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File metadata and controls

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Announcing Nuxt Content v2
2 years after the release of Content v1, we are proud to announce the second version of Nuxt Content built for Nuxt 3.

2 years after the release of Content v1, we are proud to announce the second version of Nuxt Content built for Nuxt 3.

On top of the Nuxt 3 support, it comes with new features:


What is Nuxt Content?

Nuxt Content is a Nuxt module that reads Markdown, YAML, CSV and JSON files in the content/ directory.

Let’s imagine a content/ directory with the following structure:


# Hello World

My first paragraph.


Create a pages/[...slug].vue file with the <ContentDoc> component inside:

  <ContentDoc />

And voilà!

::code-group ::code-block{label="Preview" preview} # Hello World

My first paragraph.

:: ::

You can also query the file by using the queryContent() composable:

const file = await queryContent('hello').findOne()

::callout #summary The returned file won't be Markdown or HTML, but a JSON representing the abstract syntax tree.


  "_type": "markdown",
  "_id": "",
  "_source": "content",
  "_file": "",
  "_extension": "md",
  "_path": "/hello",
  "_draft": false,
  "_partial": false,
  "_empty": false,
  "title": "Hello World",
  "description": "My first paragraph.",
  "body": {
    "type": "root",
    "children": [
        "type": "element",
        "tag": "h1",
        "props": {
          "id": "hello-world"
        "children": [
            "type": "text",
            "value": "Hello World"
        "type": "element",
        "tag": "p",
        "props": {},
        "children": [
            "type": "text",
            "value": "My first paragraph."
        "type": "element",
        "tag": "p",
        "props": {},
        "children": [
            "type": "element",
            "tag": "a",
            "props": {
              "href": "",
              "rel": [
              "target": "_blank"
            "children": [
                "type": "text",
                "value": ""
    "toc": {
      "title": "",
      "searchDepth": 2,
      "depth": 2,
      "links": []

:: You can do much more than fetching only one file. Take a look at the querying content section to discover its full potential.

Introducing MDC

We wanted to leverage the power of Vue components in a content edition experience. After months of testing on the Nuxt website, we are happy to introduce the MarkDown Components syntax.


  • Use your own Vue components in Markdown
  • Customize them with props
  • Write Markdown content in slots (and of course, you can nest them)
  • Experience blazing fast HMR for Markdown and MDC (as fast as Vite!) ::

::alert MDC is Markdown, so nothing changes and you can keep using the .md extension. ::

Show me how it works!


  ✏️ Start **writing!**
<script setup>
  type: {
    type: String,
    default: 'info'

  <button :class="type">
    <Markdown unwrap="p" />
::code-block{label="Preview" preview}
<MyButton type="success">✏️ Start <strong>writing!</strong></MyButton>

:: ::

Head over to the MDC guide to discover the full power of Markdown with Vue components.

An introduction video

Nuxt Content has many features, we built a video to showcase how to start using it in a Nuxt 3 application, in 3 minutes ✨


Thank you

We are thankful for all the contributions we received in Content v1 and are impatient to see what you will build with Nuxt 3 and Content v2 😊

::alert The repository is open source under the MIT license and available on GitHub: nuxt/content ::

Head over to the Get started section to start playing with Content v2 ✨

Bonus: We created Content Wind - a lightweight Nuxt template to write a Markdown-driven website powered by Nuxt Content and TailwindCSS.

It is available on GitHub. Check out the demo on