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Pim Klaassen poklaassen

Klaassen IT Services Amsterdam

Dimitris K dkoupats
From Greece. Actively interested in data science and web development.

Data Hermeneutics Greece

Rebornian48 Rebornian48
Akun fansite JKT48 yang seringkali mengembangkan proyek kecil-kecilan.


Stuti Poudel Stutimp
A life-learner, compassionate, hardworking, and motivated person with a strong work ethic and positive attitude.


Ester ester-t-s
Cartography researcher @ TU Wien


Kimberly Moreau MikaOcko
🚀 Développeuse Web Junior 🚀 📍 Technos & framework : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, PHP, Laravel (+ Breeze, Blade), Bootstrap, MySql

Clermont-Ferrand, France

Para murd0cc
contemporary renaissance man


何小康 hexiaokang
A technology and piano lover

shuiditech Bejjing, China

Ayush Mishra Ayush-97techyboy
Aspiring Full Stack Software Developer!

@CrioDo Bengaluru, IN

Guilhem iug-nm
Php & React enthusiast


CAI WENZHE dextercai
Golang R&D Engineer;

Shanghai P.R.C

Bahadur_mia Bahadur777
A frontend developer from Bangladesh

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Vijay Shankar CodeVijay53
MERN Stack Developer. Developing products on Full Stack Web Applications. 3D Visualization and 3D Web apps. Time to disrupt the world with Technology .

I ❤️ three.js Chennai

UGA-ITOSHumanitarianGIS UGA-ITOSHumanitarianGIS
Humanitarian support at the University of Georgia through generous support of the American People through the US AID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance

University of Georgia @ UGA ( Athens, GA for worldwide support

Nat pangpondwee

Kasetsart University

Vinay Jirgale vinay-meg-nxt

Meg-NXT Technologies Pune, India


Sens3r Asturias

Magnus C. 5kj41d
CS student at AAU (Masters). I live in Northern Jutland, Denmark. I have a huge interest in digital heritage and computational archaeology.

Tinywolf and TimeTrails Denmark

I code for the thrill of it! I am excited to work on collaborative teams with infinite reach.


shankar sharma shankarsharma507
👋 Hi, I’m Shankar Sharma - 👀i've keen interest in web development and java programming and data structure algorithm

institute of engineering and technology Agra uttar pradesh