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150 lines (89 loc) · 4.08 KB

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150 lines (89 loc) · 4.08 KB


When contributing to this repository, please read through and get familiarised with the processes of making a change to this package.

If you have further questions please discuss the change you wish to make with the owners of this repository.

Get ready for development

You will need Node 16.14 (or up) and npm 8 running locally.

1. Install Node

Use nvm to manage the different Node versions and switch between them.

To install and switch to required version run:

nvm install && nvm use

2. Install local Node dependencies

npm install

Make a change

  1. If an icon is to be added or removed, modify the alphabetical list in the icons.json file accordingly. For all new icons do not include prefixes in entry keys used for naming those icons, also append "-solid" for all solid icon variations.

  2. Make sure that lint passes:

    npm run lint

  3. Commit according to Conventional Commits. We support these tools:

    • Commitizen, which runs automatically on a pre-commit Git hook thanks to Husky.

    • The VS Code plugin.

  4. When opening a pull request, provide as much details as possible for a reviewer to better understand the change.

  5. Check the change manually locally before you assign reviewers.

  6. When a PR is approved - do not merge until acceptance testing is done, and the change is ready for a release.

Build package locally

You can build a package by running:

npm run build

It will execute the script scripts/build.ts with ts-node.

It also generates an example of all icons rendered on HTML page, preview it with:

npm run preview

Publish new version

Only maintainers of this repository are allowed to make releases.

Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 is automatically applied and the changelog is automatically generated.

Simply run this script in the root to cut a new release:

npm run release

Optionally you can mark it as pre-release, e.g. 1.0.0-alpha.0

npm run release -- --prerelease alpha

If you need to override SemVer behavior (not recommended):

npm run release -- --release-as 1.1.0

The last line of the script's log will give you the command you need to execute to push the commit and tag.

Release the latest version (example)

You will need release/* branch push permissions.

In the following example we assume that:

  • the latest version is 1.0.0
  • the version 1.1.0 is being released
# ensure tree is clean - WARNING: will delete pending changes
git reset --hard

# get all latest changes from remote
git fetch --all --prune

# checkout latest 'main'
git checkout main
git pull

# create and checkout release branch
git checkout -b release/1.1.0

# use automated release script
npm run release

# push to trigger 'publish' GitHub Action
git push --follow-tags origin release/1.1.0

Open a release PR to merge the version bump and the changelog back to main branch.

# once merged, checkout merge commit on 'main'
git checkout c6da29b

# move version tag
git tag v1.1.0 -f
git push origin v1.1.0 -f

Release a non-latest minor/patch version (example)

You will need release/* branch push permissions.

In the following example we assume that:

  • the latest version is 2.0.1
  • the version 1.2.1 is being released
  • we'll cherry-pick hotfixes from 2.0.1 onto 1.2.0
# ensure tree is clean - WARNING: will delete pending changes
git reset --hard

# get all latest changes from remote
git fetch --all --prune

# checkout latest available version tag for v1.x.x
git checkout v1.2.0

# create and checkout release branch
git checkout -b release/1.2.x

# cherry-pick required fixes from 'main'
git cherry-pick 64b6be1
# pick appropriate commit hashes and repeat as needed

# use automated release script
npm run release

# push to trigger 'publish' GitHub Action
git push --follow-tags -u origin release/1.2.x

No need to open a PR to merge a non-latest release back to main, nor do tags need to be moved.