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Releases: npm/npm


15 Apr 04:20
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v6.0.0-next.1 Pre-release

This release is a part of 6.0.0


15 Apr 04:20
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v5.10.0-next.0 Pre-release



  • 089aeaf44 Fix a bug where OTPs passed in via the commandline would have leading zeros deleted resulted in authentication failures. (@iarna)

  • 6eaa860ea Eliminate direct use of new Buffer in npm. While the use of it in npm was safe, there are two other reasons for this change:

    1. Node 10 emits warnings about its use.
    2. Users who require npm as a library (which they definitely should not do) can call the functions that call new Buffer in unsafe ways, if they try really hard.
  • 85900a294 Starting with 5.8.0 the requires section of the lock-file saved version ranges instead of specific versions. Due to a bug, further actions on the same lock-file would result in the range being switched back to a version. This corrects that, keeping ranges when they appear. (@iarna)

  • 0dffa9c2a 609d6f6e1 08f81aa94 f8b76e076 6d609822d 59d080a22 Restore the ability to bundle dependencies that are uninstallable from the registry. This also eliminates needless registry lookups for bundled dependencies.

    Fixed a bug where attempting to install a dependency that is bundled inside another module without reinstalling that module would result in ENOENT errors. (@iarna)

  • db846c2d5
    #20029 Allow packages with non-registry specifiers to follow the fast path that the we use with the lock-file for registry specifiers. This will improve install time especially when operating only on the package-lock (--package-lock-only). (@zkat)

    Fix the a bug where npm i --only=prod could remove development dependencies from lock-file. (@iarna)

  • 3e12d2407 #20122 Improve the update-notifier messaging (borrowing ideas from pnpm) and eliminate false positives. (@zkat)

  • f18be9b39 #20154 Let version succeed when package-lock.json is gitignored. (@nwoltman)

  • ced29253d #20212 Ensure that we only create an etc directory if we are actually going to write files to it. (@buddydvd)

  • 8e21b19a8 #20140 Note in documentation that package-lock.json version gets touched by npm version. (@srl295)

  • 5d17c87d8 #20032 Fix bug where unauthenticated errors would get reported as both 404s and 401s, i.e. npm ERR! 404 Registry returned 401. In these cases the error message will now be much more informative. (@iarna)

  • 05ff6c9b1 #20082 Allow optional @ prefix on scope with npm team commands for parity with other commands. (@bcoe)

  • 6bef53891 #19580 Improve messaging when two-factor authentication is required while publishing. (@jdeniau)

  • 155dab2bd Fix a bug where optional status of a dependency was not being saved to the package-lock on the initial install. (@iarna)

  • 8d6a4cafc a0937e9af Ensure that --no-optional does not remove optional dependencies from the lock-file. (@iarna)



23 Mar 23:40
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v6.0.0-next.0 Pre-release

Sometimes major releases are a big splash, sometimes they're something smaller. This is the latter kind. That said, we expect to keep this in release candidate status until Node 10 ships at the end of April. There will likely be a few more features for the 6.0.0 release line between now and then. We do expect to have a bigger one later this year though, so keep an eye out for npm@7!


When selecting versions to install, we now avoid deprecated versions if possible. For example:

Module: example
1.1.3 (deprecated)
1.2.0 (latest)

If you ask npm to install example@~1.1.0, npm will now give you 1.1.2.

By contrast, if you installed example@~1.1.3 then you'd get 1.1.3, as it's the only version that can match the range.


When npm install is finding a version to install, it first checks to see if the specifier you requested matches the latest tag. If it doesn't, then it looks for the highest version that does. This means you can do release candidates on tags other than latest and users won't see them unless they ask for them. Promoting them is as easy as setting the latest tag to point at them.

Historically npm update and npm outdated worked differently. They just looked for the most recent thing that matched the semver range, disregarding the latest tag. We're changing it to match npm install's behavior.


Technically this is a bug fix, but the change in behavior is enough of an edge case that I held off on bringing it in until a major version.

When we extract a binary and it starts with a shebang (or "hash bang"), that is, something like:

#!/usr/bin/env node

If the file has Windows line endings we strip them off of the first line. The reason for this is that shebangs are only used in Unix-like environments and the files with them can't be run if the shebang has a Windows line ending.

Previously we converted ALL line endings from Windows to Unix. With this patch we only convert the line with the shebang. (Node.js works just fine with either set of line endings.)


Per our supported Node.js policy, we're dropping support for both Node 4 and Node 7, which are no longer supported by the Node.js project.



15 Apr 04:19
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v5.9.0-next.0 Pre-release

Coming to you this week are a fancy new package view, pack/publish previews and a handful of bug fixes! Let's get right in!


There's a new npm view in town. You might it as npm info or npm show. The new output gives you a nicely summarized view that for most packages fits on one screen. If you ask it for --json you'll still get the same results, so your scripts should still work fine.


The npm pack and npm publish commands print out a summary of the files included in the package. They also both now take the --dry-run flag, so you can double check your .npmignore settings before doing a publish.

  • 116e9d827 #19908 Add package previews to pack and publish. Also add --dry-run and --json flags. (@zkat)


If you resolve a package-lock.json merge conflict with npm install we now suggest you setup a merge driver to handle these automatically for you. If you're reading this and you'd like to set it up now, run:

npx npm-merge-driver install -g


  • a05e27b71 Going forward, record requested ranges not versions in the package-lock. (@iarna)
  • f721eec59 Add 10 to Node.js supported version list. It's not out yet, but soon my pretties... (@iarna)



23 Mar 23:38
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Hey again, everyone! While last release was focused largely around PRs from the CLI team, this release is mostly pulling in community PRs in npm itself and its dependencies! We've got a good chunk of wonderful contributions for y'all, and even new features and performance improvements! 🎉

We're hoping to continue our biweekly (as in every-other-week biweekly) release schedule from now on, so you should be seeing more steady npm releases from here on out. And that's good, 'cause we've got a ton of new stuff on our roadmap for this year. Keep an eye out for exciting news. 👀


  • 2f513fe1c #19904 Make a best-attempt at preserving line ending style when saving package.json/package-lock.json/npm-shrinkwrap.json. This goes hand-in-hand with a previous patch to preserve detected indentation style. (@tuananh)
  • d3cfd41a2 pacote@7.6.1 (@zkat)
    • Enable file:-based resolved URIs in package-lock.json.
    • Retry git-based operations on certain types of failure.
  • ecfbb16dc #19929 Add support for the NO_COLOR standard. This gives a cross-application, consistent way of disabling ANSI color code output. Note that npm already supported this through --no-color or npm_config_color='false' configurations, so this is just another way to do it. (@chneukirchen)
  • fc8761daf #19629 Give more detailed, contextual information when npm fails to parse package-lock.json and npm-shrinkwrap.json, instead of saying JSON parse error and leaving you out in the cold. (@JoshuaKGoldberg)
  • 1d368e1e6 #19157 Add --no-proxy config option. Previously, you needed to use the NO_PROXY environment variable to use this feature -- now it's an actual npm option. (@Saturate)
  • f0e998daa #18426 Do environment variable replacement in config files even for config keys or fragments of keys. (@misak113)
  • 9847c82a8 #18384 Better error messaging and suggestions when users get EPERM/EACCES errors. (@chrisjpatty)
  • b9d0c0c01 #19448 Holiday celebrations now include all JavaScripters, not just Node developers. (@isaacs)


I hope y'all have been having fun with npm ci so far! Since this is the first release since that went out, we've had a few fixes and improvements now that folks have actually gotten their hands on it! Benchmarks have been super promising so far, and I've gotten messages from a lot of you saying you've sped up your CI work by 2-5x in some cases! Have a good example? Tell us on Twitter!

npm ci is, right now, the fastest installer you can use in CI situations, so go check it out if you haven't already! We'll continue doing performance improvements on it, and a lot of those will help make npm install fast as well. 🏎😎

This libcipm release includes a number of improvements:

  • PERFORMANCE Reduce calls to read-package-json and separate JSON update phase from man/bin linking phase. npm ci should be noticeably faster.
  • FEATURE Progress bar now fills up as packages are installed, instead of sitting there doing nothing.
  • BUGFIX Add support for --only and --also options.
  • BUFGIX Linking binaries and running scripts in parallel was causing packages to sometimes clobber each other when hoisted, as well as potentially running too many run-sripts in parallel. This is now a serial operation, and it turns out to have had relatively little actual performance impact.
  • BUGFIX Stop adding _from to directory deps (aka file:packages/my-dep).


  • 58d2aa58d #20027 Use a specific mtime when packing tarballs instead of the beginning of epoch time. This should allow npm pack to generate tarballs with identical hashes for identical contents, while fixing issues with some zip implementations that do not support pre-1980 timestamps. (@isaacs)
  • 4f319de1d Don't fall back to couch adduser if we didn't try couch login. (@iarna)
  • c8230c9bb #19608 Fix issue where using the npm-bundled npx on Windows was invoking npx prefix (and downloading that package). (@laggingreflex)
  • d70c01970 #18953 Avoid using code that depends on node@>=4 in the unsupported check, so npm can report the issue normally instead of syntax-crashing. (@deployable)


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13 Mar 00:33
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v5.8.0-next.0 Pre-release


22 Feb 17:30
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This release reverts a patch that could cause some ownership changes on system files when running from some directories when also using sudo. 😲

Thankfully, it only affected users running npm@next, which is part of our staggered release system, which we use to prevent issues like this from going out into the wider world before we can catch them. Users on latest would have never seen this!

The original patch was added to increase consistency and reliability of methods npm uses to avoid writing files as root in places it shouldn't, but the change was applied in places that should have used regular mkdirp`. This release reverts that patch.


21 Feb 21:44
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Hey y'all, it's been a while. Expect our release rate to increase back to normal here, as we've got a lot in the pipeline. Right now we've got a bunch of things from folks at npm. In the next release we'll be focusing on user contributions and there are a lot of them queued up!

This release brings a bunch of exciting new features and bug fixes.


Allow npm install to fix package-lock.json and npm-shrinkwrap.json files that have merge conflicts in them without your having to edit them. It works in conjunction with npm-merge-driver to entirely eliminate package-lock merge conflicts.

  • e27674c22 Automatically resolve merge conflicts in lock-files. (@zkat)


The new npm ci command installs from your lock-file ONLY. If your package.json and your lock-file are out of sync then it will report an error.

It works by throwing away your node_modules and recreating it from scratch.

Beyond guaranteeing you that you'll only get what is in your lock-file it's also much faster (2x-10x!) than npm install when you don't start with a node_modules.

As you may take from the name, we expect it to be a big boon to continuous integration environments. We also expect that folks who do production deploys from git tags will see major gains.



  • 827951590 Handle running npm install package-name with a node_modules containing packages without sufficient metadata to verify their origin. The only way to get install packages like this is to use a non-npm package manager. Previously npm removed any packages that it couldn't verify. Now it will leave them untouched as long as you're not asking for a full install. On a full install they will be reinstalled (but the same versions will be maintained).

    This will fix problems for folks who are using a third party package manager to install packages that have postinstall scripts that run npm install. (@iarna)

  • 3b305ee71 Only auto-prune on installs that will create a lock-file. This restores npm@4 compatible behavior when the lock-file is disabled. When using a lock-file npm will continue to remove anything in your node_modules that's not in your lock-file. (@iarna)

  • cec5be542 Fix bug where npm prune --production would remove dev deps from the lock file. It will now only remove them from node_modules not from your lock file. (@iarna)

  • 857dab03f Fix bug where git dependencies would be removed or reinstalled when installing other dependencies. (@iarna)


  • a66e0cd03 For CIDR filtered tokens, allow comma separated CIDR ranges, as documented. Previously you could only pass in multiple cidr ranges with multiple --cidr command line options. (@iarna)
  • d259ab014 Fix token revocation when an OTP is required. Previously you had to pass it in via --otp. Now it will prompt you for an OTP like other npm token commands. (@iarna)
  • f8b1f6aec Update token and profile commands to support legacy (username/password) authentication. (The npm registry uses tokens, not username/password pairs, to authenticate commands.) (@iarna)


  • 6954dfc19 Fix a bug where packages would get pushed deeper into the tree when upgrading without an existing copy on disk. Having packages deeper in the tree ordinarily is harmless but is not when peerDependencies are in play. (@iarna)
  • 1ca916a1e Fix bug where when switching from a linked module to a non-linked module, the dependencies of the module wouldn't be installed on the first run of npm install. (@iarna)
  • 8c120ebb2 Fix integrity matching to eliminate spurious EINTEGRITY errors. (@zkat)
  • 94227e15e More consistently make directories using perm and ownership preserving features. (@iarna)



28 Nov 03:45
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You may have noticed this is a semver-minor bump. Wondering why? This is why!

  • bc263c3fd #19054 Fully cross-platform package-lock.json. Installing a failing optional dependency on one platform no longer removes it from the dependency tree, meaning that package-lock.json should now be generated consistently across platforms! 🎉 (@iarna)
  • f94fcbc50 #19160 Add --package-lock-only config option. This makes it so you can generate a target package-lock.json without performing a full install of node_modules. (@alopezsanchez)
  • 66d18280c #19104 Add new --node-options config to pass through a custom NODE_OPTIONS for lifecycle scripts. (@bmeck)
  • 114d518c7 Ignore mtime when packing tarballs: This means that doing npm pack on the same repository should yield two tarballs with the same checksum. This will also help prevent cache bloat when using git dependencies. In the future, this will allow npm to explicitly cache git dependencies. (@isaacs)

Node 9

Previously, it turns out npm broke on the latest Node, node@9. We went ahead and fixed it up so y'all should be able to use the latest npm again!

Bug Fixes

  • b70321733 #18881 When dealing with a node_modules that was created with older versions of npm (and thus older versions of npa) we need to gracefully handle older spec entries. Failing to do so results in us treating those packages as if they were http remote deps, which results in invalid lock files with version set to tarball URLs. This should now be fixed. (@iarna)
  • 2f9c5dd00 #18880 Stop overwriting version in package data on disk. This is another safeguard against the version overwriting that's plagued some folks upgrading from older package-locks. (@iarna) (@joshclow)
  • a93e0a51d #18846 Correctly save transitive dependencies when using npm update in package-lock.json. (@iarna)
  • fdde7b649 #18825 Fix typo and concatenation in error handling. (@alulsh)
  • be67de7b9 #18711 Upgrade to bearer tokens from legacy auth when enabling 2FA. (@iarna)
  • bfdf0fd39 #19033 Fix issue where files with @ signs in their names would not get included when packing tarballs. (@zkat)
  • b65b89bde #19048 Fix problem where npm login was ignoring various networking-related options, such as custom certs. (@wejendorp)
  • 8c194b86e npm-packlist@1.1.10: Include node_modules/ directories not in the root. (@isaacs)
  • d7ef6a20b libnpx@9.7.1: Fix some *nix binary path escaping issues. (@zkat)
  • 981828466 cacache@10.0.1: Fix fallback to copy-concurrently when file move fails. This might fix permissions and such issues on platforms that were getting weird filesystem errors during install. (@karolba)
  • a0be6bafb pacote@7.0.2: Includes a bunch of fixes, specially for issues around git dependencies. Shasum-related errors should be way less common now, too. (@zkat)
  • b80d650de #19163 Fix a number of git and tarball specs and checksum errors. (@zkat)
  • cac225025 #19054 Don't count failed optionals when summarizing installed packages. (@iarna)


  • b1ec2885c #18326 Stop truncating output of npm view. This means, for example, that you no longer need to use --json when a package has a lot of versions, to see the whole list. (@SimenB)
  • 55a124e0a #18884 Profile UX improvements: better messaging on unexpected responses, and stop claiming we set passwords to null when resetting them. (@iarna)
  • 635481c61 #18844 Improve error messaging for OTP/2FA. (@iarna)
  • 52b142ed5 #19054 Stop running the same rollback multiple times. This should address issues where Windows users saw strange failures when fsevents failed to install. (@iarna)
  • 798428b0b #19172 bin-links@1.1.0: Log the fact line endings are being changed upon install. (@marcosscriven)


Usually, we don't include internal refactor stuff in our release notes, but it's worth calling out some of them because they're part of a larger effort the CLI team and associates are undertaking to modularize npm itself so other package managers and associated tools can reuse all that code!

  • 9d22c96b7 #18500 Extract bin-links and gentle-fs to a separate library. This will allow external tools to do bin linking and certain fs operations in an npm-compatible way! (@mikesherov)
  • 015a7803b #18883 Capture logging from log events on the process global. This allows npm to use npmlog to report logging from external libraries like npm-profile. (@iarna)
  • c930e98ad npm-lifecycle@2.0.0: Use our own node-gyp. This means npm no longer needs to pull some maneuvers to make sure node-gyp is in the right place, and that external packages using npm-lifecycle will get working native builds without having to do their own node-gyp maneuvers. (@zkochan)
  • 876f0c8f3 829893d61 #19099 find-npm-prefix@1.0.1: npm's prefix-finding logic is now a standalone module. That is, the logic that figures out where the root of your project is if you've cd'd into a subdirectory. Did you know you can run npm install from these subdirectories, and it'll only affect the root? It works like git! (@iarna)


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04 Oct 16:53
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A very quick, record time, patch release, of a bug fix to a (sigh) last minute bug fix.