throw new ValidationError(vErrors); '; - } else { - out += ' validate.errors = vErrors; '; - out += ' return errors === 0; '; - } - out += ' }; return validate;'; - } else { - out += ' var ' + ($valid) + ' = errors === errs_' + ($lvl) + ';'; - } - - function $shouldUseGroup($rulesGroup) { - var rules = $rulesGroup.rules; - for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) - if ($shouldUseRule(rules[i])) return true; - } - - function $shouldUseRule($rule) { - return it.schema[$rule.keyword] !== undefined || ($rule.implements && $ruleImplementsSomeKeyword($rule)); - } - - function $ruleImplementsSomeKeyword($rule) { - var impl = $rule.implements; - for (var i = 0; i < impl.length; i++) - if (it.schema[impl[i]] !== undefined) return true; - } - return out; -} diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/keyword.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/keyword.js deleted file mode 100644 index 06da9a2dfbe5c..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/keyword.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,146 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var IDENTIFIER = /^[a-z_$][a-z0-9_$-]*$/i; -var customRuleCode = require('./dotjs/custom'); -var definitionSchema = require('./definition_schema'); - -module.exports = { - add: addKeyword, - get: getKeyword, - remove: removeKeyword, - validate: validateKeyword -}; - - -/** - * Define custom keyword - * @this Ajv - * @param {String} keyword custom keyword, should be unique (including different from all standard, custom and macro keywords). - * @param {Object} definition keyword definition object with properties `type` (type(s) which the keyword applies to), `validate` or `compile`. - * @return {Ajv} this for method chaining - */ -function addKeyword(keyword, definition) { - /* jshint validthis: true */ - /* eslint no-shadow: 0 */ - var RULES = this.RULES; - if (RULES.keywords[keyword]) - throw new Error('Keyword ' + keyword + ' is already defined'); - - if (!IDENTIFIER.test(keyword)) - throw new Error('Keyword ' + keyword + ' is not a valid identifier'); - - if (definition) { - this.validateKeyword(definition, true); - - var dataType = definition.type; - if (Array.isArray(dataType)) { - for (var i=0; i ../ajv-dist/bower.json - cd ../ajv-dist - - if [[ `git status --porcelain` ]]; then - echo "Changes detected. Updating master branch..." - git add -A - git commit -m "updated by travis build #$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER" - git push --quiet origin master > /dev/null 2>&1 - fi - - echo "Publishing tag..." - - git tag $TRAVIS_TAG - git push --tags > /dev/null 2>&1 - - echo "Done" -fi diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/scripts/travis-gh-pages b/node_modules/ajv/scripts/travis-gh-pages deleted file mode 100644 index b3d4f3d0f489d..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/ajv/scripts/travis-gh-pages +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env bash - -set -e - -if [[ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "master" && "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" && $TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER =~ ".3" ]]; then - git diff --name-only $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE | grep -qE '\.md$|^LICENSE$|travis-gh-pages$' && { - rm -rf ../gh-pages - git clone -b gh-pages --single-branch https://${GITHUB_TOKEN} ../gh-pages - mkdir -p ../gh-pages/_source - cp *.md ../gh-pages/_source - cp LICENSE ../gh-pages/_source - currentDir=$(pwd) - cd ../gh-pages - $currentDir/node_modules/.bin/gh-pages-generator - # remove logo from README - sed -i -E "s/]+ajv_logo[^>]+>//" - git config "$GIT_USER_EMAIL" - git config "$GIT_USER_NAME" - git add . - git commit -am "updated by travis build #$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER" - git push --quiet origin gh-pages > /dev/null 2>&1 - } -fi diff --git a/node_modules/asn1/LICENSE b/node_modules/asn1/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 9b5dcdb7f5e1f..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asn1/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -Copyright (c) 2011 Mark Cavage, All rights reserved. - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN -THE SOFTWARE diff --git a/node_modules/asn1/lib/ber/errors.js b/node_modules/asn1/lib/ber/errors.js deleted file mode 100644 index 4557b8aea0272..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asn1/lib/ber/errors.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2011 Mark Cavage All rights reserved. - - -module.exports = { - - newInvalidAsn1Error: function (msg) { - var e = new Error(); - = 'InvalidAsn1Error'; - e.message = msg || ''; - return e; - } - -}; diff --git a/node_modules/asn1/lib/ber/index.js b/node_modules/asn1/lib/ber/index.js deleted file mode 100644 index 387d1326f9b45..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asn1/lib/ber/index.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2011 Mark Cavage All rights reserved. - -var errors = require('./errors'); -var types = require('./types'); - -var Reader = require('./reader'); -var Writer = require('./writer'); - - -// --- Exports - -module.exports = { - - Reader: Reader, - - Writer: Writer - -}; - -for (var t in types) { - if (types.hasOwnProperty(t)) - module.exports[t] = types[t]; -} -for (var e in errors) { - if (errors.hasOwnProperty(e)) - module.exports[e] = errors[e]; -} diff --git a/node_modules/asn1/lib/ber/reader.js b/node_modules/asn1/lib/ber/reader.js deleted file mode 100644 index 8a7e4ca0184ac..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asn1/lib/ber/reader.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,262 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2011 Mark Cavage All rights reserved. - -var assert = require('assert'); -var Buffer = require('safer-buffer').Buffer; - -var ASN1 = require('./types'); -var errors = require('./errors'); - - -// --- Globals - -var newInvalidAsn1Error = errors.newInvalidAsn1Error; - - - -// --- API - -function Reader(data) { - if (!data || !Buffer.isBuffer(data)) - throw new TypeError('data must be a node Buffer'); - - this._buf = data; - this._size = data.length; - - // These hold the "current" state - this._len = 0; - this._offset = 0; -} - -Object.defineProperty(Reader.prototype, 'length', { - enumerable: true, - get: function () { return (this._len); } -}); - -Object.defineProperty(Reader.prototype, 'offset', { - enumerable: true, - get: function () { return (this._offset); } -}); - -Object.defineProperty(Reader.prototype, 'remain', { - get: function () { return (this._size - this._offset); } -}); - -Object.defineProperty(Reader.prototype, 'buffer', { - get: function () { return (this._buf.slice(this._offset)); } -}); - - -/** - * Reads a single byte and advances offset; you can pass in `true` to make this - * a "peek" operation (i.e., get the byte, but don't advance the offset). - * - * @param {Boolean} peek true means don't move offset. - * @return {Number} the next byte, null if not enough data. - */ -Reader.prototype.readByte = function (peek) { - if (this._size - this._offset < 1) - return null; - - var b = this._buf[this._offset] & 0xff; - - if (!peek) - this._offset += 1; - - return b; -}; - - -Reader.prototype.peek = function () { - return this.readByte(true); -}; - - -/** - * Reads a (potentially) variable length off the BER buffer. This call is - * not really meant to be called directly, as callers have to manipulate - * the internal buffer afterwards. - * - * As a result of this call, you can call `Reader.length`, until the - * next thing called that does a readLength. - * - * @return {Number} the amount of offset to advance the buffer. - * @throws {InvalidAsn1Error} on bad ASN.1 - */ -Reader.prototype.readLength = function (offset) { - if (offset === undefined) - offset = this._offset; - - if (offset >= this._size) - return null; - - var lenB = this._buf[offset++] & 0xff; - if (lenB === null) - return null; - - if ((lenB & 0x80) === 0x80) { - lenB &= 0x7f; - - if (lenB === 0) - throw newInvalidAsn1Error('Indefinite length not supported'); - - if (lenB > 4) - throw newInvalidAsn1Error('encoding too long'); - - if (this._size - offset < lenB) - return null; - - this._len = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < lenB; i++) - this._len = (this._len << 8) + (this._buf[offset++] & 0xff); - - } else { - // Wasn't a variable length - this._len = lenB; - } - - return offset; -}; - - -/** - * Parses the next sequence in this BER buffer. - * - * To get the length of the sequence, call `Reader.length`. - * - * @return {Number} the sequence's tag. - */ -Reader.prototype.readSequence = function (tag) { - var seq = this.peek(); - if (seq === null) - return null; - if (tag !== undefined && tag !== seq) - throw newInvalidAsn1Error('Expected 0x' + tag.toString(16) + - ': got 0x' + seq.toString(16)); - - var o = this.readLength(this._offset + 1); // stored in `length` - if (o === null) - return null; - - this._offset = o; - return seq; -}; - - -Reader.prototype.readInt = function () { - return this._readTag(ASN1.Integer); -}; - - -Reader.prototype.readBoolean = function () { - return (this._readTag(ASN1.Boolean) === 0 ? false : true); -}; - - -Reader.prototype.readEnumeration = function () { - return this._readTag(ASN1.Enumeration); -}; - - -Reader.prototype.readString = function (tag, retbuf) { - if (!tag) - tag = ASN1.OctetString; - - var b = this.peek(); - if (b === null) - return null; - - if (b !== tag) - throw newInvalidAsn1Error('Expected 0x' + tag.toString(16) + - ': got 0x' + b.toString(16)); - - var o = this.readLength(this._offset + 1); // stored in `length` - - if (o === null) - return null; - - if (this.length > this._size - o) - return null; - - this._offset = o; - - if (this.length === 0) - return retbuf ? Buffer.alloc(0) : ''; - - var str = this._buf.slice(this._offset, this._offset + this.length); - this._offset += this.length; - - return retbuf ? str : str.toString('utf8'); -}; - -Reader.prototype.readOID = function (tag) { - if (!tag) - tag = ASN1.OID; - - var b = this.readString(tag, true); - if (b === null) - return null; - - var values = []; - var value = 0; - - for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { - var byte = b[i] & 0xff; - - value <<= 7; - value += byte & 0x7f; - if ((byte & 0x80) === 0) { - values.push(value); - value = 0; - } - } - - value = values.shift(); - values.unshift(value % 40); - values.unshift((value / 40) >> 0); - - return values.join('.'); -}; - - -Reader.prototype._readTag = function (tag) { - assert.ok(tag !== undefined); - - var b = this.peek(); - - if (b === null) - return null; - - if (b !== tag) - throw newInvalidAsn1Error('Expected 0x' + tag.toString(16) + - ': got 0x' + b.toString(16)); - - var o = this.readLength(this._offset + 1); // stored in `length` - if (o === null) - return null; - - if (this.length > 4) - throw newInvalidAsn1Error('Integer too long: ' + this.length); - - if (this.length > this._size - o) - return null; - this._offset = o; - - var fb = this._buf[this._offset]; - var value = 0; - - for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { - value <<= 8; - value |= (this._buf[this._offset++] & 0xff); - } - - if ((fb & 0x80) === 0x80 && i !== 4) - value -= (1 << (i * 8)); - - return value >> 0; -}; - - - -// --- Exported API - -module.exports = Reader; diff --git a/node_modules/asn1/lib/ber/types.js b/node_modules/asn1/lib/ber/types.js deleted file mode 100644 index 8aea000137c84..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asn1/lib/ber/types.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2011 Mark Cavage All rights reserved. - - -module.exports = { - EOC: 0, - Boolean: 1, - Integer: 2, - BitString: 3, - OctetString: 4, - Null: 5, - OID: 6, - ObjectDescriptor: 7, - External: 8, - Real: 9, // float - Enumeration: 10, - PDV: 11, - Utf8String: 12, - RelativeOID: 13, - Sequence: 16, - Set: 17, - NumericString: 18, - PrintableString: 19, - T61String: 20, - VideotexString: 21, - IA5String: 22, - UTCTime: 23, - GeneralizedTime: 24, - GraphicString: 25, - VisibleString: 26, - GeneralString: 28, - UniversalString: 29, - CharacterString: 30, - BMPString: 31, - Constructor: 32, - Context: 128 -}; diff --git a/node_modules/asn1/lib/ber/writer.js b/node_modules/asn1/lib/ber/writer.js deleted file mode 100644 index 3515acf7940ef..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asn1/lib/ber/writer.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,317 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2011 Mark Cavage All rights reserved. - -var assert = require('assert'); -var Buffer = require('safer-buffer').Buffer; -var ASN1 = require('./types'); -var errors = require('./errors'); - - -// --- Globals - -var newInvalidAsn1Error = errors.newInvalidAsn1Error; - -var DEFAULT_OPTS = { - size: 1024, - growthFactor: 8 -}; - - -// --- Helpers - -function merge(from, to) { - assert.ok(from); - assert.equal(typeof (from), 'object'); - assert.ok(to); - assert.equal(typeof (to), 'object'); - - var keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(from); - keys.forEach(function (key) { - if (to[key]) - return; - - var value = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(from, key); - Object.defineProperty(to, key, value); - }); - - return to; -} - - - -// --- API - -function Writer(options) { - options = merge(DEFAULT_OPTS, options || {}); - - this._buf = Buffer.alloc(options.size || 1024); - this._size = this._buf.length; - this._offset = 0; - this._options = options; - - // A list of offsets in the buffer where we need to insert - // sequence tag/len pairs. - this._seq = []; -} - -Object.defineProperty(Writer.prototype, 'buffer', { - get: function () { - if (this._seq.length) - throw newInvalidAsn1Error(this._seq.length + ' unended sequence(s)'); - - return (this._buf.slice(0, this._offset)); - } -}); - -Writer.prototype.writeByte = function (b) { - if (typeof (b) !== 'number') - throw new TypeError('argument must be a Number'); - - this._ensure(1); - this._buf[this._offset++] = b; -}; - - -Writer.prototype.writeInt = function (i, tag) { - if (typeof (i) !== 'number') - throw new TypeError('argument must be a Number'); - if (typeof (tag) !== 'number') - tag = ASN1.Integer; - - var sz = 4; - - while ((((i & 0xff800000) === 0) || ((i & 0xff800000) === 0xff800000 >> 0)) && - (sz > 1)) { - sz--; - i <<= 8; - } - - if (sz > 4) - throw newInvalidAsn1Error('BER ints cannot be > 0xffffffff'); - - this._ensure(2 + sz); - this._buf[this._offset++] = tag; - this._buf[this._offset++] = sz; - - while (sz-- > 0) { - this._buf[this._offset++] = ((i & 0xff000000) >>> 24); - i <<= 8; - } - -}; - - -Writer.prototype.writeNull = function () { - this.writeByte(ASN1.Null); - this.writeByte(0x00); -}; - - -Writer.prototype.writeEnumeration = function (i, tag) { - if (typeof (i) !== 'number') - throw new TypeError('argument must be a Number'); - if (typeof (tag) !== 'number') - tag = ASN1.Enumeration; - - return this.writeInt(i, tag); -}; - - -Writer.prototype.writeBoolean = function (b, tag) { - if (typeof (b) !== 'boolean') - throw new TypeError('argument must be a Boolean'); - if (typeof (tag) !== 'number') - tag = ASN1.Boolean; - - this._ensure(3); - this._buf[this._offset++] = tag; - this._buf[this._offset++] = 0x01; - this._buf[this._offset++] = b ? 0xff : 0x00; -}; - - -Writer.prototype.writeString = function (s, tag) { - if (typeof (s) !== 'string') - throw new TypeError('argument must be a string (was: ' + typeof (s) + ')'); - if (typeof (tag) !== 'number') - tag = ASN1.OctetString; - - var len = Buffer.byteLength(s); - this.writeByte(tag); - this.writeLength(len); - if (len) { - this._ensure(len); - this._buf.write(s, this._offset); - this._offset += len; - } -}; - - -Writer.prototype.writeBuffer = function (buf, tag) { - if (typeof (tag) !== 'number') - throw new TypeError('tag must be a number'); - if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) - throw new TypeError('argument must be a buffer'); - - this.writeByte(tag); - this.writeLength(buf.length); - this._ensure(buf.length); - buf.copy(this._buf, this._offset, 0, buf.length); - this._offset += buf.length; -}; - - -Writer.prototype.writeStringArray = function (strings) { - if ((!strings instanceof Array)) - throw new TypeError('argument must be an Array[String]'); - - var self = this; - strings.forEach(function (s) { - self.writeString(s); - }); -}; - -// This is really to solve DER cases, but whatever for now -Writer.prototype.writeOID = function (s, tag) { - if (typeof (s) !== 'string') - throw new TypeError('argument must be a string'); - if (typeof (tag) !== 'number') - tag = ASN1.OID; - - if (!/^([0-9]+\.){3,}[0-9]+$/.test(s)) - throw new Error('argument is not a valid OID string'); - - function encodeOctet(bytes, octet) { - if (octet < 128) { - bytes.push(octet); - } else if (octet < 16384) { - bytes.push((octet >>> 7) | 0x80); - bytes.push(octet & 0x7F); - } else if (octet < 2097152) { - bytes.push((octet >>> 14) | 0x80); - bytes.push(((octet >>> 7) | 0x80) & 0xFF); - bytes.push(octet & 0x7F); - } else if (octet < 268435456) { - bytes.push((octet >>> 21) | 0x80); - bytes.push(((octet >>> 14) | 0x80) & 0xFF); - bytes.push(((octet >>> 7) | 0x80) & 0xFF); - bytes.push(octet & 0x7F); - } else { - bytes.push(((octet >>> 28) | 0x80) & 0xFF); - bytes.push(((octet >>> 21) | 0x80) & 0xFF); - bytes.push(((octet >>> 14) | 0x80) & 0xFF); - bytes.push(((octet >>> 7) | 0x80) & 0xFF); - bytes.push(octet & 0x7F); - } - } - - var tmp = s.split('.'); - var bytes = []; - bytes.push(parseInt(tmp[0], 10) * 40 + parseInt(tmp[1], 10)); - tmp.slice(2).forEach(function (b) { - encodeOctet(bytes, parseInt(b, 10)); - }); - - var self = this; - this._ensure(2 + bytes.length); - this.writeByte(tag); - this.writeLength(bytes.length); - bytes.forEach(function (b) { - self.writeByte(b); - }); -}; - - -Writer.prototype.writeLength = function (len) { - if (typeof (len) !== 'number') - throw new TypeError('argument must be a Number'); - - this._ensure(4); - - if (len <= 0x7f) { - this._buf[this._offset++] = len; - } else if (len <= 0xff) { - this._buf[this._offset++] = 0x81; - this._buf[this._offset++] = len; - } else if (len <= 0xffff) { - this._buf[this._offset++] = 0x82; - this._buf[this._offset++] = len >> 8; - this._buf[this._offset++] = len; - } else if (len <= 0xffffff) { - this._buf[this._offset++] = 0x83; - this._buf[this._offset++] = len >> 16; - this._buf[this._offset++] = len >> 8; - this._buf[this._offset++] = len; - } else { - throw newInvalidAsn1Error('Length too long (> 4 bytes)'); - } -}; - -Writer.prototype.startSequence = function (tag) { - if (typeof (tag) !== 'number') - tag = ASN1.Sequence | ASN1.Constructor; - - this.writeByte(tag); - this._seq.push(this._offset); - this._ensure(3); - this._offset += 3; -}; - - -Writer.prototype.endSequence = function () { - var seq = this._seq.pop(); - var start = seq + 3; - var len = this._offset - start; - - if (len <= 0x7f) { - this._shift(start, len, -2); - this._buf[seq] = len; - } else if (len <= 0xff) { - this._shift(start, len, -1); - this._buf[seq] = 0x81; - this._buf[seq + 1] = len; - } else if (len <= 0xffff) { - this._buf[seq] = 0x82; - this._buf[seq + 1] = len >> 8; - this._buf[seq + 2] = len; - } else if (len <= 0xffffff) { - this._shift(start, len, 1); - this._buf[seq] = 0x83; - this._buf[seq + 1] = len >> 16; - this._buf[seq + 2] = len >> 8; - this._buf[seq + 3] = len; - } else { - throw newInvalidAsn1Error('Sequence too long'); - } -}; - - -Writer.prototype._shift = function (start, len, shift) { - assert.ok(start !== undefined); - assert.ok(len !== undefined); - assert.ok(shift); - - this._buf.copy(this._buf, start + shift, start, start + len); - this._offset += shift; -}; - -Writer.prototype._ensure = function (len) { - assert.ok(len); - - if (this._size - this._offset < len) { - var sz = this._size * this._options.growthFactor; - if (sz - this._offset < len) - sz += len; - - var buf = Buffer.alloc(sz); - - this._buf.copy(buf, 0, 0, this._offset); - this._buf = buf; - this._size = sz; - } -}; - - - -// --- Exported API - -module.exports = Writer; diff --git a/node_modules/asn1/lib/index.js b/node_modules/asn1/lib/index.js deleted file mode 100644 index ede3ab232662f..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asn1/lib/index.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2011 Mark Cavage All rights reserved. - -// If you have no idea what ASN.1 or BER is, see this: -// - -var Ber = require('./ber/index'); - - - -// --- Exported API - -module.exports = { - - Ber: Ber, - - BerReader: Ber.Reader, - - BerWriter: Ber.Writer - -}; diff --git a/node_modules/asn1/package.json b/node_modules/asn1/package.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2b51c753c97a4..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asn1/package.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -{ - "author": "Joyent (", - "contributors": [ - "Mark Cavage ", - "David Gwynne ", - "Yunong Xiao ", - "Alex Wilson " - ], - "name": "asn1", - "description": "Contains parsers and serializers for ASN.1 (currently BER only)", - "version": "0.2.4", - "repository": { - "type": "git", - "url": "git://" - }, - "main": "lib/index.js", - "dependencies": { - "safer-buffer": "~2.1.0" - }, - "devDependencies": { - "istanbul": "^0.3.6", - "faucet": "0.0.1", - "tape": "^3.5.0", - "eslint": "2.13.1", - "eslint-plugin-joyent": "~1.3.0" - }, - "scripts": { - "test": "./node_modules/.bin/tape ./test/ber/*.test.js" - }, - "license": "MIT" -} diff --git a/node_modules/assert-plus/AUTHORS b/node_modules/assert-plus/AUTHORS deleted file mode 100644 index 1923524fe40dd..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/assert-plus/AUTHORS +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -Dave Eddy -Fred Kuo -Lars-Magnus Skog -Mark Cavage -Patrick Mooney -Rob Gulewich diff --git a/node_modules/assert-plus/ b/node_modules/assert-plus/ deleted file mode 100644 index 57d92bfdb9dae..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/assert-plus/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -# assert-plus Changelog - -## 1.0.0 - -- *BREAKING* assert.number (and derivatives) now accept Infinity as valid input -- Add assert.finite check. Previous assert.number callers should use this if - they expect Infinity inputs to throw. - -## 0.2.0 - -- Fix `assert.object(null)` so it throws -- Fix optional/arrayOf exports for non-type-of asserts -- Add optiona/arrayOf exports for Stream/Date/Regex/uuid -- Add basic unit test coverage diff --git a/node_modules/assert-plus/assert.js b/node_modules/assert-plus/assert.js deleted file mode 100644 index 26f944eec307a..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/assert-plus/assert.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,211 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2012, Mark Cavage. All rights reserved. -// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. - -var assert = require('assert'); -var Stream = require('stream').Stream; -var util = require('util'); - - -///--- Globals - -/* JSSTYLED */ -var UUID_REGEXP = /^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$/; - - -///--- Internal - -function _capitalize(str) { - return (str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)); -} - -function _toss(name, expected, oper, arg, actual) { - throw new assert.AssertionError({ - message: util.format('%s (%s) is required', name, expected), - actual: (actual === undefined) ? typeof (arg) : actual(arg), - expected: expected, - operator: oper || '===', - stackStartFunction: _toss.caller - }); -} - -function _getClass(arg) { - return (, -1)); -} - -function noop() { - // Why even bother with asserts? -} - - -///--- Exports - -var types = { - bool: { - check: function (arg) { return typeof (arg) === 'boolean'; } - }, - func: { - check: function (arg) { return typeof (arg) === 'function'; } - }, - string: { - check: function (arg) { return typeof (arg) === 'string'; } - }, - object: { - check: function (arg) { - return typeof (arg) === 'object' && arg !== null; - } - }, - number: { - check: function (arg) { - return typeof (arg) === 'number' && !isNaN(arg); - } - }, - finite: { - check: function (arg) { - return typeof (arg) === 'number' && !isNaN(arg) && isFinite(arg); - } - }, - buffer: { - check: function (arg) { return Buffer.isBuffer(arg); }, - operator: 'Buffer.isBuffer' - }, - array: { - check: function (arg) { return Array.isArray(arg); }, - operator: 'Array.isArray' - }, - stream: { - check: function (arg) { return arg instanceof Stream; }, - operator: 'instanceof', - actual: _getClass - }, - date: { - check: function (arg) { return arg instanceof Date; }, - operator: 'instanceof', - actual: _getClass - }, - regexp: { - check: function (arg) { return arg instanceof RegExp; }, - operator: 'instanceof', - actual: _getClass - }, - uuid: { - check: function (arg) { - return typeof (arg) === 'string' && UUID_REGEXP.test(arg); - }, - operator: 'isUUID' - } -}; - -function _setExports(ndebug) { - var keys = Object.keys(types); - var out; - - /* re-export standard assert */ - if (process.env.NODE_NDEBUG) { - out = noop; - } else { - out = function (arg, msg) { - if (!arg) { - _toss(msg, 'true', arg); - } - }; - } - - /* standard checks */ - keys.forEach(function (k) { - if (ndebug) { - out[k] = noop; - return; - } - var type = types[k]; - out[k] = function (arg, msg) { - if (!type.check(arg)) { - _toss(msg, k, type.operator, arg, type.actual); - } - }; - }); - - /* optional checks */ - keys.forEach(function (k) { - var name = 'optional' + _capitalize(k); - if (ndebug) { - out[name] = noop; - return; - } - var type = types[k]; - out[name] = function (arg, msg) { - if (arg === undefined || arg === null) { - return; - } - if (!type.check(arg)) { - _toss(msg, k, type.operator, arg, type.actual); - } - }; - }); - - /* arrayOf checks */ - keys.forEach(function (k) { - var name = 'arrayOf' + _capitalize(k); - if (ndebug) { - out[name] = noop; - return; - } - var type = types[k]; - var expected = '[' + k + ']'; - out[name] = function (arg, msg) { - if (!Array.isArray(arg)) { - _toss(msg, expected, type.operator, arg, type.actual); - } - var i; - for (i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) { - if (!type.check(arg[i])) { - _toss(msg, expected, type.operator, arg, type.actual); - } - } - }; - }); - - /* optionalArrayOf checks */ - keys.forEach(function (k) { - var name = 'optionalArrayOf' + _capitalize(k); - if (ndebug) { - out[name] = noop; - return; - } - var type = types[k]; - var expected = '[' + k + ']'; - out[name] = function (arg, msg) { - if (arg === undefined || arg === null) { - return; - } - if (!Array.isArray(arg)) { - _toss(msg, expected, type.operator, arg, type.actual); - } - var i; - for (i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) { - if (!type.check(arg[i])) { - _toss(msg, expected, type.operator, arg, type.actual); - } - } - }; - }); - - /* re-export built-in assertions */ - Object.keys(assert).forEach(function (k) { - if (k === 'AssertionError') { - out[k] = assert[k]; - return; - } - if (ndebug) { - out[k] = noop; - return; - } - out[k] = assert[k]; - }); - - /* export ourselves (for unit tests _only_) */ - out._setExports = _setExports; - - return out; -} - -module.exports = _setExports(process.env.NODE_NDEBUG); diff --git a/node_modules/assert-plus/package.json b/node_modules/assert-plus/package.json deleted file mode 100644 index 40d6a5cd8f3cc..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/assert-plus/package.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -{ - "author": "Mark Cavage ", - "name": "assert-plus", - "description": "Extra assertions on top of node's assert module", - "version": "1.0.0", - "license": "MIT", - "main": "./assert.js", - "devDependencies": { - "tape": "4.2.2", - "faucet": "0.0.1" - }, - "optionalDependencies": {}, - "scripts": { - "test": "./node_modules/.bin/tape tests/*.js | ./node_modules/.bin/faucet" - }, - "repository": { - "type": "git", - "url": "" - }, - "engines": { - "node": ">=0.8" - } -} diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/LICENSE b/node_modules/asynckit/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index c9eca5dd999d7..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -The MIT License (MIT) - -Copyright (c) 2016 Alex Indigo - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/bench.js b/node_modules/asynckit/bench.js deleted file mode 100644 index c612f1a55fda0..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/bench.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -/* eslint no-console: "off" */ - -var asynckit = require('./') - , async = require('async') - , assert = require('assert') - , expected = 0 - ; - -var Benchmark = require('benchmark'); -var suite = new Benchmark.Suite; - -var source = []; -for (var z = 1; z < 100; z++) -{ - source.push(z); - expected += z; -} - -suite -// add tests - -.add('', function(deferred) -{ - var total = 0; - -, - function(i, cb) - { - setImmediate(function() - { - total += i; - cb(null, total); - }); - }, - function(err, result) - { - assert.ifError(err); - assert.equal(result[result.length - 1], expected); - deferred.resolve(); - }); -}, {'defer': true}) - - -.add('asynckit.parallel', function(deferred) -{ - var total = 0; - - asynckit.parallel(source, - function(i, cb) - { - setImmediate(function() - { - total += i; - cb(null, total); - }); - }, - function(err, result) - { - assert.ifError(err); - assert.equal(result[result.length - 1], expected); - deferred.resolve(); - }); -}, {'defer': true}) - - -// add listeners -.on('cycle', function(ev) -{ - console.log(String(; -}) -.on('complete', function() -{ - console.log('Fastest is ' + this.filter('fastest').map('name')); -}) -// run async{ 'async': true }); diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/index.js b/node_modules/asynckit/index.js deleted file mode 100644 index 455f9454ee648..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/index.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -module.exports = -{ - parallel : require('./parallel.js'), - serial : require('./serial.js'), - serialOrdered : require('./serialOrdered.js') -}; diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/abort.js b/node_modules/asynckit/lib/abort.js deleted file mode 100644 index 114367e5fbf14..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/abort.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -// API -module.exports = abort; - -/** - * Aborts leftover active jobs - * - * @param {object} state - current state object - */ -function abort(state) -{ - Object.keys(; - - // reset leftover jobs - = {}; -} - -/** - * Cleans up leftover job by invoking abort function for the provided job id - * - * @this state - * @param {string|number} key - job id to abort - */ -function clean(key) -{ - if (typeof[key] == 'function') - { -[key](); - } -} diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/async.js b/node_modules/asynckit/lib/async.js deleted file mode 100644 index 7f1288a4ce9ae..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/async.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -var defer = require('./defer.js'); - -// API -module.exports = async; - -/** - * Runs provided callback asynchronously - * even if callback itself is not - * - * @param {function} callback - callback to invoke - * @returns {function} - augmented callback - */ -function async(callback) -{ - var isAsync = false; - - // check if async happened - defer(function() { isAsync = true; }); - - return function async_callback(err, result) - { - if (isAsync) - { - callback(err, result); - } - else - { - defer(function nextTick_callback() - { - callback(err, result); - }); - } - }; -} diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/defer.js b/node_modules/asynckit/lib/defer.js deleted file mode 100644 index b67110c7ad6e5..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/defer.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -module.exports = defer; - -/** - * Runs provided function on next iteration of the event loop - * - * @param {function} fn - function to run - */ -function defer(fn) -{ - var nextTick = typeof setImmediate == 'function' - ? setImmediate - : ( - typeof process == 'object' && typeof process.nextTick == 'function' - ? process.nextTick - : null - ); - - if (nextTick) - { - nextTick(fn); - } - else - { - setTimeout(fn, 0); - } -} diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/iterate.js b/node_modules/asynckit/lib/iterate.js deleted file mode 100644 index 5d2839a590b2b..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/iterate.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -var async = require('./async.js') - , abort = require('./abort.js') - ; - -// API -module.exports = iterate; - -/** - * Iterates over each job object - * - * @param {array|object} list - array or object (named list) to iterate over - * @param {function} iterator - iterator to run - * @param {object} state - current job status - * @param {function} callback - invoked when all elements processed - */ -function iterate(list, iterator, state, callback) -{ - // store current index - var key = state['keyedList'] ? state['keyedList'][state.index] : state.index; - -[key] = runJob(iterator, key, list[key], function(error, output) - { - // don't repeat yourself - // skip secondary callbacks - if (!(key in - { - return; - } - - // clean up jobs - delete[key]; - - if (error) - { - // don't process rest of the results - // stop still active jobs - // and reset the list - abort(state); - } - else - { - state.results[key] = output; - } - - // return salvaged results - callback(error, state.results); - }); -} - -/** - * Runs iterator over provided job element - * - * @param {function} iterator - iterator to invoke - * @param {string|number} key - key/index of the element in the list of jobs - * @param {mixed} item - job description - * @param {function} callback - invoked after iterator is done with the job - * @returns {function|mixed} - job abort function or something else - */ -function runJob(iterator, key, item, callback) -{ - var aborter; - - // allow shortcut if iterator expects only two arguments - if (iterator.length == 2) - { - aborter = iterator(item, async(callback)); - } - // otherwise go with full three arguments - else - { - aborter = iterator(item, key, async(callback)); - } - - return aborter; -} diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/readable_asynckit.js b/node_modules/asynckit/lib/readable_asynckit.js deleted file mode 100644 index 78ad240f0afd8..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/readable_asynckit.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -var streamify = require('./streamify.js') - , defer = require('./defer.js') - ; - -// API -module.exports = ReadableAsyncKit; - -/** - * Base constructor for all streams - * used to hold properties/methods - */ -function ReadableAsyncKit() -{ - ReadableAsyncKit.super_.apply(this, arguments); - - // list of active jobs - = {}; - - // add stream methods - this.destroy = destroy; - this._start = _start; - this._read = _read; -} - -/** - * Destroys readable stream, - * by aborting outstanding jobs - * - * @returns {void} - */ -function destroy() -{ - if (this.destroyed) - { - return; - } - - this.destroyed = true; - - if (typeof this.terminator == 'function') - { - this.terminator(); - } -} - -/** - * Starts provided jobs in async manner - * - * @private - */ -function _start() -{ - // first argument – runner function - var runner = arguments[0] - // take away first argument - , args =, 1) - // second argument - input data - , input = args[0] - // last argument - result callback - , endCb =, args[args.length - 1]) - ; - - args[args.length - 1] = endCb; - // third argument - iterator - args[1] =, args[1]); - - // allow time for proper setup - defer(function() - { - if (!this.destroyed) - { - this.terminator = runner.apply(null, args); - } - else - { - endCb(null, Array.isArray(input) ? [] : {}); - } - }.bind(this)); -} - - -/** - * Implement _read to comply with Readable streams - * Doesn't really make sense for flowing object mode - * - * @private - */ -function _read() -{ - -} diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/readable_parallel.js b/node_modules/asynckit/lib/readable_parallel.js deleted file mode 100644 index 5d2929f7a6775..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/readable_parallel.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -var parallel = require('../parallel.js'); - -// API -module.exports = ReadableParallel; - -/** - * Streaming wrapper to `asynckit.parallel` - * - * @param {array|object} list - array or object (named list) to iterate over - * @param {function} iterator - iterator to run - * @param {function} callback - invoked when all elements processed - * @returns {stream.Readable#} - */ -function ReadableParallel(list, iterator, callback) -{ - if (!(this instanceof ReadableParallel)) - { - return new ReadableParallel(list, iterator, callback); - } - - // turn on object mode -, {objectMode: true}); - - this._start(parallel, list, iterator, callback); -} diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/readable_serial.js b/node_modules/asynckit/lib/readable_serial.js deleted file mode 100644 index 78226982041ce..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/readable_serial.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -var serial = require('../serial.js'); - -// API -module.exports = ReadableSerial; - -/** - * Streaming wrapper to `asynckit.serial` - * - * @param {array|object} list - array or object (named list) to iterate over - * @param {function} iterator - iterator to run - * @param {function} callback - invoked when all elements processed - * @returns {stream.Readable#} - */ -function ReadableSerial(list, iterator, callback) -{ - if (!(this instanceof ReadableSerial)) - { - return new ReadableSerial(list, iterator, callback); - } - - // turn on object mode -, {objectMode: true}); - - this._start(serial, list, iterator, callback); -} diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/readable_serial_ordered.js b/node_modules/asynckit/lib/readable_serial_ordered.js deleted file mode 100644 index 3de89c47291b4..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/readable_serial_ordered.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -var serialOrdered = require('../serialOrdered.js'); - -// API -module.exports = ReadableSerialOrdered; -// expose sort helpers -module.exports.ascending = serialOrdered.ascending; -module.exports.descending = serialOrdered.descending; - -/** - * Streaming wrapper to `asynckit.serialOrdered` - * - * @param {array|object} list - array or object (named list) to iterate over - * @param {function} iterator - iterator to run - * @param {function} sortMethod - custom sort function - * @param {function} callback - invoked when all elements processed - * @returns {stream.Readable#} - */ -function ReadableSerialOrdered(list, iterator, sortMethod, callback) -{ - if (!(this instanceof ReadableSerialOrdered)) - { - return new ReadableSerialOrdered(list, iterator, sortMethod, callback); - } - - // turn on object mode -, {objectMode: true}); - - this._start(serialOrdered, list, iterator, sortMethod, callback); -} diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/state.js b/node_modules/asynckit/lib/state.js deleted file mode 100644 index cbea7ad8f6bc6..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/state.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -// API -module.exports = state; - -/** - * Creates initial state object - * for iteration over list - * - * @param {array|object} list - list to iterate over - * @param {function|null} sortMethod - function to use for keys sort, - * or `null` to keep them as is - * @returns {object} - initial state object - */ -function state(list, sortMethod) -{ - var isNamedList = !Array.isArray(list) - , initState = - { - index : 0, - keyedList: isNamedList || sortMethod ? Object.keys(list) : null, - jobs : {}, - results : isNamedList ? {} : [], - size : isNamedList ? Object.keys(list).length : list.length - } - ; - - if (sortMethod) - { - // sort array keys based on it's values - // sort object's keys just on own merit - initState.keyedList.sort(isNamedList ? sortMethod : function(a, b) - { - return sortMethod(list[a], list[b]); - }); - } - - return initState; -} diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/streamify.js b/node_modules/asynckit/lib/streamify.js deleted file mode 100644 index f56a1c92bf5c2..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/streamify.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@ -var async = require('./async.js'); - -// API -module.exports = { - iterator: wrapIterator, - callback: wrapCallback -}; - -/** - * Wraps iterators with long signature - * - * @this ReadableAsyncKit# - * @param {function} iterator - function to wrap - * @returns {function} - wrapped function - */ -function wrapIterator(iterator) -{ - var stream = this; - - return function(item, key, cb) - { - var aborter - , wrappedCb = async(, cb, key)) - ; - -[key] = wrappedCb; - - // it's either shortcut (item, cb) - if (iterator.length == 2) - { - aborter = iterator(item, wrappedCb); - } - // or long format (item, key, cb) - else - { - aborter = iterator(item, key, wrappedCb); - } - - return aborter; - }; -} - -/** - * Wraps provided callback function - * allowing to execute snitch function before - * real callback - * - * @this ReadableAsyncKit# - * @param {function} callback - function to wrap - * @returns {function} - wrapped function - */ -function wrapCallback(callback) -{ - var stream = this; - - var wrapped = function(error, result) - { - return, error, result, callback); - }; - - return wrapped; -} - -/** - * Wraps provided iterator callback function - * makes sure snitch only called once, - * but passes secondary calls to the original callback - * - * @this ReadableAsyncKit# - * @param {function} callback - callback to wrap - * @param {number|string} key - iteration key - * @returns {function} wrapped callback - */ -function wrapIteratorCallback(callback, key) -{ - var stream = this; - - return function(error, output) - { - // don't repeat yourself - if (!(key in - { - callback(error, output); - return; - } - - // clean up jobs - delete[key]; - - return, error, {key: key, value: output}, callback); - }; -} - -/** - * Stream wrapper for iterator callback - * - * @this ReadableAsyncKit# - * @param {mixed} error - error response - * @param {mixed} output - iterator output - * @param {function} callback - callback that expects iterator results - */ -function streamer(error, output, callback) -{ - if (error && !this.error) - { - this.error = error; - this.pause(); - this.emit('error', error); - // send back value only, as expected - callback(error, output && output.value); - return; - } - - // stream stuff - this.push(output); - - // back to original track - // send back value only, as expected - callback(error, output && output.value); -} - -/** - * Stream wrapper for finishing callback - * - * @this ReadableAsyncKit# - * @param {mixed} error - error response - * @param {mixed} output - iterator output - * @param {function} callback - callback that expects final results - */ -function finisher(error, output, callback) -{ - // signal end of the stream - // only for successfully finished streams - if (!error) - { - this.push(null); - } - - // back to original track - callback(error, output); -} diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/terminator.js b/node_modules/asynckit/lib/terminator.js deleted file mode 100644 index d6eb99219f3d9..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/lib/terminator.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -var abort = require('./abort.js') - , async = require('./async.js') - ; - -// API -module.exports = terminator; - -/** - * Terminates jobs in the attached state context - * - * @this AsyncKitState# - * @param {function} callback - final callback to invoke after termination - */ -function terminator(callback) -{ - if (!Object.keys( - { - return; - } - - // fast forward iteration index - this.index = this.size; - - // abort jobs - abort(this); - - // send back results we have so far - async(callback)(null, this.results); -} diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/package.json b/node_modules/asynckit/package.json deleted file mode 100644 index 51147d6569aa0..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/package.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -{ - "name": "asynckit", - "version": "0.4.0", - "description": "Minimal async jobs utility library, with streams support", - "main": "index.js", - "scripts": { - "clean": "rimraf coverage", - "lint": "eslint *.js lib/*.js test/*.js", - "test": "istanbul cover --reporter=json tape -- 'test/test-*.js' | tap-spec", - "win-test": "tape test/test-*.js", - "browser": "browserify -t browserify-istanbul test/lib/browserify_adjustment.js test/test-*.js | obake --coverage | tap-spec", - "report": "istanbul report", - "size": "browserify index.js | size-table asynckit", - "debug": "tape test/test-*.js" - }, - "pre-commit": [ - "clean", - "lint", - "test", - "browser", - "report", - "size" - ], - "repository": { - "type": "git", - "url": "git+" - }, - "keywords": [ - "async", - "jobs", - "parallel", - "serial", - "iterator", - "array", - "object", - "stream", - "destroy", - "terminate", - "abort" - ], - "author": "Alex Indigo ", - "license": "MIT", - "bugs": { - "url": "" - }, - "homepage": "", - "devDependencies": { - "browserify": "^13.0.0", - "browserify-istanbul": "^2.0.0", - "coveralls": "^2.11.9", - "eslint": "^2.9.0", - "istanbul": "^0.4.3", - "obake": "^0.1.2", - "phantomjs-prebuilt": "^2.1.7", - "pre-commit": "^1.1.3", - "reamde": "^1.1.0", - "rimraf": "^2.5.2", - "size-table": "^0.2.0", - "tap-spec": "^4.1.1", - "tape": "^4.5.1" - }, - "dependencies": {} -} diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/parallel.js b/node_modules/asynckit/parallel.js deleted file mode 100644 index 3c50344d8515f..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/parallel.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -var iterate = require('./lib/iterate.js') - , initState = require('./lib/state.js') - , terminator = require('./lib/terminator.js') - ; - -// Public API -module.exports = parallel; - -/** - * Runs iterator over provided array elements in parallel - * - * @param {array|object} list - array or object (named list) to iterate over - * @param {function} iterator - iterator to run - * @param {function} callback - invoked when all elements processed - * @returns {function} - jobs terminator - */ -function parallel(list, iterator, callback) -{ - var state = initState(list); - - while (state.index < (state['keyedList'] || list).length) - { - iterate(list, iterator, state, function(error, result) - { - if (error) - { - callback(error, result); - return; - } - - // looks like it's the last one - if (Object.keys( === 0) - { - callback(null, state.results); - return; - } - }); - - state.index++; - } - - return terminator.bind(state, callback); -} diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/serial.js b/node_modules/asynckit/serial.js deleted file mode 100644 index 6cd949a677713..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/serial.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -var serialOrdered = require('./serialOrdered.js'); - -// Public API -module.exports = serial; - -/** - * Runs iterator over provided array elements in series - * - * @param {array|object} list - array or object (named list) to iterate over - * @param {function} iterator - iterator to run - * @param {function} callback - invoked when all elements processed - * @returns {function} - jobs terminator - */ -function serial(list, iterator, callback) -{ - return serialOrdered(list, iterator, null, callback); -} diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/serialOrdered.js b/node_modules/asynckit/serialOrdered.js deleted file mode 100644 index 607eafea56cb0..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/serialOrdered.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -var iterate = require('./lib/iterate.js') - , initState = require('./lib/state.js') - , terminator = require('./lib/terminator.js') - ; - -// Public API -module.exports = serialOrdered; -// sorting helpers -module.exports.ascending = ascending; -module.exports.descending = descending; - -/** - * Runs iterator over provided sorted array elements in series - * - * @param {array|object} list - array or object (named list) to iterate over - * @param {function} iterator - iterator to run - * @param {function} sortMethod - custom sort function - * @param {function} callback - invoked when all elements processed - * @returns {function} - jobs terminator - */ -function serialOrdered(list, iterator, sortMethod, callback) -{ - var state = initState(list, sortMethod); - - iterate(list, iterator, state, function iteratorHandler(error, result) - { - if (error) - { - callback(error, result); - return; - } - - state.index++; - - // are we there yet? - if (state.index < (state['keyedList'] || list).length) - { - iterate(list, iterator, state, iteratorHandler); - return; - } - - // done here - callback(null, state.results); - }); - - return terminator.bind(state, callback); -} - -/* - * -- Sort methods - */ - -/** - * sort helper to sort array elements in ascending order - * - * @param {mixed} a - an item to compare - * @param {mixed} b - an item to compare - * @returns {number} - comparison result - */ -function ascending(a, b) -{ - return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0; -} - -/** - * sort helper to sort array elements in descending order - * - * @param {mixed} a - an item to compare - * @param {mixed} b - an item to compare - * @returns {number} - comparison result - */ -function descending(a, b) -{ - return -1 * ascending(a, b); -} diff --git a/node_modules/asynckit/stream.js b/node_modules/asynckit/stream.js deleted file mode 100644 index d43465f903ed6..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/asynckit/stream.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -var inherits = require('util').inherits - , Readable = require('stream').Readable - , ReadableAsyncKit = require('./lib/readable_asynckit.js') - , ReadableParallel = require('./lib/readable_parallel.js') - , ReadableSerial = require('./lib/readable_serial.js') - , ReadableSerialOrdered = require('./lib/readable_serial_ordered.js') - ; - -// API -module.exports = -{ - parallel : ReadableParallel, - serial : ReadableSerial, - serialOrdered : ReadableSerialOrdered, -}; - -inherits(ReadableAsyncKit, Readable); - -inherits(ReadableParallel, ReadableAsyncKit); -inherits(ReadableSerial, ReadableAsyncKit); -inherits(ReadableSerialOrdered, ReadableAsyncKit); diff --git a/node_modules/aws-sign2/LICENSE b/node_modules/aws-sign2/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index a4a9aee0c2fa1..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/aws-sign2/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -Apache License - -Version 2.0, January 2004 - - - -TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION - -1. Definitions. - -"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. - -"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. - -"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. - -"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. - -"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. - -"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. - -"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). - -"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof. - -"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." - -"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work. - -2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. - -3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. - -4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions: - -You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and - -You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and - -You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and - -If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License. - -5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions. - -6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. - -7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. - -8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. - -9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. - -END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/node_modules/aws-sign2/index.js b/node_modules/aws-sign2/index.js deleted file mode 100644 index fb35f6db01f6f..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/aws-sign2/index.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,212 +0,0 @@ - -/*! - * Copyright 2010 LearnBoost - * - * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - * You may obtain a copy of the License at - * - * - * - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - * limitations under the License. - */ - -/** - * Module dependencies. - */ - -var crypto = require('crypto') - , parse = require('url').parse - ; - -/** - * Valid keys. - */ - -var keys = - [ 'acl' - , 'location' - , 'logging' - , 'notification' - , 'partNumber' - , 'policy' - , 'requestPayment' - , 'torrent' - , 'uploadId' - , 'uploads' - , 'versionId' - , 'versioning' - , 'versions' - , 'website' - ] - -/** - * Return an "Authorization" header value with the given `options` - * in the form of "AWS :" - * - * @param {Object} options - * @return {String} - * @api private - */ - -function authorization (options) { - return 'AWS ' + options.key + ':' + sign(options) -} - -module.exports = authorization -module.exports.authorization = authorization - -/** - * Simple HMAC-SHA1 Wrapper - * - * @param {Object} options - * @return {String} - * @api private - */ - -function hmacSha1 (options) { - return crypto.createHmac('sha1', options.secret).update(options.message).digest('base64') -} - -module.exports.hmacSha1 = hmacSha1 - -/** - * Create a base64 sha1 HMAC for `options`. - * - * @param {Object} options - * @return {String} - * @api private - */ - -function sign (options) { - options.message = stringToSign(options) - return hmacSha1(options) -} -module.exports.sign = sign - -/** - * Create a base64 sha1 HMAC for `options`. - * - * Specifically to be used with S3 presigned URLs - * - * @param {Object} options - * @return {String} - * @api private - */ - -function signQuery (options) { - options.message = queryStringToSign(options) - return hmacSha1(options) -} -module.exports.signQuery= signQuery - -/** - * Return a string for sign() with the given `options`. - * - * Spec: - * - * \n - * \n - * \n - * \n - * [headers\n] - * - * - * @param {Object} options - * @return {String} - * @api private - */ - -function stringToSign (options) { - var headers = options.amazonHeaders || '' - if (headers) headers += '\n' - var r = - [ options.verb - , options.md5 - , options.contentType - , ? : '' - , headers + options.resource - ] - return r.join('\n') -} -module.exports.stringToSign = stringToSign - -/** - * Return a string for sign() with the given `options`, but is meant exclusively - * for S3 presigned URLs - * - * Spec: - * - * \n - * - * - * @param {Object} options - * @return {String} - * @api private - */ - -function queryStringToSign (options){ - return 'GET\n\n\n' + + '\n' + options.resource -} -module.exports.queryStringToSign = queryStringToSign - -/** - * Perform the following: - * - * - ignore non-amazon headers - * - lowercase fields - * - sort lexicographically - * - trim whitespace between ":" - * - join with newline - * - * @param {Object} headers - * @return {String} - * @api private - */ - -function canonicalizeHeaders (headers) { - var buf = [] - , fields = Object.keys(headers) - ; - for (var i = 0, len = fields.length; i < len; ++i) { - var field = fields[i] - , val = headers[field] - , field = field.toLowerCase() - ; - if (0 !== field.indexOf('x-amz')) continue - buf.push(field + ':' + val) - } - return buf.sort().join('\n') -} -module.exports.canonicalizeHeaders = canonicalizeHeaders - -/** - * Perform the following: - * - * - ignore non sub-resources - * - sort lexicographically - * - * @param {String} resource - * @return {String} - * @api private - */ - -function canonicalizeResource (resource) { - var url = parse(resource, true) - , path = url.pathname - , buf = [] - ; - - Object.keys(url.query).forEach(function(key){ - if (!~keys.indexOf(key)) return - var val = '' == url.query[key] ? '' : '=' + encodeURIComponent(url.query[key]) - buf.push(key + val) - }) - - return path + (buf.length ? '?' + buf.sort().join('&') : '') -} -module.exports.canonicalizeResource = canonicalizeResource diff --git a/node_modules/aws-sign2/package.json b/node_modules/aws-sign2/package.json deleted file mode 100644 index 4c3d57e575ace..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/aws-sign2/package.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -{ - "author": "Mikeal Rogers (", - "name": "aws-sign2", - "description": "AWS signing. Originally pulled from LearnBoost/knox, maintained as vendor in request, now a standalone module.", - "version": "0.7.0", - "repository": { - "url": "" - }, - "license": "Apache-2.0", - "main": "index.js", - "dependencies": {}, - "devDependencies": {}, - "optionalDependencies": {}, - "engines": { - "node": "*" - } -} diff --git a/node_modules/aws4/LICENSE b/node_modules/aws4/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 4f321e599569f..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/aws4/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -Copyright 2013 Michael Hart ( - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of -this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in -the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to -use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do -so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. diff --git a/node_modules/aws4/aws4.js b/node_modules/aws4/aws4.js deleted file mode 100644 index b99b319f89f9a..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/aws4/aws4.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,373 +0,0 @@ -var aws4 = exports, - url = require('url'), - querystring = require('querystring'), - crypto = require('crypto'), - lru = require('./lru'), - credentialsCache = lru(1000) - -// - -function hmac(key, string, encoding) { - return crypto.createHmac('sha256', key).update(string, 'utf8').digest(encoding) -} - -function hash(string, encoding) { - return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(string, 'utf8').digest(encoding) -} - -// This function assumes the string has already been percent encoded -function encodeRfc3986(urlEncodedString) { - return urlEncodedString.replace(/[!'()*]/g, function(c) { - return '%' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase() - }) -} - -function encodeRfc3986Full(str) { - return encodeRfc3986(encodeURIComponent(str)) -} - -// A bit of a combination of: -// -// -// -var HEADERS_TO_IGNORE = { - 'authorization': true, - 'connection': true, - 'x-amzn-trace-id': true, - 'user-agent': true, - 'expect': true, - 'presigned-expires': true, - 'range': true, -} - -// request: { path | body, [host], [method], [headers], [service], [region] } -// credentials: { accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, [sessionToken] } -function RequestSigner(request, credentials) { - - if (typeof request === 'string') request = url.parse(request) - - var headers = request.headers = (request.headers || {}), - hostParts = (!this.service || !this.region) && this.matchHost(request.hostname || || headers.Host || - - this.request = request - this.credentials = credentials || this.defaultCredentials() - - this.service = request.service || hostParts[0] || '' - this.region = request.region || hostParts[1] || 'us-east-1' - - // SES uses a different domain from the service name - if (this.service === 'email') this.service = 'ses' - - if (!request.method && request.body) - request.method = 'POST' - - if (!headers.Host && ! { - headers.Host = request.hostname || || this.createHost() - - // If a port is specified explicitly, use it as is - if (request.port) - headers.Host += ':' + request.port - } - if (!request.hostname && ! - request.hostname = headers.Host || - - this.isCodeCommitGit = this.service === 'codecommit' && request.method === 'GIT' -} - -RequestSigner.prototype.matchHost = function(host) { - var match = (host || '').match(/([^\.]+)\.(?:([^\.]*)\.)?amazonaws\.com(\.cn)?$/) - var hostParts = (match || []).slice(1, 3) - - // ES's hostParts are sometimes the other way round, if the value that is expected - // to be region equals ‘es’ switch them back - // e.g. - if (hostParts[1] === 'es') - hostParts = hostParts.reverse() - - if (hostParts[1] == 's3') { - hostParts[0] = 's3' - hostParts[1] = 'us-east-1' - } else { - for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { - if (/^s3-/.test(hostParts[i])) { - hostParts[1] = hostParts[i].slice(3) - hostParts[0] = 's3' - break - } - } - } - - return hostParts -} - -// -RequestSigner.prototype.isSingleRegion = function() { - // Special case for S3 and SimpleDB in us-east-1 - if (['s3', 'sdb'].indexOf(this.service) >= 0 && this.region === 'us-east-1') return true - - return ['cloudfront', 'ls', 'route53', 'iam', 'importexport', 'sts'] - .indexOf(this.service) >= 0 -} - -RequestSigner.prototype.createHost = function() { - var region = this.isSingleRegion() ? '' : '.' + this.region, - subdomain = this.service === 'ses' ? 'email' : this.service - return subdomain + region + '' -} - -RequestSigner.prototype.prepareRequest = function() { - this.parsePath() - - var request = this.request, headers = request.headers, query - - if (request.signQuery) { - - this.parsedPath.query = query = this.parsedPath.query || {} - - if (this.credentials.sessionToken) - query['X-Amz-Security-Token'] = this.credentials.sessionToken - - if (this.service === 's3' && !query['X-Amz-Expires']) - query['X-Amz-Expires'] = 86400 - - if (query['X-Amz-Date']) - this.datetime = query['X-Amz-Date'] - else - query['X-Amz-Date'] = this.getDateTime() - - query['X-Amz-Algorithm'] = 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256' - query['X-Amz-Credential'] = this.credentials.accessKeyId + '/' + this.credentialString() - query['X-Amz-SignedHeaders'] = this.signedHeaders() - - } else { - - if (!request.doNotModifyHeaders && !this.isCodeCommitGit) { - if (request.body && !headers['Content-Type'] && !headers['content-type']) - headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' - - if (request.body && !headers['Content-Length'] && !headers['content-length']) - headers['Content-Length'] = Buffer.byteLength(request.body) - - if (this.credentials.sessionToken && !headers['X-Amz-Security-Token'] && !headers['x-amz-security-token']) - headers['X-Amz-Security-Token'] = this.credentials.sessionToken - - if (this.service === 's3' && !headers['X-Amz-Content-Sha256'] && !headers['x-amz-content-sha256']) - headers['X-Amz-Content-Sha256'] = hash(this.request.body || '', 'hex') - - if (headers['X-Amz-Date'] || headers['x-amz-date']) - this.datetime = headers['X-Amz-Date'] || headers['x-amz-date'] - else - headers['X-Amz-Date'] = this.getDateTime() - } - - delete headers.Authorization - delete headers.authorization - } -} - -RequestSigner.prototype.sign = function() { - if (!this.parsedPath) this.prepareRequest() - - if (this.request.signQuery) { - this.parsedPath.query['X-Amz-Signature'] = this.signature() - } else { - this.request.headers.Authorization = this.authHeader() - } - - this.request.path = this.formatPath() - - return this.request -} - -RequestSigner.prototype.getDateTime = function() { - if (!this.datetime) { - var headers = this.request.headers, - date = new Date(headers.Date || || new Date) - - this.datetime = date.toISOString().replace(/[:\-]|\.\d{3}/g, '') - - // Remove the trailing 'Z' on the timestamp string for CodeCommit git access - if (this.isCodeCommitGit) this.datetime = this.datetime.slice(0, -1) - } - return this.datetime -} - -RequestSigner.prototype.getDate = function() { - return this.getDateTime().substr(0, 8) -} - -RequestSigner.prototype.authHeader = function() { - return [ - 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=' + this.credentials.accessKeyId + '/' + this.credentialString(), - 'SignedHeaders=' + this.signedHeaders(), - 'Signature=' + this.signature(), - ].join(', ') -} - -RequestSigner.prototype.signature = function() { - var date = this.getDate(), - cacheKey = [this.credentials.secretAccessKey, date, this.region, this.service].join(), - kDate, kRegion, kService, kCredentials = credentialsCache.get(cacheKey) - if (!kCredentials) { - kDate = hmac('AWS4' + this.credentials.secretAccessKey, date) - kRegion = hmac(kDate, this.region) - kService = hmac(kRegion, this.service) - kCredentials = hmac(kService, 'aws4_request') - credentialsCache.set(cacheKey, kCredentials) - } - return hmac(kCredentials, this.stringToSign(), 'hex') -} - -RequestSigner.prototype.stringToSign = function() { - return [ - 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256', - this.getDateTime(), - this.credentialString(), - hash(this.canonicalString(), 'hex'), - ].join('\n') -} - -RequestSigner.prototype.canonicalString = function() { - if (!this.parsedPath) this.prepareRequest() - - var pathStr = this.parsedPath.path, - query = this.parsedPath.query, - headers = this.request.headers, - queryStr = '', - normalizePath = this.service !== 's3', - decodePath = this.service === 's3' || this.request.doNotEncodePath, - decodeSlashesInPath = this.service === 's3', - firstValOnly = this.service === 's3', - bodyHash - - if (this.service === 's3' && this.request.signQuery) { - bodyHash = 'UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD' - } else if (this.isCodeCommitGit) { - bodyHash = '' - } else { - bodyHash = headers['X-Amz-Content-Sha256'] || headers['x-amz-content-sha256'] || - hash(this.request.body || '', 'hex') - } - - if (query) { - var reducedQuery = Object.keys(query).reduce(function(obj, key) { - if (!key) return obj - obj[encodeRfc3986Full(key)] = !Array.isArray(query[key]) ? query[key] : - (firstValOnly ? query[key][0] : query[key]) - return obj - }, {}) - var encodedQueryPieces = [] - Object.keys(reducedQuery).sort().forEach(function(key) { - if (!Array.isArray(reducedQuery[key])) { - encodedQueryPieces.push(key + '=' + encodeRfc3986Full(reducedQuery[key])) - } else { - reducedQuery[key].map(encodeRfc3986Full).sort() - .forEach(function(val) { encodedQueryPieces.push(key + '=' + val) }) - } - }) - queryStr = encodedQueryPieces.join('&') - } - if (pathStr !== '/') { - if (normalizePath) pathStr = pathStr.replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/') - pathStr = pathStr.split('/').reduce(function(path, piece) { - if (normalizePath && piece === '..') { - path.pop() - } else if (!normalizePath || piece !== '.') { - if (decodePath) piece = decodeURIComponent(piece.replace(/\+/g, ' ')) - path.push(encodeRfc3986Full(piece)) - } - return path - }, []).join('/') - if (pathStr[0] !== '/') pathStr = '/' + pathStr - if (decodeSlashesInPath) pathStr = pathStr.replace(/%2F/g, '/') - } - - return [ - this.request.method || 'GET', - pathStr, - queryStr, - this.canonicalHeaders() + '\n', - this.signedHeaders(), - bodyHash, - ].join('\n') -} - -RequestSigner.prototype.canonicalHeaders = function() { - var headers = this.request.headers - function trimAll(header) { - return header.toString().trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ') - } - return Object.keys(headers) - .filter(function(key) { return HEADERS_TO_IGNORE[key.toLowerCase()] == null }) - .sort(function(a, b) { return a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1 }) - .map(function(key) { return key.toLowerCase() + ':' + trimAll(headers[key]) }) - .join('\n') -} - -RequestSigner.prototype.signedHeaders = function() { - return Object.keys(this.request.headers) - .map(function(key) { return key.toLowerCase() }) - .filter(function(key) { return HEADERS_TO_IGNORE[key] == null }) - .sort() - .join(';') -} - -RequestSigner.prototype.credentialString = function() { - return [ - this.getDate(), - this.region, - this.service, - 'aws4_request', - ].join('/') -} - -RequestSigner.prototype.defaultCredentials = function() { - var env = process.env - return { - accessKeyId: env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID || env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY, - secretAccessKey: env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY || env.AWS_SECRET_KEY, - sessionToken: env.AWS_SESSION_TOKEN, - } -} - -RequestSigner.prototype.parsePath = function() { - var path = this.request.path || '/' - - // S3 doesn't always encode characters > 127 correctly and - // all services don't encode characters > 255 correctly - // So if there are non-reserved chars (and it's not already all % encoded), just encode them all - if (/[^0-9A-Za-z;,/?:@&=+$\-_.!~*'()#%]/.test(path)) { - path = encodeURI(decodeURI(path)) - } - - var queryIx = path.indexOf('?'), - query = null - - if (queryIx >= 0) { - query = querystring.parse(path.slice(queryIx + 1)) - path = path.slice(0, queryIx) - } - - this.parsedPath = { - path: path, - query: query, - } -} - -RequestSigner.prototype.formatPath = function() { - var path = this.parsedPath.path, - query = this.parsedPath.query - - if (!query) return path - - // Services don't support empty query string keys - if (query[''] != null) delete query[''] - - return path + '?' + encodeRfc3986(querystring.stringify(query)) -} - -aws4.RequestSigner = RequestSigner - -aws4.sign = function(request, credentials) { - return new RequestSigner(request, credentials).sign() -} diff --git a/node_modules/aws4/lru.js b/node_modules/aws4/lru.js deleted file mode 100644 index 333f66a4436ec..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/aws4/lru.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ -module.exports = function(size) { - return new LruCache(size) -} - -function LruCache(size) { - this.capacity = size | 0 - = Object.create(null) - this.list = new DoublyLinkedList() -} - -LruCache.prototype.get = function(key) { - var node =[key] - if (node == null) return undefined - this.used(node) - return node.val -} - -LruCache.prototype.set = function(key, val) { - var node =[key] - if (node != null) { - node.val = val - } else { - if (!this.capacity) this.prune() - if (!this.capacity) return false - node = new DoublyLinkedNode(key, val) -[key] = node - this.capacity-- - } - this.used(node) - return true -} - -LruCache.prototype.used = function(node) { - this.list.moveToFront(node) -} - -LruCache.prototype.prune = function() { - var node = this.list.pop() - if (node != null) { - delete[node.key] - this.capacity++ - } -} - - -function DoublyLinkedList() { - this.firstNode = null - this.lastNode = null -} - -DoublyLinkedList.prototype.moveToFront = function(node) { - if (this.firstNode == node) return - - this.remove(node) - - if (this.firstNode == null) { - this.firstNode = node - this.lastNode = node - node.prev = null - = null - } else { - node.prev = null - = this.firstNode - = node - this.firstNode = node - } -} - -DoublyLinkedList.prototype.pop = function() { - var lastNode = this.lastNode - if (lastNode != null) { - this.remove(lastNode) - } - return lastNode -} - -DoublyLinkedList.prototype.remove = function(node) { - if (this.firstNode == node) { - this.firstNode = - } else if (node.prev != null) { - = - } - if (this.lastNode == node) { - this.lastNode = node.prev - } else if ( != null) { - = node.prev - } -} - - -function DoublyLinkedNode(key, val) { - this.key = key - this.val = val - this.prev = null - = null -} diff --git a/node_modules/aws4/package.json b/node_modules/aws4/package.json deleted file mode 100644 index 424598d4a1486..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/aws4/package.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -{ - "name": "aws4", - "version": "1.11.0", - "description": "Signs and prepares requests using AWS Signature Version 4", - "author": "Michael Hart (", - "license": "MIT", - "repository": "github:mhart/aws4", - "main": "aws4.js", - "scripts": { - "test": "mocha ./test/fast.js -R list", - "integration": "node ./test/slow.js" - }, - "devDependencies": { - "mocha": "^2.5.3", - "should": "^8.4.0" - } -} diff --git a/node_modules/bcrypt-pbkdf/ b/node_modules/bcrypt-pbkdf/ deleted file mode 100644 index 401d34ed5c7a3..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/bcrypt-pbkdf/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -# Contributing - -This repository uses []( (Gerrit) for new -changes. Anyone can submit changes. To get started, see the [ user -guide]( -This repo does not use GitHub pull requests. - -See the [Joyent Engineering -Guidelines]( for general -best practices expected in this repository. - -If you're changing something non-trivial or user-facing, you may want to submit -an issue first. diff --git a/node_modules/bcrypt-pbkdf/LICENSE b/node_modules/bcrypt-pbkdf/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index fc58d2ab15bfc..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/bcrypt-pbkdf/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -The Blowfish portions are under the following license: - -Blowfish block cipher for OpenBSD -Copyright 1997 Niels Provos -All rights reserved. - -Implementation advice by David Mazieres . - -Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -are met: -1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the - documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products - derived from this software without specific prior written permission. - -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES -OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. -IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, -INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT -NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF -THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - - - -The bcrypt_pbkdf portions are under the following license: - -Copyright (c) 2013 Ted Unangst - -Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any -purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above -copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR -ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES -WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN -ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF -OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. - - - -Performance improvements (Javascript-specific): - -Copyright 2016, Joyent Inc -Author: Alex Wilson - -Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any -purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above -copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR -ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES -WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN -ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF -OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. diff --git a/node_modules/bcrypt-pbkdf/index.js b/node_modules/bcrypt-pbkdf/index.js deleted file mode 100644 index b1b5ad4b7892e..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/bcrypt-pbkdf/index.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,556 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var crypto_hash_sha512 = require('tweetnacl').lowlevel.crypto_hash; - -/* - * This file is a 1:1 port from the OpenBSD blowfish.c and bcrypt_pbkdf.c. As a - * result, it retains the original copyright and license. The two files are - * under slightly different (but compatible) licenses, and are here combined in - * one file. - * - * Credit for the actual porting work goes to: - * Devi Mandiri - */ - -/* - * The Blowfish portions are under the following license: - * - * Blowfish block cipher for OpenBSD - * Copyright 1997 Niels Provos - * All rights reserved. - * - * Implementation advice by David Mazieres . - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - * are met: - * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright - * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the - * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products - * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. - * - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR - * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES - * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. - * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, - * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT - * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY - * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT - * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF - * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - */ - -/* - * The bcrypt_pbkdf portions are under the following license: - * - * Copyright (c) 2013 Ted Unangst - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any - * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above - * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES - * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF - * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES - * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN - * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF - * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * Performance improvements (Javascript-specific): - * - * Copyright 2016, Joyent Inc - * Author: Alex Wilson - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any - * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above - * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES - * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF - * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES - * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN - * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF - * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -// Ported from OpenBSD bcrypt_pbkdf.c v1.9 - -var BLF_J = 0; - -var Blowfish = function() { - this.S = [ - new Uint32Array([ - 0xd1310ba6, 0x98dfb5ac, 0x2ffd72db, 0xd01adfb7, - 0xb8e1afed, 0x6a267e96, 0xba7c9045, 0xf12c7f99, - 0x24a19947, 0xb3916cf7, 0x0801f2e2, 0x858efc16, - 0x636920d8, 0x71574e69, 0xa458fea3, 0xf4933d7e, - 0x0d95748f, 0x728eb658, 0x718bcd58, 0x82154aee, - 0x7b54a41d, 0xc25a59b5, 0x9c30d539, 0x2af26013, - 0xc5d1b023, 0x286085f0, 0xca417918, 0xb8db38ef, - 0x8e79dcb0, 0x603a180e, 0x6c9e0e8b, 0xb01e8a3e, - 0xd71577c1, 0xbd314b27, 0x78af2fda, 0x55605c60, - 0xe65525f3, 0xaa55ab94, 0x57489862, 0x63e81440, - 0x55ca396a, 0x2aab10b6, 0xb4cc5c34, 0x1141e8ce, - 0xa15486af, 0x7c72e993, 0xb3ee1411, 0x636fbc2a, - 0x2ba9c55d, 0x741831f6, 0xce5c3e16, 0x9b87931e, - 0xafd6ba33, 0x6c24cf5c, 0x7a325381, 0x28958677, - 0x3b8f4898, 0x6b4bb9af, 0xc4bfe81b, 0x66282193, - 0x61d809cc, 0xfb21a991, 0x487cac60, 0x5dec8032, - 0xef845d5d, 0xe98575b1, 0xdc262302, 0xeb651b88, - 0x23893e81, 0xd396acc5, 0x0f6d6ff3, 0x83f44239, - 0x2e0b4482, 0xa4842004, 0x69c8f04a, 0x9e1f9b5e, - 0x21c66842, 0xf6e96c9a, 0x670c9c61, 0xabd388f0, - 0x6a51a0d2, 0xd8542f68, 0x960fa728, 0xab5133a3, - 0x6eef0b6c, 0x137a3be4, 0xba3bf050, 0x7efb2a98, - 0xa1f1651d, 0x39af0176, 0x66ca593e, 0x82430e88, - 0x8cee8619, 0x456f9fb4, 0x7d84a5c3, 0x3b8b5ebe, - 0xe06f75d8, 0x85c12073, 0x401a449f, 0x56c16aa6, - 0x4ed3aa62, 0x363f7706, 0x1bfedf72, 0x429b023d, - 0x37d0d724, 0xd00a1248, 0xdb0fead3, 0x49f1c09b, - 0x075372c9, 0x80991b7b, 0x25d479d8, 0xf6e8def7, - 0xe3fe501a, 0xb6794c3b, 0x976ce0bd, 0x04c006ba, - 0xc1a94fb6, 0x409f60c4, 0x5e5c9ec2, 0x196a2463, - 0x68fb6faf, 0x3e6c53b5, 0x1339b2eb, 0x3b52ec6f, - 0x6dfc511f, 0x9b30952c, 0xcc814544, 0xaf5ebd09, - 0xbee3d004, 0xde334afd, 0x660f2807, 0x192e4bb3, - 0xc0cba857, 0x45c8740f, 0xd20b5f39, 0xb9d3fbdb, - 0x5579c0bd, 0x1a60320a, 0xd6a100c6, 0x402c7279, - 0x679f25fe, 0xfb1fa3cc, 0x8ea5e9f8, 0xdb3222f8, - 0x3c7516df, 0xfd616b15, 0x2f501ec8, 0xad0552ab, - 0x323db5fa, 0xfd238760, 0x53317b48, 0x3e00df82, - 0x9e5c57bb, 0xca6f8ca0, 0x1a87562e, 0xdf1769db, - 0xd542a8f6, 0x287effc3, 0xac6732c6, 0x8c4f5573, - 0x695b27b0, 0xbbca58c8, 0xe1ffa35d, 0xb8f011a0, - 0x10fa3d98, 0xfd2183b8, 0x4afcb56c, 0x2dd1d35b, - 0x9a53e479, 0xb6f84565, 0xd28e49bc, 0x4bfb9790, - 0xe1ddf2da, 0xa4cb7e33, 0x62fb1341, 0xcee4c6e8, - 0xef20cada, 0x36774c01, 0xd07e9efe, 0x2bf11fb4, - 0x95dbda4d, 0xae909198, 0xeaad8e71, 0x6b93d5a0, - 0xd08ed1d0, 0xafc725e0, 0x8e3c5b2f, 0x8e7594b7, - 0x8ff6e2fb, 0xf2122b64, 0x8888b812, 0x900df01c, - 0x4fad5ea0, 0x688fc31c, 0xd1cff191, 0xb3a8c1ad, - 0x2f2f2218, 0xbe0e1777, 0xea752dfe, 0x8b021fa1, - 0xe5a0cc0f, 0xb56f74e8, 0x18acf3d6, 0xce89e299, - 0xb4a84fe0, 0xfd13e0b7, 0x7cc43b81, 0xd2ada8d9, - 0x165fa266, 0x80957705, 0x93cc7314, 0x211a1477, - 0xe6ad2065, 0x77b5fa86, 0xc75442f5, 0xfb9d35cf, - 0xebcdaf0c, 0x7b3e89a0, 0xd6411bd3, 0xae1e7e49, - 0x00250e2d, 0x2071b35e, 0x226800bb, 0x57b8e0af, - 0x2464369b, 0xf009b91e, 0x5563911d, 0x59dfa6aa, - 0x78c14389, 0xd95a537f, 0x207d5ba2, 0x02e5b9c5, - 0x83260376, 0x6295cfa9, 0x11c81968, 0x4e734a41, - 0xb3472dca, 0x7b14a94a, 0x1b510052, 0x9a532915, - 0xd60f573f, 0xbc9bc6e4, 0x2b60a476, 0x81e67400, - 0x08ba6fb5, 0x571be91f, 0xf296ec6b, 0x2a0dd915, - 0xb6636521, 0xe7b9f9b6, 0xff34052e, 0xc5855664, - 0x53b02d5d, 0xa99f8fa1, 0x08ba4799, 0x6e85076a]), - new Uint32Array([ - 0x4b7a70e9, 0xb5b32944, 0xdb75092e, 0xc4192623, - 0xad6ea6b0, 0x49a7df7d, 0x9cee60b8, 0x8fedb266, - 0xecaa8c71, 0x699a17ff, 0x5664526c, 0xc2b19ee1, - 0x193602a5, 0x75094c29, 0xa0591340, 0xe4183a3e, - 0x3f54989a, 0x5b429d65, 0x6b8fe4d6, 0x99f73fd6, - 0xa1d29c07, 0xefe830f5, 0x4d2d38e6, 0xf0255dc1, - 0x4cdd2086, 0x8470eb26, 0x6382e9c6, 0x021ecc5e, - 0x09686b3f, 0x3ebaefc9, 0x3c971814, 0x6b6a70a1, - 0x687f3584, 0x52a0e286, 0xb79c5305, 0xaa500737, - 0x3e07841c, 0x7fdeae5c, 0x8e7d44ec, 0x5716f2b8, - 0xb03ada37, 0xf0500c0d, 0xf01c1f04, 0x0200b3ff, - 0xae0cf51a, 0x3cb574b2, 0x25837a58, 0xdc0921bd, - 0xd19113f9, 0x7ca92ff6, 0x94324773, 0x22f54701, - 0x3ae5e581, 0x37c2dadc, 0xc8b57634, 0x9af3dda7, - 0xa9446146, 0x0fd0030e, 0xecc8c73e, 0xa4751e41, - 0xe238cd99, 0x3bea0e2f, 0x3280bba1, 0x183eb331, - 0x4e548b38, 0x4f6db908, 0x6f420d03, 0xf60a04bf, - 0x2cb81290, 0x24977c79, 0x5679b072, 0xbcaf89af, - 0xde9a771f, 0xd9930810, 0xb38bae12, 0xdccf3f2e, - 0x5512721f, 0x2e6b7124, 0x501adde6, 0x9f84cd87, - 0x7a584718, 0x7408da17, 0xbc9f9abc, 0xe94b7d8c, - 0xec7aec3a, 0xdb851dfa, 0x63094366, 0xc464c3d2, - 0xef1c1847, 0x3215d908, 0xdd433b37, 0x24c2ba16, - 0x12a14d43, 0x2a65c451, 0x50940002, 0x133ae4dd, - 0x71dff89e, 0x10314e55, 0x81ac77d6, 0x5f11199b, - 0x043556f1, 0xd7a3c76b, 0x3c11183b, 0x5924a509, - 0xf28fe6ed, 0x97f1fbfa, 0x9ebabf2c, 0x1e153c6e, - 0x86e34570, 0xeae96fb1, 0x860e5e0a, 0x5a3e2ab3, - 0x771fe71c, 0x4e3d06fa, 0x2965dcb9, 0x99e71d0f, - 0x803e89d6, 0x5266c825, 0x2e4cc978, 0x9c10b36a, - 0xc6150eba, 0x94e2ea78, 0xa5fc3c53, 0x1e0a2df4, - 0xf2f74ea7, 0x361d2b3d, 0x1939260f, 0x19c27960, - 0x5223a708, 0xf71312b6, 0xebadfe6e, 0xeac31f66, - 0xe3bc4595, 0xa67bc883, 0xb17f37d1, 0x018cff28, - 0xc332ddef, 0xbe6c5aa5, 0x65582185, 0x68ab9802, - 0xeecea50f, 0xdb2f953b, 0x2aef7dad, 0x5b6e2f84, - 0x1521b628, 0x29076170, 0xecdd4775, 0x619f1510, - 0x13cca830, 0xeb61bd96, 0x0334fe1e, 0xaa0363cf, - 0xb5735c90, 0x4c70a239, 0xd59e9e0b, 0xcbaade14, - 0xeecc86bc, 0x60622ca7, 0x9cab5cab, 0xb2f3846e, - 0x648b1eaf, 0x19bdf0ca, 0xa02369b9, 0x655abb50, - 0x40685a32, 0x3c2ab4b3, 0x319ee9d5, 0xc021b8f7, - 0x9b540b19, 0x875fa099, 0x95f7997e, 0x623d7da8, - 0xf837889a, 0x97e32d77, 0x11ed935f, 0x16681281, - 0x0e358829, 0xc7e61fd6, 0x96dedfa1, 0x7858ba99, - 0x57f584a5, 0x1b227263, 0x9b83c3ff, 0x1ac24696, - 0xcdb30aeb, 0x532e3054, 0x8fd948e4, 0x6dbc3128, - 0x58ebf2ef, 0x34c6ffea, 0xfe28ed61, 0xee7c3c73, - 0x5d4a14d9, 0xe864b7e3, 0x42105d14, 0x203e13e0, - 0x45eee2b6, 0xa3aaabea, 0xdb6c4f15, 0xfacb4fd0, - 0xc742f442, 0xef6abbb5, 0x654f3b1d, 0x41cd2105, - 0xd81e799e, 0x86854dc7, 0xe44b476a, 0x3d816250, - 0xcf62a1f2, 0x5b8d2646, 0xfc8883a0, 0xc1c7b6a3, - 0x7f1524c3, 0x69cb7492, 0x47848a0b, 0x5692b285, - 0x095bbf00, 0xad19489d, 0x1462b174, 0x23820e00, - 0x58428d2a, 0x0c55f5ea, 0x1dadf43e, 0x233f7061, - 0x3372f092, 0x8d937e41, 0xd65fecf1, 0x6c223bdb, - 0x7cde3759, 0xcbee7460, 0x4085f2a7, 0xce77326e, - 0xa6078084, 0x19f8509e, 0xe8efd855, 0x61d99735, - 0xa969a7aa, 0xc50c06c2, 0x5a04abfc, 0x800bcadc, - 0x9e447a2e, 0xc3453484, 0xfdd56705, 0x0e1e9ec9, - 0xdb73dbd3, 0x105588cd, 0x675fda79, 0xe3674340, - 0xc5c43465, 0x713e38d8, 0x3d28f89e, 0xf16dff20, - 0x153e21e7, 0x8fb03d4a, 0xe6e39f2b, 0xdb83adf7]), - new Uint32Array([ - 0xe93d5a68, 0x948140f7, 0xf64c261c, 0x94692934, - 0x411520f7, 0x7602d4f7, 0xbcf46b2e, 0xd4a20068, - 0xd4082471, 0x3320f46a, 0x43b7d4b7, 0x500061af, - 0x1e39f62e, 0x97244546, 0x14214f74, 0xbf8b8840, - 0x4d95fc1d, 0x96b591af, 0x70f4ddd3, 0x66a02f45, - 0xbfbc09ec, 0x03bd9785, 0x7fac6dd0, 0x31cb8504, - 0x96eb27b3, 0x55fd3941, 0xda2547e6, 0xabca0a9a, - 0x28507825, 0x530429f4, 0x0a2c86da, 0xe9b66dfb, - 0x68dc1462, 0xd7486900, 0x680ec0a4, 0x27a18dee, - 0x4f3ffea2, 0xe887ad8c, 0xb58ce006, 0x7af4d6b6, - 0xaace1e7c, 0xd3375fec, 0xce78a399, 0x406b2a42, - 0x20fe9e35, 0xd9f385b9, 0xee39d7ab, 0x3b124e8b, - 0x1dc9faf7, 0x4b6d1856, 0x26a36631, 0xeae397b2, - 0x3a6efa74, 0xdd5b4332, 0x6841e7f7, 0xca7820fb, - 0xfb0af54e, 0xd8feb397, 0x454056ac, 0xba489527, - 0x55533a3a, 0x20838d87, 0xfe6ba9b7, 0xd096954b, - 0x55a867bc, 0xa1159a58, 0xcca92963, 0x99e1db33, - 0xa62a4a56, 0x3f3125f9, 0x5ef47e1c, 0x9029317c, - 0xfdf8e802, 0x04272f70, 0x80bb155c, 0x05282ce3, - 0x95c11548, 0xe4c66d22, 0x48c1133f, 0xc70f86dc, - 0x07f9c9ee, 0x41041f0f, 0x404779a4, 0x5d886e17, - 0x325f51eb, 0xd59bc0d1, 0xf2bcc18f, 0x41113564, - 0x257b7834, 0x602a9c60, 0xdff8e8a3, 0x1f636c1b, - 0x0e12b4c2, 0x02e1329e, 0xaf664fd1, 0xcad18115, - 0x6b2395e0, 0x333e92e1, 0x3b240b62, 0xeebeb922, - 0x85b2a20e, 0xe6ba0d99, 0xde720c8c, 0x2da2f728, - 0xd0127845, 0x95b794fd, 0x647d0862, 0xe7ccf5f0, - 0x5449a36f, 0x877d48fa, 0xc39dfd27, 0xf33e8d1e, - 0x0a476341, 0x992eff74, 0x3a6f6eab, 0xf4f8fd37, - 0xa812dc60, 0xa1ebddf8, 0x991be14c, 0xdb6e6b0d, - 0xc67b5510, 0x6d672c37, 0x2765d43b, 0xdcd0e804, - 0xf1290dc7, 0xcc00ffa3, 0xb5390f92, 0x690fed0b, - 0x667b9ffb, 0xcedb7d9c, 0xa091cf0b, 0xd9155ea3, - 0xbb132f88, 0x515bad24, 0x7b9479bf, 0x763bd6eb, - 0x37392eb3, 0xcc115979, 0x8026e297, 0xf42e312d, - 0x6842ada7, 0xc66a2b3b, 0x12754ccc, 0x782ef11c, - 0x6a124237, 0xb79251e7, 0x06a1bbe6, 0x4bfb6350, - 0x1a6b1018, 0x11caedfa, 0x3d25bdd8, 0xe2e1c3c9, - 0x44421659, 0x0a121386, 0xd90cec6e, 0xd5abea2a, - 0x64af674e, 0xda86a85f, 0xbebfe988, 0x64e4c3fe, - 0x9dbc8057, 0xf0f7c086, 0x60787bf8, 0x6003604d, - 0xd1fd8346, 0xf6381fb0, 0x7745ae04, 0xd736fccc, - 0x83426b33, 0xf01eab71, 0xb0804187, 0x3c005e5f, - 0x77a057be, 0xbde8ae24, 0x55464299, 0xbf582e61, - 0x4e58f48f, 0xf2ddfda2, 0xf474ef38, 0x8789bdc2, - 0x5366f9c3, 0xc8b38e74, 0xb475f255, 0x46fcd9b9, - 0x7aeb2661, 0x8b1ddf84, 0x846a0e79, 0x915f95e2, - 0x466e598e, 0x20b45770, 0x8cd55591, 0xc902de4c, - 0xb90bace1, 0xbb8205d0, 0x11a86248, 0x7574a99e, - 0xb77f19b6, 0xe0a9dc09, 0x662d09a1, 0xc4324633, - 0xe85a1f02, 0x09f0be8c, 0x4a99a025, 0x1d6efe10, - 0x1ab93d1d, 0x0ba5a4df, 0xa186f20f, 0x2868f169, - 0xdcb7da83, 0x573906fe, 0xa1e2ce9b, 0x4fcd7f52, - 0x50115e01, 0xa70683fa, 0xa002b5c4, 0x0de6d027, - 0x9af88c27, 0x773f8641, 0xc3604c06, 0x61a806b5, - 0xf0177a28, 0xc0f586e0, 0x006058aa, 0x30dc7d62, - 0x11e69ed7, 0x2338ea63, 0x53c2dd94, 0xc2c21634, - 0xbbcbee56, 0x90bcb6de, 0xebfc7da1, 0xce591d76, - 0x6f05e409, 0x4b7c0188, 0x39720a3d, 0x7c927c24, - 0x86e3725f, 0x724d9db9, 0x1ac15bb4, 0xd39eb8fc, - 0xed545578, 0x08fca5b5, 0xd83d7cd3, 0x4dad0fc4, - 0x1e50ef5e, 0xb161e6f8, 0xa28514d9, 0x6c51133c, - 0x6fd5c7e7, 0x56e14ec4, 0x362abfce, 0xddc6c837, - 0xd79a3234, 0x92638212, 0x670efa8e, 0x406000e0]), - new Uint32Array([ - 0x3a39ce37, 0xd3faf5cf, 0xabc27737, 0x5ac52d1b, - 0x5cb0679e, 0x4fa33742, 0xd3822740, 0x99bc9bbe, - 0xd5118e9d, 0xbf0f7315, 0xd62d1c7e, 0xc700c47b, - 0xb78c1b6b, 0x21a19045, 0xb26eb1be, 0x6a366eb4, - 0x5748ab2f, 0xbc946e79, 0xc6a376d2, 0x6549c2c8, - 0x530ff8ee, 0x468dde7d, 0xd5730a1d, 0x4cd04dc6, - 0x2939bbdb, 0xa9ba4650, 0xac9526e8, 0xbe5ee304, - 0xa1fad5f0, 0x6a2d519a, 0x63ef8ce2, 0x9a86ee22, - 0xc089c2b8, 0x43242ef6, 0xa51e03aa, 0x9cf2d0a4, - 0x83c061ba, 0x9be96a4d, 0x8fe51550, 0xba645bd6, - 0x2826a2f9, 0xa73a3ae1, 0x4ba99586, 0xef5562e9, - 0xc72fefd3, 0xf752f7da, 0x3f046f69, 0x77fa0a59, - 0x80e4a915, 0x87b08601, 0x9b09e6ad, 0x3b3ee593, - 0xe990fd5a, 0x9e34d797, 0x2cf0b7d9, 0x022b8b51, - 0x96d5ac3a, 0x017da67d, 0xd1cf3ed6, 0x7c7d2d28, - 0x1f9f25cf, 0xadf2b89b, 0x5ad6b472, 0x5a88f54c, - 0xe029ac71, 0xe019a5e6, 0x47b0acfd, 0xed93fa9b, - 0xe8d3c48d, 0x283b57cc, 0xf8d56629, 0x79132e28, - 0x785f0191, 0xed756055, 0xf7960e44, 0xe3d35e8c, - 0x15056dd4, 0x88f46dba, 0x03a16125, 0x0564f0bd, - 0xc3eb9e15, 0x3c9057a2, 0x97271aec, 0xa93a072a, - 0x1b3f6d9b, 0x1e6321f5, 0xf59c66fb, 0x26dcf319, - 0x7533d928, 0xb155fdf5, 0x03563482, 0x8aba3cbb, - 0x28517711, 0xc20ad9f8, 0xabcc5167, 0xccad925f, - 0x4de81751, 0x3830dc8e, 0x379d5862, 0x9320f991, - 0xea7a90c2, 0xfb3e7bce, 0x5121ce64, 0x774fbe32, - 0xa8b6e37e, 0xc3293d46, 0x48de5369, 0x6413e680, - 0xa2ae0810, 0xdd6db224, 0x69852dfd, 0x09072166, - 0xb39a460a, 0x6445c0dd, 0x586cdecf, 0x1c20c8ae, - 0x5bbef7dd, 0x1b588d40, 0xccd2017f, 0x6bb4e3bb, - 0xdda26a7e, 0x3a59ff45, 0x3e350a44, 0xbcb4cdd5, - 0x72eacea8, 0xfa6484bb, 0x8d6612ae, 0xbf3c6f47, - 0xd29be463, 0x542f5d9e, 0xaec2771b, 0xf64e6370, - 0x740e0d8d, 0xe75b1357, 0xf8721671, 0xaf537d5d, - 0x4040cb08, 0x4eb4e2cc, 0x34d2466a, 0x0115af84, - 0xe1b00428, 0x95983a1d, 0x06b89fb4, 0xce6ea048, - 0x6f3f3b82, 0x3520ab82, 0x011a1d4b, 0x277227f8, - 0x611560b1, 0xe7933fdc, 0xbb3a792b, 0x344525bd, - 0xa08839e1, 0x51ce794b, 0x2f32c9b7, 0xa01fbac9, - 0xe01cc87e, 0xbcc7d1f6, 0xcf0111c3, 0xa1e8aac7, - 0x1a908749, 0xd44fbd9a, 0xd0dadecb, 0xd50ada38, - 0x0339c32a, 0xc6913667, 0x8df9317c, 0xe0b12b4f, - 0xf79e59b7, 0x43f5bb3a, 0xf2d519ff, 0x27d9459c, - 0xbf97222c, 0x15e6fc2a, 0x0f91fc71, 0x9b941525, - 0xfae59361, 0xceb69ceb, 0xc2a86459, 0x12baa8d1, - 0xb6c1075e, 0xe3056a0c, 0x10d25065, 0xcb03a442, - 0xe0ec6e0e, 0x1698db3b, 0x4c98a0be, 0x3278e964, - 0x9f1f9532, 0xe0d392df, 0xd3a0342b, 0x8971f21e, - 0x1b0a7441, 0x4ba3348c, 0xc5be7120, 0xc37632d8, - 0xdf359f8d, 0x9b992f2e, 0xe60b6f47, 0x0fe3f11d, - 0xe54cda54, 0x1edad891, 0xce6279cf, 0xcd3e7e6f, - 0x1618b166, 0xfd2c1d05, 0x848fd2c5, 0xf6fb2299, - 0xf523f357, 0xa6327623, 0x93a83531, 0x56cccd02, - 0xacf08162, 0x5a75ebb5, 0x6e163697, 0x88d273cc, - 0xde966292, 0x81b949d0, 0x4c50901b, 0x71c65614, - 0xe6c6c7bd, 0x327a140a, 0x45e1d006, 0xc3f27b9a, - 0xc9aa53fd, 0x62a80f00, 0xbb25bfe2, 0x35bdd2f6, - 0x71126905, 0xb2040222, 0xb6cbcf7c, 0xcd769c2b, - 0x53113ec0, 0x1640e3d3, 0x38abbd60, 0x2547adf0, - 0xba38209c, 0xf746ce76, 0x77afa1c5, 0x20756060, - 0x85cbfe4e, 0x8ae88dd8, 0x7aaaf9b0, 0x4cf9aa7e, - 0x1948c25c, 0x02fb8a8c, 0x01c36ae4, 0xd6ebe1f9, - 0x90d4f869, 0xa65cdea0, 0x3f09252d, 0xc208e69f, - 0xb74e6132, 0xce77e25b, 0x578fdfe3, 0x3ac372e6]) - ]; - this.P = new Uint32Array([ - 0x243f6a88, 0x85a308d3, 0x13198a2e, 0x03707344, - 0xa4093822, 0x299f31d0, 0x082efa98, 0xec4e6c89, - 0x452821e6, 0x38d01377, 0xbe5466cf, 0x34e90c6c, - 0xc0ac29b7, 0xc97c50dd, 0x3f84d5b5, 0xb5470917, - 0x9216d5d9, 0x8979fb1b]); -}; - -function F(S, x8, i) { - return (((S[0][x8[i+3]] + - S[1][x8[i+2]]) ^ - S[2][x8[i+1]]) + - S[3][x8[i]]); -}; - -Blowfish.prototype.encipher = function(x, x8) { - if (x8 === undefined) { - x8 = new Uint8Array(x.buffer); - if (x.byteOffset !== 0) - x8 = x8.subarray(x.byteOffset); - } - x[0] ^= this.P[0]; - for (var i = 1; i < 16; i += 2) { - x[1] ^= F(this.S, x8, 0) ^ this.P[i]; - x[0] ^= F(this.S, x8, 4) ^ this.P[i+1]; - } - var t = x[0]; - x[0] = x[1] ^ this.P[17]; - x[1] = t; -}; - -Blowfish.prototype.decipher = function(x) { - var x8 = new Uint8Array(x.buffer); - if (x.byteOffset !== 0) - x8 = x8.subarray(x.byteOffset); - x[0] ^= this.P[17]; - for (var i = 16; i > 0; i -= 2) { - x[1] ^= F(this.S, x8, 0) ^ this.P[i]; - x[0] ^= F(this.S, x8, 4) ^ this.P[i-1]; - } - var t = x[0]; - x[0] = x[1] ^ this.P[0]; - x[1] = t; -}; - -function stream2word(data, databytes){ - var i, temp = 0; - for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, BLF_J++) { - if (BLF_J >= databytes) BLF_J = 0; - temp = (temp << 8) | data[BLF_J]; - } - return temp; -}; - -Blowfish.prototype.expand0state = function(key, keybytes) { - var d = new Uint32Array(2), i, k; - var d8 = new Uint8Array(d.buffer); - - for (i = 0, BLF_J = 0; i < 18; i++) { - this.P[i] ^= stream2word(key, keybytes); - } - BLF_J = 0; - - for (i = 0; i < 18; i += 2) { - this.encipher(d, d8); - this.P[i] = d[0]; - this.P[i+1] = d[1]; - } - - for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - for (k = 0; k < 256; k += 2) { - this.encipher(d, d8); - this.S[i][k] = d[0]; - this.S[i][k+1] = d[1]; - } - } -}; - -Blowfish.prototype.expandstate = function(data, databytes, key, keybytes) { - var d = new Uint32Array(2), i, k; - - for (i = 0, BLF_J = 0; i < 18; i++) { - this.P[i] ^= stream2word(key, keybytes); - } - - for (i = 0, BLF_J = 0; i < 18; i += 2) { - d[0] ^= stream2word(data, databytes); - d[1] ^= stream2word(data, databytes); - this.encipher(d); - this.P[i] = d[0]; - this.P[i+1] = d[1]; - } - - for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - for (k = 0; k < 256; k += 2) { - d[0] ^= stream2word(data, databytes); - d[1] ^= stream2word(data, databytes); - this.encipher(d); - this.S[i][k] = d[0]; - this.S[i][k+1] = d[1]; - } - } - BLF_J = 0; -}; - -Blowfish.prototype.enc = function(data, blocks) { - for (var i = 0; i < blocks; i++) { - this.encipher(data.subarray(i*2)); - } -}; - -Blowfish.prototype.dec = function(data, blocks) { - for (var i = 0; i < blocks; i++) { - this.decipher(data.subarray(i*2)); - } -}; - -var BCRYPT_BLOCKS = 8, - BCRYPT_HASHSIZE = 32; - -function bcrypt_hash(sha2pass, sha2salt, out) { - var state = new Blowfish(), - cdata = new Uint32Array(BCRYPT_BLOCKS), i, - ciphertext = new Uint8Array([79,120,121,99,104,114,111,109,97,116,105, - 99,66,108,111,119,102,105,115,104,83,119,97,116,68,121,110,97,109, - 105,116,101]); //"OxychromaticBlowfishSwatDynamite" - - state.expandstate(sha2salt, 64, sha2pass, 64); - for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { - state.expand0state(sha2salt, 64); - state.expand0state(sha2pass, 64); - } - - for (i = 0; i < BCRYPT_BLOCKS; i++) - cdata[i] = stream2word(ciphertext, ciphertext.byteLength); - for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) - state.enc(cdata, cdata.byteLength / 8); - - for (i = 0; i < BCRYPT_BLOCKS; i++) { - out[4*i+3] = cdata[i] >>> 24; - out[4*i+2] = cdata[i] >>> 16; - out[4*i+1] = cdata[i] >>> 8; - out[4*i+0] = cdata[i]; - } -}; - -function bcrypt_pbkdf(pass, passlen, salt, saltlen, key, keylen, rounds) { - var sha2pass = new Uint8Array(64), - sha2salt = new Uint8Array(64), - out = new Uint8Array(BCRYPT_HASHSIZE), - tmpout = new Uint8Array(BCRYPT_HASHSIZE), - countsalt = new Uint8Array(saltlen+4), - i, j, amt, stride, dest, count, - origkeylen = keylen; - - if (rounds < 1) - return -1; - if (passlen === 0 || saltlen === 0 || keylen === 0 || - keylen > (out.byteLength * out.byteLength) || saltlen > (1<<20)) - return -1; - - stride = Math.floor((keylen + out.byteLength - 1) / out.byteLength); - amt = Math.floor((keylen + stride - 1) / stride); - - for (i = 0; i < saltlen; i++) - countsalt[i] = salt[i]; - - crypto_hash_sha512(sha2pass, pass, passlen); - - for (count = 1; keylen > 0; count++) { - countsalt[saltlen+0] = count >>> 24; - countsalt[saltlen+1] = count >>> 16; - countsalt[saltlen+2] = count >>> 8; - countsalt[saltlen+3] = count; - - crypto_hash_sha512(sha2salt, countsalt, saltlen + 4); - bcrypt_hash(sha2pass, sha2salt, tmpout); - for (i = out.byteLength; i--;) - out[i] = tmpout[i]; - - for (i = 1; i < rounds; i++) { - crypto_hash_sha512(sha2salt, tmpout, tmpout.byteLength); - bcrypt_hash(sha2pass, sha2salt, tmpout); - for (j = 0; j < out.byteLength; j++) - out[j] ^= tmpout[j]; - } - - amt = Math.min(amt, keylen); - for (i = 0; i < amt; i++) { - dest = i * stride + (count - 1); - if (dest >= origkeylen) - break; - key[dest] = out[i]; - } - keylen -= i; - } - - return 0; -}; - -module.exports = { - BLOCKS: BCRYPT_BLOCKS, - HASHSIZE: BCRYPT_HASHSIZE, - hash: bcrypt_hash, - pbkdf: bcrypt_pbkdf -}; diff --git a/node_modules/bcrypt-pbkdf/package.json b/node_modules/bcrypt-pbkdf/package.json deleted file mode 100644 index e93a969b0b731..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/bcrypt-pbkdf/package.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -{ - "name": "bcrypt-pbkdf", - "version": "1.0.2", - "description": "Port of the OpenBSD bcrypt_pbkdf function to pure JS", - "repository": { - "type": "git", - "url": "git://" - }, - "main": "index.js", - "dependencies": { - "tweetnacl": "^0.14.3" - }, - "devDependencies": {}, - "license": "BSD-3-Clause" -} diff --git a/node_modules/caseless/LICENSE b/node_modules/caseless/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 61789f4a4f858..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/caseless/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -Apache License -Version 2.0, January 2004 - -TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION -1. Definitions. -"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. -"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. -"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. -"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. -"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. -"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. -"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). -"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof. -"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." -"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work. -2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. -3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. -4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions: -You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and -You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and -You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and -If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License. -5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions. -6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. -7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. -8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. -9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. -END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/node_modules/caseless/index.js b/node_modules/caseless/index.js deleted file mode 100644 index b194734ee4e8d..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/caseless/index.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -function Caseless (dict) { - this.dict = dict || {} -} -Caseless.prototype.set = function (name, value, clobber) { - if (typeof name === 'object') { - for (var i in name) { - this.set(i, name[i], value) - } - } else { - if (typeof clobber === 'undefined') clobber = true - var has = this.has(name) - - if (!clobber && has) this.dict[has] = this.dict[has] + ',' + value - else this.dict[has || name] = value - return has - } -} -Caseless.prototype.has = function (name) { - var keys = Object.keys(this.dict) - , name = name.toLowerCase() - ; - for (var i=0;i", - "license": "Apache-2.0", - "bugs": { - "url": "" - }, - "devDependencies": { - "tape": "^2.10.2" - } -} diff --git a/node_modules/caseless/test.js b/node_modules/caseless/test.js deleted file mode 100644 index f55196cc07949..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/caseless/test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -var tape = require('tape') - , caseless = require('./') - ; - -tape('set get has', function (t) { - var headers = {} - , c = caseless(headers) - ; - t.plan(17) - c.set('a-Header', 'asdf') - t.equal(c.get('a-header'), 'asdf') - t.equal(c.has('a-header'), 'a-Header') - t.ok(!c.has('nothing')) - // old bug where we used the wrong regex - t.ok(!c.has('a-hea')) - c.set('a-header', 'fdsa') - t.equal(c.get('a-header'), 'fdsa') - t.equal(c.get('a-Header'), 'fdsa') - c.set('a-HEADER', 'more', false) - t.equal(c.get('a-header'), 'fdsa,more') - - t.deepEqual(headers, {'a-Header': 'fdsa,more'}) - c.swap('a-HEADER') - t.deepEqual(headers, {'a-HEADER': 'fdsa,more'}) - - c.set('deleteme', 'foobar') - t.ok(c.has('deleteme')) - t.ok(c.del('deleteme')) - t.notOk(c.has('deleteme')) - t.notOk(c.has('idonotexist')) - t.ok(c.del('idonotexist')) - - c.set('tva', 'test1') - c.set('tva-header', 'test2') - t.equal(c.has('tva'), 'tva') - t.notOk(c.has('header')) - - t.equal(c.get('tva'), 'test1') - -}) - -tape('swap', function (t) { - var headers = {} - , c = caseless(headers) - ; - t.plan(4) - // No Header to Swap. - t.throws(function () { - c.swap('content-type') - }) - // Set Header. - c.set('content-type', 'application/json') - // Swap Header With Itself. - c.swap('content-type') - // Does Not Delete Itself. - t.ok(c.has('content-type')) - // Swap Header With a Different Header. - c.swap('Content-Type') - // Still Has Header. - t.ok(c.has('Content-Type')) - // Delete Header. - c.del('Content-Type') - // No Header to Swap. - t.throws(function () { - c.swap('content-type') - }) -}) diff --git a/node_modules/combined-stream/License b/node_modules/combined-stream/License deleted file mode 100644 index 4804b7ab411f5..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/combined-stream/License +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -Copyright (c) 2011 Debuggable Limited - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN -THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/node_modules/combined-stream/ b/node_modules/combined-stream/ deleted file mode 100644 index 9e367b5bc5b59..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/combined-stream/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,138 +0,0 @@ -# combined-stream - -A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another. - -**NB** Currently `combined-stream` works with streams version 1 only. There is ongoing effort to switch this library to streams version 2. Any help is welcome. :) Meanwhile you can explore other libraries that provide streams2 support with more or less compatibility with `combined-stream`. - -- [combined-stream2]( A drop-in streams2-compatible replacement for the combined-stream module. - -- [multistream]( A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another. - -## Installation - -``` bash -npm install combined-stream -``` - -## Usage - -Here is a simple example that shows how you can use combined-stream to combine -two files into one: - -``` javascript -var CombinedStream = require('combined-stream'); -var fs = require('fs'); - -var combinedStream = CombinedStream.create(); -combinedStream.append(fs.createReadStream('file1.txt')); -combinedStream.append(fs.createReadStream('file2.txt')); - -combinedStream.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('combined.txt')); -``` - -While the example above works great, it will pause all source streams until -they are needed. If you don't want that to happen, you can set `pauseStreams` -to `false`: - -``` javascript -var CombinedStream = require('combined-stream'); -var fs = require('fs'); - -var combinedStream = CombinedStream.create({pauseStreams: false}); -combinedStream.append(fs.createReadStream('file1.txt')); -combinedStream.append(fs.createReadStream('file2.txt')); - -combinedStream.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('combined.txt')); -``` - -However, what if you don't have all the source streams yet, or you don't want -to allocate the resources (file descriptors, memory, etc.) for them right away? -Well, in that case you can simply provide a callback that supplies the stream -by calling a `next()` function: - -``` javascript -var CombinedStream = require('combined-stream'); -var fs = require('fs'); - -var combinedStream = CombinedStream.create(); -combinedStream.append(function(next) { - next(fs.createReadStream('file1.txt')); -}); -combinedStream.append(function(next) { - next(fs.createReadStream('file2.txt')); -}); - -combinedStream.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('combined.txt')); -``` - -## API - -### CombinedStream.create([options]) - -Returns a new combined stream object. Available options are: - -* `maxDataSize` -* `pauseStreams` - -The effect of those options is described below. - -### combinedStream.pauseStreams = `true` - -Whether to apply back pressure to the underlaying streams. If set to `false`, -the underlaying streams will never be paused. If set to `true`, the -underlaying streams will be paused right after being appended, as well as when -`delayedStream.pipe()` wants to throttle. - -### combinedStream.maxDataSize = `2 * 1024 * 1024` - -The maximum amount of bytes (or characters) to buffer for all source streams. -If this value is exceeded, `combinedStream` emits an `'error'` event. - -### combinedStream.dataSize = `0` - -The amount of bytes (or characters) currently buffered by `combinedStream`. - -### combinedStream.append(stream) - -Appends the given `stream` to the combinedStream object. If `pauseStreams` is -set to `true, this stream will also be paused right away. - -`streams` can also be a function that takes one parameter called `next`. `next` -is a function that must be invoked in order to provide the `next` stream, see -example above. - -Regardless of how the `stream` is appended, combined-stream always attaches an -`'error'` listener to it, so you don't have to do that manually. - -Special case: `stream` can also be a String or Buffer. - -### combinedStream.write(data) - -You should not call this, `combinedStream` takes care of piping the appended -streams into itself for you. - -### combinedStream.resume() - -Causes `combinedStream` to start drain the streams it manages. The function is -idempotent, and also emits a `'resume'` event each time which usually goes to -the stream that is currently being drained. - -### combinedStream.pause(); - -If `combinedStream.pauseStreams` is set to `false`, this does nothing. -Otherwise a `'pause'` event is emitted, this goes to the stream that is -currently being drained, so you can use it to apply back pressure. - -### combinedStream.end(); - -Sets `combinedStream.writable` to false, emits an `'end'` event, and removes -all streams from the queue. - -### combinedStream.destroy(); - -Same as `combinedStream.end()`, except it emits a `'close'` event instead of -`'end'`. - -## License - -combined-stream is licensed under the MIT license. diff --git a/node_modules/combined-stream/lib/combined_stream.js b/node_modules/combined-stream/lib/combined_stream.js deleted file mode 100644 index 125f097f35818..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/combined-stream/lib/combined_stream.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,208 +0,0 @@ -var util = require('util'); -var Stream = require('stream').Stream; -var DelayedStream = require('delayed-stream'); - -module.exports = CombinedStream; -function CombinedStream() { - this.writable = false; - this.readable = true; - this.dataSize = 0; - this.maxDataSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024; - this.pauseStreams = true; - - this._released = false; - this._streams = []; - this._currentStream = null; - this._insideLoop = false; - this._pendingNext = false; -} -util.inherits(CombinedStream, Stream); - -CombinedStream.create = function(options) { - var combinedStream = new this(); - - options = options || {}; - for (var option in options) { - combinedStream[option] = options[option]; - } - - return combinedStream; -}; - -CombinedStream.isStreamLike = function(stream) { - return (typeof stream !== 'function') - && (typeof stream !== 'string') - && (typeof stream !== 'boolean') - && (typeof stream !== 'number') - && (!Buffer.isBuffer(stream)); -}; - -CombinedStream.prototype.append = function(stream) { - var isStreamLike = CombinedStream.isStreamLike(stream); - - if (isStreamLike) { - if (!(stream instanceof DelayedStream)) { - var newStream = DelayedStream.create(stream, { - maxDataSize: Infinity, - pauseStream: this.pauseStreams, - }); - stream.on('data', this._checkDataSize.bind(this)); - stream = newStream; - } - - this._handleErrors(stream); - - if (this.pauseStreams) { - stream.pause(); - } - } - - this._streams.push(stream); - return this; -}; - -CombinedStream.prototype.pipe = function(dest, options) { -, dest, options); - this.resume(); - return dest; -}; - -CombinedStream.prototype._getNext = function() { - this._currentStream = null; - - if (this._insideLoop) { - this._pendingNext = true; - return; // defer call - } - - this._insideLoop = true; - try { - do { - this._pendingNext = false; - this._realGetNext(); - } while (this._pendingNext); - } finally { - this._insideLoop = false; - } -}; - -CombinedStream.prototype._realGetNext = function() { - var stream = this._streams.shift(); - - - if (typeof stream == 'undefined') { - this.end(); - return; - } - - if (typeof stream !== 'function') { - this._pipeNext(stream); - return; - } - - var getStream = stream; - getStream(function(stream) { - var isStreamLike = CombinedStream.isStreamLike(stream); - if (isStreamLike) { - stream.on('data', this._checkDataSize.bind(this)); - this._handleErrors(stream); - } - - this._pipeNext(stream); - }.bind(this)); -}; - -CombinedStream.prototype._pipeNext = function(stream) { - this._currentStream = stream; - - var isStreamLike = CombinedStream.isStreamLike(stream); - if (isStreamLike) { - stream.on('end', this._getNext.bind(this)); - stream.pipe(this, {end: false}); - return; - } - - var value = stream; - this.write(value); - this._getNext(); -}; - -CombinedStream.prototype._handleErrors = function(stream) { - var self = this; - stream.on('error', function(err) { - self._emitError(err); - }); -}; - -CombinedStream.prototype.write = function(data) { - this.emit('data', data); -}; - -CombinedStream.prototype.pause = function() { - if (!this.pauseStreams) { - return; - } - - if(this.pauseStreams && this._currentStream && typeof(this._currentStream.pause) == 'function') this._currentStream.pause(); - this.emit('pause'); -}; - -CombinedStream.prototype.resume = function() { - if (!this._released) { - this._released = true; - this.writable = true; - this._getNext(); - } - - if(this.pauseStreams && this._currentStream && typeof(this._currentStream.resume) == 'function') this._currentStream.resume(); - this.emit('resume'); -}; - -CombinedStream.prototype.end = function() { - this._reset(); - this.emit('end'); -}; - -CombinedStream.prototype.destroy = function() { - this._reset(); - this.emit('close'); -}; - -CombinedStream.prototype._reset = function() { - this.writable = false; - this._streams = []; - this._currentStream = null; -}; - -CombinedStream.prototype._checkDataSize = function() { - this._updateDataSize(); - if (this.dataSize <= this.maxDataSize) { - return; - } - - var message = - 'DelayedStream#maxDataSize of ' + this.maxDataSize + ' bytes exceeded.'; - this._emitError(new Error(message)); -}; - -CombinedStream.prototype._updateDataSize = function() { - this.dataSize = 0; - - var self = this; - this._streams.forEach(function(stream) { - if (!stream.dataSize) { - return; - } - - self.dataSize += stream.dataSize; - }); - - if (this._currentStream && this._currentStream.dataSize) { - this.dataSize += this._currentStream.dataSize; - } -}; - -CombinedStream.prototype._emitError = function(err) { - this._reset(); - this.emit('error', err); -}; diff --git a/node_modules/combined-stream/package.json b/node_modules/combined-stream/package.json deleted file mode 100644 index 6982b6da17561..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/combined-stream/package.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -{ - "author": "Felix Geisendörfer (", - "name": "combined-stream", - "description": "A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another.", - "version": "1.0.8", - "homepage": "", - "repository": { - "type": "git", - "url": "git://" - }, - "main": "./lib/combined_stream", - "scripts": { - "test": "node test/run.js" - }, - "engines": { - "node": ">= 0.8" - }, - "dependencies": { - "delayed-stream": "~1.0.0" - }, - "devDependencies": { - "far": "~0.0.7" - }, - "license": "MIT" -} diff --git a/node_modules/combined-stream/yarn.lock b/node_modules/combined-stream/yarn.lock deleted file mode 100644 index 7edf41840c981..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/combined-stream/yarn.lock +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -# THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY. -# yarn lockfile v1 - - -delayed-stream@~1.0.0: - version "1.0.0" - resolved "" - -far@~0.0.7: - version "0.0.7" - resolved "" - dependencies: - oop "0.0.3" - -oop@0.0.3: - version "0.0.3" - resolved "" diff --git a/node_modules/core-util-is/LICENSE b/node_modules/core-util-is/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index d8d7f9437dbf5..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/core-util-is/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -Copyright Node.js contributors. All rights reserved. - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to -deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the -rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or -sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in -all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING -FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS -IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/node_modules/core-util-is/float.patch b/node_modules/core-util-is/float.patch deleted file mode 100644 index a06d5c05f75fd..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/core-util-is/float.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,604 +0,0 @@ -diff --git a/lib/util.js b/lib/util.js -index a03e874..9074e8e 100644 ---- a/lib/util.js -+++ b/lib/util.js -@@ -19,430 +19,6 @@ - // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE - // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - --var formatRegExp = /%[sdj%]/g; --exports.format = function(f) { -- if (!isString(f)) { -- var objects = []; -- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { -- objects.push(inspect(arguments[i])); -- } -- return objects.join(' '); -- } -- -- var i = 1; -- var args = arguments; -- var len = args.length; -- var str = String(f).replace(formatRegExp, function(x) { -- if (x === '%%') return '%'; -- if (i >= len) return x; -- switch (x) { -- case '%s': return String(args[i++]); -- case '%d': return Number(args[i++]); -- case '%j': -- try { -- return JSON.stringify(args[i++]); -- } catch (_) { -- return '[Circular]'; -- } -- default: -- return x; -- } -- }); -- for (var x = args[i]; i < len; x = args[++i]) { -- if (isNull(x) || !isObject(x)) { -- str += ' ' + x; -- } else { -- str += ' ' + inspect(x); -- } -- } -- return str; --}; -- -- --// Mark that a method should not be used. --// Returns a modified function which warns once by default. --// If --no-deprecation is set, then it is a no-op. --exports.deprecate = function(fn, msg) { -- // Allow for deprecating things in the process of starting up. -- if (isUndefined(global.process)) { -- return function() { -- return exports.deprecate(fn, msg).apply(this, arguments); -- }; -- } -- -- if (process.noDeprecation === true) { -- return fn; -- } -- -- var warned = false; -- function deprecated() { -- if (!warned) { -- if (process.throwDeprecation) { -- throw new Error(msg); -- } else if (process.traceDeprecation) { -- console.trace(msg); -- } else { -- console.error(msg); -- } -- warned = true; -- } -- return fn.apply(this, arguments); -- } -- -- return deprecated; --}; -- -- --var debugs = {}; --var debugEnviron; --exports.debuglog = function(set) { -- if (isUndefined(debugEnviron)) -- debugEnviron = process.env.NODE_DEBUG || ''; -- set = set.toUpperCase(); -- if (!debugs[set]) { -- if (new RegExp('\\b' + set + '\\b', 'i').test(debugEnviron)) { -- var pid =; -- debugs[set] = function() { -- var msg = exports.format.apply(exports, arguments); -- console.error('%s %d: %s', set, pid, msg); -- }; -- } else { -- debugs[set] = function() {}; -- } -- } -- return debugs[set]; --}; -- -- --/** -- * Echos the value of a value. Trys to print the value out -- * in the best way possible given the different types. -- * -- * @param {Object} obj The object to print out. -- * @param {Object} opts Optional options object that alters the output. -- */ --/* legacy: obj, showHidden, depth, colors*/ --function inspect(obj, opts) { -- // default options -- var ctx = { -- seen: [], -- stylize: stylizeNoColor -- }; -- // legacy... -- if (arguments.length >= 3) ctx.depth = arguments[2]; -- if (arguments.length >= 4) ctx.colors = arguments[3]; -- if (isBoolean(opts)) { -- // legacy... -- ctx.showHidden = opts; -- } else if (opts) { -- // got an "options" object -- exports._extend(ctx, opts); -- } -- // set default options -- if (isUndefined(ctx.showHidden)) ctx.showHidden = false; -- if (isUndefined(ctx.depth)) ctx.depth = 2; -- if (isUndefined(ctx.colors)) ctx.colors = false; -- if (isUndefined(ctx.customInspect)) ctx.customInspect = true; -- if (ctx.colors) ctx.stylize = stylizeWithColor; -- return formatValue(ctx, obj, ctx.depth); --} --exports.inspect = inspect; -- -- --// --inspect.colors = { -- 'bold' : [1, 22], -- 'italic' : [3, 23], -- 'underline' : [4, 24], -- 'inverse' : [7, 27], -- 'white' : [37, 39], -- 'grey' : [90, 39], -- 'black' : [30, 39], -- 'blue' : [34, 39], -- 'cyan' : [36, 39], -- 'green' : [32, 39], -- 'magenta' : [35, 39], -- 'red' : [31, 39], -- 'yellow' : [33, 39] --}; -- --// Don't use 'blue' not visible on cmd.exe --inspect.styles = { -- 'special': 'cyan', -- 'number': 'yellow', -- 'boolean': 'yellow', -- 'undefined': 'grey', -- 'null': 'bold', -- 'string': 'green', -- 'date': 'magenta', -- // "name": intentionally not styling -- 'regexp': 'red' --}; -- -- --function stylizeWithColor(str, styleType) { -- var style = inspect.styles[styleType]; -- -- if (style) { -- return '\u001b[' + inspect.colors[style][0] + 'm' + str + -- '\u001b[' + inspect.colors[style][1] + 'm'; -- } else { -- return str; -- } --} -- -- --function stylizeNoColor(str, styleType) { -- return str; --} -- -- --function arrayToHash(array) { -- var hash = {}; -- -- array.forEach(function(val, idx) { -- hash[val] = true; -- }); -- -- return hash; --} -- -- --function formatValue(ctx, value, recurseTimes) { -- // Provide a hook for user-specified inspect functions. -- // Check that value is an object with an inspect function on it -- if (ctx.customInspect && -- value && -- isFunction(value.inspect) && -- // Filter out the util module, it's inspect function is special -- value.inspect !== exports.inspect && -- // Also filter out any prototype objects using the circular check. -- !(value.constructor && value.constructor.prototype === value)) { -- var ret = value.inspect(recurseTimes, ctx); -- if (!isString(ret)) { -- ret = formatValue(ctx, ret, recurseTimes); -- } -- return ret; -- } -- -- // Primitive types cannot have properties -- var primitive = formatPrimitive(ctx, value); -- if (primitive) { -- return primitive; -- } -- -- // Look up the keys of the object. -- var keys = Object.keys(value); -- var visibleKeys = arrayToHash(keys); -- -- if (ctx.showHidden) { -- keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value); -- } -- -- // Some type of object without properties can be shortcutted. -- if (keys.length === 0) { -- if (isFunction(value)) { -- var name = ? ': ' + : ''; -- return ctx.stylize('[Function' + name + ']', 'special'); -- } -- if (isRegExp(value)) { -- return ctx.stylize(, 'regexp'); -- } -- if (isDate(value)) { -- return ctx.stylize(, 'date'); -- } -- if (isError(value)) { -- return formatError(value); -- } -- } -- -- var base = '', array = false, braces = ['{', '}']; -- -- // Make Array say that they are Array -- if (isArray(value)) { -- array = true; -- braces = ['[', ']']; -- } -- -- // Make functions say that they are functions -- if (isFunction(value)) { -- var n = ? ': ' + : ''; -- base = ' [Function' + n + ']'; -- } -- -- // Make RegExps say that they are RegExps -- if (isRegExp(value)) { -- base = ' ' +; -- } -- -- // Make dates with properties first say the date -- if (isDate(value)) { -- base = ' ' +; -- } -- -- // Make error with message first say the error -- if (isError(value)) { -- base = ' ' + formatError(value); -- } -- -- if (keys.length === 0 && (!array || value.length == 0)) { -- return braces[0] + base + braces[1]; -- } -- -- if (recurseTimes < 0) { -- if (isRegExp(value)) { -- return ctx.stylize(, 'regexp'); -- } else { -- return ctx.stylize('[Object]', 'special'); -- } -- } -- -- ctx.seen.push(value); -- -- var output; -- if (array) { -- output = formatArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, keys); -- } else { -- output = { -- return formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, key, array); -- }); -- } -- -- ctx.seen.pop(); -- -- return reduceToSingleString(output, base, braces); --} -- -- --function formatPrimitive(ctx, value) { -- if (isUndefined(value)) -- return ctx.stylize('undefined', 'undefined'); -- if (isString(value)) { -- var simple = '\'' + JSON.stringify(value).replace(/^"|"$/g, '') -- .replace(/'/g, "\\'") -- .replace(/\\"/g, '"') + '\''; -- return ctx.stylize(simple, 'string'); -- } -- if (isNumber(value)) { -- // Format -0 as '-0'. Strict equality won't distinguish 0 from -0, -- // so instead we use the fact that 1 / -0 < 0 whereas 1 / 0 > 0 . -- if (value === 0 && 1 / value < 0) -- return ctx.stylize('-0', 'number'); -- return ctx.stylize('' + value, 'number'); -- } -- if (isBoolean(value)) -- return ctx.stylize('' + value, 'boolean'); -- // For some reason typeof null is "object", so special case here. -- if (isNull(value)) -- return ctx.stylize('null', 'null'); --} -- -- --function formatError(value) { -- return '[' + + ']'; --} -- -- --function formatArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, keys) { -- var output = []; -- for (var i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; ++i) { -- if (hasOwnProperty(value, String(i))) { -- output.push(formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, -- String(i), true)); -- } else { -- output.push(''); -- } -- } -- keys.forEach(function(key) { -- if (!key.match(/^\d+$/)) { -- output.push(formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, -- key, true)); -- } -- }); -- return output; --} -- -- --function formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, key, array) { -- var name, str, desc; -- desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, key) || { value: value[key] }; -- if (desc.get) { -- if (desc.set) { -- str = ctx.stylize('[Getter/Setter]', 'special'); -- } else { -- str = ctx.stylize('[Getter]', 'special'); -- } -- } else { -- if (desc.set) { -- str = ctx.stylize('[Setter]', 'special'); -- } -- } -- if (!hasOwnProperty(visibleKeys, key)) { -- name = '[' + key + ']'; -- } -- if (!str) { -- if (ctx.seen.indexOf(desc.value) < 0) { -- if (isNull(recurseTimes)) { -- str = formatValue(ctx, desc.value, null); -- } else { -- str = formatValue(ctx, desc.value, recurseTimes - 1); -- } -- if (str.indexOf('\n') > -1) { -- if (array) { -- str = str.split('\n').map(function(line) { -- return ' ' + line; -- }).join('\n').substr(2); -- } else { -- str = '\n' + str.split('\n').map(function(line) { -- return ' ' + line; -- }).join('\n'); -- } -- } -- } else { -- str = ctx.stylize('[Circular]', 'special'); -- } -- } -- if (isUndefined(name)) { -- if (array && key.match(/^\d+$/)) { -- return str; -- } -- name = JSON.stringify('' + key); -- if (name.match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)"$/)) { -- name = name.substr(1, name.length - 2); -- name = ctx.stylize(name, 'name'); -- } else { -- name = name.replace(/'/g, "\\'") -- .replace(/\\"/g, '"') -- .replace(/(^"|"$)/g, "'"); -- name = ctx.stylize(name, 'string'); -- } -- } -- -- return name + ': ' + str; --} -- -- --function reduceToSingleString(output, base, braces) { -- var numLinesEst = 0; -- var length = output.reduce(function(prev, cur) { -- numLinesEst++; -- if (cur.indexOf('\n') >= 0) numLinesEst++; -- return prev + cur.replace(/\u001b\[\d\d?m/g, '').length + 1; -- }, 0); -- -- if (length > 60) { -- return braces[0] + -- (base === '' ? '' : base + '\n ') + -- ' ' + -- output.join(',\n ') + -- ' ' + -- braces[1]; -- } -- -- return braces[0] + base + ' ' + output.join(', ') + ' ' + braces[1]; --} -- -- - // NOTE: These type checking functions intentionally don't use `instanceof` - // because it is fragile and can be easily faked with `Object.create()`. - function isArray(ar) { -@@ -522,166 +98,10 @@ function isPrimitive(arg) { - exports.isPrimitive = isPrimitive; - - function isBuffer(arg) { -- return arg instanceof Buffer; -+ return Buffer.isBuffer(arg); - } - exports.isBuffer = isBuffer; - - function objectToString(o) { - return; --} -- -- --function pad(n) { -- return n < 10 ? '0' + n.toString(10) : n.toString(10); --} -- -- --var months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', -- 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; -- --// 26 Feb 16:19:34 --function timestamp() { -- var d = new Date(); -- var time = [pad(d.getHours()), -- pad(d.getMinutes()), -- pad(d.getSeconds())].join(':'); -- return [d.getDate(), months[d.getMonth()], time].join(' '); --} -- -- --// log is just a thin wrapper to console.log that prepends a timestamp --exports.log = function() { -- console.log('%s - %s', timestamp(), exports.format.apply(exports, arguments)); --}; -- -- --/** -- * Inherit the prototype methods from one constructor into another. -- * -- * The Function.prototype.inherits from lang.js rewritten as a standalone -- * function (not on Function.prototype). NOTE: If this file is to be loaded -- * during bootstrapping this function needs to be rewritten using some native -- * functions as prototype setup using normal JavaScript does not work as -- * expected during bootstrapping (see mirror.js in r114903). -- * -- * @param {function} ctor Constructor function which needs to inherit the -- * prototype. -- * @param {function} superCtor Constructor function to inherit prototype from. -- */ --exports.inherits = function(ctor, superCtor) { -- ctor.super_ = superCtor; -- ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, { -- constructor: { -- value: ctor, -- enumerable: false, -- writable: true, -- configurable: true -- } -- }); --}; -- --exports._extend = function(origin, add) { -- // Don't do anything if add isn't an object -- if (!add || !isObject(add)) return origin; -- -- var keys = Object.keys(add); -- var i = keys.length; -- while (i--) { -- origin[keys[i]] = add[keys[i]]; -- } -- return origin; --}; -- --function hasOwnProperty(obj, prop) { -- return, prop); --} -- -- --// Deprecated old stuff. -- --exports.p = exports.deprecate(function() { -- for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; ++i) { -- console.error(exports.inspect(arguments[i])); -- } --}, 'util.p: Use console.error() instead'); -- -- --exports.exec = exports.deprecate(function() { -- return require('child_process').exec.apply(this, arguments); --}, 'util.exec is now called `child_process.exec`.'); -- -- --exports.print = exports.deprecate(function() { -- for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; ++i) { -- process.stdout.write(String(arguments[i])); -- } --}, 'util.print: Use console.log instead'); -- -- --exports.puts = exports.deprecate(function() { -- for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; ++i) { -- process.stdout.write(arguments[i] + '\n'); -- } --}, 'util.puts: Use console.log instead'); -- -- --exports.debug = exports.deprecate(function(x) { -- process.stderr.write('DEBUG: ' + x + '\n'); --}, 'util.debug: Use console.error instead'); -- -- --exports.error = exports.deprecate(function(x) { -- for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; ++i) { -- process.stderr.write(arguments[i] + '\n'); -- } --}, 'util.error: Use console.error instead'); -- -- --exports.pump = exports.deprecate(function(readStream, writeStream, callback) { -- var callbackCalled = false; -- -- function call(a, b, c) { -- if (callback && !callbackCalled) { -- callback(a, b, c); -- callbackCalled = true; -- } -- } -- -- readStream.addListener('data', function(chunk) { -- if (writeStream.write(chunk) === false) readStream.pause(); -- }); -- -- writeStream.addListener('drain', function() { -- readStream.resume(); -- }); -- -- readStream.addListener('end', function() { -- writeStream.end(); -- }); -- -- readStream.addListener('close', function() { -- call(); -- }); -- -- readStream.addListener('error', function(err) { -- writeStream.end(); -- call(err); -- }); -- -- writeStream.addListener('error', function(err) { -- readStream.destroy(); -- call(err); -- }); --}, 'util.pump(): Use readableStream.pipe() instead'); -- -- --var uv; --exports._errnoException = function(err, syscall) { -- if (isUndefined(uv)) uv = process.binding('uv'); -- var errname = uv.errname(err); -- var e = new Error(syscall + ' ' + errname); -- e.code = errname; -- e.errno = errname; -- e.syscall = syscall; -- return e; --}; -+} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/node_modules/core-util-is/lib/util.js b/node_modules/core-util-is/lib/util.js deleted file mode 100644 index ff4c851c075a2..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/core-util-is/lib/util.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. -// -// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a -// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the -// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including -// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, -// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit -// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the -// following conditions: -// -// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included -// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -// -// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS -// OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -// MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN -// NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, -// DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR -// OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE -// USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - -// NOTE: These type checking functions intentionally don't use `instanceof` -// because it is fragile and can be easily faked with `Object.create()`. - -function isArray(arg) { - if (Array.isArray) { - return Array.isArray(arg); - } - return objectToString(arg) === '[object Array]'; -} -exports.isArray = isArray; - -function isBoolean(arg) { - return typeof arg === 'boolean'; -} -exports.isBoolean = isBoolean; - -function isNull(arg) { - return arg === null; -} -exports.isNull = isNull; - -function isNullOrUndefined(arg) { - return arg == null; -} -exports.isNullOrUndefined = isNullOrUndefined; - -function isNumber(arg) { - return typeof arg === 'number'; -} -exports.isNumber = isNumber; - -function isString(arg) { - return typeof arg === 'string'; -} -exports.isString = isString; - -function isSymbol(arg) { - return typeof arg === 'symbol'; -} -exports.isSymbol = isSymbol; - -function isUndefined(arg) { - return arg === void 0; -} -exports.isUndefined = isUndefined; - -function isRegExp(re) { - return objectToString(re) === '[object RegExp]'; -} -exports.isRegExp = isRegExp; - -function isObject(arg) { - return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null; -} -exports.isObject = isObject; - -function isDate(d) { - return objectToString(d) === '[object Date]'; -} -exports.isDate = isDate; - -function isError(e) { - return (objectToString(e) === '[object Error]' || e instanceof Error); -} -exports.isError = isError; - -function isFunction(arg) { - return typeof arg === 'function'; -} -exports.isFunction = isFunction; - -function isPrimitive(arg) { - return arg === null || - typeof arg === 'boolean' || - typeof arg === 'number' || - typeof arg === 'string' || - typeof arg === 'symbol' || // ES6 symbol - typeof arg === 'undefined'; -} -exports.isPrimitive = isPrimitive; - -exports.isBuffer = Buffer.isBuffer; - -function objectToString(o) { - return; -} diff --git a/node_modules/core-util-is/package.json b/node_modules/core-util-is/package.json deleted file mode 100644 index 3368e9519f964..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/core-util-is/package.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -{ - "name": "core-util-is", - "version": "1.0.2", - "description": "The `*` functions introduced in Node v0.12.", - "main": "lib/util.js", - "repository": { - "type": "git", - "url": "git://" - }, - "keywords": [ - "util", - "isBuffer", - "isArray", - "isNumber", - "isString", - "isRegExp", - "isThis", - "isThat", - "polyfill" - ], - "author": "Isaac Z. Schlueter (", - "license": "MIT", - "bugs": { - "url": "" - }, - "scripts": { - "test": "tap test.js" - }, - "devDependencies": { - "tap": "^2.3.0" - } -} diff --git a/node_modules/core-util-is/test.js b/node_modules/core-util-is/test.js deleted file mode 100644 index 1a490c65ac8b5..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/core-util-is/test.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -var assert = require('tap'); - -var t = require('./lib/util'); - -assert.equal(t.isArray([]), true); -assert.equal(t.isArray({}), false); - -assert.equal(t.isBoolean(null), false); -assert.equal(t.isBoolean(true), true); -assert.equal(t.isBoolean(false), true); - -assert.equal(t.isNull(null), true); -assert.equal(t.isNull(undefined), false); -assert.equal(t.isNull(false), false); -assert.equal(t.isNull(), false); - -assert.equal(t.isNullOrUndefined(null), true); -assert.equal(t.isNullOrUndefined(undefined), true); -assert.equal(t.isNullOrUndefined(false), false); -assert.equal(t.isNullOrUndefined(), true); - -assert.equal(t.isNumber(null), false); -assert.equal(t.isNumber('1'), false); -assert.equal(t.isNumber(1), true); - -assert.equal(t.isString(null), false); -assert.equal(t.isString('1'), true); -assert.equal(t.isString(1), false); - -assert.equal(t.isSymbol(null), false); -assert.equal(t.isSymbol('1'), false); -assert.equal(t.isSymbol(1), false); -assert.equal(t.isSymbol(Symbol()), true); - -assert.equal(t.isUndefined(null), false); -assert.equal(t.isUndefined(undefined), true); -assert.equal(t.isUndefined(false), false); -assert.equal(t.isUndefined(), true); - -assert.equal(t.isRegExp(null), false); -assert.equal(t.isRegExp('1'), false); -assert.equal(t.isRegExp(new RegExp()), true); - -assert.equal(t.isObject({}), true); -assert.equal(t.isObject([]), true); -assert.equal(t.isObject(new RegExp()), true); -assert.equal(t.isObject(new Date()), true); - -assert.equal(t.isDate(null), false); -assert.equal(t.isDate('1'), false); -assert.equal(t.isDate(new Date()), true); - -assert.equal(t.isError(null), false); -assert.equal(t.isError({ err: true }), false); -assert.equal(t.isError(new Error()), true); - -assert.equal(t.isFunction(null), false); -assert.equal(t.isFunction({ }), false); -assert.equal(t.isFunction(function() {}), true); - -assert.equal(t.isPrimitive(null), true); -assert.equal(t.isPrimitive(''), true); -assert.equal(t.isPrimitive(0), true); -assert.equal(t.isPrimitive(new Date()), false); - -assert.equal(t.isBuffer(null), false); -assert.equal(t.isBuffer({}), false); -assert.equal(t.isBuffer(new Buffer(0)), true); diff --git a/node_modules/dashdash/ b/node_modules/dashdash/ deleted file mode 100644 index d7c8f4ebe18de..0000000000000 --- a/node_modules/dashdash/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,364 +0,0 @@ -# node-dashdash changelog - -## not yet released - -(nothing yet) - -## 1.14.1 - -- [issue #30] Change the output used by dashdash's Bash completion support to - indicate "there are no completions for this argument" to cope with different - sorting rules on different Bash/platforms. For example: - - $ triton -v -p test2 package get # before - ##-no -tritonpackage- completions-## - - $ triton -v -p test2 package get # after - ##-no-completion- -results-## - -## 1.14.0 - -- New `synopsisFromOpt(