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Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Zuzanna zuzia-dev
zuzia-dev (at)


Jeroen Leuenberger Jero075

@GoMessenger-messaging @GoTables-DB Switzerland

Good morning, and in case I don't see you,good afternoon,good evening and good night.<3 my email: tabbleman11[at]gmail[dot]com
Paul M. Kimani pkimani

Digital Wishes Corporation Seattle, WA

Craig Hesling linux4life798
Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University

@OpenChirp, @Google San Francisco, CA

imbruxo voidbruxo
Geek and Nerd 🤓 👨🏻‍💻


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Erik Martin-Dorel erikmd
Maître de Conférences en Informatique (IRIT/UT3)

Lab. IRIT, Univ. Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier Toulouse, France

Łaurent ʘ❢Ŧ Ŧough LaurentFough
IT Security Consultant. Poet. Rake.

ƒ3Solutions VanCity

Jegan jeganshiny
I will set you high

Sri Ramco Spinners India

Ibrahem Abdelfatah Gafour IbrahemGafour
Hi, That's Me, Say "Hello World"

World Space

Etienne Robillard 9967819
EIC at @AHNJournal.

@AHNJournal Internet

Imesha Dilshani ImeshaDilshani
Intentionally act like the person you want to become but follow yourself

University Of Kelaniya Minuwangoda, Sri Lanka

Interested in networking, firewalls, system administration, ethical hacking and low level programming

European Union

Deth deth69
FOSS enthusiast.
Vinícius Martins Pedro viniciusMartinsDev
Software engineer, passionate about innovation and technology.

Santo Antônio da Platina

B S SYAM KRISHNAN bssyamkrishnan
🔭 | 🎼 | 💻 | 🎨 | 🧠 | 🛠️


Andrés Letelier andresletelier
Ingeniero de Ejecución en Informática


Emanuel Cortese EmanuelCortese

La Palestina, Córdoba, Argentina

MajesticMagikarpKing yctomwang
can't code for crap ;( cant live without 0xC0FFEE! eyes on the stars !

Australia’s most 'loved' Company with long lasting customer relationships Somewhere in the Galaxy

Daniel Correia de Oliveira dcoinfdev
Consultor de tecnologia.

INFDEV - Consultoria de tecnologia Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Kinzi Roze LetsGetKinKi
I’m Kinzi Roze!

Kinzi Roze Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Blake Ridgway blakeridgway
SysAdmin for @triangleins. Ex Sr. Platform Engineer @fundamerica. Open source hierophant. Cyclist. Invest in Your Health.


Jacint Juhasz jcnt
infra dude with a passion for software development