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File metadata and controls

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How to build Rivr

The build tool used in Rivr is Gradle. This distribution requires Gradle 5.5.1 (or more recent). To build, simply do

    gradle build 

Gradle will download the required build dependencies from Maven Central:

  • javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5
  • org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.5
  • commons-fileupload:commons-fileupload:1.2.1
  • javax.json:javax.json-api:1.0

After a successful build, The resulting jar file can be found here:

  • rivr-core/build/libs/rivr-core-1.0.11.jar
  • rivr-voicexml/build/libs/rivr-voicexml-1.0.11.jar

The javadoc jar files:

  • rivr-core/build/libs/rivr-core-1.0.11-javadoc.jar
  • rivr-voicexml/build/libs/rivr-voicexml-1.0.11-javadoc.jar

The source jar files:

  • rivr-core/build/libs/rivr-core-1.0.11-sources.jar
  • rivr-voicexml/build/libs/rivr-voicexml-1.0.11-sources.jar

Gradle wrapper

If you don't have Gradle installed, you can simply use the Gradle wrapper provided with this source distribution:


    ./gradlew build  


    gradlew.bat build

The gradlew script will download Gradle in your user directory (i.e. your home) and use it from there. Of course, following invocations of gradlew will not trigger the download of Gradle.

NOTE: The gradle wrapper can be configured via the file, under the gradle/wrapper folder. The most important property is the distributionUrl, which determines which version of Gradle is downloaded. The pattern for the URL is:[versionNumber]-[versionStyle].zip. The versionStyle can be either bin or all; bin only contains the runtime, where all also contains the documentation and source. By default, we are using bin.

Eclipse integration

Development under Eclipse requires BuildShip.

To import Rivr in Eclipse:

  • Select Import... from the File menu
  • Select Gradle -> Gradle Project
  • Choose the Rivr root directory
  • Click Finish

Note: the Gradle Wrapper option can be selected in order to use the recommended Gradle version (4.10.2).

The Rivr subprojects (rivr-core, rivr-voicexml, rivr-voicexml-dialogue-runner) can also be imported into Eclipse without using the Gradle plugin. In order to to so, you must generate the corresponding .project files. Simply run gradlew eclipse.

How to make a project depend on Rivr

With Gradle

dependencies {
    compile 'com.nuecho:rivr-voicexml:1.0.11'

With Maven


With Ivy

<dependency org="com.nuecho" name="rivr-voicexml" rev="1.0.11"/>

Without dependency manager (Ant)

Obtain and add to your compilation classpath the following jar files:

  • commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar
  • javax.json-api-1.0.jar
  • servlet-api-2.5.jar
  • slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar

In your runtime classpath (i.e. your WEB-INF/lib), you should have:

  • rivr-voicexml-1.0.11.jar
  • rivr-core-1.0.11.jar
  • commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar
  • javax.json-api-1.0.jar
  • slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar
  • (an slf4j implementation adapter)
  • javax.json-ri.jar (can get it from GlassFish project)

Using the dialogue runner

The dialogue runner is a HTML interface to simulate VoiceXML input for a Rivr application. It is packaged as a partial WAR file. All you need to do is to extract it (unzip) over your web project.

If you use Gradle, you can add the following in your build.gradle file:

apply plugin: 'war' // Must be a webapp project

configurations { dialogueRunner } 

dependencies {
    dialogueRunner 'com.nuecho:rivr-voicexml-dialogue-runner:1.0.11@war'

repositories { mavenCentral() }

war {
    def dialogueRunner = { zipTree(configurations.dialogueRunner.singleFile) } // This enables lazy resolving

(See the Gradle documentation for more information on war overlaying.)