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Fabian Morón Zirfas ff6347
👋🏽 I'm Fabian. I'm a creative technologist @technologiestiftung and educator @hbk-bs living in Berlin who occasionally does stuff that involves things.

@technologiestiftung Berlin

Nikola Hristov NikolaRHristov
🗣️ Founder → CEO — 💻 @PlayFormLtd — 🧔🏻 Founder → PM — ⛅ @PlayFormCloud — 👨🏻‍💼 Founder → PM — 🛬 @CodeEditorLand —

@PlayForm Sofia, Bulgaria

Wang Weihua aztack

@bytedance Beijing, China

Toan Huynh kamishino
Creative Front-End Developer passionate about User-Centric Design 🌟

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Peter Ryzhov AlienAmigo

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Vladyslav vlady5lav
Science & Tech Enthusiast

Hobbyist Developer & System Administrator Andromeda Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster, Laniakea Supercluster

Maximilian Scheidegger MaximilianScheidegger
Developer for Scripts in Adobe InDesign

Stämpfli Kommunikation Bern

Aaron Troia atroia
Dipping my toe into Javascript and InDesign scripting


恭辰思 shawlj

Mana China

alexey azinov
I'm 40

197110 Saint-Petersburg

Yehuda Neufeld Yiddishe-Kop
Vacationing 🏝️ with Laravel, Vue & Tailwindcss. Always thirsty to learn more.

Yiddishe Kop Bet Shemesh, Israel