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Using the CLI


esmbly run: Run Esmbly
esmbly init: Create a new Esmbly configuration file and (optionally) install the specified transformers.

Running Esmbly

Config file

An Esmbly config file is a JavaScript module which exports a configuration. By default, the configuration file will be assumed to be called esmbly.config.js, located in the root of your project.

Config file types

Exporting a single object

For most use cases, simply exporting an object will do.

// esmbly.config.js
// Exporting an object 

const Flow = require('@esmbly/transformer-flow');

module.exports = {
  input: ['./src/**/*.js'],
  transformers: [
  output: [
      format: '.ts',
      outDir 'dist',
      rootDir: 'src'

Exporting multiple configuration objects

If you want to transform your files in more than one way, you can provide multiple configuration objects by exporting an array. The example configuration below transforms all files in the src directory to TypeScript, as well as one specific file called clamp.namedexport.js to WebAssembly.

// esmbly.config.js
// Exporting an array 

const path = require('path');
const JSDoc = require('@esmbly/transformer-jsdoc');
const Wasm = require('@esmbly/transformer-wasm');

module.exports = [
    input: ['./src/**/*.js'],
    transformers: [
    output: [
        format: '.ts',
        outDir: 'dist',
        rootDir: 'src'
    input: ['./src/clamp.namedexport.js'],
    transformers: [
    output: [
        format: '.wasm',
        outFile: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'clamp.wasm'),

Exporting a function

It is also possible to export a function, which is useful if you need to perform some async task before returning the configuration.

// esmbly.config.js
// Exporting a function

const Flow = require('@esmbly/transformer-flow');

module.exports = async () => {
  const response = await fetch('http://my-api/files-to-transform');

  return {
    input: response.json(),
    transformers: [
    output: [
        format: '.ts',
        outDir 'dist',
        rootDir: 'src'

Input option

The input option in your Esmbly config file accepts an array of glob patterns. To transform all JavaScript files in the src directory (excluding test files), try something like:

input: ['./src/**/*.js', '!src/**/*.test.js'],

You can also specify single files:

input: ['./src/add.js', './src/square.js'],

Transformers option

The transformers options accepts an array of transformer instances (created using the createTransformer() method, or any object/class that implements the Transformer interface). The transformers will run in the order that they are specified.

transformers: [

Output option

The output option in your Esmbly config file accepts an array of output configuration objects. Each object contains a set of options telling Esmbly what type of files to output, and where.

output: [
    // Output .ts files to the dist directory
    format: 'TypeScript',
    outDir: 'dist',
    rootDir: 'src'
    // Output a WebAssembly binary to dist/add.wasm
    format: 'WebAssembly',
    outFile: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'add.wasm')


The format you want to output. Esmbly tries to be smart about this so 'TypeScript', '.ts', 'ts' all mean the same thing.

outDir (optional)

The directory where you want to output files. By default, the same structure as the input files will be used (e.g. src/add.js -> dist/src/add.js). If neither outDir or outFile is specified, files will be outputted next to the input files.

rootDir (optional)

The rootDir option can be used in combination with outDir to control the structure of the output files. By using rootDir: 'src' we can change the output structure in the example above to src/add.js -> dist/add.js.

outFile (optional)

The outFile option allows you to control the name of the output files. When a single file is outputted, this option can be a static file path.

// Single file output
outFile: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'add.wasm')

// Multi file output
outFile: '[name].transformed.ts'

Specifying a custom config file path

By default, Esmbly will look for a configuration file called esmbly.config.js in the root of your project (e.g. next to your package.json). Pass the config flag to specify a custom path to your --config file.

esmbly run --config ./config/esmbly.config.js

Running Esmbly in silent mode

Pass the --silent flag to run Esmbly without outputting anything to the console.

esmbly run --silent

Running Esmbly without outputting any files

Pass the --dryRun flag to run Esmbly without outputting any files. This is useful for debugging.

esmbly run --dryRun

Running Esmbly without a configuration file

It is possible to run Esmbly without a config file by passing the following CLI flags. These flags will override the config file (if it exists).

esmbly run --input ./src/add.js --transformers jsdoc --output .ts