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Steve steve-ayerhart

Durham, North Carolina

Ali deadmarshal
I love Perl, Lua, Pascal, Oberon, Modula-2/3, C, Standard ML

deadmarshal Iran, Karaj

49fl lf94


Tim Hayward haywardt

OSC Pensacola, Florida USA

Ismael Venegas Castelló Ismael-VC
To foo or not to foo.


Price Smith pricesmith
Mid-level jack of all trades.
Working on a game engine / gaming OS based on the classic gaming consoles, PC's, and video arcades using BSD, CP/M, and MOS as influencers.
“Sometimes, the elegant implementation is just a function. Not a method. Not a class. Not a framework. Just a function.” – John Carmack
Pete pete

@RekkaLabs Los Angeles, CA

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
never stop growing

Junior APL Dev @bcaresearch

Alecu Ștefan-Iulian stalecu
22/🇷🇴/BCompSci student @ UVABc Programming language hyperpolyglot, into compilers, weird languages, cursed projects and now fullstack web dev.

Universitatea „Vasile Alecsandri” Bacău Bacău, România

Zicklag zicklag
Problem solver with a passion for quality solutions to real-world problems. I strive to make great things that people can use and enjoy, all to the glory of God

@katharostech United States

Satoshi.Ye allthingsgo
"Trenton Makes, World Takes - on my watch" & & gitlab & "sye's poetry is natural disaster";

Laird unlimited editorial services

Joseph Stewart octetta
I like to think about things and then build them.


Clayton A. Alves claytonaalves
Artesão de Software

@ellotecnologia Alta Floresta, MT, Brazil

always_learning codenlighten

United States of America

wtj wtjcn
man ,40+ years old,

China. Beijing

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Ron Braithwaite SoftwareEngineeringLLC
Retired Software Engineer and Itinerant Tapioca Salesman. Currently Prez of the Bavarian Illuminati Motorcycle Cabal.

Software Engineering LLC Gresham, Oregon USA

(Python + Go) * Dev


Kirill Temnenkov Manjago

Moscow, Russia

Eric Gaudet Titousensei

Moveworks Mountain View, CA

goblinrieur goblinrieur
geek ; forth ; opensource


Backwoods Bob BOBBYWY
I have no idea what I am doing here.
dominicusin dominicusin
contantly changeable

Hitech inc. The local group of Galaxies

Bruno Gasparin brwlo
I love programming and I love computers, but I still have a lot to learn.

BW Enterprises Curitiba-PR