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Ghostylab Giuliano1993
Hi, I'm Giuliano and I'm a full-stack web developer. I basically love building things, testing and enjoy new tools and sharing knowledge. Let's have fun!


Basudev Paudel basudevpaudelgithub
AI/ML | Blockchain Enthussiast | Dynamic Learner | Full Stack Developer | CS Student | Aspiring Software Engineer
Kiryl Anoshka kirylan
Serverless Advocate
Andrea afrittella
Software craftsman | Electronic music producer | Continuous learner


Sirio Negri ziriuz84

S.S.D. s.r.l. La Spezia, Italy

Luciano Mammino lmammino
FullStack ☁️ developer, entrepreneur, fighter, butterfly maker! 📗 Co-author 💌 maintainer

@fourtheorem Dublin, Ireland

Paul M Boyce paulmboyce
Tech Founder and Full-Stack Javascript/React Developer. Previously a Java/J2EE guy. Also worked with JPMorgan & BP

Popcorn Metrics Limited Europe