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Releases: one-dark/vscode-one-dark-theme


26 Oct 14:28
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Initial release! 🎉 🎉 🎉

This theme had gotten bloated with years of changes making the scope lists a tangled web of conflicting styles. With this release we have re-created the theme from scratch using low level scopes to apply to as many languages as possible. Because of this, the theme has changed significantly, may vary greatly from previous versions, and may not work in certain languages.

Additionally, we have moved away from the approach of generating multiple theme (i.e. One Dark Italic Vivid, One Dark Italic Bold) in favor of a single theme "One Dark" which can be customized using settings. Search for "One Dark" in the VS Code settings editor to view the available settings for this theme. Not only is this a better user experience, but it also allows for more customization (i.e. vivid and bold without italics).

Finally, this release changes the theme name from "One Dark Pro Italic" to "One Dark Theme" as the theme can now be configured to use or not use italics using the new theme settings.

We hope you enjoy this new version and we appreciate your patience with any issues that come up as a result of this major overhaul. If you find any issues with this update, please open an issue on our GitHub repo. Thank you all!